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Advances in Dynamic Relaxation

Techniques for Nonlinear Finite

R. G. Sauve Element Analysis
D. R. Metzger Traditionally, the finite element technique has been applied to static and steady-state
problems using implicit methods. When nonlinearities exist, equilibrium iterations must
be performed using Newton-Raphson or quasi-Newton techniques at each load level. In
Applied Mechanics,
Ontario Hydro Technologies,
the presence of complex geometry, nonlinear material behavior, and large relative sliding
800 Kipling Avenue, KB223,
of material interfaces, solutions using implicit methods often become intractable. A
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8Z 5S4 dynamic relaxation algorithm is developed for inclusion in finite element codes. The
explicit nature of the method avoids large computer memory requirements and makes
possible the solution of large-scale problems. The method described approaches the
steady-state solution with no overshoot, a problem which has plagued researchers in the
past. The method is included in a general nonlinear finite element code. A description
of the method along with a number of new applications involving geometric and
material nonlinearities are presented.

1 Introduction
Over the past number of years, numerous papers (Wood, cially attractive in computational mechanics since all quanti-
1967; Otters, 1966; Day, 1965; Underwood, 1983; Pica and ties are treated as vectors and the large storage requirements
Hinton, 1980; and Brew and Brotton, 1971) have been pro- associated with large matrices (i.e., stiffness matrix) are
duced that describe the use of dynamic relaxation (DR) in avoided. In addition, the computational effort increases only
the solution of finite difference approximations to the partial proportionally to the number of degrees of freedom so that
differential equations. The purpose of this paper is to de- large-scale problems involving tens of thousands of degrees
scribe recent developments in the use of DR within the finite of freedom are possible (e.g., no bandwidth limitations). A
element method for large-scale geometric and material non- comparison between implicit and explicit methods regarding
linear steady-state solutions. Traditionally, the finite element computational effort and storage requirements are shown in
method has been applied to steady-state problems using Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. The simple logic of the procedure
implicit methods, where large numbers of equations are permits an elegant algorithmic structure providing a conve-
formed and solved using direct solvers such as frontal, sky- nient framework for treatment of nonlinearities. For exam-
line, or Cholesky-type methods. When nonlinearities exist, ple, the implementation of robust contact algorithms for
equilibrium iterations must be performed using Newton- treating large relative sliding of material interfaces is
Raphson or quasi-Newton techniques at each load level. In
the presence of complex geometry, nonlinear material behav-
ior, large local material rotations, and large relative sliding of
material interfaces, solutions using implicit methods often
become intractable. Alternatives, such as iterative methods
which avoid the use of direct solvers, are available. An
interesting paper by Wood (1967) compared the convergence o
properties of the Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, successive over relax- c
ation (SOR), and DR. The results obtained in (Wood, 1967) o
indicate that SOR has the fastest rate of convergence with •a
DR running a close second; however, DR can be more a.
efficiently implemented into the finite element method. O
The explicit nature of dynamic relaxation makes it espe-

N 1/3 *
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division and presented
at the Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana,
June 21-25, 1992, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Log(Number of Elements (N))
Manuscript received by the PVP Division, 1992; revised manuscript re- Fig. 1 Comparison of operation count for nonlinear transient anal-
ceived December 15, 1994. Associate Technical Editor: W. K. Liu. ysis

