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3 Biotech (2021) 11:350


Biotechnology‑based microbial degradation of plastic additives

Rob T. Lumio1 · Mario A. Tan2,3 · Hilbert D. Magpantay1 

Received: 6 November 2020 / Accepted: 6 June 2021 / Published online: 21 June 2021
© King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology 2021

Plastic additives are agents responsible to the flame resistance, durability, microbial resistance, and flexibility of plastic
products. High demand for production and use of plastic additives is associated with environmental accumulation and
various health hazards. One of the suitable methods of depleting plastic additive in the environment is bioremediation as it
offers cost-efficiency, convenience, and sustainability. Microbial activity is one of the effective ways of detoxifying various
compounds as microorganisms can adapt in an environment with high prevalence of pollutants. The present review discusses
the use and abundance of these plastic additives, their health-related risks, the microorganisms capable of degrading them,
the proposed mechanism of biodegradation, and current innovations capable of improving the efficiency of bioremediation.

Keywords  Plastic additive biodegradation · Microbial remediation · Health risk of plastic additives

Introduction who depend on these water resources to biotoxicity (Hossain

et al. 2014). In addition, insoluble pollutants accumulate in
In modern-day society, the environment has been the “sink” the soil, harming soil-dwelling organisms.
of man-made wastes mostly comprised of plastics. The total Mismanaged plastic waste is also a global environmen-
virgin plastics that have been produced up to date is 8300 tal problem. The estimated amount of mismanaged plastic
million metric tons for which only 9% have been recycled or wastes that entered the ocean is 4.8–12.7 million metric tons
reprocessed into secondary material, 12% have been inciner- per year (Law et al., 2020; Jambeck et al. 2015). Aside from
ated and 79% have accumulated in landfills and the natural microplastics that could influence biogeochemical cycles
environment (Nelsen, et al. 2020; Geyer et al. 2017). (Guzzetti et al. 2018), plastic fragments impose a great dan-
Landfilling is the simplest, cheapest, and most cost- ger to marine life (Koelmans et al. 2013). Intoxication of
efficient way of waste disposal. In the U.S., 292.4 million microplastics by aquatic microorganisms may impose a risk
metric tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) were generated to higher organisms that tend to feed on them. Plastic frag-
in 2018, wherein 35.4% were used for recycling and energy ments include plasticizers, monomers and oligomers that are
recovery and 50% were left discarded for which 12.2% gradually released to the environment (hereafter referred as
were plastics (EPA, 2021). Plastic refuse, in the long term, ‘additives’). These additives displayed high toxicity even
releases its decomposition by-products that infiltrates ground at nanomolar concentration (Koch and Calafat 2009; Oehl-
water resources. Groundwater near landfill sites exhibit mann et al. 2009; Teuten et al. 2009).
higher concentration of organic pollutants, exposing those Several remediation technologies were offered to deplete
plastic additive pollution in the environment. Physical reme-
diation performs treatment by separating the pollutant from
* Hilbert D. Magpantay the contaminated zone and concentrating it in a collection reservoir (Fox 1996). Physical treatment exhibits high per-
Chemistry Department, De La Salle University, 2401 Taft
centage collection of pollutants from the medium, however,
Avenue, 0922 Manila, Philippines additional treatment is required to completely dispose and
The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila,
destroy the collected contaminants. Chemical treatments,
Philippines as another approach in remediation, comprise techniques
College of Science and Research Center for the Natural
that chemically transform organic pollutants into less harm-
and Applied Sciences, University of Santo, Tomas, Manila, ful substances. Examples are reduction with ultraviolet or

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alkaline reagents, oxidation, and solidification/stabilization Plasticizers

(Fox 1996). Chemical treatments impose great potential for
remediation, however, several techniques exhibit limita- Plasticizers are chemical compounds added to plastics to
tions. Oxidation promotes generation of carbon dioxide, a improve their flexibility which typically comprise 10% to
ubiquitous air pollutant, and solidification/stabilization may 70% w/w of the plastic product (Hansen et al. 2013). In
display issues about its long-term effectiveness (Fox 1996). 2005, phthalates accounted for 88% of global consumption
Overall, physical and chemical methods are both high-cost of plasticizers; however, due to its health-related risks, it
technologies, tedious and capable of altering the natural eco- was reduced to 65% in 2017 (IHS Markit 2018). The most
system (Ghoreishi et al. 2017). common phthalate plasticizer is di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
Among the remediation techniques, bioremediation, (DEHP) which contributes to 51% of the global consump-
specifically microbial remediation, gained the upper hand tion of phthalates, followed by diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP)
in terms of sustainability, cost efficiency, and convenience. and diisononyl phthalate (DINP) (Fig. 1) that constitutes
Microbial remediation offers easy applicability in situ (Das 21% and 11% of phthalate demand, respectively (Peijnen-
and Dash 2014). It explores the utilization of the ability of burg 2008).
microorganisms to adapt to a polluted environment, where
toxic concentration of an element or compound exists, and a. Di(2‑ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)
use it for their own advantage such as but not limited to cell
growth and energy production (Boopathy 2000). Global use The annual production of DEHP globally is around 45–113
of physico-chemical remediation technologies dwarfs that thousand tons and usually used as a plasticizer for polyvinyl
of bioremediation, highlighting the underutilization of the chloride (PVC) plastics (EPA, 2020). DEHP and its phthalic
sustainable bioremediation process. acid esters intermediates are ubiquitous in the environment
Several studies already raised concern on the leakage of and is mostly found in wastewater (Ren et al. 2017).
additives from plastic products. It is known that additives DEHP exposure causes pregnancy disorders and birth
that constitute a higher percentage by weight (w/w) in plas- defects. Findings suggest that prenatal exposure to DEHP
tic products exhibit more toxicity even at low concentration could lead to shorter pregnancy duration and might cause
than those at lower percentage. Despite the risk brought low birth weight on infants (Latini et al. 2003). High plasma
by plastic additive pollution in the environment, there is a concentration of DEHP was observed to be correlated with
lack of collective review regarding its bioremediation. This endometriosis, a condition in which the lining of the womb
review aims to describe the potential of microbial biore- (endometrium) grows outside the uterus (Cobellis et al.
mediation in degrading plastic additives. Furthermore, we 2003). DEHP disturbs estradiol production and suppresses
anticipate future researches to focus on microorganisms in ovulation due to the lack of stimulation of luteinizing hor-
the remediation of plastic additives. We limit this review mone (LH) (Davis et al. 1994). Phthalates exposure is also
to plastic additives that are more than or equal to 1% w/w associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (Testa et al.
of the plastic product. In addition, one major rule of thumb 2012).
for the migration of additives is that compounds with Several bacterial strains isolated mainly from soil and
molecular weight of more than 600 g/mol will have a low sediment samples have reported to degrade DEHP up to a
tendency to migrate (Hansen et al. 2013). Thus, we cover concentration as high as 1000 mg/L and at varying rates
only additives that migrate easily from the plastic product ranging from a few hours to days (Table  1). The com-
whose molecular weight do not exceed 600 g/mol. We pro- plete degradation of DEHP proceeds via a series of ester-
vide here additional insights to complement a review paper ase, β-oxidation, decarboxylation and dioxygenase action
about microbial remediation of plastic additives (Sanchez (Fig. 2).
2021). We also emphasize in this review the extent of use, Survival of a bacteria in tough environments is strongly
environmental contamination, as well as the health impact accounted to endospore formation, a capability exhibited
of these plastic additives. We also evaluated the feasibility of by most of those in genus Bacillus (Sonenshein et al. 2002).
several microorganisms in field applications. The structures Biodegradation of DEHP together with other alkyl phtha-
of the representative plastic additives covered in this review lates was observed using Bacillus subtilis No. 66 (Quan et al.
is summarized in Fig. 1. Table 1 provides a summary of the 2005). The addition of 8% of culture medium of strain No.
microorganism identified in recent years that are capable of 66 in the soil successfully degraded 5 mM DEHP for up to
degrading plastic additives. Modification in bioremediation 80% even in the presence of other organisms. B. subtilis
technique, efficiency, and notable capabilities of the organ- are well-known promoters of biofilm formation (Bais et al.
ism and discoveries of the study are listed on the remarks 2004). Adsorption of phthalates on biofilm biomass is found
section of Table 1. to be the main driving force for the removal of phthalates in

