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Patient Evaluation and 

Examination for Patients with
Suspected Salivary Gland Diseases

William Walsh Thomas
and Christopher H. Rassekh

Key Points focused and unique questioning and examina-

1. A careful history will often point to the likely tion. Once the necessary clinic history, examina-
etiology of a salivary disorder. tion, and confirmatory testing have been
2. Systemic conditions and prescribed medica- performed, the patient can be definitively treated
tions are frequent causes of salivary disorders. through a variety of medical, minimally invasive
3. Multigland swelling is usually secondary to endoscopic, or traditional open excisional
systemic conditions. approaches to accomplish gland preservation for
4. Salivary tumor must be considered in all cases numerous conditions. Each patient’s individual
of single gland swelling. pathology, comorbidities, and wishes will deter-
mine the appropriate course of action, but the
right path always begins with an accurate diagno-
Introduction sis established in the clinic.

The evaluation and examination of a patient pre-

senting with salivary pathology begin with a thor-  linical History: General Salivary
ough clinical history and subsequent physical Issues
examination. The differential diagnosis gener-
ated through clinical examination can be further The clinical evaluation of a patient begins in the
refined and narrowed to a specific diagnosis or office where a relationship of trust is formed
set of diagnoses leading to appropriate use of between the patient and physician. The clinical
radiologic imaging and laboratory testing guided history is taken in a broad manner that subse-
by signs and symptoms. This framework of clini- quently narrows to a focused history on the sali-
cal care is not unique to salivary pathology, but vary gland(s) or condition(s) in question. One
there are aspects of salivary disease that require mnemonic (“OLD CARTS”) to collect pertinent
information is found in Table 1.1. This mnemonic
allows the patient to elaborate on each symptom,
starting with the chief complaint and subse-
W.W. Thomas, M.D. • C.H. Rassekh, M.D. (*)
Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery,
quently each associated symptom in the history
Penn Medicine Sialendoscopy Program, of present illness. The clinical interview should
University of Pennsylvania, 5th Floor Silverstein, begin with open-ended questions. As the clinical
3400 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA scenario is sharpened in the clinician’s mind,
various close-ended, yes or no, questions can be

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018 3

M.B. Gillespie et al. (eds.), Gland-Preserving Salivary Surgery,
4 W.W. Thomas and C.H. Rassekh

Table 1.1 OLD CARTS: Clinical evaluation mne- used to differentiate various salivary pathologies.
monic for patient assessment from medical and nursing
A thorough understanding of the patient’s chief
school curricula—Example: “Doctor, my gland(s) is/are
swelling” complaint is crucial to the interview of the his-
tory of present illness. Properly understanding
O (Onset) Acute onset of swelling, onset
following any particular event (e.g., what the patient would like to be treated will help
meals or exertion); for acute the clinician to understand the patient’s expecta-
swelling, recent illness or surgery tions as well as the patient’s own understanding
should be elucidated as a common
or realization of their disease process. Once the
cause of acute sialadenitis
L (Location) Multiple gland swelling (bilateral
physician has begun the review of systems, the
parotid vs. multigland swelling vs. patient may be prompted to recall key informa-
hemifacial gland swelling) vs. tion for the chief complaint; it is important for
single gland or regional swelling— clinicians to have an established and routine sys-
floor of mouth or buccal surface
tem for evaluating new patients in order that all
D (Duration) Persistent swelling or waxing and
waning or progressive enlargement pertinent information may be documented and
C (Character) Firm vs. fluctuant swelling, focal vs. taken into full account. Clinicians can miss cru-
diffuse within 1 gland or region, is cial diagnostic information if they rely on heuris-
the swelling fixed or mobile, small tics to label a patient on the basis of a chief
or large relative to mouth or face complaint without subsequent review of systems.
A (Aggravating Worsened pain or purulence with
Less-experienced clinicians may lack the broad
factors) or palpation, worsened swelling with
(Associations) eating or speaking differential diagnosis known inherently by more
Associated with worsening taste in experienced clinicians in treating salivary gland
the mouth or pain with oral intake disease. This broad differential diagnosis and
Associated with other masses in the breadth of knowledge are the reason that attend-
neck ing physicians frequently have at least one fur-
Associated with any URI symptoms
ther question that the clinicians-in-training failed
or recent illnesses
Associated with voice change or
to elucidate during their initial interview.
difficulty speaking fluently Additionally, patients’ past medical, surgical,
Associated with fevers, myalgias, or prior treatment history and social history as well
other systemic signs as current medical conditions should be thor-
R (Relieving Do sialagogues, steroids, antibiotics, oughly queried for comorbidities with salivary
factors) or or warm compresses improve the health implications. An algorithm for salivary
(Radiation) swelling or have no effect at all
gland disease can begin with the separation of
Pain radiating to the ears, pain
radiating to the jaw, or worsening patients into cohorts of multigland pathology or
pain with clenching the jaw single gland pathology. Typically, systemic ill-
T (Timing) Temporal association with eating or nesses can present with multigland dysfunction
brushing teeth or using a specific and masses, or sialoliths present as single gland
oral product or device, timing
related to known risk factors such as
pathology. However, clinical scenarios are always
radiation therapy (XRT), radioactive more complicated than simple algorithms. For
iodine(RAI), or periods of example, a typical multiglandular pathology such
dehydration associated with illness as HIV can predispose patients to an increased
or stress
incidence of single gland pathology such as lym-
S (Severity) Severe to the point of airway
concerns due to obstruction or phoma of the parotid [1].
swelling Systemic illnesses that can cause multigland
Severity of pain to the point of dysfunction are listed in Table 1.2. Additionally,
dehydration and malnutrition in many medications taken chronically can cause
dry mouth and a representative sample is listed in
Severity of deformity (cosmetic)
Table 1.3.
1  Patient Evaluation and Physical Examination for Patients 5

