Final Detailed Lesson Plan

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By: Castillo, Josalyn L.

BSED- major in Filipino – 1st year

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Oral Communication

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the student must be able to:

 Differentiate verbal communication from nonverbal communication.

 Appreciate the value of verbal and nonverbal cues in communication

 Perform a specific scene from a particular play or movie using verbal and
nonverbal communication.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

A. References:

B. Instructional Materials: Tarpaper, Visual aids, and scotch tape

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
A. Prayer
Everybody please stand up. (Everybody stand up)

Kindly lead the prayer

( name calling)
Let us put ourselves to the holy presence
of God. In the name of the Father, the
Son, the Holy spirit… Amen!
B. Routine
Before you take your seats,
kindly pick up the trashes on (Students are picking the trashes on the

the floor and arrange your floor and arranging their chairs)

seats properly.

C. Checking attendance
Please be seated.
(Students seat on their chairs
Do we have any absentees for

None miss.

Ok, very well!

D. Review
Before we proceed to our
new topic let us do a recap
Yes miss!
shall we?

Can you tell me something

about our topic last meeting?
Yes (student’s name). It is about the communication and its

Very Good!
Can you give me one
definition of communication?
Yes (student 2). (Student 2 respond)
Conveying message .it should be
understandable and acceptable
Good job!
It seems that you understand
our previous lesson. So let us
move on.

E. Motivation
(The teacher will call a
volunteer to pick a phrase
inside the bowl.)
This game is called charades.
I will call a volunteer, and the
student will have to pick a
phrase. You will act out of it
and your classmate will guess (Student picked a phrase)
what phrase have you picked. ( Student act the phrase he/she picked)
( Classmates guess what the phrase he
picked is)

Wow! Very smart and active

students. Very Good! ( Student picked a phrase)
Another Volunteer? (Student act the phrase she picked)
Yes! (Classmates guess what the phrase she
picked is)

Good job everyone! ( The class clap their hands five times)
Give yourselves 5 claps

F. Discussions
What we did is an example of ( Students are listening attentively)
Communication can be verbal
and non-verbal
communication. Which means
communication can be verbal
or Language, and non-verbal
or gestures and body
For today’s lesson we will Yes we are!
differentiate the two.
Are you ready everyone?
(Student answered): It is important
Can you explain to me why because it will help us to express our self.
communication is important?
Yes (student name) .

Very good.
How about the others? (Student 2 answered): We need
communication to share our idea to other
Yes Student 2? people.

( Students are listening to the discussion

Well done. carefully)
It is true communication have
a big role in our lives.
To help us to connect with
other people, express
ourselves, and to build a good

process of expressing and
exchanging information,
thoughts, ideas, and feelings.
According to Wood (20004),
communication is a
systematic process in which
individuals interact with and
(The class listens to the discussion)
through symbols to create and
interpret meaning.

Communication is a process
of sharing and conveying
messages or information from
one person to another within
and across channels, contexts,
media, and cultures
(McCornack, 2014).
Hence, Communication is two
ways, number one is Verbal
communication is the use of
words to share information
with other people. It can
Include both spoken and
written communication.
Including written letters,
memos, newsletters,
newspapers, journals and even
personal notes.
Student answered: Communication is
Before we move to another
process of exchanging Information.
class of communication, can
you tell me what
communication is again?
Yes (name calling).

Student 2 answered: Verbal

Well done. communication is use of words to share

What is verbal information.

communication again?
Yes student 2?
Student 1 answered: This includes,
written, journal, and newspaper

How about the examples?

Yes Student 1?

(The class will listen to the discussion)

Very good!
Moving on.
We have Non-verbal communication.
Non-verbal communication includes facial
expressions, the tone and pitch of the voice,
gestures displayed through body language
(kinesics) and the physical distance between
the communicators (proxemics).
(The class will listen to the discussion)
For examples, Body Language. Body
language such as facial expressions, posture
and gestures. Eye Contact. Humans typically
seek information in the eyes. Distance. Your
distance from people during communication,
Voice, Touch, Fashion, Behavior, and Time
Student 1: it is facial expression and
These non-verbal signals can give clues and
body language.
additional information and meaning over and
above spoken (verbal communication.

What is non-verbal communication?

Yes Student 1? Facial expressions posture and gestures.
Add: Eye Contact, distance, Voice,
Touch, Fashion, Behavior, and Time.
Very Good!
What are the examples?
Yes (Students name)?

Very Good!
(Students are listening and

G. Evaluation answeringcarefully)

Now, get a ½ lengthwise. You are going to

choose the correct answer inside the box.
1. They help us play out thoughts and they’re
important to keep in mind as they can be
distracting or give off false impressions.
2. Use to establish connections with people
and emphasize that you’re listening.
3. Our ____is associated with different
emotions such as anger, fear, excitement, joy,
4. The way we hold ourselves gives off cues ( Students follow the instructions given)

to whether we are engaged in the

5. The ____on our faces in a conversation
can say how we feel before we have the
chance to speak.
Exchange your paper to your seatmate. Let
us check your papers now!

H. Assignment Good bye and Thank you Miss!

Now, for your assignment
Prepare and review for our oral
Recitation about verbal and non-verbal
Let’s call it a day. Good bye class.



At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
 Identify the different models of communication.
 Enumerate the different models of communication.
 Appreciate the purpose of communication.


Topic: Models of Communication

Reference: www.

Materials: Tarpaper



A. Preliminary Activities
A. Praying
Let us all start our day with a
prayer. Let us all stand up and put (The Student will pray)

ourselves to the holy presence of

God. In the name of the Father, the
Son, the Holy spirit... Amen!

B. Greetings
Good Morning Class!
Good Morning, Miss!

You may take your seats now!

Thank you Miss!

C. Checking attendance
Let me check your attendance for
( Name Calling) Present Miss!
B. Review
Before we go to the next lesson, what was
our topic last meeting? Our lesson last meeting was about
Communication and its two-ways such as
Verbal and Non-verbal Communication.

-That’s correct! Very Good! Now, what is

communication again?
Yes? ( student’s name) Communication is Conveying message. It
should be understandable and acceptable.

Correct! I’m glad that you still remember

our lesson last meeting.

C. Motivation
D. Presentation and Discussion
Before we move to the lesson, what is/are
Communication is the act of conveying
your ideas about communication? Anyone?
meanings from one or group to another
through the use signs and symbols
A system or thing used as an example to
follow or imitate

Very Good! What else? (Students Possible Answers etc...)