170/ Vol. 117, MAY 1995 Transactions of the ASME

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*" t+ C= F ext
t-Atl t t + At2
t - Atl/2 t + At2/2
a • C
** w$)V^*J ^ V ,/
i: r r
• x = M"1 rF * - E l ] (Acceleration)
-— N" —»
3 ext int*
. t + At2/2 .t-Atl/2 1/2 ..t ,,, . .. ,
Number of Elements (N) • x =x + At x (Velocity)
Fig. 2 Comparison of memory requirement for transient analysis t + At2 t ... . t + At2/2
• x = x + At2 x (Coordinates)
straightforward since drastic changes in model connectivity • Update Time t + At2
pose no problem. In addition, equilibrium is tested directly
on the current configuration considering the Cauchy (i.e., • Obtain F-t*t and Repeat
true) stress acting on the body and no iteration is necessary.
The underlying ideas behind the DR method proposed in Stability governed by Courant Condition
this work follow Underwood (1983) in which problem-depen- Fig. 3 Central difference operator
dent, adaptive damping, mass, and time step are derived
which attenuate the transient response leaving the steady-
state solution for an applied loading. The method described ations, x, velocities, x, coordinates/displacements, x, and
herein approaches the steady-state solution with no over- stresses, cr, are known at time /. In order to obtain the
shoot. In addition, special consideration is given to rotational quantities at a new time t + At, where A Ms a constant time
degrees of freedom for which DR was thought to be unsuit- increment, a new velocity is introduced as
able. Many previous works (Pica and Hinton, 1980; Brew and x'+A'^^x'~A'/1 + Atx' (2)
Brotton, 1971; and Kant and Patel, 1990) developed using
DR allow overshoot of the solution. While this is not a severe The superscript t + At/2 indicates that X ' + A , / 2 is a half-step
limitation for problems which are strictly linear in nature, approximation and is a constant velocity with which the
this is clearly not acceptable for nonlinear problems such as configuration moves from time t to time / + A/. The new
those involving hysteretic elastic-plastic materials and contact coordinates are then given as
problems where responses are history-dependent. Recent +A
+ Atx' '^ (3)
work (Kant and Patel, 1990) has suggested a DR method for
solving nonlinear structural problems; but it is plagued by In this new updated configuration, the stresses are evaluated
overshoot, thus limiting the solution to small deformation using appropriate constitutive laws. These stresses are used
and linear materials. An algorithm for DR which is applica- in the discretized equilibrium equations to obtain updated
ble to highly nonlinear problems and compatible with the accelerations.
finite element method is developed in this work. A number The temporal integration scheme described in the forego-
of new DR applications including material and geometric ing is explicit in that the unknown quantities x' + Al/7, xx+Al
nonlinearity, creep, and incompressibility are presented to are defined in terms of known quantities from a previous
demonstrate both the accuracy and efficacy of the proposed time increment when the equations are applied. It is impor-
algorithm. This paper covers the development and implemen- tant to note that the new configuration defined by the
tation of the DR algorithm along with applications followed coordinates x' is obtained first while the velocities \X+A'/2
by concluding remarks. which correspond to this current configuration are computed
at the end of the procedure. The name central difference is
obvious when the accelerations are obtained in terms or
2 Dynamic Relaxation and Explicit Techniques coordinates, for a constant time step, At
2.1 Explicit Operator. The central difference operator -A/
is used for the time integration of the discretized equations i< = I . . I (4)
of motion given by At2
dx At each time step, all constitutive calculations and element
M- = ¥•' ¥' (1) geometry are evaluated in an updated configuration frame
dt defined by current coordinates, x ' + 4 ' . Using a lumped (i.e.,
where M is the mass matrix, F' nt , Fe'xt are the element diagonal) mass matrix, M, avoids the need for a formation of
internal and external force vectors, respectively. system equations into a banded stiffness matrix and a system
solver. This operator is explicit and as such is conditionally
F/nt^/BVdV stable, so that values of the time step A? must be maintained
v at values below a critical time step based on the Courant
stability limit Atcr < 2/<*>max, where cumax is the highest fre-
B = matrix relating element nodal velocities to element ve- quency of the system. In other words, stability is only ensured
locity strains. when the time step is smaller than the time it takes an elastic
Here a brief description of the explicit central difference stress wave or acoustic sound wave to travel the smallest
integration is included, while a more complete presentation discrete element dimension in the overall finite element
on the topic is given in (Belytschko, 1983). In the explicit model. The temporal discretization using the central differ-
integration scheme, all discretized quantities such as acceler- ence operator is represented in Fig. 3. The choice of this

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology MAY 1995, Vol. 1 1 7 / 1 7 1

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Initial Conditions

p. t+At Exerted on
Node DOF's
Contact ?t Accelerations
Surface at Node "'-M-'IFL-FL]
Conditions DOF's