Clinical history for the “dry mouth” patient. multiple medications and age-related decrease in
A clinical history focused on a patient who salivary production, are at particular risk for
presents with xerostomia should focus on con- xerostomia. Xerostomia can have significant
tributing factors such as found in Tables 1.2 and adverse effects on oral health, contributing to
1.3 as well previously attempted therapies and dental caries, worsening nutritional status, and
treatments. oral pain [3, 4]. Additionally, screening for
Xerostomia has significant impact on quality Sjögren’s syndrome should also be performed for
of life. The elderly, most frequently due to their at-risk patients presenting with the new com-
plaint of dry mouth and/or dry eyes. Dry mouth
followed by sore mouth and then dry eyes were
Table 1.2  Systemic illness with manifestations of sali- the most common initial complaints in patients
vary pathology
presenting with Sjögren’s syndrome [5]. It is
Sjögren’s syndrome (primary or secondary)
important to determine if the patient has current
Graft-versus-host disease
or past history with other medical specialties
Granulomatous diseases (tuberculosis, sarcoidosis),
e.g., Heerfordt’s syndrome
such as rheumatology or ophthalmology.
Bone marrow transplantation Questions about the use of ocular lubricants, arti-
Chronic renal dialysis ficial tears, and difficulty in dry climates can give
Malnutrition: bulimia, anorexia, dehydration insight into a patient with dry eyes. Additionally,
Cystic fibrosis quantitative testing such as Schirmer’s test and
Chemotherapy for systemic malignancy breakup test can be performed to assess for dry
Human immunodeficiency virus eyes [6]. Various questionnaires and scales have
Diabetes mellitus—particularly with poor control and been developed and validated for the assessment
polyuria of xerostomia, and these questionnaires are good

Table 1.3  Medications associated with xerostomia [2]

Anticholinergic Atropine, belladonna, benztropine, Muscle-relaxing Cyclobenzaprine,
antimuscarinic oxybutynin, scopolamine, agents orphenadrine, tizanidine
agents trihexyphenidyl
Diuretic agents Chlorothiazide, furosemide, Opioid analgesics Codeine, meperidine,
hydrochlorothiazide, triamterene methadone, tramadol
Antihypertensive Captopril, clonidine, clonidine/ Nonsteroidal Diflunisal, ibuprofen,
agents chlorthalidone, enalapril,guanfacine, anti-inflammatory naproxen, piroxicam
lisinopril, methyldopa agents
Antidepressants SSRIs: citalopram, fluoxetine, Others Anorexiants: diethylpropion
paroxetine, sertraline, venlafaxine (amfepramone), sibutramine
TCAs: imipramine, amitriptyline, Antiacne agents (retinoids):
desipramine, nortriptyline isotretinoin
MAOIs: phenelzine Anticonvulsants:
Others: bupropion, nefazodone, Antidysrhythmics:
mirtazapine disopyramide
Antipsychotics Astemizole, brompheniramine, Anti-incontinence agent,
chlorpheniramine, diphenhydramine, anticholinergics: tolterodine
loratadine, meclizine Antiparkinsonian agents:
Antihistamines Astemizole, brompheniramine, carbidopa/levodopa
chlorpheniramine, diphenhydramine, Ophthalmic formulations:
loratadine, meclizine brimonidine (alpha-2
Anxiolytics Alprazolam, diazepam, flurazepam, adrenergic agonist)
temazepam, triazolam
6 W.W. Thomas and C.H. Rassekh

