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This adventure contains content pertaining to racial persecution and slavery. While it is
important to recognize these things in US history, Dungeons and Dragons is designed for fun.
Do not play this adventure if any players will feel triggered by the topics. Any creature
appearing in bold can have their stat blocks found in Appendix B or the Monster Manuel.

Table of Contents
Background ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Adventure Hook …………………………………………………………………………… 3

Scene 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Scene 2 ………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Scene 3 ………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Appendix A: Maps ……………………………………………………………………….. 13
Appendix B: Stat Blocks ……………………………………………………………….. 15

The Revolution is in full swing. Our story begins with the player characters (PCs) trying to rescue
an earth genasi from being burned alive by an angry mob. This encounter results in their
capture. From there, the players must escape their holding cell and decide where to go next.
They should find a reason to cross the Hudson River and head north. On their way, they
encounter a British spy who gives them the details of an upcoming assault on West Point. They
will have to deliver this plan to the fort, bolster the defenses, and confront an American traitor.
Their actions may decide the fate of the American Revolutionary War.

_ 2
see it as the art that it truly is. Therefore, it
is often kept secret.

This adventure retells the story of the

capture of John André and the treason of
Adventure Hook
Benedict Arnold. As the Dungeon Master September22nd,
September 22nd, 1780.
1780. ItIt isisaacool
(DM), you may want to do some historical York right off the shore of the Hudson
York right off the shore of the Hudson River. The River.

research to make the world more realistic. The small
small towntown of Sleepy
of Sleepy Hollow
Hollow is quiet.
is quiet. TheThesound
Many non-player characters (NPCs) are ofsound of a crackling fire pierces your ears.
a crackling fire pierces your ears. Burning
Burning wood fills the air. There appears to be
historical figures that players may be wood fills the air. There appears to be 10 men
10 men gathered around the fire. They are

familiar with such as George Washington gathered around the fire. They are
dressed in dirt-covered breeches anddressed
shirts in
and Marquis de Lafayette. The story takes dirt-covered
with worn-down waistcoats. Faces are worn-down
breeches and shirts with
place at the height of the American waistcoats.
illuminatedFaces are illuminated
by torches spread amongst by torches
Revolution. At this point in time, fighting spread
men, all amongst
of themthe men,
angry. In all
them theangry.
men In
has raged for five years. Both sides are keen free
holdhands, the men
pitch forks, holdand
swords, pitch forks,
clubs. Theyswords,
are and
on putting a stop to the conflict. Britain has aboutThey
clubs. 10 feet
about and
feet away closer.
and Behind
made numerous concessions in an attempt closer. Behind you, a small fire begins to hear
you is a small fire beginning to ignite. You ignite.
to ease the conflict, but the continental a panicked
You yell from right
hear a panicked behind
yell from the fire.
behind theAfire. A
woman stripped
stripped downdowntotoa aripped
congress has pushed forward the idea of a
new nation. This world fits the 5e narrative
through two major departures from reality.
Alien Races: In this universe, many
shirt appears to be tied to a large stake with
shirt appears to be tied to a large stake with
wood all around. The woman is an earth
wood all around. The woman is an earth genasi.
genasi. The fire appears to be quickly
The fire appears
approaching her.toEveryone
be quickly roll approaching

for initiative. her.

aliens opted to stay on earth and live Everyone roll for initiative.
amongst humans after making contact at
places like Stonehenge or the Great
This combat encounter is designed to be
Pyramids. Some continued to live in
way more than the PCs can handle. You can
communities of their own, while others
make the mob as strong as you like but try
immersed themselves with the humans.
to hustle this along because after one round

Many humans are fearful of these creatures

of combat, there is a flash of light, and the
and have a history of persecution. To
players fall unconscious.
circumvent this issue, aliens use a hat of
disguise to cover their appearance and
blend in. Some humans know of these
aliens and sympathize with (or even have

families with) them.

