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206  Part II  Deciding which markets to enter

Exhibit 6.1
Huawei Technologies Corporation: the role of home government
in the internationalization process – good and bad

So the key future challenge for Huawei is com-

peting in two market environmental structures – one
local and the other global.
The development in 2018 shows that the close
connection to the Chinese government can also
have a negative effect on the internationalization
of Huawei. The company plans to dominate the
next generation of wireless communications called
5G, but its hopes are threatened by governments
around the world, which are restricting the compa-
ny’s prospects and even banning it from operating
in some areas. In mid-August 2018, the US Congress
Huawei is rapidly penetrating the Asian ­markets
for smartphones prohibited US government agencies from purchas-
Source: Ivan Garcia/ ing or using telecommunications and surveillance
products from Chinese companies like ZTE and
By 2018, Huawei Technologies Corporation had Huawei. The US intelligence agencies also recom-
become the largest telecom vendor in China. mended Americans not to use Huawei smartphones
Government-run corporations remain the main or other equipment from the company. This kind of
driver for the Chinese national economy. Historically, ban for using Huawei was followed up by similar
the telecommunication sector in China has been initiatives in Australia, Canada, UK, Japan and New
closely controlled by the central government through Zealand.
the Ministry of Information Industry (MII). However, it The reason for these actions in 2018 is the inter-
is apparent that the Chinese telecommunication sec- national concern that the Chinese government has
tor is in a process of transformation from a centrally asked Huawei and other companies under Chinese
controlled sector to a semi-capitalist industry. China government influence to assist with intelligence
has opened up to more foreign investments. But gathering, in order to spy on them, stealing corpo-
China’s central government will continue to play a rate, government or military secrets. In this connec-
central role in stimulating technical progress through tion Huawei is closely tied to the government, as the
alliances, mergers and acquisitions. Also Huawei founder, Ren Zhengfei, is a former technologist in
receives plenty of state support, including soft loans the People’s Liberation Army.
to help with its international expansion. Huawei denies all these allegations and says
The MII has also continued to encourage local there is no evidence for these. At the beginning of
Chinese operators such as China Mobile and China December 2018, CFO of Huawei (and daughter of the
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Telecom to purchase telecommunications equip- founder), Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Canada
ment from Chinese manufacturers [e.g. Huawei, ZTE with allegations that she had violated international
(Zhongxing), Datang and Great Dragon]. sanctions against Iran.

Sources: based on and other public sources.

Financial activities
Through the membership of international financial organizations such as the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, the national government can assume its role as
an international banker. The granting of subsidies is another financially based promotional
activity of national governments.

Hollensen, Svend. Global Marketing EBook PDF, Pearson Education, Limited, 2020. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from hull on 2021-05-24 04:23:11.

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