tools to quantify patients’ complaints in the Additionally, HIV, Sjögren’s syndrome, and RAI
office. Questionnaires on various aspects of therapy are additional causes of bilateral parotid
­history can often be given to patients in the office pathology. Sarcoidosis can also mimic Sjögren’s
prior to being seen by the physician as a way to syndrome by inducing dry mouth, dry eye, and
preliminarily gather data and make clinic man- parotid gland enlargement. Concern should be
agement more efficient. One such questionnaire raised should the patient have fever and possible
by Sreebny and Valdini utilized the question facial nerve weakness as a rare form of sarcoid-
“does your mouth usually feel dry,” which was osis known as Heerfordt’s syndrome may be
found to have a negative predictive value of 98% present [6]. Sarcoidosis usually is painless and
and a positive predictive value of 54% as well as may present with focal masses (granulomas) as
a sensitivity of 93% and specificity of 68% for well as diffuse swelling. Further work evaluation
hyposalivation [7]. of sarcoidosis should include other organ sys-
Common to many patients with xerostomia is tems that may be affected, particularly the pul-
the presentation of bilateral parotid swelling. The monary system.
“swelling” as presented by the patient may be For all patients with swelling that seems
focal or generalized, and Table 1.4 illustrates a associated with inflammatory disease, details
differential diagnosis for bilateral parotid swell- of prior episodes of acute sialadenitis should be
ing. Bilateral salivary gland swelling is usually obtained. Patients who have had severe infections
due to a systemic process, infection, inflamma- or abscesses are likely to have scarring in the
tory, or autoimmune. The diagnosis often depends area of the gland which will make management
on the presence or absence of xerostomia. The of their condition more difficult. The clinician
most common cause of viral infection of the sali- should be aware of this increased risk and should
vary glands is that of the parotid by the mumps accordingly counsel the patient that gland pres-
virus. The incidence of mumps dropped signifi- ervation may be more difficult in such situations.
cantly from up to 300,000 cases annually prior In addition, patients with systemic illnesses, par-
to widespread vaccination in 1967 to 1223 ticularly those that compromise their immune
cases reported in 2014. The mumps infection system (such as diabetics, post-organ transplan-
can be unilateral but is usually bilateral and has tation, and patient receiving chemotherapy), may
a viral prodrome before the parotitis ensues [8]. be less suited to conservative gland-preserving
approaches because open gland removal may be
simpler, faster, and more effective. Additionally,
Table 1.4 Differential diagnosis of bilateral parotid
swelling failed conservative gland-preserving approaches
may put these patients with potential preexist-
Focal masses Papillary cystadenoma
lymphomatosum (Warthin’s ing comorbidities at risk of other significant
tumor)—most common benign complications.
Acinic cell carcinoma—most Furthermore for single gland “swelling,” a
common malignant general knowledge of the epidemiology of sali-
Benign lymphoepithelial cysts vary tumors benign and malignant is important to
(BLEC)—pathognomonic for HIV
know. The parotid gland is the most common
salivary gland to have a mass lesion.
Diffuse swelling/ Sjögren’s syndrome
systemic illness Approximately 70% of salivary tumors arise
from the parotid, but it is the least likely salivary
Suppurative parotitis gland for any given mass lesion to be malignant.
IgG4 disease formally Mikulicz’s Only, approximately, 15% of parotid masses are
disease [6] malignant. Submandibular gland tumors are
Anorexia or bulimia approximately 10% of salivary tumors, and
Chronic infectious state—HIV, approximately 35% are malignant. Conversely,
HCV minor salivary gland masses make up the remaining
1  Patient Evaluation and Physical Examination for Patients 7

