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Definition of Mathematics
• Mathematics relies on both logic and creativity, and it is pursued both for
a variety of practical purposes and for its intrinsic interest.
• Mathematics is at the heart of science and our daily lives.
What is it about Mathematics that compels us to put so much emphasis and
focus on its learning?
• 1983 - New Elementary School Curriculum
• 1988 - New Secondary Education Curriculum
• 2002 - Refined Basic Education Curriculum
• 2013 - Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum
Roles in Philippine Education System
1. Facilitate – Mathematics for facilitating participation in productive life
2. Provide – Mathematics providing a way of making sense of the world
3. Communicate – Mathematics as a means of communication
4. Operate – Mathematics operate as a gateway for national progress

• “I am indebted by my father for living, but to my teacher for living well”

• “Effective teachers are the only absolutely essential element for an
effective school.”
• “Research has borne out that the key factor in students’ achievement is
the quality of teaching... Teachers are central to the process of
education, assessing student’s progress, selecting and using a variety of
approaches and materials, and organizing for instruction.”
What’s the point in Teaching Mathematics?
• To gives students problem-solving tools
• Continue advancement of technology
• So people can understand it
• To communicate
• To function in society, applicable to real life
• Learning to think in a different way
Principles in Mathematics
1. Competent - Being mathematically competent means more than having
the ability to compute and perform algorithms and mathematical
2. Environment - The physical and social dimensions of a mathematical
environment contribute to one’s success in learning mathematics.
3. Engaged - Mathematics is best learned when students are actively
4. Variety - A deep understanding of mathematics requires a variety of tools
for learning.
5. Assessment - Assessment in mathematics must be valued for the sake of
knowing what and how students learn or fail to learn mathematics.
6. Attitudes - Students’ attitudes and beliefs about mathematics affect their
7. Support - Mathematics learning needs the support of both parents and
other community groups.
Research Bite 1 - Infants are born with the ability to understand numerical ideas
“Children possess and build mathematical competencies from their first year
and keep on learning mathematical ideas throughout their preschool years.”
Research Bite 2 - “High quality teaching in mathematics is about challenge and
joy, not imposition and pressure. Math instruction includes providing a lot of unit
blocks, along with loads of time to use them. It invites children to experience
mathematics as they play in, describe, and think about their world.”
Research Bite 3 - “Teachers should provide time, materials, and support for
children to engage in play, to nourish their interest in exploration and
manipulation of mathematical ideas.”
Research Bite 4 - “Preschool children explore a variety of mathematical ideas
during play including comparison, estimation, patterns, symmetry, and spatial
Research Bite 5 - Find the mathematics in, and develop mathematics from,
children’s activity; Help children extend and “mathematize” every day activities
from building blocks, art, songs, and puzzles; Create invitations to mathematical
activities based on children’s experiences and interests.
Definition of Misconceptions
• Misconceptions are misunderstandings and misinterpretations based on
incorrect meanings.
• They are due to ‘naive theories’ that impede the rational reasoning of
• In short, misconception is just a mistaken idea or view resulting from a
misunderstanding of something.
Math Misconception
• A math misconception is, essentially, an incomplete understanding that
we’ve developed from our math experience.
• Math misconceptions are also known as “alternative conceptions” and/or
“intuitive theories.”
• Math misconceptions aren’t the same as math errors.
• In other words, it is a conceptual misunderstanding, not an error in
Different Misconceptions in Learning Mathematics
1. Misconceptions on Operation of Fractions
• Question: 3/5−1/2
• Misconception: 3/5−1/2=2/3
• Explanation: This misconception has to do with the misapplication of
rules. Thus, the learner applied the wrong algorithm in solving the
2. Misconceptions on Exponential operations
• Question: Simplify 𝑦^4+𝑦^4
• Misconception: 𝑦^4+𝑦^4=𝑦^8
• Explanation: Misapplication and overgeneralization of rules. (The
learners think that it is okay to add power because the base the
same for both terms.)
3. Misconceptions on Operations of Place Value
• Question: 28+47
• Misconception: 28+47=615
• Explanation: Not understanding place value (“I added 8 plus 7 to
get 15 and then added 2 + 4 to get 6. I wrote the 6 next to the 15
because it was in the next place value.”)
4. Misconceptions on Subtraction
• Question: 5 – 3
• Misconception: 5 – 3 = 3 – 5
• Explanation: Thinking that subtraction is commutative.
5. Misconceptions on Decimal
• Question: 45.7
• Misconception: read as “four fifty-seven” / (457)
• Explanation of misconception: Student misapplies knowledge of
whole numbers when decimals and ignores the decimal point.
Different Mathematical Myths Leading to a Misconception to Learn Math
• The 12 Mathematical Myths
1. Men are Better in Math than Women.
2. Math Requires Logic, Not Intuition.
3. Math is not Creative.
4. You Must Always Know How You Got the Answer.
5. There is A Best Way to Do Math Problems.
6. It's Always Important to Get the Answer Exactly Right.
7. It's Bad to Count on Your Fingers.
8. Mathematicians Do Problems Quickly, In Their Heads.
9. Math Requires A Good Memory.
10. Math Is Done by Working Intensely Until the Problem Is Solved.
11. Some People Have A "Math Mind" And Some Don't.
12. There Is A Magic Key to Doing Math.
K12 Math Content Areas
1. Numbers and Number Sense - Numbers, properties, operations, estimation,
and their applications.
● This content area focuses on students' understanding of numbers,
operations, and estimation, and their applications to real-world
The Three Areas of Number Sense:
1) Counting
o Involves counting by ones, twos, fives, tens, and more.
o The ability to put names to quantities.
o It is understanding how our number system is organized in
groups of 10 – base 10.
2) Proportional Thinking
o Proportions in math deals with which is more and which is less.
o Thinking about how many times bigger or times smaller a
number is compared to another number.
3) Whole and Parts
o Understanding parts of a number. In other words, number
Learning Activity – Number Search!
● Students will roll two dice, they will need to add the results and then
find the resulting value to the given sheet of paper.