Now what is your idea about Model? (Students Possible Answers etc...)

Very Good! Now that we have 2 concepts,

let’s now put them together. We have here
Models of communication. But what are
(Communication models are systematic
these models of communication?
representations of the process which helps
in understanding how communication
works and done. It breaks the
communication from complex to simple
and keeps the components in order.)

Let’s find out Please read the statement

Thank you for reading. The purpose of
communication model is to offer a visual
representation of a concept with the intent
of facilitating and understanding it. ( Student’s attentively listening)
Let’s move to the first Model, Aristotle
Model is mainly focused on speaker and
speech. It can be broadly divided into 5
primary elements: Speaker, Speech,
Occasion, Audience and Effect. It comes
from at around 5 B.C. The Aristotle’s
communication model revolves around the
speaker. The main concept of this theory is
that, speaker plays the most important role
in communication and it is the only one
who holds the responsibility to influence
his/her audience through public speaking.
It is the speaker’s role to deliver a speech
to the audience. The audience is passive,
influenced by the speech. This makes the
communication process one way, from
speaker to receiver. The speaker must
organize and prepare his/her speech
( Student’s attentively listening)
beforehand, according to the target
audience and situation (occasion).
Next is the Shannon- Weaver
Model of Communication. It was created
by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver
(Flores, 2016). This is also called the
telephone model since it was developed
because of the technology of the telephone
and the experience of “noise” coming from
the switchboard.
In 1948, Shannon was an American
mathematician, Electronic engineer and
Weaver was an American scientist both of
them joined together to write an article in
“Bell System Technical Journal” called “A
Mathematical Theory of Communication”
and also called as “Shannon-Weaver model
of communication”. This model is
specially designed to develop the effective
communication between sender and
receiver. Also they find factor which is
affecting the communication process called
“Noise”. At first, the model was developed
to improve the Technical communication.
Next is the Osgood- Schramm model of
It is a Circular Model, so that
Communication. Kindly read the statement
communication is something circular in
( name calling)
nature. The Osgood-Schramm model is
built on the theory that communication is a
two-way street, with a sender and a
receiver. Charles Egerton Osgood
popularized the notion that communication
was circular rather than linear, meaning that
it requires two participants taking turns
sending and receiving a message.
1.Encoder – Who does encoding or Sends
the message (message originates)
2.Decoder – Who receives the message
3.Interpreter – Person trying to understand
(analyze, perceive) or interpret

Thank you for reading! So, that’s Osgood-

Schramm model of communication is all
about. Last we are having the White’s
stage of Oral Communication. ( Students are listening carefully)
According to Eugene White, stages of oral
communications are possible to begin at
any of the stages outlined in his model.
People are under the mistaken impression
that when we communicate, we usually
start thinking, but that is not necessarily the
case. Since it is a circular model, it means
that oral communication is a continuous
process with no real beginning or end. The
most important contribution of White’s
model of oral communication is the
concept of feedback which can only be
processed by the speaker if he or she has
been monitoring the audience or the
listener. Hence, the speaker must also pay
attention to the listener’s verbal and non-
verbal cues (Flores, 2016). In conclusion,
communication is not a simple process
which starts with the speaker and ends with
the listener- there are so many factors that
should be considered. When it comes to the
message, how the message is organized
and what field of experience it comes from
should be taken into consideration. When it
( Students are listening carefully)
comes to the sender, the best
communication is the one that involves
feedback. Furthermore, there are several
kinds of noise that may severely affect the
reception of the message and thus, should
be considered and avoided. Cultural
differences, technology and interpretation
need to be considered as well. To be good None miss!
communicators one needs to pay attention
to how people are responding.
Thank you! So that’s Whites model of
communication. Do you have any

E. Generalization
Now that we are done discussing the
( Student answered)
communications model, let us have a

What is communication model again class?

Very good! (Students listening and answering

F. Application
Please get a ½ lengthwise paper and
identify the following:
1. A Model is mainly focused on speaker
and speech.
2. It is built theory that communication is a
two-way street, with a sender and receiver.
3. This is also called the telephone model
since it was developed because of the
technology of the telephone and the
experience of “noise” coming from the
4. This is a circular model. It means that
oral communication has no real beginning
or ending.
5. Who does encoding or Sends the
message (message originates)
6. Who receives the message
(Students listening and answering
7. Person trying to understand (analyze,
perceive) or interpret.
8. A desire, feeling or an emotion provides
a communicator a stimulus to
communicate a need.
9. When sound waves make an impact
upon the listener's ears after which the
resulting nerve impulses reach the brain via
the auditory nerve. ( Students pass their papers in front)

10. The communicator may show over the

behavior like a nod, yawn, or smile or
he/she may not show any behavior.

Okay. At the count of 5, pass your papers

in front. 1,2,3,4,5. Yes miss!

Compare and Contrast Lass well’s Model
and Schramm model using Venn diagram.

Good bye and Thank you miss!

Done copying?

Alright, now please stand up and let us

pray as we end our class. In the name of
the Father, the Son, the Holy spirit….

Good bye class!

See you tomorrow everyone!

A Detailed Lesson Plan in



At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

 Articulate the birth of our national hero and his family structure.
 Value the kind of life that the Rizal’s had.
 Remember and understand the beginning of the life of Jose Rizal and his family


Topic: Rizal’s Life: Birth, Parents and Siblings

Reference: GE-9 MODULES

Materials: Visual Aids



Let us all stand up and kindly lead the
prayer (Students name)
Let us put ourselves to the holy presence of
God. In the name of the Father, the Son,
the Holy spirit… Amen!
B. Greetings
Good afternoon class!
Good afternoon Miss!

Before you seat down please pick up the

trashes on the floor and put it in the trash ( Student’s follow what the teacher said)


C. Checking of Attendance
( Student responds)
You may now take your seats!
Do we have any absentees today?

B. Review
Before we go to the next lesson, what was
our topic last meeting?
Yes (Student’s name)? Our topic last meeting was all about
models of communication.

Yes! I’m glad that you still remember our

last discussion.
Now, what are those models that we’ve
Yes (Students name)? The models that we’ve discuss last meeting
are Aristotle’s model, Osgood-Schramm
model, Shannon- Weaver model and
Eugene White’s Model.

Indeed! Wow, very good! You did

remember all those models.

C. Motivation
Now, before we start our next lesson, I
have a question for you. Who is
Philippines’ National Hero?

Dr. Jose Rizal Miss!

Yes , (student 1)

Yes! Very Good!