3 Biotech (2021) 11:350 Page 3 of 22  350

Fig. 1  Structure of phthalates (DEHP, DINP and DIDP), flame retardants (PBDE, TBBPA, and PCB) and stabilizers (BPA and TCS)

the aqueous phase which further resulted in increased bio- DEHP in soil culture for up to 55% (Wang et al. 2015). Hav-
degradation efficiency (Wen et al. 2016). B. subtilis also pro- ing a low lysis efficiency, Rhodococcus is a perfect candidate
motes plant growth in polluted soil by acting as biocontrol for degradation of DEHP residing in harsh environmental
agent and stimulating nutrient availability in soil (Nagórska sinks such as industrial effluents and landfills (Kauffmann
et al. 2007). et al. 2004).
Rhodococcus is a diverse genus of bacteria and at par Agromyces sp. MT-O strain is also a promising agent for
with Pseudomonas when it comes to degradation of a wide complete degradation of DEHP, producing mono(2-ethyl-
variety of organic compounds (Larkin et al. 2005). Rhodo- hexyl) phthalate (MEHP) and phthalic acid (PA) which can
coccus sp. strain WJ4 can withstand and degrade 200 mg/L subsequently be mineralized (Fig. 2) (Zhao et al. 2016). In
of DEHP in liquid culture for up to 96.4% and 1000 mg/L of a microbially induced mineralization, organic pollutants are


Table 1  Microbial species identified to degrade plastic additives


Pollutant Species Efficiency Remarks References

DEHP Bacillus subtilis No. 66 Degraded 80% of 5 mM DEHP Hydrolysis of alkyl side chains of the PAEs Quan et al. (2005)
Appropriate for soil reclamation forming phthalic acid
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Rhodococcus sp. strain WJ4 Tolerated 200 mg/L of DEHP in liquid cul- Phthalic acid was then reduced Wang et al. (2015)
ture (96.4% degradation) Microorganisms that are capable to use the
Tolerated 1000 mg/L of DEHP in soil culture following enzymes have the potential to

(55% degradation) degrade PAEs into safer forms
Appropriate for harsh environmental sinks Hydrolase
Carboxylic acid reductase
Agromyces sp. MT-O Can tolerate DEHP at concentration range of Zhao et al. (2016)
200 mg/L to 1000 mg/L
Carboxylic acid reductase played a vital
Degraded 82.1% of 100 mg/kg of DEHP in
role in terms of degradation of PAEs as it
non-sterilized soil for 12 days
reduces phthalic acid. The optimal pH for
Degraded 82.1% of 100 mg/kg of DEHP in
this enzyme is 7.5 (Finnigan et al. 2017)
non-sterilized soil for 12 days
Degradation pathway of Gordonia
Applicable in wide range of environmental
alkanivorans YC-RL2 showed direct
decarboxylation of phthalic acid. A pos-
Gordonia alkanivorans YC-RL2 Can tolerate DEHP at concentration range of sible decarboxylase enzyme was used Nahurira et al. (2017)
100 mg/L to 800 mg/L by YC-RL2, converting phthalic acid to
 > 94% degradation efficiency benzoic acid
Applicable in a wide range of environmental
condition (temperature, pH, salinity)
Burkholderia pyrrocinia B1213 Degraded 98% of 500 mg/L DEHP Li et al. (2019)
Provided a clearer picture of degradation
pathway of DEHP
Microbial consortium (CM9) Degraded 94.85% and 100.00% of DEHP Bai et al. (2020)
Rhodococcus, Niabella, (1000 mg/L) within 24 h and 72 h, respec-
Sphingopyxis, tively
Achromobacter, degradation through de-esterification and
Tahibacter, and Xenophilus β-oxidation
Achromobacter sp. RX Used 99.3% of DEHP as sole carbon source Wang et al. (2021)
after 96 h
Masson pine seed powder (co-metabolic sub-
strate) and Tween-80 (solubilizing agent)
enhanced the biodegradation
Ochrobactrum anthropi L1-W Degraded 98.7% of DEHP (200 mg/L) in Nshimiyimana et al. (2020)
72 h
Also capable of degrading five other phtha-
Rhodococcus jostii PEVJ9 Complete degradation of DEHP at minimal Annamalai et al. (2020)
level of 1–100 μg/L in the presence of self-
assembled monolayer-silver nanoparticles
on bacterial cells
3 Biotech (2021) 11:350
Table 1  (continued)
Pollutant Species Efficiency Remarks References
Enterobacter spp. YC-IL1 Degraded DEHP and hard to degrade butyl- Lamraoui et al. (2020)
benzyl phthalate (BBP) and dicyclohexyl
phthalate (DCHP) at 100%, 81.15%, and
50.69% efficiency, respectively, for 7 days
3 Biotech (2021) 11:350

