Strategic Management: Task Performance

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Strategic Management

Task Performance

Submitted by:

Rowell Mamuyac

Herminio Macam

Maria Claire Laroza

Jean Rose Manzano

Jemuel Artlee Nerona

Trisha Grace Manuel

Janine Lhoi Ominga

Cherry Mae Laus

Ainela Leano

Sylver Lubin

Submitted to:

Cherrie Mae Manuel

Facebook Incorporated

I. Company Background

a. Current Performance

Over the years Facebook has expanded to include multimedia content and sharing content initially
posted by others on Facebook or elsewhere. All stuff that seems rudimentary to us now, but at the time
were pioneering innovations from Facebook and other members of that first post-MySpace wave of
social networks. Facebook has made smart acquisitions over the last decade. It acquired Instagram in
2012 for $1 billion and WhatsApp in 2014 for $16 billion. It also acquired Oculus for $2 billion in 2014,
and is now in the leader in the low-cost VR market, which Zuckerberg sees as the gateway to Facebook’s

Facebook Key Statistics

•Facebook generated $117.9 billion revenue in 2021. Approximately $60 billion came from the
Facebook app

•$40.5 billion of Facebook’s revenue is generated in US & Canada, despite only 10% of users being
based in that region

•In 2021, Facebook had a net profit of $39.3 billion

•Facebook has been downloaded over five billion times

Facebook revenue

Facebook surpassed $100 billion revenue in 2021 for the first time, increasing its revenue by 37% year-
on-year to $117.9 billion in 2021.

Facebook quarterly revenue

Facebook Annual Revenue

Date Revenue
2010 1.97
2011 3.71
2012 5.08
2013 7.87
2014 12.46
2015 17.92
2016 27.63
2017 41.65
2018 55.83
2019 70.69
2020 85.96
2021 117.92

Facebook profit
Facebook has seen an increase in operating profit each year, apart from in 2019, when it declined by 4%.
In 2021, it reported $46.7 billion in operating profit.

Facebook annual net income

Year Net Income ($bn)

2010 0.37
2011 0.66
2012 0.03
2013 1.4
2014 2.9
2015 3.6
2016 10.1
2017 15.9
2018 22.1
2019 18.4
2020 29.1
2021 39.3

Facebook Monthly Active Users

Facebook has 2.9 billion monthly active users (MAUs), but for the first time since it launched, user
growth stalled in Q4 2021.

b. Strategic Posture

Mission Statement

Facebook mission statement is “To give people the power to share and make the world more open and
connected.” The statement focuses on its influential role to make a difference in the clients it serves.
Due to the changing landscapes of the social networking business, Facebook has had to readjust and
redefine its mission statement in the past. Through the changes, the company has revealed how critical
leaving an impact on societies is as a reputation sustaining model. Based on this observation, one can
identify several elements form this mission statement:

1. Improvement of life. To meet this component of its mission statement, Facebook

has integrated various impactful programs in its platform to add value to the lives of
its customers. The presence of these programs and assistive activities shows that
the company is more than simply giving a platform to exchange information among
its users. It is an establishment whose presence leaves smiles on the faces of people
irrespective of where they are across the globe. For instance, its industries section
links people and companies with numerous opportunities with long-lasting impacts
on the lives of individuals and the general societies.

2. Make the world more connected. Facebook has definitely gone beyond the
expectations in satisfying this element in its mission statement. Its platform is an
example of a modern tailored system for linking people with others and with
institutions. There is no limit to how people can interrelate within this platform. The
environment created by Facebook is exactly what the world deserves to continue to
thrive as a global village.

3. Encourage sharing of ideas. In this component, Facebook continues to introduce a

new feature that improves the usability of its platform for constructive purposes.
Through Facebook fundamentals, and optimization mechanism, users have
unlimited ways to express their ideas to a wide audience.

