Evidence 1 Contemporary World

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Read chapter 5 and 6 of your e-book and then develop your comparative
table, consider the following events in the 18th and 19th centuries:
a. Enlightenment
b. French Revolution
c. US Independence
d. Latin American revolutions ( two)
2. Study the topics in the module, analyze available resources, and prepare
to briefly describe each of the events from your point of view. You will
need to describe in detail the aspects you want to represent in your table,
paying special attention to the following:

description c
EVIDENC of the Causes Consequenc Prominent Historic ec
E1 movement es characters sites a
(Definition p
and dates) a

Enlighten  The  The  Individuali  Francis  Pantheon  T

ment Enlightenme Scientific sm touted Bacon: He  École de s
nt (also Revolution: above is Droit o
known as Had the mutual considered  Palais du (
the Age of same ideas accountab “the father Luxembur a
Reason) of the use ility. of g/Sénat r
was a of reason.  Caused empirism”,  Place de o
movement  The 30 religious also a key la s
made in years’ War. conflict. figure in the Concorde t
Europe This war Scientific  Saint- p
during the compelled Revolution. Sulpice o
17th and 18th German  Johannes  Saint e
century, writers to Kepler: Is Thomas  I
different pen harsh best known d-Aquin n
ideas about criticisms for his laws  Palais U
religion, regarding of planetary Burboun S
nature and the ideas of motion.  Saint-  F
humanity nationalism  Rene Germain R
gained and Descartes: des Prés  D
worldwide warfare. He made y
recognition These discoveries  H
along with authors, in Calculus R
that politics, such and  R
art and as Hugo Mathematic a
philosophy Grotius an s. r
had big d John  Sir Isaac
developmen Comenius, Newton: i
ts. The main were some He laid the  N
“thought” of the first foundation c
during Enlightenm for classical
enlightenme ent minds mechanics.
nt was the to go
use of the against
reason. The tradition
Enlightenme and
nt died out propose
in the 19th better
century solutions.
m was

French The French  The lack of  The  Louis XIV:  Remains  “

Revolutio Revolution rights of Reign of He was the of the D
n (1789-1799) the Terror. king when Bastille n
started French. This was the French  Place de R
because of  The a period Revolution la M
all the French of time started. He Concord C
changes Monarchy. during the was the e d
that The French main  La t
Enlightenme Monarchy Revolutio reason of Concierg m
nt brought, would often n were the e t
like use a big people economic  Palais de a
democracy, amount of that struggle Justice o
division of money on disagreed that is one  Palace of p
power, etc. things that with the of the main Versaille s
seemed ways reasons of s h
The people unnecessar things why people  The  T
overthrew y to the were were angry Bastille e
the third state handle led at the  Monume n
monarchy and caused would end governmen nt aux r
and took the anger and up killed. t. Girondin i
government. dissatisfacti  France  George s b
In this on. proceede Danton:  The t
revolution d to go One of the Panteon a
the people  Social through early (Paris) g
in France Inequality. many leaders of  Basilica p
got their It was different the French of St T
liberty and divided governm Revolution Denis t
freedom intro 3 ents, and is often  Fort t
and also Roman many of credited as Saint t
changed the Cathlic which leader of Jean t
political and Clergy, were the s
social French despotic overthrown c
structure of Nobility and and of the  T
France. the third dictatorial. monarchy. o
one that After the  Maximilien u
The was revolution Robespier s
Revolution composed and the re:One of w
ended when by Napoleoni the leaders t
with the merchants, c wars of the v
Rise of laborers French H
Napoleon and Revolution. b
and peasant He h
establishme that were instituted r
nt of the often the Reign c
French looked of Terror. e
Consulate. down to  Napoleon r
and was Bonaparte
also : He put an
excluded end to the
from Revolution
political when he
power. overthrew
 The Tax the
Burden the directory
third state and
was the established
one that the French
had to give Consulate.
a bigger
amount of
taxes and
were the
of the three
their way of
living and

