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new census will also verify if the NSO's estimate of the country's population, pegged at 93 million based on the 2.04 percent growth rate as of 2007, is accurate.http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/nation/view/20100517-270555/2010census-starts-Monday 2010 total fertility rate (TFR) is 3.23 births per woman the total fertility rate for the richest quintile of the population is 2.0, which is about one third the TFR of the poorest quintile (5.9 children per woman). The TFR for women with college education is 2.3, about half that of women with only an elementary education (4.5 children per woman).[38] first time the Reproductive Health Bill was proposed was in 1998 RH Bills filed are those authored by o (1) House Minority Leader EdcelLagman of Albay, HB 96; o (2) Iloilo Rep. Janet Garin, HB 101, o (3) Akbayan Representatives Kaka Bag-ao& Warren Bello; HB 513, o (4) Muntinlupa Representative Rodolfo Biazon, HB 1160, o (5) Iloilo Representative Augusto Syjuco, HB 1520, o (6) Gabriela Rep. Luzviminda Ilagan. In the Senate, Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago has filed her own version of the RH bill which, she says, will be part of the country s commitment to international covenant January 31, 2011, the House of Representatives Committee on Population and Family Relations voted to consolidate all House versions of the bill, which is entitled An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Policy on Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population Development and for Other Purposes Purpose: o population of the Philippines makes it the 12th most populous nation in the world today , that the Filipino women s fertility rate is at the upper bracket of 206 countries o show that the Filipinos are responsive to having smaller-sized families through free choice of family planning methods o show that rapid population growth exacerbates poverty while poverty spawns rapid population growth. And so it aims for improved quality of life through a consistent and coherent national population policy. House Bills 101 and 513, and Senate Bill 2378 define o Reproductive Health Care - refers to the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes. This implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life, that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so, provided that these are not against the law. This further implies that women and men attain equal relationships in matters related to sexual relations and reproduction Proponents

(1) Economic studies, especially the experience in Asia,[9] show that rapid population growth and high fertility rates, especially among the poor, exacerbate poverty and make it harder for the government to address it.[10][11] o (2) Empirical studies show that poverty incidence is higher among big families.[12][10]Smaller families and wider birth intervals could allow families to invest more in each child s education, health, nutrition and eventually reduce poverty and hunger at the household level.[1][10][9] o (3) Ten to eleven maternal deaths daily could be reduced if they had access to basic healthcare and essential minerals like iron and calcium, according to the DOH; similar to the U.S. experience, 1/3 of first time users of the pill find the side effects intolerable o (4) Studies show that 44% of the pregnancies in the poorest quintile are unanticipated, and among the poorest women who would like to avoid pregnancy, at least 41% do not use any contraceptive method because of lack of information or access.[10][9] and "Among the poorest families, 22% of married women of reproductive age express a desire to avoid pregnancies but are still not using any family planning method,"[9] o (5) use of contraception, which the World Health Organization has listed as essential medicines,[13][14], will lower the rate of abortions as it has done in other parts of the world, according to the Guttmacher Institute. [15] o (6) An SWS survey of 2008 showed that 71% of the respondents are in favor of the bill,[16] o (7) at the heart of the bill is the free choice given to people on the use of reproductive health, enabling the people, especially the poor to have the number the children they want and can care for. Opponents: o (1) The bill is based on faulty premises since a study of Nobel-prize winner Simon Kuznets, found no correlation between population growth and poverty in first world countries. This research was later replicated in developing countries[19][20] o (2) The bill takes away limited government funds from treating many high priority medical and food needs and transfers them to fund harmful and deadly devices.[21] The latest studies in scientific journals and organizations show that the ordinary birth control pill,[22] and the IUD[23] are abortifacient to fertilized eggs: they kill young human embryos, who as such are human beings equally worthy of respect,[24] making the bill unconstitutional.[25][26] o (3) Leading secular social scientists like Nobel prize winner, George Akerlof and US National Defense Consultant, Lionel Tiger, have found that contraceptives have deleterious social effects (abortion, adultery, female impoverishment, fatherless children, teenage pregnancies, and immorality).[27][28] Others have reported that it spreads AIDS.[29] Combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives (the most common type prescribed globally) are carcinogenic,[30][31] and confers other serious health risks.[32][33] "It is never lawful, even for the gravest reasons, to do evil that good may come of it."[34] The increased usage of contraceptives, which implies that some babies are unwanted, will eventually lead to more abortion.[25] o

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(4) People's freedom to access contraceptives is not restricted by any opposing law, being available in family planning NGOs, stores, etc. The country is not a welfare state: taxpayer's money should not be used for personal practices that are harmful and immoral; it can be used to inform people of the harm of BCPs. (5) It promotes sex education of the youth which promoters themselves have considered as having brought about more teenage pregnancies and fatherless kids. (6) A 2009 survey showed that 92% rejected the bill when informed of its detailed provisions and penalties.[35]Tatad also claims that the 2007 general election, in which the Buhayparty-list won the most votes (7.30% of total votes), shows that Filipinos are pro-life.[26] (7) The penal provisions constitute a violation of free choice and conscience, and establishesreligious persecution.[36]

Maternal health and deaths Proponents

y y y y y y y y y y y y y (1) Information and access to natural and modern family planning (2) Maternal, infant and child health and nutrition (3) Promotion of breast feeding (4) Prevention of abortion and management of post-abortion complications (5) Adolescent and youth health (6) Prevention and management of reproductive tract infections, HIV/AIDS and STDs (7) Elimination of violence against women (8) Counseling on sexuality and sexual and reproductive health (9) Treatment of breast and reproductive tract cancers (10) Male involvement and participation in RH; (11) Prevention and treatment of infertility and (12) RH education for the youth. Department of Health states that family planning can reduce maternal mortality by about 32 percent.

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