GED102-1 Week 1 WGN 1

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FOURTH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102-1 WEEK 1

Task List

Week 1 focuses on the discussion of the nature of mathematics – what it is,

how it is expressed and where it is applied.

Keep track of your progress in this lesson by checking the box corresponding to each

1. Read/Watch Module 1 Lesson 1 Lecture

2. Read/Watch Module 1 Lesson 2

3. Read Module 1 Lesson 3 Lecture

4. Read two chapters of Ian Stewart’s “Nature’s Numbers”.

5. Write a synthesis essay of the reading in #4.

6. Submit WGN of Week 1.

FOURTH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102-1 WEEK 1

Lesson 1. Patterns and Numbers in Nature


A. What are the three (3) types of pattern?

1. Numeric Patterns
2. Geometric Patterns
3. Patterns of Change

B. What is Golden ratio and what is its estimated value?

Golden Ratio can be known as the golden proportion, divine proportion, or golden
number. An uncommon quality, signified by the image ϕ, and is roughly break
even with to 1.618. The consider of numerous uncommon arrangements can be
done utilizing extraordinary arrangements just like the Fibonacci sequence and
properties just like the brilliant proportion.

C. What is a fractal?

Fractal is a kind of mathematical shape that are interminably complex. In a

Fractal, the pattern replicates until the end of the time, and each part of the
Fractal, no matter how you look at it or zooming it in or out, it will be the same
as the image you are looking at.
FOURTH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102-1 WEEK 1

Lesson 2. Systemizing Patterns using Mathematics


A. Describe a Logarithmic Spiral.

Through the use of golden triangles, Logarithmic Spiral can be formed and also
known as the equiangular spiral.
• The arc length equals the radius of curvature: R = s. To put it another
way, the curvature is the reciprocal arc length: d/ds = 1/s.
• When a logarithmic spiral rolls over a line, each point of the spiral's path
is a line.
• The logarithmic spiral's multiplication is comparable to a rotation.
• The length of the spiral from the origin O to a point P(r0, 0) is equal to
r0 sec(b), where a = cot(b)

B. Describe a Golden Spiral.

In order to form a Golden Spiral, a Golden Rectangle must be created first.

First, draw a square then draw a line from one side's midway to the other.
from one corner of the square to the other. After that, utilize that line as the
sweep to draw an arc that characterizes the stature of the rectangle. Lastly,
complete the triangle. The corners of these squares can be connected by
quarter-circles. The result approximates a Golden Spiral (moreover known as
Fibonacci spiral).

C. Enumerate and describe five (5) of the 17 equations that changed the world.

I. Logarithms - The power to which a number must be increased to obtain

additional values is defined as a logarithm. It is the most practical method of
expressing enormous numbers. Multiplication and division of logarithms can
also be stated in the form of logarithms of addition and subtraction, thanks to
a number of important features of logarithms.
II. Wave Equation - any differential equation that represents how waves or other
disturbances propagate through a medium.
III. Calculus - Calculus is a tool used by engineers to determine quantities such
as rates of change and areas. It is concerned with two basic operations:
differentiation and integration.
FOURTH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102-1 WEEK 1

IV. Normal Distribution - A probability distribution widely used to explain

phenomena such as physical attributes (e.g., height, weight, etc.) and test
scores is known as the Gaussian distribution.
V. Fourier Transform - a mathematical technique for converting a time function,
x(t), to a frequency function, X(w). It has a lot in common with the Fourier
FOURTH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102-1 WEEK 1

Lesson 3. Systemizing Functionality of Mathematics


How is mathematics utilized in the following areas?

A. Pharmaceutical Field

Mathematics is mostly utilized in the Pharmaceutical Field. It includes

measurements and calculations needed for the prescribe medication. In a
Pharmaceutical Field, a pharmacist is expected to perform accurate and precise
calculations that involves measurements, fractions, decimals and also

B. Agriculture

In Agriculture, they use mathematical skills in their day-to-day farm activities.

Agricultural techniques undoubtedly incorporate everyday mathematics,
geometry, and arithmetic. Furthermore, modern farming practices have
dramatically expanded data collecting and processing. It also involves
computing for the expenses of the equipment, supplies for the farm and many

C. Engineering

Engineers uses a software or program that incorporate with math and can
create and design things. Everyday mathematics, geometry, and arithmetic
are surely used in agricultural operations. Furthermore, modern farming
procedures have greatly increased the amount of data collected and

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