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Aken subaktiar: Policeman

Arista gilang: Host 1

Riska permata: Host 2
Zaka Ananta : Witness
Sulthan Rasyid: Traffic Scholars
Dwidio Alfaruq: Presenter

Balikpapan Container Truck Accident: This Is The Result Of KNKT


BREAKING NEWS A streak traffic accident occurred, hitting six cars and four
motorcycles during the procces in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, earlier this day.

based on temporary data from the police, the crash killed 5 victims, meanwhile 4
others were seriously injured.

The accident was precisely occured on Soekarno-Hatta street, Simpang Muara

Rapak, Balikpapan at the traffic light point.

The CCTV video of the accident was uploaded to the Instagram by an account
named @mrgamayel. The video shows that the accident was occurred at 06.19
WIB (west timezone of Indonesia), Friday (21/1/2022).

At that time, a numerous of vehicles, both cars and motorbikes, were densely
stopped at a red light. But unfortunately, from behind, a tronton truck struck right
into the pact of vehicles ,it was suspected that the brakes had been failed to stop
the truck due to braking system malfunction.

For more detailed information, let us to connect with our reporter Dwidio in the

Yes. Thank you riska for the upportunity. Yeah so according to the latest
statement in studio, it is true that the crash really happened right in this spot
earlier. As you can still see right behind me there are still a lot of sharpnel, glass
shard, car and motorcycle parts straggle around the scene. And for more detailed
information, we’re here with our Witnesses: Mr. Zaka who knows the exact
chronology of the accident.

Good evening sir

Yes, good evening…

Sorry for interrupting your time, would u mind to explain us what exactly
happened the first time you saw it?

Answer :

at that time, this morning. I was sitting in front of my shop which is near the
scene. traffic looks busy and still run smoothly. but suddenly when I was serving a
customer I heard a loud bang. I immediately ran in the direction the sound came
from, it turned out that the sound was came from a container truck crashing into
dozens of vehicles in front of it. If I can recall, I think there were a couple of cars,
pick ups and dozens of motorcycles were seriously damaged.

Okay, for the second question:

regarding the time of the incident occurred on the spot, Is it the same as the time
stated in the Instagram post that has been spread on social media ?

Jawaban :

I don't know about what is being reported on Instagram, because I don't have
social media. but if you ask about what is being reported on television I think it is
in accordance with what I saw. It Happened around 6 AM and half hour later the
authorities came and secured the area.

I hope in the future that the company that owns the truck will inspect it before the
unit is operated to avoid unwanted things.

Thank you Sir, for the interview

You’re Welcome, you’re welcome

Despite the amount of media that has been reported this accident, there were still a
lot of debates about the sure number of the victims. Some sources stated that:
there were 21 deaths in this accident instead of 5. Therefore I’m here with
Kombes Yusuf Sutejo the PR of West Kalimantan police department.

Good evening sir..

Good evening..

From the accident, how big the damage really is? How many cars and motorbikes
were badly damaged? and facilities such as red lights, and we want to know how
much the sure number of the victims in this accident? Bcs some source said that
there were 21 deaths alone *Police look confused with the number* in this
particular accident.

No. there ain’t no 21 deaths happening here. It’s a HOAX. The truth is there were
two private cars, two public transportation, two pick-up cars and 14 motorcycles
were seriously damaged, 5 people died on the spot and 26 people were injured and
the other 4 were badly hurt. And of course the damage was estimates at billions of

where the victims and injured were rushed to?

There are three referral hospitals that we cooperate, Public Hospital os Kanujoso,
Beriman Hospital, and Ibnu Sina Hospital. Because each hospital already has our
personnel assigned to identify and provide information to the victim's family.

Alright once again thank you sir for the clarification.

You’re welcome..

Reporting live from Balikpapan, I’m Dwidio Al-faruq, Back to studio.

Thank you Dwidio for the reports.

Earlier we stated that the accident was caused by breaking system failure. In terms
of that, we need to knowledge ourself on, how this big container truck experience
a breaking system failure.
What a coincidence, we are inviting Mr. Budi Setiyadi a Traffic Scholars from the
National Comitte of Transportation safety to join our conversation.

Mr. Budi Setiyadi please join us.

Good evening sir..

Good evening.

So sir, about this huge accident, how come it can be caused by this one specific
reason? How often it can get?

Yeaahh.. so first of all.. it is common, bigger vehicle tend to experience more

Brake lag rather than other small vehicle. What is Brake lag? Brake lag means
that: the braking action takes longer to execute than it should be, to be ready tto
use after the previous braking procces.

And in this case, There were 3 derivative in the spot right.. it could be that the
driver step on the brake to much during the first to the second derivative. So what
happened during it’s Third derivative which is approximately 250 meters from
the traffic light was: the compressor no longer has enough air pressure to push the
brake fluid against the brake pads to stop the wheels, PLUS with 20 Tons of
weight it is natural that the truck was just gliding uncontrollably.

A recent investigations shows that The driver's was actually attempting to

downshift from 3 to 2 to get the engine brake effect (engine break) but it also
failed, having previously succeeded from 4 to 3. Which in neutral state, the truck
accelerated faster, crashing into everything in front of it.

Okay thank you sir for joining us.

And that’s all for today news, I’am Arista and I Riska. Delivering news from
worldwide to your home. Have a great day.
Balikpapan Container Truck Accident: This Is The
Result Of KNKT Research
CNN Indonesia - Jumat, 21 Jan 2022

Kelompok 3:

Aken Subatiar / Policeman (XII IPA 8/03)

Arista Gilang F / News Anchor 1 (XII IPA 8/09)
Dwi Dwio Alfaruq / Reporter (XII IPA 8/15)
Moch. Zaka Ananta A. F / Witness (XII IPA 8/21)
Muhammad Sulthan Rasyid / Traffic Scholar (XII IPA 8/27)
Riska Permata Hati / News Anchor (XII IPA 8/33)


Jalan Raya Prapen No. 59, Panjang Jiwo, Kec. Tenggilis Mejoyo
Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60299

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