( Students possible answer)
How do you know about him?


Did you know why we are studying his life ( Students possible answer)
and works?

D. Presentation and Discussion

Let us start discovering Rizal’s life.

Republic Act 1425

The R.A. 1425 or otherwise known as the
Rizal Law which was approved on June 12,
1956, is an act mandating all public and ( Students attentively listening)

private institutions including state colleges

and universities to include Dr. Jose P.
Rizal’s life, works and writings as a course
across programs. Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s life,
works and writings in the curricula
envision in achieving the ideals of freedom
and nationalism for which our hero lived
and died for.
Senator Jose P. Laurel– he wrote the law
with a comprised version of House Bill no.
5561 which came out on April 19, 1956 in
the House of Representatives and Senate
Bill no. 428 on April 3, 1956 by then
Committee on Education, which were led
by Cong. Jacobo Gonzales and Sen. Claro
Recto or otherwise known as Noli-Fili Bill.
( Students attentively listening)
By honoring him, we can best remember
with special fondness the devotion of his
life and works that shaped his national
character . His novels Noli Me Tangere and
El Filibusterismo have become a source of
inspiration and patriotism in the minds of
the youth especially during their formative
and decisive years in school. Ultimately,
the inclusion of the life, works and writings
of Dr. Jose P. Rizal will develop moral
character, personal discipline , civic
conscience and strengthen the duties of
 The basic texts to be included in
citizenship. the curricula aside from his life
and works are his two great
Kindly read the Salient Feature. novels, the Noli Me Tangere and
El Filibusterismo.
 All academic institutions shall
keep an adequate number of both
origin and unexpurgated editions
of the Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo, as well as of
Rizal’s other works and biography
 Translations of Rizal’s writings
and other works shall be free of
charge and be made available to

Thank you! And that are the parents of Jose


Next is we have the Birth of Rizal.

Our national hero was born on a moonlit
of Wednesday on June 19, 1861 between
eleven and twelve midnight at the
lakeshore town in Calamba, Laguna. He
was named Jose Protacio in honor of Saint
Protacio, one who invoked the discovery of
thieves and one of the patron saints of
( Students attentively listening)
Milan and Saint Joseph, the patron saint of
the universal church. Jose Protacio Rizal
Mercado Alonso y Realonda was the 7th
child of Don Francisco Mercado and Doña
Teodora Alonso. His family fondly called
him as Pepe. According to writer Felice
Prudente Santa Maria’s book, In Excelsis
once explained why Jose was called
“Pepe”, she said, “Saint Joseph was the
putative father of Jesus Christ. In Latin,
San Jose’s name is always followed by he
letters “P.P.” for pater putativus. In
Spanish, the letter “P” is pronounced “peh”
giving rise to the nickname Pepe for Jose.
In his biography entitled “Memoirs of a
Student in Manila”’, Rizal reminisced that
his mother almost caused her life because
of his big head. It was believed that
because of his mother’s failure to make a
( Students attentively listening)
pilgrimage to the Virgin of Antipolo
caused the difficulty of delivering Jose.
Rizal was christened at the church on June
22, 1861 when he was only three days old.
Reverend Father Rufino Collantes baptized
him while Reverend Father Pedro Casanas
stood as his godfather. Rev.Fr. Collantes
informed Pepe’s family that they should
take care of him as he prophesized that he
will become somebody because of the
unusual size of his head. His prophecy
showed evidences in the following journey
of his life. In his baptismal certificate
which was originally written in Spanish
showed that Father Leoncio Lopez, the
parish priest of the town of Calamba,
Laguna attested that Jose Rizal Mercado,
read as follows:

“I, the parish priest of the town of

Calamba, whose signature appears below,
certify that from the examination made
with appropriate authority, for restoring the
canonical books burned on September 28,

1862 and found in Docket No. 1 of

Baptisms, p. 49, it emerges according to the
declaration of competent and sworn
witnesses that Jose Rizal Mercado is a
legitimate son of Don Francisco Rizal ( Students attentively listening)

Mercado and Dona Teodora Realonda

where he was baptized in this parish on
June 22, 1861 by Rev. Fr. Rufino Collantes
and Rev. Fr. Casanas who stood as his
godfather. And I sign this as true (signed)
Leoncio Lopez.”

Next is we have the Rizal’s Parents.

Francisco Engracio Rizal Mercado y

Alejandra II was born on May 11, 1818 at
Biñan, Laguna, the youngest of the 13
children of Cirila Alejandro and Juan
Mercado. He was one of the fourth
generations of a Chinese immigrant in the
late 1600s named Domingo Lamco. During
his early education in his hometown, he
studied Latin and afterwards he studied at
the Colegio de San Jose in Manila for
philosophy and Latin. These people of
Calamba had a high regard on him as he
became their Cabeza de Barangay (head of
the Barangay). Jose Rizal regarded his
father as “ model of fathers” where
accordingly, had given them education.
Strong-willed, educated and independent-
minded person where characteristics
believed to be inherited by Rizal from his
father. Doña Teodora Morales Alonso ( Students attentively listening)

Realonda y Quintos was born in Meisik

(Chinatown), Manila on November 9, 1827
and a native of Sta. Cruz, Manila. She was
martinet, devoted, well-mannered and a
diligent mother. She studied and mastered
Spanish language at Colegio de Santa
Rosa, a school for girls in Manila. She
possessed business ability, a refined
culture, literary giant, and the courage of a
frugal woman. Thus, Jose Rizal considered
her remarkable woman. She demonstrated
how to keep families together despite the
turmoil of the Spanish regime.
“I, the parish priest of the town of
Calamba, whose signature appears below,
certify that from the examination made
with appropriate authority, for restoring the
canonical books burned on September 28,
1862 and found in Docket No. 1 of
Baptisms, p. 49, it emerges according to the
declaration of competent and sworn
witnesses that Jose Rizal Mercado is a
legitimate son of Don Francisco Rizal
Mercado and Dona Teodora Realonda
where he was baptized in this parish on
June 22, 1861 by Rev. Fr. Rufino Collantes ( Students attentively listening)
and Rev. Fr. Casanas who stood as his
godfather. And I sign this as true (signed)
Leoncio Lopez.”
Jose Rizal in his letter to Blumentritt which
read as follows:
My mother is not a woman of extraordinary
culture. She knows literature and speaks
better than I do. She even corrected my
poems and gave me wise advice when I
was studying rhetoric. She is a
mathematician and has read many books.
Her father who was a Philippine
representative to the Cortes had been her