20% of salivary masses, but the percentage of Submandibular/Sublingual-Specific

malignancy is significantly higher, 50–70%. History
Additionally, pain as a presenting symptom for
salivary masses is an ominous sign as it is more A clinical history for a patient presenting with
frequently associated with malignancy than pain or a mass in the submandibular region will
benign tumors; however, only 10% of patients include the general otolaryngologic examination,
with salivary tumors report pain as a significant but special attention will focus on sialolithiasis.
symptom [9]. Pain is much more frequently Eighty percent of salivary stones arise from the
reported with infectious or obstructive salivary submandibular gland with the remaining 20%
disease. Benign salivary masses are slow grow- from the parotid gland. Rarely, sialolithiasis may
ing and usually painless; rapid increase in size of occur in the sublingual gland or minor salivary
a long-standing salivary gland mass should raise glands. The asymmetric distribution of sialoliths
concern for malignant change, cystic degenera- is attributed to the submandibular gland’s more
tion, or superinfection. Table 1.5 represents pos- alkaline saliva, higher content of calcium and
sible social determinants, prior medical phosphorous, and higher mucous content.
treatments, and occupational hazards, which can Sialolithiasis is more common in chronic sialad-
increase the risk of salivary malignancy. enitis, and sialoliths are only weakly associated
with the systemic diseases gout and hyperpara-
thyroidism, primary and secondary [16, 17].
Table 1.5  Exposure, lifestyle, or prior treatment and
Stone size, orientation of long axis, and shape
salivary malignancy
have been found important in the feasibility of
Alcohol No conclusive literature on alcohol
endoscopic removal alone [18]. Additionally, the
consumption and salivary gland
malignancy or tumors risk factors, which are common to chronic sialad-
Cigarette Not associated with malignant salivary enitis, are also common to sialolithiasis, and so
smoking neoplasm the two are often seen together: dehydration,
Strongly associated with Warthin’s xerostomia, and salivary duct stricture. These
tumor [10] conditions cause salivary stasis, which subse-
Occupational 2.5-fold elevated risk of salivary quently leads to a nidus of inorganic calcium
silica cancer [11]
salts and then sialolith formation.
Nitrosamine Elevated risk of salivary cancer [12]
exposure One condition, which occurs much more fre-
Radiation 4.5-fold elevated risk salivary quently in the sublingual gland, is the formation
exposure malignancy with an 11-year latency of a ranula. The pathophysiology of a ranula
period involves the rupture and scarring of the main duct
39-fold higher incidence of salivary of Rivinus or an accessory duct with subsequent
gland malignancy in survivors of
childhood cancer with radiation to the formation of a mucocele in the anterior floor of
head and neck [13] the mouth. If the mucocele subsequently expands
2.6-fold elevated risk of benign posterior and inferior to the mylohyoid muscle,
salivary tumors with a 21.5-year the patient may present with a neck mass in the
level IB; this is known as a plunging ranula [19].
Radioactive Dose-dependent complaint of dry
iodine therapy mouth in 16% of a cohort and
The ranula has a characteristic cystic appearance
decreased salivary production and location in the anterior floor of the mouth;
following I-131 treatment at clinically the patient will present with pain and
5 years [14] particularly with a plunging ranula; the pain can
Elevated risk of secondary primary be exacerbated with neck rotation. Mucoceles
salivary malignancy following
radioactive iodine therapy for may also arise from minor salivary glands, and in
well-differentiated thyroid the floor of mouth, they may be difficult to distin-
carcinoma—11-fold higher in study guish clinically from sublingual gland ranula
cohort than standard cohort [15] (Fig. 1.1). Additionally, cross-sectional imaging
8 W.W. Thomas and C.H. Rassekh