DEHP degradation rate in artificially contam-

inated soil with 86% removed in 6 days
Cupriavidus oxalaticus E3 Degraded 87.4%–94.4% of DBP and Docking study showed that the conserved Chen et al. (2021)
82.5%–85.6% of DEHP at an initial amount catalytic triplet structure (Ser140, His284,
of each phthalate of 200 mg/L after 60 h and Asp254) in the active sites are essential
in catabolism of phthalate monoesters
Paracoccus kondratievae Simultaneous degradation of di-methyl Two esterases belonging to families IV and Xu et al. (2020)
phthalate (DMP), di-ethyl phthalate (DEP), VI were obtained
di-butyl phthalate (DBP), di-isobutyl phtha-
late (DIBP) and DEHP, with DMP and
DEP as the preferred substrates
Slow DEHP degradation (200 mg/L) with ­t1/2
if 84.5 h
Fusarium culmorum NR Esterase activity is induced in high concen- González-Márquez et al. (2020)
tration of DEHP (1500 mg/L)
Identified five esterase isoforms (26.4, 31.7,
43, 73.6, and 125 kDa)
Burkholderia pyrrocinia B1213 Degraded 98% of 500 mg/L DEHP Li et al. (2019)
Provided a clearer picture of degradation
pathway of DEHP
DIDP, DINP and Ruegeria lacuscaerulensis, Thiomicrospira Most abundant species in a DINP and DIDP Chen et al. (2017)
Other Phtha- crunogena, Pseuodalteromonas tetrao- polluted sediments and potential phthalate
lates donis, Alteromonas litorea, Alteromonas degrading species
addita, Ectothiorhodospira haloalkaliphile, Individual, synergistic, and competitive
Desulfuromonas acetoxidans, Thalassoba- effects on degradation should be deeply
cillus devorans, Methylonatrum kenyense, observed
and Salegentibacter salinarum
Gordonia sp. Degraded 80% of 500 mg/L phthalic esters Takao et al. (2002)
for 30 h
Consortium of saline soil bacterial Degraded 99% of DINP (500 mg/L) in 168 h, de-esterification and β-oxidation pathway Pereyra-Camacho et al. (2021)
Serratia sp., ­t1/2 of 12.76 h
Methylobacillus sp.,
Achromobacter sp.,
Pseudomonas sp.,
Stenotrophomonas sp.,
Methyloversatilis sp.,
Delftia sp. and Brevundimonas sp.

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Table 1  (continued)

Pollutant Species Efficiency Remarks References

Gordonia sp. Degraded 91.25% of DOP with different Wang et al. (2020)
initial concentrations (100–2000 mg/L)
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Rhodococcus ruber YC-YT1 Entirely degraded 100 mg/L of phthalate Yanchun et al. (2017)
mixture in 5 days
Can degrade long-chained and branched

phthalic esters
Can be carried out in an electrolytic environ-
PCB Aquamicrobium defluvii DSM11603 Y15403 Depleted 100% of 0.5 mM 4-chlorobiphenyl Growth is evident in single to six chlorine Chang et al. (2013)
after 4 days substituents
Depleted 53% of 0.5 mM 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-hexa- The strain could also degrade other aromatic
chlorobiphenyl substrates, suggesting its capability is not
No depletion of 2,2′,3,4′,5,5′,6-heptachloro- only limited to dechlorination but also
biphenyl hydrolysis of the substrates
Degradation efficiency depends on the num-
ber of chlorine substituents
Rhodococcus erythropolis LG12 EU852376 Can tolerate high salt concentration Metabolites should be nonchlorinated to con- Chang et al. (2013)
Degradation products are chlorine sub- clude that the degradation is cost-effective
stituted, indicating its insufficiency for
Dehalococcoides mccartyi CG-1, CG-4 & Enriched by serial transfer using tetrachlo- Tetrachloroethene is a good preliminary Wang et al. (2014)
CG-5 roethene substrate before introducing the strain in
PCBs’ chlorine removal of 23.7, 27.7, and the PCB mixture
83.6 µM, respectively
Paraburkholderia xenovarans LB400 Capable of biotransforming 76% of the PCB Biodegradation was limited to lightly chlo- Bako et al. (2021)
mixture rinated PCBs
Pleurotus pulmonarius LBM 105 Degraded 65.50 ± 8.09% of PCBs in 21 days Proteomic analysis of the the Pleurotus Chelaliche et al. (2021)
Toxicity was reduced by 46.47% pulmonarius LBM 105 revealed that oxida-
tive metabolism was highly involved in the
degradation of the PCBs
Pseudomonas extremaustralis ADA-5 Strain was able to use 9.75% of available Bacterial membrane lipids were found to be Lopez et al. (2021)
decachlorobiphenyl (DCB) as its sole altered in the presence of DCB
carbon source
Was able to bioaccumulate 19.98% of the
DCB biomass
Pleurotus pulmonarius LBM 105 Biodegradation efficiency of 95.4% for Comparative analysis of the degradation Benitez et al (2021)
Trametes sanguinea LBM 023 single-culture experiments using Pleurotus efficiency of single and co-culture experi-
pulmonarius LBM 105 ments revealed that using a single culture
Biodegradation efficiency of 55.4% for of Pleurotus pulmonarius LBM 105 has
experiments using a co-culture of Pleurotus has much a higher degradation efficiency
pulmonarius LBM 105 and Trametes san-
guinea LBM023
3 Biotech (2021) 11:350
Table 1  (continued)
Pollutant Species Efficiency Remarks References
Anabaena PD-1 Aroclor 1254 biodegradation rate of 85% for Highly efficient against meta-chlorine Zhang et al. (2015)
25 days substituted biphenyls since the halide is an
Could degrade dioxin-like PCBs electron withdrawing group
Further understanding of degradation mecha-
3 Biotech (2021) 11:350

nism is required
TBBP A Dehalococcoides mccartyi CBDB1 Full debromination of TBBPA Yang et al. (2015)
Generated BPA as metabolite
Cell growth was inhibited due to TBBPA
Additional remediation is required for the
depletion of BPA
Comamonas sp. JXS-2–02 Newly isolated strain was able to degrade Strain was the first to be isolated under Peng et al. (2013)
86% of TBBPA after 10 days anaerobic conditions
Arthrobacter sp. YC-RL1 Substrate analysis confirmed successful bio- Strain was able to efficiently remediate other Ren et al. (2016)
transformation of TBBPA concentrations bisphenols such as BPA (0.2–600 mg/L)
ranging 0.2–300 mg/L and BPF (0.2–600 mg/L)
Bacillus brevis Biougmentation of an augmented sludge High removal efficiency can be traced to both Islam et al. (2018)
Bacillus pumilus reactor and membrane bioreactor using biosorption and biodegradation activity
both bacterial strains showed an 83%
removal rate of TBBPA in wastewater
Pycnoporus sanguineus Growth was inhibited due to presence of Cr Cr (VI) normally exists in TBBPA-polluted Feng et al. (2017)
(VI) in the medium environment as both were typically used
Higher concentration of TBBPA enhanced together in electronic devices
the removal of both TBBPA and Cr (VI)
PBDE Pseudomonas spp. Biostimulation was observed in depletion of Uses biostimulation to attract microorganism Qiu et al. (2012)
less-brominated congeners when electron that has the potential to degrade PBDE
donors were added
Could deplete BDE-209 for up to 11% in
90 days
Enterococcus casseliflavus Degraded 10% to 50% BDE-209 (1 mg/L) The high cell surface hydrophobicity of Tang et al. (2016)
after 7 days incubation the bacterial cell wall helps in absorbing
2D gel electrophoresis identified 50 dif-
ferentially expressed proteins in treated vs
untreated samples
Phanerochaete chrysosporium Degraded 55% to 66% BDE-47 (0.5 mg/L) Extracellular enzyme may be responsible for Cao et al. (2017)
with ­Cd2+ concentration of 0 to 10 mg/L the process
BDE-47 is degraded by hydroxylation
Phlebia lindtneri JN45 Degraded 77.3% BDE-209 (20 mg/L) in Proposed mechanism involves debromina- Xu and Wang (2014)
30 days tion, hydroxylation, and ring opening
Adding glucose showed marked increase in reactions