Francisco Mercado married Teodora
Alonso where they were blessed with
eleven children, two boys and nine girls:

1. Saturnina (1850-1913) was the eldest

among the siblings and was commonly
known as Neneng. She studied at La
Concordia College in Santa Ana, Manila.
She was married to Manuel Hidalgo of
Tanauan, Batangas. Doña Saturnina
published Pascual Poblete’s Taga log
translation of the Noli Me Tangere in 1909.
She died in 1913 at the age of 63

( Students attentively listening)

2. Paciano (1851-1930) was the elder and
the only brother of our national hero. He
was commonly called as Ciano. Before
studying at the Colegio de San Jose in
Manila, he used to study Latin under
Maestro Justiniano Cruz. Jose called him
as “Uto”. As a Katipunero, he was an
ardent and dynamic who later became a
general of the Revolutionary Army after
the death of his younger brother. Many
believed that he was the Pilosopong Tasio
referred in N o l i Me Tangere. In 1900,
he was captured by the American forces
because of his involve ment as military
commander of the Revolutionary forces in
Laguna. Before his death, he lived a
modest life as a farmer. He married
Severina Decena, his common-law wife
where they had two children. He died at the
age of 79 because of tuberculosis.

3. Narcisa (1852-1939) was the second

daughter and third child of Francisco
Mercado and Teodora Alonso. She was
called as Sisa by her siblings. It was
believed that she also supported her brother
Jose’s studies abroad and perhaps the only
among the siblings that could narrate the
poems of Jose. She was married to a
teacher and musician named Antonio
( Students are listening carefully)

4. Olimpia (1855-1887) was called as Ypia.

She was married to Silvestro Ubaldo, a
telegraph operator from Manila.

5. Lucia (1857-1919) married Manuel

Herbosa of Calamba, Laguna. Her husband
died on May, 1889 during the cholera
outbreak and was denied of burial for not
going to admit his marriage.

6. Maria (1859-1945) married Daniel

Faustino Cruz of Biñan, Laguna. Her pet
name was Biang.

7. Concepcion (1862-1865) was called as

Concha. She died at the age of three.

8. Josefa (1865-1945) was an old maid who

died at the age of 80. She was called by her
family as Panggoy.

9. Trinidad (1868-1951) like her sister

Panggoy, she died as an old maid at the age
of 83. She became the keeper of Jose
Rizal’s dirge called Mi Ultimo Adios.

10. Soledad (1870-1929) became a teacher.

( Students are listening carefully)
Her pet name was Choleng, who married
Pantaleon Quintero of Calamba, Laguna. J

Jose Rizal’s sister had influenced him

much especially to his studies abroad. His
two older sisters at times trade in their
trinkets and sell their clothes to send
allowance for their brother Jose. When he
was younger, he can’t forget the times he
was busy playing with his sister Concha.
He even shared stories to his sister Ypia
about his beloved Segunda Katigbak. And
while he was exiled in Dapitan, he
mentioned to his sister Biang of his desire
of marrying Josephine Bracken. There are
times that her sisters informed him about
the bad news happening in their place
including the sufferings of the Filipino
people from the hands of the Spanish
authorities as well as situations of his
parents, the cholera outbreak and the
imposition of fines due to land taxes.
When Jose was exiled in Dapitan, his
sisters also visited him; in fact, there was a
plan of his sister Trinidad to help him
escape from Dapitan. After his death, his
sister Narcissa carefully investigated of
where he was buried. After two years, they
dug up his body at Paco cemetery where
they found his bones and some material
( Students are listening carefully)
remains like his hat and shoes.
Despite Don Francisco and Doña
Teodora’s big family, they were still able to
find joy and happiness. They lived in a
harmonious relationship where affections
were present among the members of the
family. Just like any ordinary family, their
parents showed love and care to their
children. Nonetheless, they didn't spoil
their children. In fact, every time their
children made wrong deeds and involved in
any bad activities, they were there to
discipline them. They believed in the old
adage “spare the rod and spoil the child” .
If the children are not decisively
Yes miss.
disciplined and never punished when they
deserve it then they will end up spoiled or
become bad-mannered. Francisco Engracio Rizal Mercado y
As Catholic believers, they taught them to Alejandra II
be courteous to people especially the old
persons. Their love of God became their
foundation to value and respects one’s Doña Teodora Morales Alonso Realonda y
right. They were accustomed to kiss their Quintos
parents’ hands after every recital prayers.
But Rizal’s life was not always about
religiosity, they were allowed to play in the 11
backyard. As Principales, they were able to
build a stone house near the church and June 19, 1861
even bought another one; they owned a
stagecoach, a library and were able to send Senator Jose P. Laurel

them to college in Manila. Indeed, their

being prudent gave them a contented life
where at times, they led social and religious
activities in their house. They also served
as host to all their visitors during holidays
and other gatherings in their community.

(Students are listening and answering

E. Generalization
Did you understand class?

Alright! Let us have a recap.

Who is the father of Rizal?

Who is the mother of Rizal?

How many siblings does Rizal have?

When did Jose Rizal Born? (Students are listening and answering
Who wrote the law about Rizal?

Alright! I think you are ready for a quiz

F. Evaluation
Everybody get ½ sheet of paper. Let’s
have a quiz.

1. The life, works and writings of Rizal is a

law proposed and written by whom?

2. This law mandates to include the life,

(Students follows the instruction)
works and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal in the
course across programs in all public and
private institutions.

3. Pepe was born on the moonlit of

Wednesday on what month, day and year?

4. Pepe was the __________ child of Don

Francisco and Dona Teodora. Me!
5. This writer explained why Jose was
called as Pepe.
6. This sibling of Jose published Pascual
Poblete’s tagalog version of Noli Me
7. She was the keeper of Jose Rizal’s dirge
called Mi Ultimo Adios.
(Students are copying their assignment)
8. This priest certified that Jose was
baptized in the town of Calamba and was a
legitimate son of Mr. and Mrs. Mercado.
9. She was fondly called as Choleng.
10. She was considered by Jose Rizal as a Yes miss.
remarkable woman because of her ability
to keep her family together despite of the
turmoil of the Spanish regime.

At the count of 5, please pass your papers

in front and exchange to the opposite row. Good bye and Thank you miss!

Let us check your papers!

(After checking)

Who got a perfect score?

Very good!

IV. Assignment

For your assignment.

Share your insights to the following
1. What kind of life that the Rizal’s had?
2. Why do we need to study the life and
works of Rizal?