Vision Statement

Facebook vision statement is “People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to
discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.” Its focus is on
the influence the company has in the social media sector. Particularly, the statement brings out the
social building and dissemination of knowledge as critical factors that Facebook wants to be associated
with. This mission statement has several primary characteristics:

1. Freedom of expression. This component is perhaps the most developed one in the vision
statement of this company. Facebook has created an interactive and free of speech impediment
platform. Within this site, users have a voice to air ‘what matters to them,’ critique and criticize
any issues that affect them. The company has made it its role to help people have their voices
heard and respected. In fact, the rules and regulations of the company on how it handles
communication forms some of the most protective packages, and this has drawn billions of
users to this platform.
2. Information discovery. Facebook shows that the company is more than simply giving an
entertainment and social interactive platform. The firm has expanded its operations to include
business and educative features to meet the diverse needs of its customers. In this way, there
are no limits to what an individual can learn through Facebook. For instance, it has a section
where users can learn consumer behavior and marketing trends and many other skills with
Facebook blueprint.

3. Building family and friends bonds. While Facebook has brought in interesting elements in its
system, creating an environment where its users can bridge physical barriers to maintain
relationships remains a top priority for the company. To achieve this, the form creatively
integrates other social media sites such as Instagram to ensure people stay in touch at all times
without any limitations. The friendliness and ease of use of its text messaging and video calling
feature also boosts its satisfaction of this element in its vision statement,

Core Values

Facebook core values include “Focus on impact, move fast, be bold, be open, and build social value.”
Together, these values are instrumental in the way the company leads its operations to reflect a top

Data Policy

This policy describes the information we process to support Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and other
products and features offered by Meta Platforms, Inc. (Meta Products or Products). You can find
additional tools and information in the Facebook settings and Instagram Settings.

Other terms and policies that may apply to you

• Community Standards: These guidelines outline our standards regarding the content you
post to Facebook and your activity on Facebook and other Meta Products.
• Commercial Terms: These terms apply if you also access or use our Products for any
commercial or business purpose, including advertising, operating an app on our Platform,
using our measurement services, managing a group or a Page for a business, or selling goods
or services.
• Advertising Policies: These policies specify what types of ad content are allowed by partners
who advertise across the Meta Products.
• Self-Serve Ad Terms: These terms apply when you use self-serve advertising interfaces to
create, submit, or deliver advertising or other commercial or sponsored activity or content.
• Facebook Pages, Groups and Events Policy: These guidelines apply if you create or
administer a Facebook Page, group, or event, or if you use Facebook to communicate or
administer a promotion.
• Meta Platform Terms: These guidelines outline the policies that apply to your use of our
Platform (for example, for developers or operators of a Platform application or website or if
you use social plugins).
• Developer Payment Terms: These terms apply to developers of applications that use
Facebook Payments.
• Community Payment Terms: These terms apply to payments made on or through Meta
• Commerce Policies: These guidelines outline the policies that apply when you offer products
and services for sale on Facebook.
• Meta Brand Resources: These guidelines outline the policies that apply to use of Meta
trademarks, logos, and screenshots.
• Music Guidelines: These guidelines outline the policies that apply if you post or share
content containing music on Meta Products.
• Live Policies: These policies apply to all content broadcast to Facebook Live.
II. External Environment

A Five Forces analysis of Facebook Inc. reveals issues that affect the company’s position as one of the
top players in the international social media market. Michael Porter developed the Five Forces Analysis
model to evaluate the external factors that influence companies’ industry environment. In this business
analysis case, such external factors influence the level of competitive rivalry that firms like Facebook
experience in the global social networking market and the online advertising industry environment. As
one of the biggest competitors in the multinational industry, the company enjoys the benefits of high
revenues and popularity among users and advertisers.

This Porter’s Five Forces analysis of Facebook Inc. puts emphasis on customers and substitutes as the
strongest forces based on external factors in the social media business. Nonetheless, all external factors
in the Internet advertising industry environment are significant in affecting the company’s business
performance relative to the performance of competitors like Google LLC, Twitter Inc., and Snap Inc.