2. Measurement - The use of numbers and measures to describe,

understand, and compare mathematical and concrete objects.
● This content area focuses on an understanding of the process of
measurement and on the use of numbers and measures to describe
and compare mathematical and real-world objects.
● identify attributes
● select appropriate units and tools
● apply measurement concepts
● communicate measurement-related ideas
Why Teach Measurement?
● Measurement is the ability to use measuring tools, rulers,
thermometers, scales, and to estimate with these tools are
necessary skills that enable us to quantify the world around us. They
can tell us how tall we are, how hot we are, how much we drink,
how heavy we are and how far it is from here to there.
Importance of Measurement
● provides links between strands of mathematics
● provides links between mathematics and other school subjects
Learning Sequence for Measurement
● Identifying the Attribute
● Comparing and Ordering
● Non – standard Units (This units tend to be personal and are not the
most suitable for communication)
● Standard Units
● Application
Learning Activity – Handy Measure!
● Let students measure their own hands using the ruler. After getting
the measurement of their hands, ask them the measurement of the
table using their own hands. (Answers vary from student to student)
3. Geometry - Properties of two and three-dimensional figures and their
relationships, spatial visualization, reasoning, and geometric modelling
and proofs.
● This content area extends beyond low-level identification of
geometric shapes into transformations and combinations of those
● demonstration of reasoning within both formal and informal settings.
● Proportional thinking to similar figures, and
● indirect measurement is an important connection in this area.
Learning Activity – Sticky Sticks!
● Using Popsicle Sticks, let the students stick them together in order to
show angles! You may also use popsicle to create shapes!

4. Patterns and Algebra - Studies patterns, relationships, and changes

among shapes and quantities.
● This content area extends from work with simple patterns, to basic
algebraic concepts, to sophisticated analysis.
● Students are expected to use algebraic notation and thinking in
meaningful contexts to solve mathematical and real-world
problems, addressing an increasing understanding of the use of
functions as a representational tool.
How are Patterns and Algebra related to each other?
● Algebra is filled with rules and number sequences, which are