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Table 1  (continued)

Pollutant Species Efficiency Remarks References

Pseudomonas putida Degradation rate constants were 2–3 times The addition of glucose/biphenyl provides Lv et al. (2016)
larger when glucose was added to the additional carbon source for bacteria,
PBDE system helping them not to fully rely on BDE as it
Page 8 of 22

Glucose does not alter the degradation path- may be difficult for them to survive in such
way of PBDE environment if deficient in nutrient
Degradation rates were 1–2 folds higher

when biphenyl was added to the PBDE
Lateral deoxygenation took place when
biphenyl was added to the PBDE system,
resulting to the formation of toxic para-OH
BPA Microbial consortia Degradation half-life is 13.1, 10.8, and 10.2 h Eio et al. (2014)
for concentrations of 10, 20 and 50 mg/L
Metabolites were not hazardous
Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAb1 Promote cell growth rate of 0.841 h-1, Vijayalakshmi et al. (2018)
Metabolites were phenol, acetophenone, and
hydroquinone and p-hydroxybenzoic acid
Pseudomonas putida YC-AE1 Resistant to BPA for up to 1000 mg/L Eltoukhy et al. (2020)
Completely degrade 500 mg/L BPA within
72 h
Microbial community Sphingonomas spp. was able to degrade The BPA-degradation pathway involved the Yu et al. (2019)
Sphingonomas spp. Sph-1 Sphingonomas 50 mg/L BPA cross-feeding of BPA by the Sphingonomas
spp. Sph-2, Pseudomonas sp. and Pusillimonas sp. spp with BPA intermediates by Pseu-
residing on the similar community were domonas sp. and Pusillimonas sp.
observed as BPA non-degraders, however,
degraded the by-products of BPA by Sphin-
gonomas spp.
Shewanella haliotis MH137742 Degraded 75 mg/L of BPA de Santana et al. (2019)
Triclosan Alpha-proteobacteria Bacterium was known to exist predominantly Guo et al. (2016)
in RL
TCS was observed to deplete from 30 µg/g
to 1.84 µg/g after 56 days using di-RL
3 Biotech (2021) 11:350
Table 1  (continued)
Pollutant Species Efficiency Remarks References
Sphingobium Glutathione transferase-dependent biodeg- High accuracy and convenience are observed Dai et al. (2021)
radation in DNA-SIP as thert do not require redun-
Sphingobium was detected in the wastewater dant purifications. Potential degrading-
sample as a major TCS-degrading bacte- bacteria could be easily detected by this
3 Biotech (2021) 11:350

rium by using DNA-SIP (stable isotope technology

The consortia shows that it contributes to
the 18.54% metabolism of TCS; the rest is
accounted to the nitrification process of the
wastewater treatment system
Amaricoccus as the most abundant micorbe With the aid of the following surfactants: Jia et al. (2020)
rhamnolipid (RL), sophorolipid (SL) and
sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS),
the biodegradation of TCS, with the influ-
ence of nitrification, was enhanced by 1.25,
1.23, and 1.14 times
Georgenia, Biodegradation accounts for 49–68% of TCS Novel technology showing sulfur-driven TCS Zhang et al. (2021)
Soehngenia, removal. Synergistic with sorption which removal
Comamonas, contributed 32–51% of TCS removal
Desulfovibrio, and Sulfurospirillum
Dehalococcoides mccartyi CG1 Slow dichlorination of TCS of 0.062 µM/day Zhao et al. (2020)
Addition of electron acceptors increased the
rate to 0.245 µM/day
Citrobacter freundii KS2003 Able to degrade 99.57 ± 0.6% of 250 mg/L After o-cleavage, subsequent biodegradation Kumari et al. (2021)
of TCS by KS2003 wherein catechol 1,2-dioxyge-
nase acted as an important enzyme

NR Not reported

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Fig. 2  Proposed complete degradation pathway of DEHP using enzymes from various microbial organisms (Li et al. 2019; Nahurira et al. 2017;
Quan et al. 2005; Zhao et al. 2016)

transformed to carbonate precipitate which is less toxic and can degrade 98% of 500 mg/L of DEHP to produce MEHP,
a more stable compound. The DEHP concentration in the mono-butyl phthalate (MBP), PA and 4-oxo-hexanoic acid
bioaugmentation set-up in this study was limited to 100 mg as metabolites (Li et al. 2019). Detection of these metabo-
DEHP per kg of soil to avoid the inhibition of microbial lites provides a clearer picture of the biodegradation path-
biomass, basal respiration, and catalase activity (Zhao et al. way. β-oxidation of MEHP was responsible for the forma-
2016). In 12 days, 82.1% and 73.9% of DEHP was removed tion of MBP where the alkyl chain length was reduced from
in non-sterilized soil and sterilized soil, respectively. This 8 to 4. PCA was not detected as a metabolite, suggesting
implies that MT-O strain may interact with other micro- that PCA was rapidly converted to 3-oxohexanedoic acid to
organisms that helps enhance DEHP degradation. When 4-oxo-hexanoic acid before the complete mineralization in
inoculated in a mineral salt media with DEHP as sole car- the cell (Fig. 2).
bon source, the strain almost completely degraded 200 mg/L
of DEHP and can withstand up to 1000 mg/L of DEHP b. Diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP), Diisononyl phthalate
although the degradation rate was lower at high DEHP con- (DINP) and other phthalates
centration. This means that bioremediation would be less
efficient in extremely DEHP-polluted sites. DIDP is a mixture of isomers of 10-carbon branched dialkyl
Gordonia alkanivorans YC-RL2, a bacterial strain iso- chain phthalates (CAS registry numbers 68515–49-1 (C-10
lated from petroleum-contaminated soil and can tolerate rich) and 26,761–40-0) and one of the leading phthalate
high concentrations of DEHP ranging from 100 mg/L to plasticizers which is commonly used as an additive in PVC.
800 mg/L (Nahurira et al. 2017). Degradation rate of this Several studies observed that DIDP are less toxic than the
strain exceeds 94% and metabolites can be further uti- other phthalate counterparts. Evaluation of DIDP showed
lized for subsequent cell growth (Fig. 2). Factors affecting that it does not exhibit mutagenicity (Mckee et al. 2000),
bioremediation are temperature, electron acceptors/donors, cytotoxicity (Ghisari and Bonefeld-Jorgensen 2009), and
nutrients, pH, metabolites, energy sources, and temperature teratogenicity (Waterman et al. 1999). However, significant
(Boopathy 2000). Interestingly, YC-RL2 displays versatil- health threats were observed when DIDP is mixed with other
ity in carrying out the degradation of DEHP in soil, hav- phthalate compounds. Phthalate mixtures, despite the weak
ing a temperature range of 10 °C–50 °C, pH condition of individual phthalate compound toxicity is, therefore, a seri-
6.0–11.0, and salinity level of 0–12% w/v of NaCl (Nahurira ous environmental problem. Phthalate mixture containing
et al. 2017). DIDP interferes with the thyroid hormone system (Ghisari
Burkholderia pyrrocinia B1213, isolated from fertile and Bonefeld-Jorgensen 2009). In vivo evaluation of DIDP
soil near the vegetable oil factory in China (Li et al. 2018), in rats showed that it enhanced the activity of sodium/iodide