Arcane Abilities: Magic has existed
from the beginning of time. Throughout
human history there have been those who
fear this power. The Salem Witch Trials
were an attempt to purge that power.
Those who are able to master the arcane
are feared and therefore persecuted. Most
humans know that magic is real, but few

_ 3
Scene 1

Finding themselves trapped in a cell, the

At this point it may be useful to explain a
little bit about the universe (magic, aliens,
PCs must escape. The PCs are guarded by
two Footmen and Animated Armor. There
are many ways for them to do so, but here
are a few options.
etc.). Either before or after this world- The party can attempt to pick the
building talk, read the following: lock with a DC 14 Dexterity check with
Thieves Tools. It is important to note that
wake upup as thesun
as the sunbegins
rising. You
You feel their gear has been taken, so a sneaky
feel groggy,
groggy, but have
but you you have received
received the of a
the benefits
rogue who keeps their tools on their leg
benefits ofYou
long rest. a long
startrest. You
to pat start to
yourself pat Your
may still have them. Alternatively, there are

gear is gone.
yourself down. You feelgear
Your your ishead.
Youhat is
gone. You look to the others and see that they a few items in the cell which could come in
your head. Your hat is gone. You look to the
have all transformed backhave
into their handy for an improvised lockpick. The only
others and see that they all original
bodies. Looking around, you see wooden things in the cell are a few bundles of hay
transformed back into their original bodies.
panels all around you. In front of you, iron bars tied together with steel wire, a few musket
Looking around, you see wooden panels all
prevent you from leaving this space. There balls, a handful of nails, and a half empty
to beInafront
door of you,bars.
in the ironYour
barrel of water. Use any lockpick mechanics

picks up a lingering scent of ale which isThere
you from leaving this space.
you would like.
appears to be a door inbythe
quickly overshadowed thatbars. Your nose
of manure. You The party can attempt to break out
hear up a lingering
snoring and seescent of aleregulars
two British which isat a
by force. Anyone can make a DC 20
quickly overshadowed
table which is overlooked byby that of manure.
a suit of medieval
Strength check to break through the door or
You hearWhat
armor. snoring
wouldand yousee
liketwo British
to do?
wood keeping them in. You can even lower
regulars at a table which is overlooked by
the DC for any clever players who use their
two suits of medieval armor. What would
brains to make breaking something easier.
you like to do?
The party could attempt to involve
the guards. Some magical trickery could be
used to get the keys from the guards or

_ 4
Sergeant’s Quarters
even get the guards to let them out. A well-
intentioned charm person may prove quite
useful. Otherwise, players could strike a
deal with the guards. Whatever the deal The players may choose to enter the
may be, the guards will first have to believe headquarters of Sergeant Arthur
the offer, and second be compelled to Wellington. If they do not, have someone
comply. Start with a DC 15 Deception check. else they encounter give them Wellington’s

If a character succeeds, they can make a DC quest (unless they are already heading
13 Persuasion check to convince the guard across the river and to the north). The first
to let them go. floor is a kitchen and living room. The

No matter how the escape is players can explore uninterrupted with a DC
executed the Animated Armor will attack. 12 stealth check. They will find a map of
The guards may help the PCs if a deal was where they are and a battle plan (Appendix
struck (perhaps using the “Help” action to A) that shows a colonial base 20 or so
call out weak spots), otherwise they will try kilometers north of their current location.
to subdue the party. If things go south, the Too much noise may cause a British aide to
two Footmen will surrender. In that case, check in.
reference “What the guards know.” for There are only two people in the

What the guards know.

guidance on the interaction. house, and they are on the second floor,
first door on the left. One is Sergeant
Wellington (Foot Sergeant) and he is
accompanied by his aide (Footman). If the
• They arrived here early this morning and players want, they can sneak up on
were told to guard these prisoners Wellington with a DC 12 stealth check. In
captured last night. that case, the redcoats are surprised.
• They are familiar with magic and the other Otherwise, Wellington is more interested to
races. hear about what the players are up to. He is
• They are a part of "His Majesty King a spy for the Continental Army, and he is

George III's royal army" and serve under willing to let the players go if they agree to
assist him in delivering a message. He
the command of Sir Henry Clinton.
refrains from offering details unless the
• Their immediate commander is Sergeant
players agree. He is worried about sending
Arthur Wellington who is headquartered
a British soldier behind enemy lines to
in the house 30 meters east of here.
deliver the message.
• There are about 1000 men in this

If the players do not assist him, he

will try to restrain them and put them back
• They are located at a British outpost a few
in prison. If the players agree to help, he
kilometers south of Sleepy Hollow, New
will give them a map and tell them to tie
York and right across the Hudson River.
the parchment to the cherry tree that the
• The Continental line is across the river. map leads to. His contact will take it from
there. The map leads them to a location
about 5 kilometers north and across the
Hudson. There will be a small boat waiting
for them to cross on.