ative to evaluate thoroughly, and imaging will

come into play for further work-up of ranula and
cystic salivary gland and neck masses. In some
parts of the world, it has been postulated that
ranula is associated with HIV infection, so this
should be considered. In a series of 113 patients
with oral mucocele from South Africa, 38 patients
had plunging ranulas, and 36 of these patients
were HIV positive. The conclusion from these
series suggests that HIV-positive patients are
more likely to present with ranula or plunging
ranula than the general population, but no mecha-
nism of causality has been elucidated [21].
Fig. 1.1  Patient with a left submandibular duct mucocele
due to duct obstruction after gland excision. Pale cystic
appearance is common to ranula and mucocele lesions. Parotid-Specific History
Minor salivary gland mucocele and sublingual gland ran-
ula would produce a similar appearance
The clinical history for a patient with a mass of
the parotid gland should begin with the standard
of a patient presenting with a cystic neck mass, otolaryngologic interview as described above,
clinically suspicious for plunging ranula, but but a few additional parotid-specific clinical
without the anterior floor of mouth lesion, may pearls should be obtained. The superficial portion
reveal a submandibular mucocele. In these cases, of the parotid gland contains on average 10–20
the submandibular gland should be addressed as lymph nodes, and the clinical history should help
opposed to the sublingual gland [20]. In addition to determine the risk of a primary parotid tumor
to plunging ranula, the differential diagnosis for a as opposed to a metastatic lymph node within the
cystic neck mass is very large; the clinician parotid. Specifically, sun exposure, the use of sun
should ensure that malignancy in the form of protection, and prior occupation should be dis-
regional metastatic neck metastasis is not present cussed in order to obtain a general risk for skin
in all cases prior to assuming a benign etiology. cancer and subsequent parotid metastasis.
Other benign cystic neck masses include but are Patients should be asked about any history of
not limited to lymphatic malformations, brachial prior cutaneous malignancy of the face, neck, or
cleft cysts, thyroglossal duct cysts, and many oth- scalp. Additionally, a thorough evaluation of
ers. A unique clinical pearl for the diagnosis of hearing and ear function should be obtained to
lymphatic malformations is the enlargement or assess for a primary otologic malignancy pre-
history of enlargement with bending over, strain- senting with parotid metastasis. Simultaneously,
ing, or Valsalva, as central venous pressure is assessment for otitis media or hearing loss should
raised, lymph is not able to drain from the mal- be performed as deep lobe parotid masses can
formation, and it may thus enlarge. Many patients obstruct the Eustachian tube in the prestyloid
with lymphatic malformations and lymphangio- compartment of the parapharyngeal space. Any
mas present without symptoms with incidental neurological symptom should be investigated
imaging findings, but others are quite bothered thoroughly to rule out cranial neuropathy.
by the lesions either due to pain, deformity, or the As discussed above about bilateral parotid
concern about a more dangerous diagnosis. In masses, HIV is a common cause of bilateral lym-
such cases, removal of the lesion may be required phoepithelial cysts (BLEC). There are multiple
such as in the case shown in Fig. 1.1. Because additional effects of HIV upon the salivary
tumors of the sublingual gland and minor sali- glands. Patients can present with painless diffuse
vary gland origin are often malignant, it is imper- bilateral glandular swelling, most commonly of
1  Patient Evaluation and Physical Examination for Patients 9

the parotid. Cystic lesions within the parotid Table 1.6  Otolaryngologic review of systems by ana-
tomic subsite
gland should undergo fine needle aspiration to
confirm a diagnosis of BLEC as opposed to Ears Yes or no: hearing loss, tinnitus,
drainage, otalgia, trauma, prior surgery
Kaposi’s sarcoma or lymphoma. BLEC typically
Eyes Yes or no: vision loss, double vision,
presents early following contraction of pain with eye movement
HIV. Additionally, patients presenting with cystic Nose Yes or no: congestion, epistaxis,
mass lesions of the parotid should undergo sero- rhinorrhea, sneezing, prior surgery
logic testing for HIV if the diagnosis of BLEC is Oral cavity Yes or no: nonhealing ulcers,
confirmed, as its presence is pathognomonic. If a dysarthria, bleeding, pain, loose teeth,
patient with BLEC develops constitutional symp- untreated caries
Oropharynx Yes or no: referred otalgia, trismus,
toms such as fever, night sweats, or weight loss
throat pain, dysphagia, odynophagia
with concurrent rapid enlargement of one or both Nasopharynx Yes or no: nasal obstruction, unilateral
parotids, assessment for malignant lymphoma- serous otitis media, neck mass, cranial
tous degeneration should take place urgently. nerve palsy
Additional clinical evidence of malignancy is Larynx Yes or no: muffled voice, hoarseness,
characterized by induration, mass fixation, pain, sore throat, respiratory distress, noisy
and facial nerve palsy [22]. In general, parotidec-
Neck Yes or no: lumps, tenderness, scars,
tomy is not required for BLEC; needle aspiration swelling, prior surgery
with sclerotherapy can help patient with symp- Salivary Yes or no: swelling, foul tastes in the
toms of pressure and disfigurement and avoid mouth, xerostomia, pain, prior surgery
gland removal [22]. Skin Yes or no: history of skin cancer, prior
In addition to the focused history of present Mohs surgery, other surgery
illness as described, a thorough otolaryngologic Constitutional Yes or no: unintentional weight loss,
fever, chills, night sweats, pauses
review of systems is important due to the fre- during sleep
quent association of other conditions and find-
ings with salivary gland pathology.
A sample of an otolaryngologic review of sys- each of the following subcategories. In an evalu-
tems by subsite is provided in Table 1.6 for ation of a patient presenting with xerostomia,
reference. several characteristic signs of the physical exam
may be noted in Table 1.8. Additionally, see
Fig.  1.2 as an example of a patient xerostomia
Physical Examination and parotid dysfunction secondary to radiation
treatment. The face and neck skin should also be
We recommend a complete head and neck exami- specifically evaluated for the presence of scars as
nation and general examination for all new patients may forget to report prior surgery given
patients who come to our clinic, including sali- neurologic comorbidities or fixation on current
vary gland disorders. It is remarkable how often issue or having undergone the surgery by differ-
related and unrelated abnormalities are found by ent specialist such as endocrine or oral surgery as
doing so. A physical exam template for items to opposed to otolaryngology or vice versa.
be evaluated is shown in Table 1.7.