Are you done copying?

Alright. Everybody stand up and let us pray

before we go home.
In the name of the Father, the Son, The
Holy Spirit, Amen!
Good bye everyone!



At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

 Specify each of Jose Rizal’s ancestors

 Articulate the events in the childhood years of Jose Rizal in Calamba, Laguna
 Respond how Jose Rizal grow and raised by his family


Topic: Rizal’s Life: Ancestors and Childhood

Reference: GE-9 MODULES

Materials: Visual Aids



Let us all stand up and kindly lead the
prayer (Students name) (Students stand up and pray)

B. Greetings
Good Morning class!
Good morning miss!

Before you seat down please pick up the

trashes on the floor and put it in the trash (Students follow the instruction)


C. Checking of Attendance
You may now take your seats!

Do we have any absentees today?

None miss!

B. Review
Before we go to the next lesson, what was
our topic last meeting?
Yes (student’s name)? Our lesson last meeting was about Rizal’s
Life, Birth, Parents and Siblings

Who is Philippines’ National Hero? Jose P. Rizal

Who wrote the Rizal’s Law? Senator Jose P. Laurel

When did Rizal born? June 19, 1861

Very good!
Yes! I’m glad that you still remember our
last discussion.

C. Motivation
Now, before we start our next lesson, I

(Students possible answer)

have a question for you.
Who is Rizal’s great grandfather?

(Students possible answer)

Is Rizal a true blooded Filipino? Or a
mixture of different races?

Do not worry about that for we will discuss

about it.

D. Presentation and Discussion

Let us start discovering Rizal’s life about (Students listening carefully)

his ancestors and his childhood.
As Principales, Rizal family was a mixture
of different races. Jose’s father’s side had
Chinese descent and a Japanese lineage
from his mother. A recent study revealed
that his mother’s origin was from Rajah
Lakandula. In short his ancestry can also be
traced from Malayan and Indonesian genes,
truly a splendid blend of blood.

Now let us have the Patrilineal side of

Rizal’s Patrilineal Descent
Domingo Lamco.
He was Rizal’s great-great grandfather on
his patrilineal side. He is a native Chinese
of Sionggue, City of Changchow, province
of Fukien. He arrived in Manila about 1690

because of scarcity and political quandary

in his hometown. She married a well off
Chinese Christian lady named Ines de la
Rosa of Manila. In 1731, he decided to
change his surname using “Mercado”
which referred to an English word as
market which is fitted for a merchant like
him. Their marriage was blessed with two
children, Francisco and Josefa.

Francisco Mercado– he was the great

grandfather of Jose and was named after an
(Students listening carefully)
uncle and a friar scholar in Manila. He
married to Cirila Bernarda Monicha, a
Chinese Filipina mestiza of Hacienda, San
Pedro, Tunasan. He resided in Biñan and
eventually elected as Goberna dorcillo of
the town. They were blessed with two
children, Juan and Clemente.

Juan Mercado– the grandfather of Jose was

also elected as Gobernadorcillo where he
was known by many as Kapitan Juan. He
married Cirila Alejandra, the daughter of
Siongco, Lamson’s grandson. They were
blessed with 12 children; the youngest was
Jose’s father; Francisco Mercado.

And now, let us go on to the Matrilineal

side of Rizal.

Rizal’s Matrilineal Descent

Eugenio Ursua– Doña Teodora’s great
grandfather who has a Japanese blood. He
married Benigna and they were blessed
with a daughter named Regina who was
married to a Chinese lawyer from
Pangasinan named Manuel de Quintos.
Brigida– one of the daughters of Eugenio (Students listening carefully)
Ursua who was married to Lorenzo Alberto
Alonso, a deputy for the Philippines in the
Spanish Cortes and was also a prominent
Spanish-Filipino mestizo of Biñan. They
were gifted with five children: Narcisa,
Manuel, Teodora, Jose, and Gregorio.

There were reasons why the descendants of

Jose’s parents did not use their last names
Lamco and Mercado. According to Craig,
the Lamco family was not used to take the
names of their godparents. He gave his boy
a name Sangley which had translated
meaning from that of Mercado are the
same. He believed that his surname would
be free him from discrimination from those
Chinese names because it will remind him
of his ancestry. In Jose’s letter to
Blumentritt, he explained him the reasons
why Rizal’s last name was used by him and
why others remained to use Mercado
because of the strong attachment of his

brother Paciano to Father Burgos who was

then believed to be the reason of the Cavite
mutiny. His brother told Jose to use Rizal
because it was safer and would not have
difficulty in his studies as his brothers (Students listening carefully)
associate him as Mercado. There were so
many Mercados in the Philippines who
were not related to them. Jose was the only
one using their last name Rizal. This is
perhaps why it appeared that Jose is an
illegitimate child.

Let us continue to Rizal’s Childhood.

Jose Rizal, just like Filipino boys, had

many beautiful memories of childhood. He
had a happy home filled with parental
affection, impregnated with family joys,
and sanctified by prayers. In the midst of
such peaceful, refined, God-loving family
he spent the early years of his childhood.

Calamba was a hacienda town which

belonged to the Dominican Order. It is a
picturesque town nestling on a verdant
plain covered with irrigated rice fields and
sugar-lands. A few kilometers to the south
looms is the legendary Mount Makiling in
somnolent grandeur. Beyond this mountain
is the province of Batangas. East of the

town is the Laguna de Bay. In the middle

lake towers is the storied island of Talim
(Students listening carefully)
and beyond it towards north is the distant
Antipolo, famous mountain shrine of the
miraculous Lady of Peace and Good
Voyage. In 1876 when he was 15 years
old and was a student in the Ateneo de
Manila he remembered his beloved town.
He wrote a poem Un Recuerdo A Mi
Pueblo (In Memory of My Town).