3 Biotech (2021) 11:350 Page 11 of 22  350

symporter–a protein responsible for the active transport if phthalic ester mixture for 30 h (Takao et al. 2002). The strain
iodide in the thyroid (Breous et al. 2005). Mixtures of phtha- Gordonia sp. Lff was able to degrade more than 91.25%
lates that include DIDP also exhibited estrogenic endocrine of di-n-octyl phthalate (DOP) with different initial concen-
disrupting activities (Chen et al. 2014; Ghisari and Bone- trations (100–2000 mg/L) under optimal condition (Wang
feld-Jorgensen 2009). et al. 2020). This Lff strain showed little influence on the soil
Similar to DIDP, DINP is a complex mixture of DINP iso- bacterial community making it a strong candidate for DOP
mers (CAS registry number of 68,515–48-0 and 28,553–12- remediation in various environments.
0) commonly used as plasticizer in PVC (EPA 2019). Com- Rhodococcus ruber YC-YT1 (Yanchun et al. 2017) was
pared to DIDP, several literature studies have reported its observed to tolerate and degrade 85% of 100 mg/L DEHP in
adverse health effect as an individual phthalate. Although an inorganic salt medium. In addition, it was able to entirely
it does not exhibit mutagenicity (Mckee et al. 2000) and sequester 100 mg/L DEHP, dipropyl phthalate and butyl ben-
developmental toxicity (Waterman et al. 1999), DINP can zyl phthalate in an organic salt for 5 days. Hence, the capa-
cause rodent liver tumor through peroxisome proliferation bility of strain YC-YT1 to strongly degrade long-chained
(Kaufmann et al. 2002; Reisenbichler and Eckl 1993). DINP and branched phthalic esters suggests its potential to degrade
could aggravate atopic dermatitis in vivo (Koike et al. 2010) various phthalates such as DIDP and DINP. Moreover, the
and its phthalate mixture exhibit enhanced estrogenic activ- degradation was carried out in an electrolytic environment
ity (Chen et al. 2014). Furthermore, phthalate mixture con- implying its applicability to remediate phthalate-polluted
taining DINP interferes with the thyroid hormone system wastewater and saltwater resources. Similar to DEHP, DIDP
(Ghisari and Bonefeld-Jorgensen 2009). and DINP undergo degradation thru the de-esterification and
DIDP and DINP are less prevalent than DEHP; thus, β-oxidation pathway (Pereyra-Camacho et al. 2021).
only a few studies have explored the remediation of these
phthalates. Most studies have focused on the remediation of
phthalate mixture rather than individual phthalate substance. Flame retardants
Bioremediation in a study using indigenous soil microor-
ganisms done in a slurry phase reactor exhibited more than Flame retardants are common additives constituting
70% efficiency of phthalate removal (Ferreira and Morita 12%–18% w/w of the plastic product (Hansen et al. 2013).
2012). The condition was monitored at pH and temperature Flame retardants extinguish the flame propagation of the
range of 7.8 to 8.4 and 17 °C to 25 °C, respectively. This plastic product and are categorized into four groups: halo-
was also applied ex situ using soil contaminated with wastes genated flame retardants, phosphorus-based flame retard-
from the plasticizer industry. The biodegradation followed ants, melamine flame retardants, and inorganic hydroxide
first-order kinetics with efficiency of 61% pollutant removal flame retardants (Levchik 2007). Halogenated flame retard-
wherein DIDP was also reduced from 1800 (± 193) mg/L to ants dominate the global consumption of flame retardants
141 (± 3) mg/L after 120 days. (Murphy 2001) and can be subcategorized either as chlo-
Bacteria strains from an ocean dredge material disposal rine-containing and bromine-containing flame retardants.
site were found to potentially degrade phthalates (Chen et al. The main commercial brominated fire retardants are tetra-
2017). The middle part of the site was polluted with 2849 bromobisphenol A (TBBPA) and polybrominated diphenyl
(± 2588) ng/g of total phthalic esters, wherein the concen- ethers (PBDE) (Segev et al. 2009). Polychlorinated biphe-
tration of DINP is 381 (± 293) ng/g and for DIDP is 91.2 nyls (PCB) have structural and behavioral similarity with
(± 73.6) ng/g. The most abundant bacterial species in this PBDEs (Birnbaum and Bergman 2010).
site are Ruegeria lacuscaerulensis (7.87%), Thiomicro-
spira crunogena (5.45%), Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis a. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
(3.07%), Alteromonas litorea (2.69%), Alteromonas addita
(2.31%), Ectothiorhodospira haloalkaliphile (1.62%), Desul- PCBs were used as flame retardants in plastic products, in
furomonas acetoxidans (1.62%), Thalassobacillus devorans power supplies such as capacitors and transformers, in pes-
(1.56%), Methylonatrum kenyense (1.15%), and Salegenti- ticides and in adhesives. Known to be a persistent organic
bacter salinarum (1.09%). This study provided a good pre- pollutant, it is no longer produced and used in most coun-
liminary screening of the potential species that are capable tries. However, pollution occurs due to the redistribution of
of efficiently degrading phthalate esters, DIDP and DINP. PCB that is already present in the soil and water (EPA 2000).
However, their individual microbial activity, the synergy Aside from being a persistent substance in the environment,
within the consortia, and the competitive effects in a biofilm it also confers various health risks. Dopamine levels tend to
must be thoroughly observed and analyzed. decrease after exposure to PCB (Seegal et al. 1986). Prenatal
A species belonging to the genus Gordonia was capa- exposure could also delay embryonic development (Linde-
ble of scavenging phthalates at more than 80% of 500 mg/L nau et al. 1994). Furthermore, PCBs are genotoxic and have