X Rigid Wall
Time At, Boundary
Step Condition

Internal + Hourglass Velocities

p t + At= F t+At + F t+At at Node . t + At/2
Element Forces int int hg DOF's

Update Update
External Geometry
Load F„Clt New Node
Fig. 4 Explicit nonlinear transient computational cycle

operator is based on the premise that it has the highest stable M f+Al/2 it-to/2 ) + C(x l+At/2 + X t-Al/1 ) / 2
time step among the explicit operators available and that A7 (*
with a proper implementation, it does not require a special
starting scheme. The overall implementation into a solution + F.' = F' (8)
strategy which is applicable to both linear and highly nonlin-
ear problems is shown in Fig. 4. This strategy is identical for M
dynamic relaxation, with the exceptions noted in the next A7 ~2
2.2 Dynamic Relaxation. The idea behind dynamic re- (V' - FM + c\ <-A«A1
_ _ X (9)
laxation is based on viewing the solution of a static problem At 2
as the steady-state solution of a damped wave equation. To maintain the efficiency and form of the central differ-
Thus, the equation of motion for structural dynamics is ence operator, as well as ensuring that the mode associated
pertinent to the development of dynamic relaxation, and the with the applied loading distribution is critically damped, a
central difference operator can be used to develop an algo- diagonal mass matrix M is used along with a critical damping
rithm for DR. matrix C, is given by
For time t, the equations of motion are given as
C = 2coM (10)
Mx' + Cx' + K(x')u' F
exl (5) where <w = undamped natural frequency corresponding to
the participating mode of loading.
The damping matrix and displacement vector are repre-
Substituting for C yields
sented by C and u', respectively. Time t in dynamic relax-
ation refers to an iteration (cycle) counter. As described in [AtM-i(F;n - F(M) + k>-W(l - coAt)]
jj(+A(/2 _
the section on explicit temporal integration, nonlinear prob- (11)
lems are handled using a nonlinear internal force vector F int (1 + o>At)
directly, in lieu of forming a tangent stiffness K(x') at every
The current coordinates are calculated as
time step. Thus, K(x')u' is replaced by F;'nt.
Referring to Fig. 3, the central difference expressions for x ' + A ' = x' + Atx,+^ (12)
acceleration and velocity are given as +A
The current displacement vector u ' ' is obtained as
J./ + A//2 u' = u' + Atx'+A,/2 (13)
At At
By a judicious choice of <w, A;, and M, the transient re-
where A? is a constant time increment. The average value of sponse can be attenuated, resulting in the steady-state re-
velocity is taken as sponse and the solution to

Fin. = Text (14)

x' = (x' + A '/ 2 + x ' - A ^ ) / 2 (7)
Thus, in the dynamic relaxation solution, F int and Fex[ repre-
Substituting into the equation of motion yields sent the real system, whereas, M, a>, and At are arbitrary.