Earliest Childhood Memories

The first memory of Rizal, in his infancy,
was his happy days in the family garden.
Because he was frail, sickly, and
undersized child, he was given the most
tender care by his parents. His father built a
nipa cottage in the garden for him to play
during daytime. Another childhood
memory was the daily Angelus prayer.. By
nightfall, Rizal related, his mother gathered
all the children at the house to pray the
Angelus. With nostalgic feeling, he also
remembered the happy moonlit nights at
the azotea after the rosary. Recounting this
childhood experience, Rizal wrote: “Thus
my heart fed on somber and melancholy
thoughts so that even still a child, I already
(Students listening carefully)
wandered on wings of fantasy in the high
regions of the unknown. Jose owned a
pony and used it during his visit to some
beautiful scenery in his hometown. There
was a time, he was able to draw a flying
bird without elating his pencil from his
paper until the picture he drew was done.
He’s also good in drawing a horse chasing
a dog. His favorite play was molding
animal using clay and wax. Another happy
memory was his nocturnal walk together
with big black dog Usman (others called it
Berganza). He also used to play with the
doves of his neighbors. He was also good
in magic tricks performing magic lantern
exhibition, disappearing a coin, false
cutting a thin rope untying a handkerchief.
One time, he was playing with his friends,
his sisters giggled at him but he did not say
anything, instead he silently told them that
someday when he die, people will make
monuments and images of him.

Pilgrimage to Antipolo
On June 6, 1868, Jose and his father left for
Calamba to go on a pilgrimage to Antipolo,
in order to fulfill his mother’s vow which
was not made when Rizal was born. It was (Students listening carefully)
the first trip of Jose across Laguna de Bay
and his pilgrimage to Antipolo. He was
thrilled, as a typical boy should, by his first
lake voyage. It was his happiest trip. He did
not sleep the whole night as the casco

sailed towards the Pasig River because he

was awed by the magnificence of the
watery expanse and the silence of the night.
After praying at the shrine of the Virgin of
Antipolo, Jose and his father went to
Manila. The Hero’s First Sorrow The
Rizal children were bound together by the
ties of love and companionship. Their
parents taught them to love one another, to
behave properly in front of elders, to be
truthful and religious, and to help one
another. They affectionately called their
father Tatay, and mother Nanay. Jose was
jokingly called Ute by his brother and
sisters. The people in Calamba knew him
as Pepe or Pepito. Of his sisters, Jose loved
most little Concha (Concepcion). He was
one year older than Concha. He played
with her, and from her, he learned the
sweetness of brotherly love. Unfortunately,
Concha died of sickness in 1865 when he
was 3 years old. Jose, who was very fond
of her, cried bitterly to lose her. Devoted
Son of Church Young Rizal was a
religious boy. A scion of a Catholic clan, (Students listening carefully)
born and bred in a wholesome atmosphere
of Catholicism, and possessed of an inborn
spirit, Rizal grew up a good Catholic. At
the age of 3, he began to took part in the
family prayers. When he was five years

old, he was able to read haltingly the

family bible. He loved to go to church to
pray, to take part in novenas, and to join
the religious processions. It is said that he
was so seriously devout that he was
laughingly called Manong Jose by the
Hermanos and Hermanas Terceras. One of
the men he esteemed and respected in
Calamba during his boyhood was the
scholarly Father Leoncio Lopez, the town
priest. At the age of eight, Jose wrote a
Yes miss.
poem entitled “To My Fellow Children”
(Sa Aking Mga Kababata). This poem
revealed Jose’s dedication to his one’s
mother tongue, he resonated that those who
truly love their native language will surely Domingo Lamco
endeavor for freedom just like the birds
freely flying in the space above. Aside
from these beautiful memories, Jose Francisco and Josefa
experienced cruelty from the Spanish
soldier. He and his dog witnessed brutality
of the civil guards hurting some innocent Eugenio Ursua
people in the community. Jose in his
biography said that the violence committed
by the civil guards strongly affected him
which he promised to offer his life for his

E. Generalization
Did you understand class?

Alright! Let us have a recap.

He was Rizal’s great-great grandfather on

his patrilineal side. Who is he?

Who are the 2 children of Domingo Lamco

and Ines de la Rosa? (Students are listening and answering
Who is Doña Teodora’s great grandfather
who has a Japanese blood?

Who was the daughter of Eugenio Ursua

who was married to Lorenzo Alberto
Alonso, a deputy for the Philippines in the
Spanish Cortes and was also a prominent
Spanish-Filipino mestizo of Biñan?

Very Good! I am happy that you are

listening carefully to my discussions dear
F. Evaluation
Everybody get ½ sheet of paper. Let’s
have a quiz.

1. Jose Rizal had ___ sisters and one

(Students checking the papers)
2. The Mercado-Rizal family had also
________, Spanish, Malay and Negrito
blood aside from their Chinese blood.
3. Jose Rizal’s father was the ____of 13
children of Juan and Cirila Mercado.
4. Another happy memory was his
nocturnal walk together with big black dog
_________. 5. Jose and his father left for
Calamba to go on a pilgrimage to
6. _______ was the great grandfather of
(Student responds)
Jose. 7. Jose experienced cruelty from the
______________ soldier.
8. Jose was the only one using their last
name _____.
9. _______was Rizal’s great-great
grandfather on his patrilineal side

10. Jose was jokingly called __________

by his brother and sisters

Okay, please exchange your papers and we

will check your papers.
1. Nine
2. Japanese
3. youngest
4. Usman

5. Antipolo
Good bye and Thank you miss!
6. Francisco Mercado
7. Spanish
8. Rizal
9. Domingo Lamco
10. Ute

Who got perfect?

Very good then. I am glad to know that you

really listened to my discussion.

Since this is our last day of class, I would

like to Thank you all for your participation
and cooperation in my class!
I hope that one day; we will see each other

Before we separate ways, let us all stand up

and pray.
In the name of the Father, the Son, the
Holy Spirit… Amen!

Good bye and God Bless everyone!




Pagkatapos ng klase ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang

Pagkatapos ng klase ang mga ay inaasahang:

 . Naintindihan ang Wika

 . natukoy ang mga Kalikasan ng Wika at Teoryang pinagmulan ng Wika
 . Nakagawa ng Dayagram na naglalaman ng mga halimbawa ng iba’t- ibang
Teorya na pinagmulan ng Wika



A. Sanggunian: Akademiko sa wikang Filpino- Modyul
B. Iba pang kagamitang panturo: Laptop


A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Pagdadasal

Magsitayo ang lahat at tayo ay manalangin.

(Tumayo ang mga mag-aaral)
Sa ngalan ng Ama, ng Anak, ng Diyos,
Espiritu Santo …. Amen!

Bago umupo ang lahat. Paki ayos ang

(Ang mga mag-aaral ay aayusin ang
inyong mga upuan at pulutin ang mga kalat
kanilang mga upuan at pupulutin ang mga
sa ilalim.
kalat sa ilalim.)

2. Pagbati
Magandang umaga mga bata!
Magandang umaga binibining Castillo.

Kumusta naman kayo?

Mabuti naman po bb.