Submandibular Gland-Specific
General Salivary Pathology Examination

A comprehensive head and neck evaluation is The submandibular gland is located in the sub-
typically performed on all patients with salivary mandibular space, which is inferior to the
function issues or masses of the salivary glands. ­mylohyoid muscle (superficial lobe, deep lobe is
Specific issues to be addressed are presented in posterior and superior to mylohyoid), lateral to
10 W.W. Thomas and C.H. Rassekh

Table 1.7  General head and neck exam for salivary Table 1.8  Physical exam characteristics of a dry mouth
gland disease
Vitals HR, BP, RR, O2 saturation—check at Application of a mirror to the tongue or buccal mucosa
each clinical encounter without the ability to slide—sticking to mucosal
Head Signs of trauma, deformity surfaces
Face Scars, deformity, or asymmetry No pooling of saliva in the floor of the mouth
Eyes Irritation, vision, asymmetry Frothy saliva if present
Ears Tympanic membranes, canals, pinna, Loss of papilla on the dorsal tongue
hearing Polished or glass-like appearance of the palate
Nose Nose: septum, evidence of Deep fissures of the dorsal tongue
granulomatous disease More than two teeth with caries at the junction of the
Oral cavity Oral cavity: dentition, gingiva, lips, root cementum and enamel crown—cervical caries
buccal mucosa, tongue, floor of the Sticking of debris to the mucosa of the palate
mouth, palate (look for normal
architecture, edema, erythema,
leukoplakia, ulceration, desquamation,
exudates, scars, nodularity to
palpation), TORI, fissured tongue,
moisture (see also Table 1.9)
Oropharynx Oropharynx: tonsils, asymmetry, other
Nasopharynx Nasopharynx: abnormal lesions,
masses, or drainage
Hypopharynx Hypopharynx: lesions, edema, pooling
Larynx Larynx: vocal cord mobility, lesions,
voice quality
Neck Neck: suppleness, presence of any
edema, masses or tenderness, or scars
Skin Skin: warm, dry, and normal color
Fig. 1.2  Left parotid papilla in a patient who underwent
Salivary Salivary glands: enlargement of one or
prior radiation therapy; note the dry-appearing oral
glands more glands, focal masses, size,
mucosa, telangiectasias of the buccal mucosa, and ery-
number and characteristics, tenderness,
thema and edema of the papilla itself. Note that there are
duct orifice (should have free flow of
also fissured tongue and dental caries
saliva × 4; scant saliva or abnormal
saliva should be noted)
Lymphatic Lymphatic: any lymphadenopathy for patency and ability to accommodate dilation
Endocrine Endocrine: thyroid nodules, and possible instrumentation. The regional nerves
tenderness, scars are assessed for functionality: the lingual nerve,
Neuro Neuro: CN II–XII, focal deficits taste and touch sensation to the anterior two-­
Ext/Vasc Ext/Vasc: evidence of systemic thirds of the tongue; the marginal mandibular and
illnesses cervical branches of the lower division of the
Respiratory Any distress, increased work of
facial nerve, symmetry of the smile; and hypo-
glossal nerve, motion of the tongue. Additionally,
the facial artery may be palpated as it crosses the
the anterior belly of the digastric muscle, poste- mandible immediately anterior to the masseter
rior and medial to the body and parasymphysis of muscle. The functionality of these nerves in con-
the mandible, and deep to the superficial layer of junction with the mobility and firmness of a sub-
deep cervical fascia. Examination of the gland is mandibular mass can give evidence to a benign or
performed with bimanual palpation of the floor malignant pathology.
of the mouth and skin overlying the level IB Masses of the submandibular gland may be pri-
region of the neck. Additionally, Wharton’s duct mary tumors of the gland or metastatic lymph
is palpated, and the quality and quantity of saliva nodes to level IB of the neck, which also contains
are assessed. The papilla is specifically assessed the submandibular gland. Level IB is at significant
1  Patient Evaluation and Physical Examination for Patients 11