US During the  Taxes: In  Financial  King  The  T

Independ 1760s and 1764, Loss: The George III: Freedom R
ence early 1770s British immense Ruled Trial e
the North imposed cost Great  Yorktown m
American new taxes would Britain Battlefield t
Colonists and laws. result in before,  Bunker e
were having The massive during and Hill o
differences colonists deflation after the Monumen n
with the disagreed and a American t o
British because valueless Revolution,  Paul e
Imperial they didn’t currency declared Revere a
Polices think they which also the House m
about taxes should pay lead to colonists in  Independ r
and the paxes economic rebellion. ence Hall  B
frontier because depressio  George (Philadelp r
policy. After they had no n. Washingto hia) T
some representat  Negative n: Leader  Old State m
problems ives in the Impact of the House s
the colonial British on American (Boston) b
government Parliament. commerc Army  Minute s
decided to  Boston e: during the Man c
resist to the Massacre: America Revolution Historical  V
British. During one lost a ary War Park S
protest in major  Thomas  Independ R
In 1775, Boston, trading Jefferson: ence F
Benjamin occurred a partner in He was the National J
Franklin fight and it Britain. principal Historical s
decided to ended with  Division writer of the Park p
hint to the colonists over the Declaration  Colonial h
French and killed. war: of National n
other  Boston Many Independe Park r
European Port Act: were nce.  Fraunces f
countries The british loyalist  Benjamin Tavern o
that they shut down whilst Franklin:  R
were the port of others He helped n
seeking Boston (for were write the G
independen trade). neutral, Declaration n
ce. On 1776 and of of c
the colonists course, Independe b
were others nce and p
considering were also
an alliance determine negotiated
with France. d to fight the end of
Later, the for the
congress freedom, Revolution
decided to these ary War.
assign difference  John
s led to Adams:
Thomas dissensio Helped
Jefferson a n and write the
draft of the dispute Declaration
Declaration during of
of and even Independe
Independen after the nce, helped
ce. The final war. with the
text of the Treaty that
Declaration ended the
of war.
ce was
adopted on
July 4,
had to wait
until 1778
Treaty of
Alliance with
France for a
of U.S.
Under the
terms of the
Treaty Of
Paris (which
ended the
ed its

Latin On  Bourbon  Economi  Miguel  Querétaro  T

American September Reforms: c Crisis: Hidalgo Y  Guadalaj a
revolution 16, 1810, The The war Costilla: ara d
1 Miguel bourbon of He  Chihuahu c
(Mexican Hidalgo Y reforms independe launched a a
Independ Costilla were nce would the famous  Ciudad p
ence) launched intendedto be very “Grito de de d
the Mexican limit the costly for Dolores”, México w
War of power of Mexico. lead a f
Independen Creoles The patriotic t
ce with “El and re- nation army r
Grito de establish was during the  T
Dolores” Spanish devastate first part of n
This was control over d and Independe w
calling for the impoveris nce. c
the end of colonies. hed, as its  José María n
the Spanish  Ideas main Morelos y t
Government brought to economic Pavón: He n
over Spain via activities joined  C
Mexico, the French (agricultur Miguel b
racial and The e, mining Hidalgo’s a
equality and Enlighten and army, he n
distribution ment. industrial gained i
of land. He  Taxes: The production almost all n
was also reforms ) were middle and c
followed by increased abandone south of
José María taxes and d by the Mexico.
Morelos y gave the workers,  Mariano
Pavón, military who went Matamoro
Vicente more to fight on s: He was
Guerrero power. the the priest
and Mariano  battlefield that was
Matamoros  Political pursued by
who all lead Crisis: the realists
armies During the because he
against the next 30 supported
Spanish. years, the
Mexico insurgents
In 1820, would after
liberals took have escaping,
power in about 50 he joined
Spain and rulers, the the realists.
the result of  Vicente
government these Guerrero:
promised military After
new coups. Morelos
reforms. In Between death he
1821 1821 and was the
Agustín de 1880, 61 leader of
Iturbide people general of
(leader of took over the
the Royalist) the insurgent
army, he
negotiated country; signed the
“El Plan de Other Proclamati
Iguala” with areas on of
Vicente such as Independe
Guerrero, in the nce with
that Plan, finance Agustín de
Mexico ministry Iturbide.
would be were led
established by 112
as an leaders
independent between  Agustín
constitution 1830 and Iturbide:
al monarchy 1863. He formed
and  A new the
Mexicans form of “Ejercito
with governm Trigarante”
Spanish ent: and
descent Antonio proclaimed
would be López de “El Plan de
considered Santa Iguala”,
as an equal Anna with
to the initiated a making
Spanish but movement posible the
the ones to annul Independe
who didn’t the nce of
would have monarchy Mexico.
less rights. and to
Iturbide was turn to
defeated Mexico in
and republic.
because he Iturbide
had no would
money, abdicate
provisions the throne
and troops in 1823.
he was
forced to
accept the
ce. On
August 24,
signed “El
Tratado de
Córdoba” in
ended New
on Old