5. Statistics and Probability - Developing skills in collecting and organizing

data using charts, tables, and graphs; understanding, analyzing and
interpreting data; dealing with uncertainty; and making predictions about
● This content area focuses on the skills of collecting, organizing,
reading, representing, and interpreting data. These are assessed in
a variety of contexts to reflect the use of these skills in dealing with
Students are expected to:
● use statistics and statistical concepts to analyze and communicate
interpretations of data.
● understand the meaning of basic probability concepts and
applications of these concepts in problem-solving and decision-
making situations
Naturalistic Learning
● The naturalistic learner has the ability to make unique distinctions in the
world of nature.
● Naturalistic learners love to be able to touch and hold things
● A naturalistic learner can easily distinguish between one plant and
another or recognize similarities and differences in cloud formations.
Naturalistic Experiences
● Naturalistic experiences are those initiated spontaneously by children as
they go about their daily activities.
● Naturalistic experiences can also be a valuable mode of learning for
older children.
● With naturalistic experiences, the adult’s role is to provide an interesting
and rich environment for the child
● Tamara takes a spoon from the drawer and says, “This is big.” Mom says,
● Cindy (age 4) sits on the rug sorting colored rings into plastic cups.
● Sam (age 5) is painting. He puts down a dab of yellow. Then he dabs
some blue on top. “Hey! I’ve got green now,” he exclaims.
Informal Learning
● Learning that’s unstructured and takes place away from traditional,
formal learning settings, like a classroom.
● It has no clear goals or set objectives as it’s often unplanned and self-
directed by the learner.
● Learning karate or learning classical music.
Informal Learning Experiences
● The adult initiates informal learning experiences as the child is engaged in
naturalistic experiences.
● These experiences are not pre-planned
● The adult might take advantage of a teachable moment to reinforce
certain concepts.
● “I’m six years old,” says three-year-old Kate while holding up three fingers.
Dad says, “Let’s count those fingers. One, two, three fingers. You are three
years old.”
● Juanita (age 4) has a bag of cookies. Mrs. Ramirez asks, “Do you have
enough for everyone?” Juanita replies, “I don’t know.” Mrs. R. asks, “How
can you find out?” Juanita says, “I don’t know.” Mrs. R. replies, “I’ll help
you. We’ll count them.”
Structured Learning
● It is an education or training system with a defined path, objectives,
formal hierarchy, and a highly visualized-based environment.
● Refers to learning programs or courses that are designed using
instructional methodologies
● College/university course/degree
● Employee training program
● Any certifications that follow formal learning paths
Structured Learning Examples
● Structured experiences are preplanned lessons or activities that can occur
in many different ways.
● Example: Cindy is four years old. Her teacher decides that she needs to
practice counting. She says, “Cindy, I have some blocks here for you to
count. How many are in this pile?”
● Behaviorism is based on the idea that knowledge is independent and on
the exterior of the learner.
● In a behaviorist’s mind, the learner is a blank slate that should be provided
with the information to be learnt.
● Learning is achieved when the provided stimulus changes behavior.
● A non-educational example of this is the work done by Pavlov.
● Constructivism is based on the premise that we construct learning new
ideas based on our own prior knowledge and experiences.
● Students need to have a prior base of knowledge for constructivist
approaches to be effective.
● Learning is unique to the individual learner.
● Bruner’s spiral curriculum is a great example of constructivism in action.
● problem-based learning
● research and creative projects
● group collaborations
Discovery Learning
● Bruner believed that the most effective way to develop a coding system is
to discover it rather than being told by the teacher.
● The concept of discovery learning implies that students construct their
own knowledge for themselves (also known as a constructivist approach).
● Learning does not equal absorbing what was said or read, but actively
seeking for answers and solutions.
Jerome Bruner (October 1, 1915 – June 5, 2016)
● An American psychologist who made significant contributions to human
cognitive psychology and cognitive learning theory in educational
● Discovery Learning was introduced by Jerome Bruner, and is a method of
Inquiry-Based Instruction.
The 5 Principles of Discovery Learning Model
1. Problem Solving.
2. Learner Management.
3. Integrating and Connecting.
4. Information Analysis and Interpretation.
5. Failure and Feedback
The Discovery Learning Model Key Advantages
● It encourages motivation, active involvement, and creativity
● It can be adjusted to the learner’s pace
● It promotes autonomy and independence
● It ensures higher levels of retention
The Discovery Learning Model Key Drawbacks
● It needs a solid framework, because the endless wandering and seeking
for answers might be confusing.
● It shouldn’t be used as a main instruction method, because it has
limitations in practice and might produce inadequate education.
● Instructors need to be well prepared and anticipate the questions they
may receive, and be able to provide the right answers or guidelines.
● At a certain level, it rejects the idea that there are significant skills and
knowledge that all learners should need to learn.
Learning Hierarchy
1. Signal learning
2. Stimulus-response learning
3. Chain learning
4. Verbal association
5. Discrimination learning
6. Concept learning
7. Rule learning
8. Problem solving
Robert Mills Gagné (August 21, 1916 – April 28, 2002)
● An American educational psychologist best known for his Conditions of
● Proposed a system of classifying different types of learning in terms of the
degree of complexity of the mental processes involved.
Cognitive Learning
Theory of Cognitive Development
● Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development suggests that intelligence
changes as children grow.
● Cognitive development occurs through the interaction of innate
capacities and environmental events, and children pass through a series
of stages.
Jean Piaget (August 9, 1896 – September 16, 1980)
● Swiss psychologist who was the first to make a systematic study of the
acquisition of understanding in children.
● He is most famously known for his theory of cognitive development.
4 Stages of Cognitive Development
● Sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 years)
● Preoperational stage (2 to 7 years)
● Concrete operational stage (7 to 11 years)
● Formal operational stage (ages 12 and up)
Important Concept:
● The following are some of the factors that influence how children learn
and grow:
o Schemas
o Assimilation
o Accommodation
o Equilibration

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