Competitiveness: there are not many rivals in the industry who can also provide targeted online
advertising (Google, YouTube, Amazon, possibly Twitter). The number of these firms is a weak force.
Nevertheless, since users have no difficulties in changing preferable social networks, low switching costs
are a strong force of competition (Haucap and Heimeshoff 52).

Bargaining Power of buyers and customers: There are two strong forces: low switching costs for
advertisers and multiple substitutes. Advertisers can quickly switch to other social networks with a
similar audience, whereas there are multiple substitutes that provide similar services. These factors
weaken Facebook’s bargaining power. At the same time, since online advertising is crucial and
advertisers have strong bargaining power, it also weakens customers’ bargaining power.

Bargaining power of suppliers: The bargaining power of suppliers is weak for the following reasons:
since Facebook’s demands for services are not unique in the IT industry, there is no need for individual
suppliers. There is a variety of suppliers who can provide the company with hardware and software, and
the company can switch easily between suppliers. Thus, suppliers’ bargaining power is weak.

Threat of substitutes: this threat is a strong force because advertisers who use Facebook can choose
other forms, such as TV ads, radio, print ads, or any other social media. However, some of these
substitutes might cost more than Facebook’s services (Goyal 223).

Threat of new entrants: this threat is a weak force, although it might present some difficulties. Since
loyalty to the brand is high, and Facebook’s unique services are difficult to copy because of the needed
investments, new entrants are a weak force that only depends on low switching costs for customers and

III. Internal Environment

 Firm’s Resources
 Financial Statement
Facebook is a company with a dominant presence in our digital lives. Around 3.3 billion people
worldwide used at least one of Facebook’s apps at the end of 2020. Based on Facebook’s
financial statements, the company looks like a great business with double-digit growth. But
Facebook is also at the center of many privacy issues and other controversies that might hinder
its future if not addressed properly.

Facebook’s revenue was $86bn in 2020, growing by 22% annually. Facebook also had an
impressive 38% operating margin in 2020. This margin will continue to decrease because,
despite solid revenue growth, Facebook expenses are growing even faster. Facebook’s annual
net income in 2020 was $29bn.
The main way how Facebook makes money is by showing targeted advertising to its 3.3bn users
and getting paid for it by advertisers, primarily small businesses. Advertising represents 98% of
its revenue.

Like other businesses with advertising-driven business models, Facebook has to juggle both its
users’ and advertisers’ interests. An issue arises when both groups’ interests come against each
other, for example, when it comes to privacy
 Capabilities
 Marketing
Facebook Inc. Marketing strategy
Segmentation, targeting, positioning in the Marketing strategy of Facebook-
Facebook uses the mix of Demographic, geographic and psychographic segmentation variables
in order to understand the preferences and engage people accordingly so as to generate

Since the target market for Facebook is huge so by using differentiated targeting strategy
Facebook makes sure that it provides algorithmically individualized advertisements meant for
the specific person based on the way he/she operates their accounts.

It uses value-based positioning strategy and believes in engaging people so that people can
share more and more and connect with others.

Distribution strategy in the Marketing strategy of Facebook –

Facebook uses online channel for delivering its services. It reorients and changes the platform
continuously so as to engage the users effectively and improve their overall experience each
time they access to the different services offered by the Facebook.
 Competencies
I. Move Fast and Break Things

In Mark Zuckerberg’s 2012 letter to investors, he said, “Hackers try to build the best services over the
long term by quickly releasing and learning from smaller iterations rather than trying to get everything
right all at once.” Facebook has faced plenty of backlash with controversies lately, including a major data
security breach that led to Zuckerberg testifying before congress. But this willingness to be bold and
fast-moving has its benefits. Facebook consistently creates products and improvements to its platform
quickly. Significant features such as removing trending topics, adding timeline stories, and adding image
filters have all been launched in the past few years. The “hacker way” allows the company to move
quickly and constantly improve the platform.