Latin  The area  In 1806-  After  José de  Argentina  A

American we now 1807, independe San A
revolution know as Argentina's nce, Martín (17 s
2 Argentina independen Buenos 78-1850) i
(Argentin formed part ce Aires was A national n
e of the movement a major hero in o
Independ Viceroyalty began force in both A
ence) of Peru, when the the Argentina c
which had British region, and Peru, s
its capital in attacked and in 1811 f
Lima. Buenos strongme San Martín s
Aires. This n resigned t
In the 18th attack (caudillos) from his t
century, the provoked from the military S
Spanish two battles: surroundi career M
split the the Reconq ng fighting for 1
Viceroyalty uista and D provinces Spain in M
of Peru into efensa attempted Europe and l
two new  Also all to curb its Africa and a
viceroyalties over South power. returned to t
: New America, The his home a
Granada there was a internal country of t
and Río de general power Argentina o
la Plata. sympathy struggle to join the S
The for the lasted revolutionar S
Viceroyalty regency, until Juan y  S
of Río de la which was Manuel de movement. M
Plata, the Rosas be  Manuel b
established office gover came Belgrano ( a
in 1776 with ned by a governor 1770-1820) P
Buenos regent, or of Buenos Another w
Aires as its monarch. Aires one of y
capital, The claims Province. Argentina’s  a
encompass made by He libertadore c
ed modern- the people imposed s, Belgrano t
day were order and was an a
Argentina, rejected centralism important e
Uruguay, due to an from 1835 criollo in i
Bolivia, and interregnu until 1852, Buenos n
part of m. when the Aires who 
Brazil. forces of fought
Gen. against the
In the Justo two British
political José de invasions
structure Urquiza (1806 and
imposed by defeated 1807),
Spain, most him supported
of the  To the May
people the combat Revolution
monarchy this and served
chose to powerful in the
occupy coalition, Primera
important a middle- Junta,
positions class fought in
were penin party the
sulares, called the Argentinian
people born Radical war of
in Spain, Civic independen
which Union ce, and
angered (Unión created
the criollos, Cívica the flag of
Europeans Radical) Argentina i
born in Latin was n 1812.
America. formed.
This rivalry, The
along with Radicals
the ideas of stressed
the democrati
American c
and French practices
revolutions and
and the attempted
prohibition to expand
on trade the
with other political
nations and system
foreign beyond its
colonies, elite-
fueled the restricted
fire of the boundarie
criollos’ s.
desire for  The
social Radicals'
change. came to
fruition in
In part to 1916,
calm when
the rising Hipólito
tensions Yrigoyen
between was
the penins elected
ulares and president
the for a six-
criollos, the year term.
Junta of But little
Seville, changed
formed in for the
Spain after working
Napoleon’s classes.
invasion, Most
sent workers
peninsular could
Baltasar barely
Hidalgo de afford to
Cisneros to feed their
replace families
Liniers as during this
Viceroy of time,
Río de la despite
Plata in the
1809. tremendo
General us
Manuel affluence
Belgrano of the
encouraged upper
Liniers to class.
fight the Workers
appointment who
, but he sought to
decided not improve
to put up their
any working
resistance. conditions
On May suppresse
25, 1810 Ar d. A
gentina’s violent
first army
independent attack
government, striking
the Primera metalwork
Junta (First ers in
Assembly), 1919
was formed. came to
The stated be known
role of the as "La
Primera Semana
Junta was Trágica"
to rule the (The
viceroyalty Tragic
in name of Week).
the deposed Yrigoyen
Spanish sat out for
King a term,
Ferdinand and was
VII, but reelected
Spain would president
never regain in 1928,
control of but he
the region. didn't last
Today, May long. An
25 is a economic
public crisis
holiday in precipitate
Argentina d by the
that honors world
the Primer depressio
gobierno n led to a
patrio or the military
First coup in
National 1930.

The Primera
Junta was
formed by
ves from
Aires, who
sent word to
other cities
in the
and asked
them to
the other
main cities
refused to
e the new
and armed
the new
t and those
loyal to the
crown bega
n in 1810.

After years
of many
battles on
on July 9,
1816, the
Congress of
the indepen
dence of
the United
of the Río
de la
Plata from
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