risk for metastases from the following aerodiges- the sialolith if it is anterior or posterior to the
tive subsites: oral cavity, oropharynx, anterior crossing of the lingual nerve, respectively. This
nasal cavity, major and minor salivary gland can- examination can be made significantly more dif-
cers, and cutaneous malignancy [23]. ficult by the presence of mandibular tori; see
Physical examination of the submandibular Fig.  1.3a, b. These benign, typically bilateral,
gland for sialolithiasis includes assessment of the bony growths on the medial side of the parasym-
papilla and the duct. It is important to note physeal mandible can obstruct access to the bilat-
whether a sialolith within Wharton’s duct in the eral Wharton’s ducts.
floor of mouth is palpable. If so, a more precise The presence of mandibular tori or other
localization of the stone is possible. Generally, abnormalities of the mandible including denti-
more distal stones are easier to manage; see tion that is sloped toward the floor of mouth
Fig.  1.3a for an example of a distal extruding (Fig.  1.4b) should be considered before any
sialolith from the left submandibular duct and transoral approach to Wharton’s duct or the sub-
Fig. 1.3b for an example of a hematoma from a mandibular gland, as access and space will be
left submandibular sialolith. Additionally, this limited. Additionally, the anterior floor of the
assessment in conjunction with the known course mouth should be assessed for oro-ductal fistula
of the lingual nerve may indicate how challeng- or scarring or other forms of trauma to the duct
ing transoral combined approach for excision of from stone extrusion or prior manipulation which

Fig. 1.3 (a) Left

a b
bilateral mandibular tori
that impede transoral
access to the bilateral
Wharton’s ducts. (b)
Left submandibular duct
with a sialolith and
obstructive edema and
erythema; bilateral
smaller tori also noted
but access to the papilla
is still feasible

a b c

Fig. 1.4 (a–c) Three patients with submandibular papilla papilla with tall sloping dentition, which increases the dif-
or duct findings: Left—stone extruding from left subman- ficulty of transoral removal. Right—hematoma and edema
dibular duct deep to the papilla with obstructive findings. of left submandibular duct due to obstructive sialolith
Middle—sialolith in the right Wharton’s duct at the
12 W.W. Thomas and C.H. Rassekh

Table 1.9  Potential laboratory evaluations for salivary pathology

Infectious Rheumatologic [30] Neoplasm
CBC with differential to assess Concern for Sjögren’s CBC—assess for white blood cell count
for severity of infection and syndrome—70% positive anti-SSA, for possible lymphoma or leukemia with or
immunologic response 35% positive anti-SSB, 50–75% without cytopenias
positive for rheumatoid factor
CMP—to assess for electrolyte Concern for SLE—60% positive for LDH—patient with salivary mass and neck
status prior to interventions or anti-dsDNA, 30–50% positive for lymphadenopathy with a known melanoma
contrasted radiologic studies anti-histone or history of melanoma excision; positive
Coagulation studies—prior to Drug-induced SLE—95% positive for parotid lymph nodes for cutaneous
any surgical intervention anti-histone melanoma are at least stage 3
Scleroderma—ANA pattern: nucleolar
(diffuse) and centromere (CREST),
30% positive for anti-Scl 70
ESR and CRP—assess for general
level of inflammation of the body