II. Give Employees Trust

In an article written by a former employee Pedram Keyani, he tells a story about working on a code
change to the Timeline which was pushed out to 25 million people on his second day at the company. In
his investor letter, Zuckerberg echoed this sentiment, saying that the developers organize hackathons on
their own and that "many of our most successful products, including Timeline, chat, video, our mobile
development framework, and some of our most important infrastructure, came out of hackathons."
Idea frequency, implementation, and executive buy-in, according to Spigit, a provider of innovation
management software. These are three principles Facebook holds. Not only do employees self-organize
and enjoy the process of developing new products, but bosses, including Zuckerberg, participate in
these sessions and incorporate the finest ideas. This motivates employees to continue thinking outside
the box.

III. Focus on

Employees are inspired to build exceptional goods and services by the company's purpose to "make the
world more open and connected." This philosophy drives all company actions, whether operational
decisions, or hiring, and allows the organization to be consistently competent and high-performing. For
this reason, Facebook is consistently ranked as one of Glassdoor's top places to work. Employees are
motivated to come to work every day because they believe in Facebook's purpose.

IV. Corporate Level Strategies

• Market Penetration.

Facebook achieves growth primarily through the market penetration intensive strategy. The
objective of this intensive growth strategy is to maximize current market share. For example, as one of
its strategic objectives, the company increases its share in current markets by establishing alliances with
telecommunications companies to increase the number of users who access the company’s social media
service through the Facebook mobile app. This intensive growth strategy supports the company’s
generic competitive strategy of cost leadership by maximizing market reach using existing assets.

• Market Development.

Market development is the secondary intensive strategy that Facebook uses for business growth.
The objective in this intensive growth strategy is to enter new markets. For example, one of Facebook’s
strategic objectives is to coordinate with governments to allow their citizens to access the online social
network. This intensive strategy aligns with Facebook’s corporate mission and vision statements, which
emphasize growth through global market reach. Such market reach maximizes business effectiveness
and efficiency, and satisfies the company’s cost leadership generic competitive strategy.

• Diversification.

Facebook Inc. uses diversification as a supporting intensive strategy for growth. The main objective
in this intensive growth strategy is to establish new businesses. For example, the company acquired the
firm Oculus VR to offer virtual reality technology that complements social networking services. Through
this intensive growth strategy, Facebook Inc.’s strategic objective is to purchase or establish new
subsidiaries or businesses to increase revenues and market reach. The cost leadership generic
competitive strategy involves cost minimization that supports the implementation of this intensive

• Product Development.

Product development is a supporting intensive growth strategy used in Facebook Inc.’s social media
business. This intensive strategy involves offering new products. For example, as a strategic objective,
Facebook Inc. developed mobile apps to complement the social networking website. The company
continues to develop new product offerings. This intensive strategy influences Facebook’s marketing mix
or 4Ps. New products attract more individual users and advertisers, which are the main source of the
company’s revenues. The cost leadership generic competitive strategy optimizes profit margins when
implementing this intensive growth strategy.

V. Analysis of Strategic Factors

Facebook’s Strengths (Internal Strategic Factors)

Facebook Inc.’s strengths support its market position as one of the biggest players in the social
media market and the Internet advertising market. Such strengths are internal factors that build
business competitiveness. This element of the SWOT analysis enumerates the company’s strengths and
how they relate to business performance. The following are Facebook’s main strengths:

1. Strong brand image

2. Large consumer base with externalities
3. High revenues
4. Innovative workforce

Facebook’s Weaknesses (Internal Strategic Factors)

The company suffers from a number of weaknesses based on the nature of its business. Social
media and online advertising technologies create weaknesses that enable competition, which exerts a
moderate force on firms in the industry. In this element of the SWOT analysis, weaknesses are internal
factors that prevent or reduce the company’s success. The following weaknesses affect Facebook Inc.’s
long-term success:

1. Imitable products and services

2. Negative impacts of online advertising on user experience
3. Low diversification of business

Opportunities for Facebook Inc. (External Strategic Factors)

A number of opportunities are available for the company to grow its social media business
internationally. This element of the SWOT analysis enumerates the external factors that the company
can exploit to improve its business situation. The following opportunities are most relevant in Facebook
Inc.’s case:

1. Business diversification
2. Product innovation
3. Market penetration and development

Threats Facing Facebook Inc. (External Strategic Factors)

The company experiences risks linked to threats in the social media and online advertising
industry environment. External factors that impede business growth are outlined in this element of the
SWOT analysis. Facebook must address the following threats against its multinational business:

1. Imitation
2. Cybercrime
3. Market saturation

SWOT Analysis of Facebook Inc. – Recommendations

Facebook Inc. benefits from its market position in the social media business. However, this
SWOT analysis points out a number of issues that the company must address to maintain its growth and
profitability. For example, imitation enables other firms to compete in the online advertising industry.
Also, Facebook is a prime target for cybercrime. These issues require strategic management initiatives to
maintain the company’s status as an attractive venue for online communication and information
It is recommended that Facebook diversify its business to minimize market risk exposure while
exploiting possible additional sources of revenues to keep the organization growing.
VI. Strategic Alternatives and Recommended Strategy

• Strategic Alternatives

Growth Strategy (Concentric Diversification)

Facebook Inc. uses diversification as a supporting intensive strategy for growth. The main objective in
this intensive growth strategy is to establish new businesses. For example, the company acquired the
firm Oculus VR to offer virtual reality technology that complements social networking services. Through
this intensive growth strategy, Facebook Inc.’s strategic objective is to purchase or establish new
subsidiaries or businesses to increase revenues and market reach. The cost leadership generic
competitive strategy involves cost minimization that supports the implementation of this intensive

While portfolio diversification seems like an obvious bet, the idea can be misleading. Facebook already
has a slew of products in the social media market and leverages them appropriately. Thus, while
Facebook can diversify by spreading into adjacent social media markets, such as focused video-sharing
or payment systems, they should not try to blindly enter unrelated markets such as phone production.
As such, diversification without purpose would prove no meaningful value to Facebook beyond making a
naive gamble.

Stability Strategy (No change strategy)

Continue Mergers & Acquisitions, given its current health and consistent success, Facebook could stay
the course. While’s user-base growth is slowing, other Facebook apps, notably Instagram,
are proliferating and provide a significant revenue stream. As such, Facebook can continue searching for
promising young companies, acquire them, and then use its comparative advantage and core
competencies to quickly grow the startup. While this strategy risks poor acquisition choices, it also helps
Facebook maintain a growing and well-balanced user-base with consistent returns.

• Retrenchment Strategies

Turn-around strategy

The sheer speed at which Facebook (FB) has gone from being an underdog to one of the most
important dominant players in mobile advertising and mobile media in general is astounding. In 2012,
Facebook had so many problems with mobile devices that it had to publicly warn investors about its
weakness in the mobile market via an SEC filing. It hadn’t gone public at the time, but it was definitely
willing to try, and it submitted a modified prospectus saying it was struggling with mobile advertising
and hadn’t had much success. Meanwhile, most traditional media companies, whose businesses are in
many ways very similar to Facebook’s in that they also monetize their readers or users through
advertising, continue to struggle with mobile devices.

Liquidation Strategy
Meta Platforms Inc. (FB), the company that owns Facebook, makes money primarily from selling
advertising space on its various social media platforms. These platforms include websites and mobile
applications that allow users to connect and communicate with family and friends. The Company’s
websites and applications include the social network Facebook, the photo and video sharing application
Instagram, and the messaging applications Messenger and WhatsApp. Meta competes with other
companies that sell advertising to marketers and with companies that provide platforms for
communication and content sharing between users’ different social networks. Its main competitors
include Apple Inc. (AAPL), Alphabet Inc.’s Google and YouTube (GOOGL), Tencent Music Entertainment
Group (TME), (AMZN) and Twitter Inc. (TWTR).