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Fig. 3  Degradation end-products of 4-chlorobiphenyl by Rhodococcus erythropolis LG12 EU852376 identified by gas chromatography (GC)
(Chang et al. 2013). Reaction intermediates were not analyzed in this study

a potential to promote hepatocellular carcinoma (Ludewig commercial PCBs (such as Aroclor 1260) was unsuccess-
and Robertson 2013). ful (Adrian et al. 2009). To resolve this, the less stable tet-
Aquamicrobium defluvii DSM11603 Y15403 isolated rachloroethene was used as an alternative electron accep-
from a sewage treatment plant was able to degrade PCB tor instead of PCB in order to enrich the Dehalococcoides
having one to six chlorine substituents (Chang et al. 2013). in three isolated PCB-degrading microbial communities,
The culture grew for about 30–70 µg/ml and depleted 100% CG-1, CG-4, and CG-5. The Dehalococcoides in CG-1,
of 0.5  mM 4-chlorobiphenyl after 4  days. However, the CG-4, and CG-5 was further enriched to 85.2%, 44.2%, and
increase in the number of chlorine substituents in PCB like 86.3%, respectively (Wang et al. 2014). Tetrachloroethene
in 0.5 mM 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-hexachlorobiphenyl resulted in a was degraded and chlorine substituents were progressively
decrease to 53% depletion efficiency. In addition, no deple- cleaved to trichloroethene then to dichloroethane. 10 serial
tion of 2,2′,3,4′,5,5′,6-heptachlorobiphenyl was observed in transfers of the cultures acquired > 90% of the Dehalococ-
this isolate. In the same study, Rhodococcus erythropolis coides. This was confirmed after transcriptomic analyses and
LG12 EU852376 was isolated in the same sewage treatment quantitative polymerase chain reaction which showed that
plant and displayed biphenyl degradation and salt tolerance. the gene involved in tetrachloroethene and PCB dechlorina-
Hence, the isolate could work even in soils with high NaCl tion was similar. PCB dechlorination capability was retained
concentration and nitrate concentration. However, analysis after confirming that the three cultures were able to support
of the metabolites from the degradation of 4-chlorbipenyl growth in Arochlor 1260 containing media. After 150 days,
showed the presence of chlorinated compounds (Fig. 3). growth of CG-1, CG-4, and CG-5 cultures were promoted
Since chlorinated organic compounds are still harmful in by 8.2-, 12.0-, and 16.2-fold, respectively, with chlorine
the environment (Henschler 1994), further dechlorination removal of 23.7, 27.7, and 83.6 µM.
is needed. To produce environmentally safe by-products, Anabaena PD-1 isolated from PCB-contaminated paddy
introduction of a dehalogenating or genetically engineered soils in Taizhou, Zhejiang, China was capable of degrad-
bacteria that have the enzyme capable of halogen cleavage ing Aroclor 1254 (mixture of PCB having 54% by weight
from the dead-end metabolites and by-product is thereby of chlorine) with biodegradation rate of 85% for 25 days
warranted. (Zhang et al. 2015). In addition, it also showed a high deg-
Dehalococcoides is a promising genus of bacteria towards radation percentage of dioxin-like PCBs. However, analy-
dechlorination of PCBs; however, the challenge in PCB sis of the degradation products was not done in this study.
remediation is the acquisition of enriched dechlorinators Moreover, no gene and enzyme identification were done to
strains. Dehalococcoides sp. CBDB-1 is one of the few fully understand the mechanism of remediation.
bacterial strains that shows dechlorination activity in PCB; Acidovorax sp. KKS102 can degrade PCB; how-
however, the enrichment of the dechlorinating bacteria in ever, the by-products are still toxic since they are still

3 Biotech (2021) 11:350 Page 13 of 22  350

Fig. 4  Intermediates identified
in the debromination of TBBPA
by Dehalococcoides mccartyi
CBDB1 (redrawn from Yang
et al. 2015) using ultra perfor-
mance liquid chromatography—
tandem mass spectrometer
(UPLC-MS). The degradation
is proposed to be accomplished
by the reductive dehydrogenases
with broad substrate specificity

chlorine-containing. This problem has been resolved using Egg production of zebrafish (Danio rerio) tends to decrease
a recombinant glutathione S-transferase (GST) from the when exposed to at least 0.047 µM of TBBPA (Kuiper et al.
homolog of the gene BphK (biphenyl upper pathway K) 2007). Cytotoxic evaluation of TBBPA shows its capability
in Acidovorax sp. KKS102 (Shehu and Alias 2019). The to induce cell death in TM4 Sertoli cells which is important
C10F and A180P mutated recombinant proteins showed an for sperm development (Ogunbayo et al. 2008). TBBPA is
increase in GST dichlorination activity relative to the wild- an immunotoxin and significantly inhibits the expression of
type protein. interleukin-2 receptor a chain (CD25), a protein essential
for proliferation of activated T cells (Pullen et al. 2003).
b. Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) TBBPA exhibits nephrotoxicity at high doses in newly born
rats (Fukuda et al. 2004). In vivo study of TBBPA in rats
TBBPA is a widely used flame retardant mainly in elec- show significant changes of glutathione, malondialdehyde,
tronic devices and electronic circuit boards. In addition to and 5-aminolevulinate dehydratase, suggesting that TBBPA
the effectivity of brominated compounds in terms of fire is hepatotoxic (Szymańska et al. 1999).
extinguishing, TBBPA is not subjected to any regulatory As mentioned in PCB degradation, Dehalococcoides
restriction and accounts for the largest production of flame mccartyi bacteria strains are known for its capability to
retardants, amounting to around 170,000 tons of the global degrade halogenated compounds. Strain CBDB1 was able
demand (BSEF 2012; Makinen et al. 2009). Accumula- to fully debrominate TBBPA to form BPA via reduction/
tion of TBBPA in the environment displays a great threat dehalogenation (Fig. 4); however, no cell growth in the spent
to a wide variety of organisms. Accumulation of TBBPA media was observed during the transformation (Yang et al.
in plants induces oxidative stress, in which the toxic dose 2015). This growth inhibition may be due to the high lipo-
level depends on the antioxidative capacity of the plant (Sun philicity of TBBPA that penetrates the cell membrane of the
et al. 2008). It can suppress thyroid hormone triiodothyro- bacteria (Kefeni et al. 2011). Furthermore, the by-product
nine ­(T3) which was observed in Rana rugosa tadpole’s tail BPA is an endocrine disrupting chemical; thus, it is neces-
shortening (Kitamura et al. 2005; Sun et al. 2009). Thus, sary that this metabolite be further degraded.
TBBPA could affect the metamorphosis of amphibians. TBBPA and Cr (VI) coexist with each other in electronic
Moreover, TBBPA in Wistar rats increased T3 levels and wastes. Chromium (VI) is a toxic metallic substance added
decreased the T4 levels, suggesting its adverse effect on to electronic devices to prevent rust (Salnikow and Zhit-
reproduction and development (Van der Ven et al. 2008). kovich 2008). Their coexistence is an important factor to