3. Pagtala ng Liban

Sino ba ang lumiban ngayun?

Wala po bb.

Wow! Mabuti naman kung gayon.

1. Pagbabalik aral
Noong nakaraan natalakay natin ang
tungkol sa Komunikasyon
Ano ba ang Komunikasyon? (Mga posibleng sagot ng mag-aaral)

Tama. Masaya ako sapagkat hindi ninyo

nalimutan ang ating diskusyon noong


Ang wika ay paraan ng pagpapahayag ng

Sa inyong palagay, ano ba ang Wika?
kuro-kuro at damdamin sa pamamgitan ng
mga salita upang makipag-unawaan sa

Mahalaga ang wika sapagkat ito ay

Bakit mahalaga ang Wika? ginagamit sa tuwing tayo ay nakikipag usap
sa kapwa-tao.

Tama! Magaling.

B. Pagtatalakay

(Ang guro ay tatalakayin ang Akademiko

sa Wikang Filipino)

Ang ating tatalakayin ngayon ay ang

tungkol sa Akademiko sa Wikang Filipino.

(Ang mga mag-aaral ay nakikinig ng

Ayon kay Jose Villa Panganiban, ang wika
mabuti sa diskusyon)
ay paraan ng pagpapahayag ng kuro-kuro at
damdamin sa pamamgitan ng mga salita
upang makipag-unawaan sa kapwa-tao. Ito
ay binubuo ng mga salita, parirala, at
pangungusap na may kahulugan.

Ayon kay Henry Gleason, ang wika ay

masistemang balangkas ng sinasalitang
tunog na pinipili at isinasaayos sa paraang
arbitraryo upang magamit ng mga taong
kabilang sa isang kultura.

May mga Kalisakan ang Wika at ito ay ang

mga sumusunod:

1. Ang wika ay may tunog

- Ang lahat ng wika ay may sariling tunog.
Ang bawat titik o simbolo ay may tunog at
kung pagsama-samahin nang maayos ay (Ang mga mag-aaral ay nakikinig ng

lumilikha ng mga salita na simbolo ng mabuti sa diskusyon)

kaisipan o ideya na gustong ipahayg.

2. Ang wika ay may sistema

- Lahat ng wika ay may sariling istruktura
o balangkas na sinusunod. May sariling
ponolohiya,morpolohiya, sintaks, pagbuo
ng salita, parirala at pangungusap.

3. Ang wika ay arbitraryo

- Ang bawat wika ay may kanya-kanyang
sariling paraan o sistema kung paano
gamitin. Nakakalikha ng sariling tatak na
pagkakilanlan na ikinaiba sa ibang wika,
halimbawa paano ito bigkasin, ang sistema
ng pagbabaybay o panghihiram.

4. Ang wika ay ginagamit

- Ang wika ay dapat gamitin upang
mapaunlad, pasalita o pasulat man upang
makaagapay sa panahon ng kanyang
kinalalagyan. Ang wika na hindi ginagamit
ay mawawala o makakalimutan.

5. Ang wika ay pinipili at isinasa-ayos

- Kinakailangang kilalanin kung sino ang
ating mga kausap o tagapakinig upang
maiangkop at mapili ang wika o salita na (Ang mga mag-aaral ay nakikinig ng
gagamitin upang maunawaan. Piliin ang mabuti sa diskusyon)
mga salita na nararapat ayon sa antas ng
pagkaunawa at damdamin ng kausap,
maging maingat sa mga salitang gagamitin.

6. Ang wika ay kaugnay sa kultura

7. Ang lahat ng wika ay nanghihiram

Ngayon naman ay ating tutukuyin ang mga

Teoryang pinagmulan ng Wika

Bibliya Genesis 11:1-9. “ Ang buong

daigdig ay may isang wika at isang paraan
ng pagsasalita. Isang bayan lamang sila na
may wika. Nagagawa nila ang anumang
planuhin nila. Halikayo at guluhin ang
kanilang wika upang hindi sila
Marahil ito ang pinaniwalaan ng
mga naniniwala sa Bibliya, lalo na ang mga
relihiyoso, at simula na ito ng di
pagkakaunawaan ng mga tao.

Maraming teorya na lumabas

tungkol sa pinagmulan ng wika na hindi pa
lubusang pinaniniwalaan ng mga
dalubwika gaya ng mga sumusunod.

1. Teoryang Ding-dong
- lahat ng bagay sa paligid ay
lumikha ng sariling tunog. Ang mga tunog (Ang mga mag-aaral ay nakikinig ng
na ito ang binigyan ng kahulugan ng mga mabuti sa diskusyon)
bagay. Ngunit marami sa kapaligiran ang
mga bagay na walang tunog.
Halimbawa: tunog ng tren
tiktak ng orasan

2. Teoryang yum-yum
- ang bawat kilos ng tao o anumang
bagay na tumutugon sa kumpas o galaw ng
kamay ng tao ay may kahulugan. Ang
bahagi ng pagtugon na ito ay ginagawa o
ginagaya ng bibig o dila na naging sanhing
paglikha ng tunog at di nagtagal naging
Halimbawa: pagkumpas ng maestro ng
3. Teoryang pooh-pooh
- ang mga tao ay natutong magsalita
dahil sa damdaming nararamdaman gaya
ng takot, tuwa, sakit, galak, lungkot,
pagkabigla, pag-iyak, pagtawa, sarap atiba
nasasabi ang Aray!, kung nasasaktan
Ay! nahulog o nabangga,
Hala! Kung nagagalit.
Wow! kung namamangha
4. Teoryang Bow-wow
- ayon sa teoryang ito, ang tao ay
nanggagaya sa tunog ng kalikasan. (Ang mga mag-aaral ay nakikinig ng
Halimbawa sa mga hayop,ang tahol ng aso mabuti sa diskusyon)
ay bow-wow, tinatawag na tuko ang tuko
ayon sa naririnig.
ang tunog ng kulog, kidlat,pagbagsak ng
ulan,lagaslas ng tubig sa talon, ay sinikap
ding tularan.
5. Teoryang yo-he-ho
- ayon sa teoryang ito, ang
pagsasalitang tao ay bunga ng puwersang
pangkatawan gaya ng tunog na nabibigkas
sa paglalaro ng karate, boksing, suntukan,
nalilikhang tunog na nalilikha kung
nagbubuhat ng mabigat.
Halimbawa: yaa!
pak! at iba pa
6. Teoryang ta-ta
- Ayon naman sa teoryang ito, ang
kumpas o galaw ng kamay ng tao na
kanyang ginagawa sa bawat partikular na
okasyon ay ginaya ng dila at naging sanhi
ng pagkatuto ng taong lumikhang tunog at
kalauna’y nagsalita. Tinatawag itong ta-ta
na sa wikang Pranses ay nangangahulugang
paalam o goodbye sapagkat kapag ang
isang tao nga namang nagpapaalam ay
kumakampay ang kamay nang pababa at
pataas katulad ng pagbaba at pagtaas na
galaw ng dila kapag binibigkas ang salitang