1 7 2 / Vol. 117, MAY 1995 Transactions of the ASME

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Care must be taken in the specification of M in order to The critical time step A/ cr is then obtained as
maintain the stability of the central difference operator. The
participating frequency w is dependent on M, F int , and F ext . ^min
A<„r = (18)
Consequently, focus is placed on the choice of the mass ~c7
matrix to ensure stability while optimizing the rate of conver-
gence. In the implementation, the density is adjusted for each
In Underwood (1983), the convergence rate of dynamic element such that the transit time for each element is the
relaxation is given in terms of the spectral radius R of the same. In the program, the element densities are obtained for
iterative error equations Afci. = 1.05. The dynamic relaxation solution is then calcu-
lated based on a unit time step (i.e., Af = 1.0) to ensure that
stability is maintained. If the time step drops below 1.001
R-W-l (15) during the solution, then the element densities are recalcu-
lated for Atcr = 1.05 and the solution resumes.
where wmax and w are the highest and lowest frequencies of In addition, at cycle t, a current estimate of a> is obtained
the discretized equations of motion representing the numeri- as
cal model. By maximizing the ratio oj/com.dx (minimizing R), a -|V2
more rapid convergence rate is obtained. The highest fre- (u') K'u'
quency wmax is mesh and material-dependent, whereas the
lowest frequency &> is based on the lowest participating mode
of the structure corresponding to the load distribution. For where the estimate of the stiffness K' is obtained as an
numerical models where the mode of loading corresponds to approximate diagonal stiffness as
a very low structural frequency and the mesh discretization is
such that the local element frequencies are high, a slower [F.'
convergence rate can be expected. By adjusting the mass K' = (20)
matrix and choosing a suitable time step, this affect can be
minimized. In component form for degree of freedom (
One of the key issues in the use of dynamic relaxation for \p.t -ff-M]
nonlinear analysis is the problem of overshoot. In problems [ f mt; f
inl, J
involving severe material nonlinearity (i.e., elasto-plasticity), Kh = 4 2 (21)
A/*'- '"
overshoot is unacceptable. In the past, work in dynamic
relaxation has been limited to linear elastic and in some To account for the possibility of unstable regions which
cases mildly nonlinear geometric problems. Thus, overshoot may be encountered in nonlinear problems, only positive
was a minor issue in these cases. In problems involving values of w are admissible (e.g., co = max(<u', 0.0)). In deal-
material nonlinearity, the solution using dynamic relaxation ing with convergence problems, it is highly desirable to have
must always approach from below the true response. Typi- a measure of convergence upon which the final solution is
cally, the problem has been in obtaining accurate assess- based. It is important to choose a criterion that will neither
ments for the lowest participating frequency of the structure lead to unproductive cycles nor inaccurate results. In this
for use in the critical damping approximation. algorithm the convergence criteria are based upon the follow-
In the method used herein, the Rayleigh quotient is used ing inequalities:
to obtain an accurate approximation for w as + A,/2
HFe'xt ~ F
i'ntll2 \\Atx' \\
T •i 1/2 </u +A < u,, (22)
u Ku W&.H2 llu' '|| 2
uTMu where || H2 denotes Euclidean norm. The tolerances / to , and
Mto, are normally taken as 0.01 and 0.001, respectively. For
where u is the current displacement vector, K is the current most of the problems encountered, these tolerances provide
tangent stiffness matrix, and superscript T indicates trans- a good balance of accuracy and efficiency. All the numerical
pose of the matrix. This avoids an eigensolution of the cases presented in this work were run with these values. The
problem, which would otherwise nullify the benefits of dy- algorithm, as implemented in the finite element code (Sauve,
namic relaxation. Details of the dynamic relaxation algorithm 1993), is summarized in Table 1.
implemented for nonlinear problems are presented in the
following section.
4 Applications
3 Dynamic Relaxation Algorithm In order to demonstrate the DR algorithm, a number of
cases are presented. They describe problems which use a
The algorithm proposed herein is designed to exploit the variety of element formulations, available in the computer
simplicity of an explicit nonlinear solution module in an code described in Sauve (1993), including nonlinear struc-
existing in-house computer code (Sauve, 1993). As discussed tural elements such as three-dimensional beams and shells
in Section 2.2., it it important to obtain good estimates of M and a three-dimensional continuum element. The elements
and it) to ensure that the mode associated with externally have been derived to exploit the features of the explicit
applied loads is critically damped and no overshoot occurs. method. All the solutions to the cases presented in this
The key is to provide updated estimates of w at each cycle of section are obtained with the DR algorithm implemented in
dynamic relaxation. In the algorithm, wmax is based on the the computer code described in Sauve (1993).
transit time of a wave over the smallest element in a struc-
tural continuum. That is, 4.1 Nonlinear Geometric Cantilever Plate. A cantilever
beam shown in Fig. 5 was modeled using both three-dimen-
2CD sional shell elements (Sauve and Dubey, 1991) and eight-
«W - 7— (17)
noded underintegrated solid elements. This model serves to
test the use of DR in problems involving geometric nonlin-
where CD is the speed of sound of a dilatational wave, and earity. It consists of a 1-in2 cross section of length 10 in. with
L m i n is the minimum effective element length in the problem. a uniformly applied pressure 2.85 psi. The modulus of elastic-

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology MAY 1995, Vol. 1 1 7 / 1 7 3

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Table 1 Dynamic relaxation algorithm
I Initialize M for Ata = 1.05 for each element, set At == 1.0.
II At cycle t for load increment ;'.
(0 x'=M-'[Fe'xt-F/nl]