_ 5
In some way shape or form the party should
have gotten a map or instruction sending
them north and into colonial territory What does the message say?
across the Hudson River. We are now ready If a player tries to read it, it will instantly
to move to Scene 2. ignite. They can make an intelligence saving

throw to see how much of it they read
before it turned to ash. Feel free to have
fun with it if players use spells to stop the
flame. The chart below details how many

Scene 2
words a player can read based on the save.

1-10 roll a d1.

11-15 roll a d6..
16-19 roll a d12.
20+ roll a d20.

The note reads: "An attack is planned for

e the base at West Point today at dusk. Bring

your reinforcements to ensure swift
A Man of Mystery
Regardless of whether or not the party took John André is the chief British intelligence
up Sergeant Wellington’s quest you can officer and contact for Benedict Arnold. He

have them make an encounter check at that has been behind enemy lines since the day
location. The outcome is predetermined, before and missed his initial retreat. He is
but it is fun to give the illusion of chance. To heading south to link up with his boat (The
introduce Major John André, read the Vulture). He is visibly frustrated and tired.
following: He is prone to slip up. The characters will
As you walk, you feel the faint breeze on likely question him. Reference the

As you walk, you feel the faint breeze on "Roleplaying John André" section.
your skin. You hear a twig. SNAP! You turn
your skin. You hear a twig. SNAP! You turn
to see a tall man skulking about. This man
to see a tall man skulking about. This man When the players catch André in his
appears to be wearing common wear.
appears to be wearing common wear. nefarious deeds, they may choose to
Brown breeches tattered white shirt,
Brown breeches, tattered white shirt, restrain him or fight him. Any hostile
brown waistcoat, and a pair of leather
brown waistcoat, and a pair of black attempt causes him to reveal his true
boots. His straw hat droops down covering
leather boots. His straw hat droops down nature and attack. André is actually a Drow
his face. He turns to you and removes his
covering his face. He turns to you and Elite Warrior. When he begins the fight, you
hat. "Well hello there."
removes his hat. "Well hello there." can read this:

_ 6
You see the man take a few steps back. His Roleplaying John Andre:
appearance starts to change. A shimmer John Andres lives a high-class lifestyle and is
rolls down from his head to toes revealing used to finer things. André is a well-respected
a dark grey/black skin, shimmering white military man on both sides. He is Benedict
hair, and pointed ears. He holds his hands Arnold's contact in the British military. He quite
crossed above his head. As he brings them dislikes Arnold because he has "stolen" Peggy

down, you see a shield and sword appear Shippen from him. He doesn't know a lot about
in each hand. “I will do what I must." Roll how colonial commoners act, so he maintains
initiative. his highfalutin demeanor. If questioned on

what he was doing, he will make up a story
about farming, but will likely make a mistake.
After the fight, André is happy to spill the Consider him saying that he just harvested his
beans on everything. Reference “What John garlic and asparagus (the players can make a
André knows.” history check to see if they realize that those
are harvested in May, not September). He
knows Thieves Can't in the event anyone leaves
What John André knows. messages or speaks it. If the characters get
• His name is Major John Andre.

Benedict Arnold. e
He will divulge his relation to

He delivered plans to attack West

suspicious and make a hostile move, he will
fight. He prefers to talk his way out of
situations rather than fight, and he is more
inclined to surrender rather than fight to the
Point which is about 15 or so death if he falls to half health.
kilometers north of here.
• Benedict Arnold and a few other
British soldiers plan to weaken the
fort by disguising as continental

• He doesn't know any details of the

formal assault (time, how many
men, formation, etc.), but that it
was included in the maps and
instructions he delivered to
Sergeant Wellington.

At this point, the party knows of an
impending assault on West Point. They
should want to warn the troops there. We
are now ready to move to Scene 3.

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