can be caused by sialolithiasis or its treatment canal, laterally is the parapharyngeal space, and
and can sometimes be used for access to the duct inferiorly is the mandibular ramus. Schematically,
but may also cause difficulties for subsequent the parotid gland is separated into the deep and
sialendoscopy [24]. Palpable stones can often be superficial lobe by a plane containing the retro-
managed simply by a direct approach both in the mandibular vein and facial nerve. Parotid tissue
proximal and distal duct because they help local- can be found medially in the parapharyngeal
ize the position of the duct incision. Finally, the space if the parotid moves through the styloman-
clinician should be very wary of infectious cases dibular tunnel. For benign neoplasms, location of
involving the bilateral submandibular spaces. the tumor may predict feasibility of gland-­sparing
This presentation, known as Ludwig’s angina, can surgery. For example, partial superficial paroti-
quickly lead to respiratory distress as the edema dectomy may be feasible for tumors isolated to
and inflammation of the bilateral submandibu- the tail of the parotid, but similar-sized lesions
lar spaces will push the tongue posteriorly and located in proximity to the duct may require total
superiorly and obstruct the oropharyngeal airway parotidectomy. Lesions in the deep lobe may be
[25]. Clinicians should be aware that nodules of managed with preservation of the superficial
the lip or buccal mucosa may be neoplasms and lobe. Following the general examination of the
that sialoliths do occasionally present in minor head and neck, the specific examination of the
salivary glands as well. Mucoceles are also quite parotid gland includes palpation of the gland
common (see discussion of ranula above). itself, overlying skin, as well as the soft tissues of
the neck and bimanual palpation of the buccal
space. Additionally, Stensen’s duct should be pal-
Parotid-Specific Examination pated for masses and the quality and quantity of
the saliva from the papilla. If even a small amount
Knowledge of the regional anatomy of the parotid of saliva can be seen from the papilla, the duct is
gland is important for the clinician to be able to likely to be accessible with sialendoscopy.
understand the consequences of various mass and Evaluation of sialolithiasis within Stensen’s duct
inflammatory lesions. The parotid gland has its should focus on the size of sialolith, which is typi-
own fibrous capsule, which is continuous with cally smaller than submandibular stones [26], and
the superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia. on the location of the sialolith. If the stone is deep
The gland is located in the parotid space which to the masseteric turn, which is a sharp curve,
has the following boundaries: superiorly is the Stensen’s duct forms as it turns into the buccal
zygomatic arch, posteriorly is the external ear mucosa; the sialolith may be more difficult to
1  Patient Evaluation and Physical Examination for Patients 13

evaluate and remove [27]. Additionally, patients due to bulimia nervosa, electrolyte abnormalities
with obstructive complaints of the parotid should in the form of hypochloremia and hypokalemia
be assessed for masseter hypertrophy as this can may be found [31].
cause kinking of Stensen’s duct and acute
obstruction of the gland [28]. Patients who have Conclusion
undergone radioactive iodine ablation or who The examination of a patient with salivary
have Sjögren’s syndrome often have ductal ste- pathology begins with a thorough clinical his-
nosis and mucus plugging in addition to xerosto- tory, which in most cases should establish a
mia. This may be bilateral, but often one gland is diagnosis. This diagnosis can then be tested
most symptomatic, and the parotid glands are with the physical examination and subsequently
more often affected than the submandibular. For proven with laboratory and radiologic testing.
Sjögren’s syndrome, marked asymmetry should Given the importance of salivary functioning
prompt concern about lymphoma of the parotid in daily life, patients with compromised func-
that may arise in these patients. A full assessment tioning are quick to present for medical treat-
of the facial nerve is also important for consider- ment, and they will often be able to provide
ation of parotid masses as gland preservation will in-depth details of their condition. Conversely,
likely be impossible when the nerve is clinically salivary pathology that does not impact func-
involved, and patients should be counseled that tion may take months or years to be noticed
even with facial nerve sacrifice, the prognosis is by the patient and brought to the attention of a
adversely affected by nerve involvement [29]. A medical provider. Most patients have very little
thorough examination of the entire scalp, face, understanding of salivary glands, and patient
and neck is crucial to identify any potential skin education is a part of the evaluation process for
cancers, which may have regional metastasis to many conditions. The subsequent treatment of
the parotid. Patients with pain and/or perceived the salivary pathology established via clinical
swelling around the parotid gland may have history and physical exam is highly varied and
pathology of surrounding structures such as the in some cases changing rapidly with new tech-
mandible or dentition so these should be evalu- niques. The rapidly evolving domain of gland-
ated if the history and physical examination are preserving salivary gland management, which
not otherwise suggestive of salivary gland will be reviewed in subsequent chapters in this
pathology. text, impacts patients with neoplasms, duct
obstruction, and functional impairment due to
local or systemic diseases. As new treatments
Laboratory Studies become available, the clinician must update
his or her clinical interviewing methods to
The full work-up for individuals presenting with screen for applicability of the latest techniques
salivary complaints or masses will often include in order to provide the best care possible for
laboratory and radiologic testing: see further the patient.
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