GO (velocities)
(1 + <o'At) (1 + rn'M)
x ' + A ' = x' + A / x ' + 4 ' ^ (coordinates)
+A +A
u' ' = u' + A / x ' '^ (displacements)
Uii) Update external force vector Fc'xl
(iv) Check error norms

\Kt ~ Fi'„tll2 l|Afx' + 4 * % „

HFe'J|2 ^ l|u' + A '|| 2 <
If satisfied go to next load increment i + 1
(o) Obtain current internal force vector F/ n j A '
and current stable time step A/cr
(vi) Update density if Afc < 1.001
(vii) Obtain current estimate of at'
^-[Fi'„t, A '-c,.i/A ? ir A ^
K'n = max (K'a, 0)

(viii) Go to ( 0 and repeat

1.0 .. ,. 1 , .1 —i—'—i i ,r,M

^ i 1 -i T • ' o.o
• 4 layer
. shell -
0.0 * .

\ x Y| ^ ^ ^
-400. ^
„ -1.0 : \ \ 1 X
c Y
u • \ \ ^^^5~^^^^?^ j ^ ^ ^ i > & -600.
e \ 'N, _
I -2.0 - \ ^^~^c3§3^ -800.
Q \ ^~^y -
\ -1000.
\x -
' • ' - - .
-3.0 -1200.

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
I . I . I
Cycles x 1000
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
-4.0 Fig. 6 Element hydrostatic stress—dynamic relaxation confined
Cycles x 1000 uniaxial strain test for incompressibility condition
Fig. 5 Geometric nonlinear beam test dynamic relaxation
bility of the element formulation (Sauve, 1993) to handle the
incompressibility condition when Poisson's ratio approaches
ity and Poisson's ratio are 12,000 psi and 0.20, respectively. or equals 0.5. In this problem, the element hydrostatic stress
The application of this load results in a relatively large tip is equal to the applied pressure when the incompressibility
displacement of 3.35 in. This is in agreement with results condition is imposed by Poisson's ratio = 0.5. As observed in
obtained for the same problem in Bathe et al. (1974). The Fig. 6, 50 DR cycles result in a converged solution. It is of
deformed geometry is shown in Fig. 5 along with a history of interest to note that in the initial cycles a number of partici-
DR cycles versus tip displacement. As observed in Fig. 5, it pating frequencies corresponding to damped waves are con-
requires 600 cycles to obtain a converged result using the sidered by the algorithm, and gradually settles to the specific
shell elements, whereas it takes 1800 cycles with the three-di- mode in which the loading is dominant. No overshoot is
mensional solid elements. The slower convergence with the observed. A number of cases for various values of Poisson's
solids arises from the finer mesh used. This changes the ratio were run using DR. The results are in excellent agree-
spectral radius of convergence, in that wmax is far higher ment with classical results, as shown in Fig. 7.
than the lowest participating mode frequency.
4.3 Moment-Loaded Nonlinear Beam. This test repre-
4.2 Incompressibility Condition. A cube, shown in Fig. sents a severe case of geometric nonlinear deformation. As
6, consisting of 27 eight-noded hexahedron elements, is sub- shown in Fig. 8, it consists of bending an initially straight
jected to a pressure of 1000 psi in the y direction, with the beam into a circular shape. The moment, M, required to
remaining sides constrained. This test demonstrates the capa- bend the beam of length L into a circular shape is given by

174/ Vol. 117, MAY 1995 Transactions of the ASME

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Undeformed Geometry

Response Under Static Loading At Time= 0.0 Hrs

Creep Response At Time= 200400. Hrs

86 percent power fuel channel—mesh 60 x 8- DR creep
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Poissons Ratio
Fig. 7 Comparison of analytical versus numerical results confined
uniaxial strain test for incompresslbility condition