Best Strategic Option/Recommendation

VII. Management Lessons Learned

Company Background

 What I have learned about current performance of the company is to understand a company’s
financial position both on its own and within its industry you need to review and analyze several
financial statements: balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and annual
reports. The value of these documents lies in the story they tell when reviewed together.

External Environment

 What I have learned from my scope is that, external environment scanning is crucial for a
business to determine whether your company is lacking or being at advantage with competitors.
The porter’s Five Forces is a great tool to analyze the standing of a company in the competition,
be it your company or your competitor’s company. This tool with its five categories also
identifies the corporate strategy to be applied to any segment of the economy to understand
the level of competition within the industry and enhance a company's long-term profitability

Internal Environment

 What I learned about Internal environment it is the physical and mental surroundings in which
employees work. They can be classified by the nature of their work like office, factory, field and
etc. The type of people who work in that environment, or the organizational structure within
which they work. The factors that can influence the behavior of people working in the
organization and also impact their ability to make decisions. I is also the psychological
environment that includes the individual’s feelings about that space and the furnishings and
In my point of view. The marketing strategy makes Facebook an attractive destination for all
types of businesses to post Ads, upload photos, create events and communicate with people
who quickly lead to grow Facebook revenue. In my opinion, Facebook builders should work with
privacy setting to ensure that users stay with them for a long time. Additionally, the developer
team should work to prevent the existence of duplicate accounts and fake accounts by tracking
the IP addresses of the user's computer. Finally, Facebook is still ahead beating twitter and other
social networking website that i mentioned before, Facebook is as the forefront for other online
social network services, I would say Facebook is make a difference in the information revolution
in these times and create a competitive environment in the market place.

Corporate Level Strategies

 Facebook uses market penetration to achieve growth primarily and increase revenue. We
learned that it can be used in developing strategies employed to increase the market share of
Facebook. Market penetration is not only used on a global and industry-wide scale to measure
the scope and for products and services, but also is used by Facebook to assess their product's
market share. In market development, Facebook use it for business growth and they are always
looking for ways to acquire new users and increase revenue. We learned that market
development is important because it helps Facebook to grow and reach new users in a planned
and structured way. From that, the company will have a long-term growth and increase revenue
Same as with the diversification and product development, it focuses on intensive strategy for
growth and it is important to offer new products or services to attract new users so that the
business will have a long-term growth and acquire new users and loyal users as well because if
Facebook do not have users which is the company’s main source of revenue, then the market
revenue will decrease.

I would say that Facebook have an excellent strategy. It has a generic strategy and intensive
growth strategies that maintain business competitive advantage based on efficiency and
accessibility of online social media services. The company’s generic strategy and intensive
growth strategies align with business strengths and enable the company to keep its market
position as one of the world’s leading online social networking firms.

 The lesson I have learned is that these two strategies are both helpful and a way in having a
mature company and business. Marketers should be aware of what to use in the kind of
products and services they provide to customers. Being able to have an awareness to these
strategies can make your company successful.

Analysis of Strategic Factors

 It has worked continuously on the growth strategy to expand and grow in different markets
through its services. Online drawing software is a great tool for designing five force models for
your business or analyzing successful business models like Netflix, Amazon, Starbucks, etc.

Strategic Alternatives and Recommended Strategy

 No success has ever been achieved without trials, no leader has every grown without making
mistakes and no team has ever created something amazing without a healthy confrontation. No
matter what we do, there will always be something that goes wrong and whether we like it or
not, mistakes will be made. But every failure or mistake we’ve been through we learned a lesson
that makes our weaknesses into strength and improved us to be strong leader. Positive results
will come when you start to replace your negative thoughts and habits with positive ones. It
doesn’t matter how many times you fall, what counts is how many times you stand up again.


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