7. Teoryang Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay
- Likas sa mga sinaunang tao ang mga (Ang mga mag-aaral ay nakikinig ng
ritwal. Sila ay may mga ritwal sa halos mabuti sa diskusyon)
lahat ng gawain tulad ng sa pakikidigma,
pagtatanim, pag-aani, pangingisda,
pagkakasal, pagpaparusa sa
nagkasala, panggagamot, maging sa
paliligo at pagluluto. Kaakibat ng mga
ritwal na iyon ay ang pagsasayaw,
pagsigaw at bulong.
- Ayon sa teoryang ito, ang wika
raw ng tao ay nag-ugat sa mga tunog na Opo!
kanilang nililikha sa mga ritwal na ito na
kalauna’y nagpapabagu-bago at nilapatan
ng iba’t ibang kahulugan

C. Pangwakas na Gawain Ang wika ay paraan ng pagpapahayag ng

kuro-kuro at damdamin sa pamamgitan ng
Naintindihan ba ninyo ang ating leksyon mga salita upang makipag-unawaan sa
ngayong araw? kapwa-tao. Ito ay binubuo ng mga salita,
parirala, at pangungusap na may
Kung gayon ay magbalik tanaw muna tayo kahulugan.
mula sa ating diskusyon ngayun.
Ang wika ay masistemang balangkas ng
Ano ba ulit ang wika? sinasalitang tunog na pinipili at isinasaayos
sa paraang arbitraryo upang magamit ng
mga taong kabilang sa isang kultura.

Ang mga Kalikasan ng wika ay ang mga:

1. Ang wika ay may tunog
2. Ang wika ay may sistema
3. Ang wika ay arbitraryo
Ano pa?
4. Ang wika ay ginagamit
5. Ang wika ay pinipili at isinasa-ayos
6. Ang wika ay kaugnay sa kultura
Ano- ano ang mga Kalikasan ng Wika? 7. Ang lahat ng wika ay nanghihiram

Ang teoryang Yum-yu, ay ang bawat kilos

ng tao o anumang bagay na tumutugon sa
kumpas o galaw ng kamay ng tao ay may
kahulugan. Ang bahagi ng pagtugon na ito
ay ginagawa o ginagaya ng bibig o dila na
Magaling! naging sanhing paglikha ng tunog at di
nagtagal naging salita.
Ano ba ang Teoryang Yum-yum?
- ang mga tao ay natutong magsalita
dahil sa damdaming nararamdaman gaya
ng takot, tuwa, sakit, galak, lungkot,
pagkabigla, pag-iyak, pagtawa, sarap atiba

Ano naman ang Teoryang pooh-pooh?


(Ang mga mag- aaral ay nakikinig at

Sa palagay ko ay handa na kayo sa isang sumusulat ng kanilang mga sagot sa papel)

D. Pagsusulit

Kumuha ng sangkapat na papel at lagyan

ng inyung pangalan.

1. Ang bawat wika ay may kanya-kanyang

sariling paraan o sistema kung paano

2. Humihiram ang wika ng Fonema at

Mofena mula sa ibang bansa.

3. Ang wika ay paraan ng pagpapahayag ng

kuro-kuro at damdamin sa pamamagitan ng
mga salita upang makipag-ugnayan sa mga

4. Lahat ng bagay sa paligid ay lumikha ng

sariling tunog.

5. Ang mga tao ay natutong magsalita dahil

sa damdaming nararamdaman gaya ng
(Ang mga mag- aaral ay nakikinig at
takot, tuwa, sakit, galak, lungkot,
sumusulat ng kanilang mga sagot sa papel)
pagkabigla, pag-iyak, pagtawa, sarap atiba

6. Ayon sa teoryang ito, ang pagsasalitang

tao ay bunga ng puwersang pangkatawan
gaya ng tunog na nabibigkas sa paglalaro
ng karate, boksing, suntukan, nalilikhang
tunog na nalilikha kung nagbubuhat ng

7. Ang wika raw ng tao ay nag-ugat sa mga

tunog na kanilang nililikha sa mga ritwal
na ito na kalauna’y nagpapabagu-bago at
nilapatan ng iba’t ibang kahulugan.

8. Ang kumpas o galaw ng kamay ng tao

na kanyang ginagawa sa bawat partikular
na okasyon ay ginaya ng dila at naging
sanhi ng pagkatuto ng taong lumikhang
tunog at kalauna’y nagsalita.

9. Ayon sa teoryang ito, ang tao ay

nanggagaya sa tunog ng kalikasan.
Halimbawa sa mga hayop,ang tahol ng aso
ay bow-wow, tinatawag na tuko ang tuko
ayon sa naririnig. (susunod ang mga mag-aaral)

10. Ang wika ay masistemang balangkas

ng sinasalitang tunog na pinipili at
isinasaayos sa paraang arbitraryo upang
magamit ng mga taong kabilang sa isang

Pakipasa ang inyung mga papel sa harapan

at tayo ay mag tsitsek ng inyung mga sagot.

1.Ang wika ay Arbitraryo

2. Ang lahat ng wika ay humihiram
4. Teoryang Ding-dong
5.Teoryang Pooh-pooh Ako po bb.
6. Teoryang Yo-he-ho
7. Teoryang Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay
8. Teoryang Ta-ta
9. Teoryang Bow-wow
10. Wika

Sinong nakakuha ng mataas na iskor?

E. Takdang Aralin
Sa pamamagitan ng Dayagram, gumawa
ng mga halimbawa sa bawat Teoryang (Nagsitayo ang lahat)
pinagmulan ng Wika.
Isulat ito sa isang buong papel.

Paalam at Salamat po Bb. Castillo

Tapos na ba kayong kumupya sa inyong


Kung gayon ay magsitayo ang lahat at tayo

ay manalangin bago tayo umuwi.

Sa ngalan ng Ama, ng Anak, ng Diyos,

Espiritu Santo… Amen!

Paalam sa lahat!

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