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the bioremediation of TBBPA. Cr (VI) affects the TBBPA Pseudomonas putida was employed for the bioremedia-
degradation capability of Pycnoporus sanguineus as Cr (VI) tion of PBDE and the effect of glucose and biphenyl as an
inhibits the fungal growth, intracellular proteins synthesis, additional carbon source on the efficiency of aerobic come-
cell viability, and ATP enzyme activity (Feng et al. 2017). tabolism was investigated (Lv et al. 2016). Degradation
However, when TBBPA exists at higher concentration, it rate constants of four PBDE congeners (BDE47, BDE15,
enhances the removal of both TBBPA and Cr (VI) due to BDE3, and DE) were improved by 2–3 times when glucose
improved intracellular proteins synthesis and ATP enzyme was added. On the other hand, cometabolism of the four
activity. PBDE congeners with biphenyl improved its degradation
rate by 1–2 folds. The cometabolism with glucose showed
c. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) that PBDE degradation will only start when a huge amount
of glucose is consumed. This implies that the P. putida was
PBDEs are structurally similar to PCB and a common addi- enriched, and the increase of the cell population results in
tive used to retard fire in a wide variety of consumer and the faster degradation of PBDE. Moreover, the glucose-
electronic products (Siddiqi and Clinic 2003). Landfill, PBDE system and single system share a similar pathway.
being the most significant reservoir of electronic equip- On the other hand, the addition of biphenyl provided a larger
ment waste, collects 1747 million metric tons of PBDE, amount of carbon source, this helped to improve cell popula-
whereas the incineration releases 44.9 kg/year of decaBDE tion. It is important to identify the new metabolic pathway
(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2010). The Stock- when cometabolism is performed to recognize potentially
holm convention bans the use of tetraBDE, heptaBDE, and toxic metabolites that are being generated in the process.
decaBDE, leading several companies to resort to the use of As illustrated on Fig. 5, PDBE cometabolism with biphenyl
alternative flame retardant such as TBBPA (Fromme et al. undergoes dioxygenation processes, resulting in two dihy-
2016). Despite the restriction, PBDEs are still prevalent in droxylated by-products. The para-OH PBDE by-product
the environment and is one of the common organic pollut- is one of the most toxic metabolites as it strongly disrupts
ants present in soil. nuclear hormone receptor activity (Kojima et al. 2009; Qiu
PBDEs can disrupt the thyroid hormone. Exposure to et al. 2009).
BDE-28, -47, -99, -100, and -153 during prenatal stage may
cause a 27.6% decrease of thyroid-stimulating hormones
to children under 3 years old (Vuong et al. 2018). Prenatal Bisphenol‑A as stabilizers
exposure to BDE-99, -47, -100, and -153 was also associated
with an increase of total thyroxine level in cord blood (Ding Stabilizers are additives that are added to the plastic products
et al. 2017). Electronic waste recycling workers who are to hinder their degradation. There are two types of stabiliz-
directly exposed to PBDE bioaccumulation exhibit altered ers: UV and heat stabilizers. UV stabilizers inhibit oxidative
thyroid hormone-regulated gene expression due to the inter- degradation of plastic products upon exposure to ultraviolet
ference of PBDE thyroid hormone signaling effects (Zheng light while heat stabilizers prevent oxidation of plastic when
et al. 2017). BDE -17, -100, -47, and -49 was also correlated exposed to heat, mechanical stress and loading (Hahladakis
with domestic feline hyperthyroidism (Walter et al. 2017). et al. 2018; Murphy 2001). Bisphenol-A (BPA) is an organic
Biostimulation is a conventional technique in bioreme- pollutant that is commonly used as stabilizer which com-
diation wherein an electron acceptor is added to stimulate prises 0.05%–3% w/w of the plastic product (Brevik and
microbial activity. Enrichment of microbial consortia by five Burgess 2012; Hansen et al. 2013).
different electron donors (methanol, ethanol, pyruvate, lac- Aside from being a stabilizer, BPA is a highly produced
tate, and acetate) showed no significant increase to dehalo- chemical commonly used as a monomer for polycarbonate
genation of deca-BDE (Qiu et al. 2012). This indicates that plastic and also used for epoxy resins (American Chemistry
generation of bromide ion was not obviously affected by Council 2012; Møller et al. 2012). As a result, BPA has
the addition of exogenous electron donors. Pseudomonas become ubiquitous in nature which mostly pollutes water
spp. identified as the predominant species in this consor- resources (Michałowicz 2014; Staples et al. 1998).
tium was able to reduce BDE-209 by 11% after 90-day BPA, due to structural similarity with estrogen, imposes
incubation (Qiu et al. 2012). However, degradation of less the risk for endocrine disruption. Several studies showcase
brominated congeners was stimulated when electron accep- the capability of BPA to contribute to some endocrine-
tors were added although lactate and pyruvate inhibited the related diseases. BPA is associated with diabetes mellitus
degradation of BDE-209. Thus, the microbial consortium is (Shankar and Teppala 2011), polycystic ovarian syndrome
recommended to the remediation of PBDE containing nine (Takeuchi et al. 2004), and obesity (Carwile and Michels
bromine substituent or less, with an addition of electron 2011; Takeuchi et  al. 2004). BPA may also encourage
acceptors for better results. developmental reprogramming which may increase cancer

3 Biotech (2021) 11:350 Page 15 of 22  350

Fig. 5  Proposed degradation pathway for the cometabolism of glu- fied using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometer (GC–
cose and biphenyl with PBDE by Pseudomonas putida (redrawn Lv MS). The intermediates in the bracket are not detected in this study
et al. 2016). Metabolites during biodegradation of PBDE was identi-

