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Lesson 4 Worksheet

Activity 1
Discuss how you think your community influences your
behavior (How does your community influence your
behavior?). Clarify why can’t all cultural practices be always
right? Give three examples to prove your point. (10 points)

So as we are growing we are taught by our Parents about how

to behave or proper manner but as time passes by that behavior is changed because of the
influence of the people around or the community. The community manipulates and has
impact on how we are now. What you always see, and experience may become who you also
are. The community also set the standards that influence people either positive or
negative. It is also what we call social influence.

Because people have different point of views, so not all cultural practices
are always right and because we also have different cultures so it will not
be suitable or okay for us. Number 1 on the list which is very wrong is the
early child marriage, marrying a child at an early age is very wrong
cultural practice some countries, religion and ethnic groups still do. Son
preference, some country still has this culture where the parents are in
favor of having a son and not a daughter it is some sort of gender
discrimination. Female genital mutilation (otherwise called female
circumcision) this is still practiced in Nigeria it is the ritual cutting or removal of some or
all of the external female genitalia. This are some of the cultural practices which are very
wrong even though they are right for the cultures who practice this.

Activity 2
Write a letter to your (imaginary) child in the future, telling him/her about how you are
presently struggling to be the best kind of person you strive to be. (10 points)

Hi I am not sure if you will read this but maybe yes or maybe no, but I will still
write this. I know this will be hard for you to understand but please bear with as I
write this letter to you, I am hesitant as to how or what will I tell you or share

GE 7 Ethics Lesson 4 Worksheet

with you. But I would start to ask how you are right now hope you are doing well. As
for me I can’t say that I am fine and I can’t say that I am not doing fine but I am
trying. It’s not ok honestly, I’m trying to live my life but after losing my father
your grandpa it is very tiring, I want to breakdown because I have to take care of
grandma because she is sick and I need to multitask because I am also a student
and attending online class so I am struggling but I know everything will be okay
sooner. I am trying to be a better person to finish my studies so your grandpa will
be proud of me.

A. Answer the following concisely. (10 points each item)

1. Discuss and relate at least five strengths and five weaknesses of the Filipino moral
character that are being experienced during this pandemic brought by the COVID-19.

This is our strengths as a Filipinos even thought we experiences the pandemic we as a

filipino really gave our best to survive the situation even though the economy has a drastic
downfall we manage to survive. We are flexible, adaptable, and creative we can say we have
this because we survived using this characteristics we are flexible and adaptable because
we find how to earn money and work in the comfort of our home without enough resources
we became creative.

 Ability to Survive
 Flexibility, Adaptability and Creativity
 Joy and Humor
 Faith and Religiosity
 Pakikipagkapwa-tao

2. There are 16 criticisms on Kohlberg’s theory. Choose one of these criticisms which you
think is the most plausible argument and justify your answer.

3. Write and discuss two scenarios highlighting respect for (a) human life (b) truth telling.

GE 7 Ethics Lesson 4 Worksheet

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