o 10 12 20
-15.0 Hours (xlOOOO)
0.0 0.2 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Fig. 10 Fuel channel creep using dynamic relaxation—time his-
Cycles x 1000 tory of midspan displacement
Fig. 8 Tip displacement (node 13) moment-loaded nonlinear
beam—dynamic relaxation
handling viscoplastic problems was that nonlinear implicit
solution methods such as Newton or quasi-Newton methods
M= — = — — (23) did not provide converged solutions in this application. This
R L is not surprising given the complexity of the creep law (Sauve
et a l , 1989) and the extensive sliding contact between the
Nonlinear beam elements available in Sauve (1993) were tubes. The DR algorithm described in this work overcomes
used in this case. When the moment M, corresponding to the this convergence problem by considering each time step for
curvature formula, is applied, as shown in Fig. 8, the correct creep as a load step while maintaining the initial operating
fully circular shape is obtained. Again, no overshoot is ob- mechanical loads such as weight of fuel, deadweight, and
served in the DR solution. coolant. In Fig. 9, the finite element model is shown along
4.4 Creep of Nuclear Fuel Channel Assemblies. The with the converged response under operating mechanical
salient features of the proposed algorithm are demonstrated loads and creep at 200,400 h, which corresponds to approxi-
in a larger-scale complex problem involving both geometric mately 30 yr reactor life. The model consists of 960 three-di-
and material nonlinearity. Throughout the operating life of mensional shell elements (Sauve and Dubey, 1991) and 1098
CANDU nuclear reactors, creep deformation of fuel channel nodes (6588 degrees of freedom). The time history of re-
assemblies occurs. The horizontal fuel channel assembly is sponse for the midspan displacement of the PT and CT is
comprised of a pressure tube (PT) contained by a concentric shown in Fig. 10. Of interest is the way the DR algorithm
calandria tube (CT), as shown in Fig. 9. The pressure tubes converges to a solution at each increment of time.
are clamped at both end fittings by rolled joints and sup- In Fig. 11, a map of DR cycles versus displacement of
ported by the calandria tubes using garter springs at interme- node 271 (midspan of PT) is shown. As observed, the largest
diate points. The pressure tubes contain the fuel bundles and number of cycles occurs at the initial loading stage followed
the D 2 0 coolant. The creep of zirconium alloys, from which by a moderately decreasing amount of cycles during the
the assemblies are comprised, is dependent on time, temper- creep stage. In the initial creep stage smaller increments in
ature, stress, and fast neutron flux. Creep deformation may displacement correspond to smaller time steps for creep. The
limit the useful lifetime of the pressure tubes. Sag due to increments at which the specified time steps for creep are
creep may cause the pressure tube to deflect to a point where increased can be identified from the apparent increases in
its curvature is large enough to inhibit the free passage of DR cycles followed by a stable period in which the number of
fuel bundles and cause thermal problems due to redistribu- cycles remains relatively constant. The evolution of contact
tion of coolant flow. In addition, contact between the pres- between the PT and CT gradually stiffens the system so that
sure and calandria tubes in a region with a high concentra- a higher participating mode is excited. As discussed earlier in
tion of hydrogen isotopes may lead to conditions which Section 2.2, this leads to faster convergence. Comparison of
reduce the fracture resistance of the PT. results with the approximate solution method given in Sauve
One motivating factor for developing a DR scheme for et al. (1989) indicate excellent correlation.

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology MAY 1995, Vol. 117/175

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nonlinear problems for which solutions are now being sought,
DR must be seriously considered as a viable alternative in
future finite element code development. The algorithm pre-
sented herein was easily adapted into an existing finite ele-
ment framework. In our implementation, it has been used
successfully with three-dimensional nonlinear beam, shell,
and hexahedron elements, a three-dimensional contact algo-
rithm, and objective material rate formulations. An area
where further research could contribute is in methods to
accelerate convergence for problems in which the participat-
ing frequency of the overall model is much lower than the
highest frequency of the mesh.

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5 Concluding Remarks sional Finite Element Computer Code for Linear and Non-Linear Analy-
ses of Structures," Ontario Hydro Research Division Report No. 92-256-K,
A DR algorithm which provides both an efficient and Rev. 2.
accurate solution to problems involving varying degrees of Sauve, R. G., and Dubey, R. N., 1991, "Efficient Shell Elements for
nonlinearity has been presented in this work. It is adaptive to Three-Dimensional Non-Linear Structural Dynamic Analysis," Structural
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