susceptibility (Keri et al. 2007; Walker and Ho 2012). In one species offers no guarantee that the products will be
utero exposure to BPA increases the enhancer of Zeste non-hazardous. The remaining species of the consortia will
Homolog 2, a protein known as a promoter of viral car- possibly work on degrading the hazardous by-products into
cinogenesis in the breast (Doherty et al. 2010; Sanna et al. less harmful compounds.
2018). Low-dose exposure to BPA during prenatal stage can Degradation of BPA using Pseudomonas aeruginosa
alter gene expression, specifically the sex-specific effects PAb1 promoted cell growth rate and released the metabolites
of hypothalamic estrogen receptors α and β expression and phenol, acetophenone, hydroquinone and p-hydroxybenzoic
hippocampal and hypothalamic oxytocin expression (Aram- acid (Vijayalakshmi et al. 2018). The bacterium was isolated
bula et al. 2016). BPA can also alter steroidogenic enzymes, from an effluent of a thermal paper industry which widely
disturbing ovarian steroidogenesis resulting in complications uses BPA as antioxidant of the product. Moreover, the bac-
during pregnancy (Zhou et al. 2008). terium was identified to exist in a condition where pollution
BPA conversion into bacterial biomass and metabolites parameters were significantly higher than the typical limit.
diplaying low to no estrogenic activity can be accomplished Hence, PAb1 might exhibit durability and survive when
by a bacterial consortia through catabolic pathways (Eio applied to other environmental sinks that possess worse
et al. 2014). The consortia which were isolated from an physicochemical conditions.
activated sludge in a wastewater treatment plant were able
to deplete BPA for up to 50 mg/L. Light is also observed
as a major factor for the degradation as it inhibits the pro- Triclosan (TCS) as biocide
cess. In the absence of light, the degradation half-life is 13.1,
10.8, and 10.2 h for concentrations of 10, 20, and 50 mg/L, Biocides were used to preserve materials and prevent fun-
respectively. Degradation is not a single step process; thus, gal, microbial, and insect activity from damaging the mate-
using a microbial consortium as a bioremediation agent rial (Horn et al. 2003). In 2007, global demand for biocidal
offers advantage than a single microbe. BPA depleted by products reached $6 billion, with 5–6% projected growth per

Page 16 of 22 3 Biotech (2021) 11:350

year (Karsa 2007). Biocides were typically added (0.001–1% Conclusion and future direction
w/w) in soft PVC and foamed polyurethane (Hansen et al.
2013). The continuous increase in demand for plastics results in
An antimicrobial agent, TCS was used for formulation the accumulation of plastic waste in the environment. These
of hygienic products, pesticide, fungistat, and as material wastes gradually release the additives that were once used to
preservative for adhesives, fabrics, vinyl, plastic products, produce and enhance the quality of these plastic products.
textiles, and rubber (EPA 2008; FDA 2017). TCS were also Even though plastics contain little to trace amounts of addi-
used as a preservative for one-time use medical devices tives, the enormous volume of plastic waste makes plastic
such as surgical scrubs, surgical sutures, catheters, and ure- additives a serious environmental hazard. The ubiquitous
teral stents (Yueh and Tukey 2016). TCS was used for over nature of plastic additives in the environment prompted
50 years; however, it is now limited to medical care set- researches that focuses on its bioremediation.
tings and recently banned for the formulation of antibacterial Microorganisms are well known for its capability to
soaps due to its insignificant effect for sanitation (FDA 2016; evolve and survive in harsh environments. Thus, there is a
Schweizer 2001). TCS kills the bacteria by inhibiting enoyl- huge potential for microorganisms to endure a plastic addi-
(acyl carrier protein) reductase, an enzyme essential for the tive-polluted environment. Biodegradation of the plastic
lipid synthesis of the cell (Macri 2017). The most common additives by microorganism was made complicated as these
environmental sink of TCS are surface water bodies such pollutants tend to appear stable and/or highly toxic. Since
as wastewater effluent, river, and lake (Singer et al. 2002). bioremediation is not a fully utilized technology, several
TCS is an endocrine disruptor that commonly affects limitations can be observed in some pollutants, including,
the thyroid hormone (Crofton et al. 2007; Veldhoen et al. but not limited to the following: (1) difficulty in enrichment
2006) and is strongly associated with decrease immunity of degrading bacteria in microbial community as observed
function (Rees Clayton et al. 2011). TCS could also disrupt in PCB remediation by Dehalococcoides sp. (Adrian et al.
LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) synthesis which 2009); (2) cell growth inhibition due to high toxicity of pol-
will also affect the production of androgen resulting in a lutant as in the case of TBBPA degradation in Dehalococ-
lower sperm production (Kumar et al. 2009). Carcinogenic- coides mccartyi CBDB-1 (Yang et al. 2015); (3) dead-end
ity potential of TCS was observed in vivo as findings sug- by-products that exhibit toxicity; and (4) low degradation
gest that TCS promotes liver fibrogenesis and tumorigenesis efficiency. To enhance the degradation of organic pollutants,
(Yueha et al. 2014). several techniques are offered: (1) use of biosurfactants to
Aside from its persistence in the environment and low increase the rate of solubilization; (2) enrichment of strains
bioavailability, TCS are strongly uncooperative to micro- using a less toxic carbon source as discussed in acquisition
bial bioremediation. Hence, more innovative bioremedia- of PCB-dechlorinating strains enriched by tetrachloroethene;
tion techniques are necessary. With the use of biosurfactant (3) biostimulation (Qiu et al. 2012); (4) cometabolism (Lv
(e.g. rhamnolipid) in bioremediation, interaction between et al. 2016); and (5) gene modification in order to produce a
TCS and microbial cells could be strongly improved. Alpha- degrading enzyme essential to the decomposition of organic
proteobacteria (e.g., Sphingomonadaceae and Caulobac- pollutant (Ohtsubo et al. 2004).
teraceae) were observed to be dominant in resisting TCS The emergence of systems biology during the past dec-
in a rhamnolipid-enhanced aerobic biodegradation system ades potentially resolved several complications encountered
(Guo et al. 2016). Hence, it is a promising candidate for in past trials of bioremediation. Such complications include,
the degradation of TCS. It was observed that the concentra- but are not limited to the following: (1) inefficient natural
tions of rhamnolipid (RL) is directly related to the aerobic biodegradation due to slow evolution of some microbes
degradation. TCS was observed to be depleted from 30 µg/g to develop catabolic traits; (2) non-feasibility of catabolic
to 1.84 µg/g after 56 days using di-RL homologues (Guo networks and enzymatic reaction kinetically and thermody-
et al. 2016). However, efficiency of biosurfactant-enhanced namically; and (3) stress response of genetically modified
bioremediation is dependent on the environmental condi- cell to the changes in metabolic module and exposure to pol-
tion. Application of the RL is selective on a specific envi- lutant (Dvořák et al. 2017). Combination of the approaches
ronment. It was observed that the ideal conditions were pH of metabolic engineering and synthetic biology is possible
8–9, 20–35 °C, 0.001–0.1 mol/L NaCl, and high concentra- through systems biology. Improving and modifying cellular
tion of dissolved oxygen. Moreover, surfactants such as RL, properties such as product yield by the organism, produc-
sophorolipids, and sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate which tion of new enzymes essential for biodegradation, substance
do not affect nitrification were found to enhance the biodeg- uptake, and cell robustness against toxic compounds are
radation of TCS in nitrification systems where Amaricoccus warranted in order to realize the full potential of microbial
was identified as the major TCS degrader (Jia et al. 2020). bioremediation (Nielsen et al. 2014).

3 Biotech (2021) 11:350 Page 17 of 22  350

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