Publication Title (Center, Palatino Linotype 14)

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Publication Title
(Center, palatino linotype 14)
[A maximum 14 words in Indonesian and English language. The title should be brief and
clearly describe the content of the article. Author can use a creative title and attract the
reader’s interest. Word impact, correlation, and case study should not be used as titles.
The research location is described in the methods sections, not mentioned in the title]

First Author1, Co-Author2, Co-Aurhor3

[Write the full name of the author without a title, the institution where the author
word/study, and correspondence address (E-mail) author] 1,2Institusi/afiliasi; address,
phone/fax of institusi/afiliasi
e-mail: *,,

(Center, palatino linotype 11, space 1)

Received: date, month, years/ Revised: date, month, years/ Accepted: date, month, years
Ex: Received 16th April 2019/ Revised: 19th May 2019/ Accepted 18th Juny 2019

Abstract. A maximum 200 words abstract in English with palatino linotype font 11 point, 1
spacing. Abstract should be clear, descriptive, and should provide a brief overview of the
problem studied. Abstract topics include reasons for the selection or the importance of
research topics, hipothesis, research methods and a summary of the results. Abstract
should end with a comment about the importance of the results or conclusions brief.
Keywords: (in italics, alfabetic) 3-5 words

Abstrak. Maksimal 200 kata berbahasa Indonesia dengan huruf palatino linotype 11 poin,
spasi 1. Abstrak harus jelas, deskriptif dan harus memberikan gambaran singkat masalah
yang diteliti. Abstrak meliputi alasan pemilihan topik atau pentingnya topik penelitian,
hipotesis, metode penelitian dan ringkasan hasil. Abstrak harus diakhiri dengan
komentar tentang pentingnya hasil atau kesimpulan singkat.
Kata kunci: (dicetak miring, ditulis secara alfabetis) 3-5 kata

[Introduction, Problems and Theoretical Basis]

Describe the background of the problem, purpose and benefits of the research,
theoretical research, and hypothesis (maximum number of pages 20% of the entire page)
Contains; (a) exposure to the latest developments in the field of research supported by the
results of primary and recent library research; (b) exposure to gaps; (c) the arguments of
the researcher in closing the gap as a promise of research contribution to scientific
development; and (d) exposure of the research purpose.
[Justify, palatino linotype 11, space 1,5]
Contains identification of variable, subjects of research, instruments of research,
and methods of research, including statistical analysis techniques used (maximum number
of page 20%). Contains an explanation of everything the researchers do in doing research
clearly as if giving other researchers an opportunity to replicate or verify their research.
Avoid definition quote from books in the descriptions in the methods section.
[Justify, palatino linotype 11, space 1,5]

The research results consist of descriptive statistics, assumption test results, and
hypothesis test results and then critically analyzes (maximum 20% of the entire page of the
article) presented sequentially or integrated. The results section contains the results of
data. If there is a table/chard/picture containing an explanation of the analysis results that
are already meaningful and easy to understand the meaning quickly. Tables/charts/figure
do not contain raw data that can or must be processed.

Table and Figure

All tables and images written in the article must be adjusted to the order of 1 column or
full size of one paper, in order to make it easier for reviewers to observe the meaning of
the picture.

Example of table writing

Table 1.
[Tabel description.....................]
Parameter Unit
Massa, ms 1 (kg)
Reducer, c 1,81(Ns/m) a
Stiffness, ks 22.739,57(N/m) b
footnote bfootnote
Example of Figure.

It is recommended to use the text box feature in MS

Word to accommodate images or graphics, because
the results tend to be stable to changes in formatting
and page shifts compared to inserting images

Figure 1. [Caption....]

The description of the research results, linked to the results of previous studies,
was critically analyzed and linked to the relevant current literature (maximum number of
pages 30-40% of the total pages of the manuscript). The presentation of the discussion
section contains the provision of substantial meaning to the results of the analysis and
comparison with previous findings based on the results of relevant, current and primary
literature reviews. The comparison should lead to a difference with the findings of
previous research so that it has the potential to state a contribution to the development of
[Justify, palatino linotype 11, space 1,5]

The content of the conclusion is a formulation of answers to the research objectives,
not a summary of research results. Conclusions are made in a concise, clear and concise
manner based on the results and discussion (maximum 1 page), made in paragraph form
(not numerical), containing research findings as a synthesis between the results of data
analysis and the results of the discussion, and highlighting new things that are new
contributed to the development of psychology.
[Justify, palatino linotype 11, space 1,5]

Suggestions are made concisely and clearly, and are made in paragraph form (not
[Justify, palatino linotype 11, space 1,5]

References (Using Mandeley)

(Write references that become references alphabetically and chronologically. References
are lists of references not bibliographical, so they must contain all sources referred to in
the manuscript, and do not need to include sources that are not referenced. The list of
references contains all references in the text that come from sources that are not
referenced. ; (a) relevant, (b) at least 80% up-to-date (last 10 years), and (c) at least 80%
primary, mainly from journal articles). Reference writing refers to the American
Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition.

(a) Journal article with Digital Object Identifier (doi)

Bakerian, D.A (2017). In search of the typical Eyewitness. American Psychologist, 48(2),

(b) Journal article without Digital Object Identifier (doi)

Bakerian, D.A (2017). In search of the typical Eyewitness. American Psychologist, 48(2),

(c) Journals article more than 20 authors

Kneip, R. C., Delamater, A. M., Ismond, T., Milford, C., Salvia, L., & Schwarz, D., Borman,
W., Faily, C. A., Crush, T., Talia, H. I., Shaly, D., Tania, C. A., Khale, F., Trafish, D.,
Pate, L., Halya, C., Kranel, D., Halle, D., Chane, D., Hansias, D., ... Glemer, J. (2013).
Self and spouse rating of anger and hostility as predictors of coronary heart
desease. Health Psychology, 12(3), 301-307.

(d) magazine article

Arunika, Z., Rahman, A., & Mauree, T. (2019, Januari). Solusi terbaik mengatasi
kecanduan internet pada remaja. Pilar Psychology Magazine, 29(5), 26-29.

(e) Online magazine article

Arunika, Z., Rahman, A., & Mauree, T. (2019, Januari). Solusi terbaik mengatasi
kecanduan internet pada remaja. Pilar Psychology Magazine, 29(5), 26-29.
(f) Newspaper article without authors
Otonomi ditandai dengan Keberanian Daerah Mengambil Ketulusan. (2020, April 27). The
Jakarta Post, hal 26 – 27.

(g) Unpublished thesis or dissertation

Sharla, Z. (2019). Keberfungisan keluarga: Ditinjau dari peran dan persepsi terhadap
tanggung jawab [Unpublished thesis]. Universitas Andalas

(h) Authored book

Cone, J. D., & Foster, S. L. (2019) Dissertation and thesis from start to finish : Psychology
and related fields. American Psychological Association.

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