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This communication plan outlines the implementation of the unit’s

information dissemination from 01 September 2018 to 31 December 2022 to ensure
critical information, key themes and messages regarding the Unit Transformation
Roadmap (Unit-TR) are continuously relayed and understood by its target audience
and at the same time gain support from them. It also prescribes the concept,
policies, procedures, and activities related to the dissemination of Unit-TR

2. Situation:

The ATR is an initiative of the Army that seeks to embrace genuine

transformation founded on good governance that will permeate every level of the
organization. As a plan, the ATR considered a multi-faceted approach that looked at
the Army as a platform for addressing the most fundamental and pertinent issues
that the institution is confronting – from stakeholders’ support, to finance and
resources, organization and human capital, internal processes, and constituency and
impact. Therefore, the ATR is envisioned as the bible or strategy for the entire Army
as it seeks to provide a solid and rational basis for its organization and capabil ity

3. Definition of Terms: (Annex A - Definition of Terms)

4. Target Audience:

Our internal target audience (ITA) is the Officers, Enlisted Personnel,

and Civilian Employees of Unit. While our external target audience (ETA) is the ICT
SECTOR (both public and private) and the general public including the Army Signal
Personnel (Officers & Enlisted Personnel) assigned outside the Philippine Army.

5. Objectives:

a. Primary Objective

Create, strengthen and preserve awareness on our internal

target audience (ITA) and generate support for the Command-TR among our
external target audience (ETA)/stakeholders/public.

b. Specific Objectives for ITA

1) Ensure that critical information, key themes and

messages regarding the Unit-TR are effectively relayed to our ITA.
2) Enable our ITA to either individually or collectively
articulate the critical information, key themes, and messages regarding the Unit-TR;
3) Enable our ITA to participate in the SIMBN-TR feedback
c. Specific Objectives for ETA/stakeholders/public

1) To generate and sustain support for the Unit-TR among

our ETA/stakeholders/public.
2) Ensure that critical information, key themes and
messages regarding the Unit-TR/ATR are well understood and effectively relayed by
our ETA; and
3) Engage aggressively to show sincerity to the Unit-TR.

6. Mission:

Unit, Command, PA administers a strategic communication plan and

conducts information dissemination to relay critical information, key themes, and
messages regarding the unit’s-TR in order to create the knowledge base and
mechanisms that will enable the ITA and ETA to identify, understand, articulate and
support the Unit-TR.

7. Concept:

a. The following “principles of strategic communication” (listed

in order of precedence) are adopted to describe the general context within which this
strategic communication plan shall be implemented:

1) Leadership-driven – leaders must decisively engage

and drive the strategic communication process;
2) Credible – perception of truthfulness and respect
between all parties;
3) Understanding – deep comprehension of attitudes,
cultures, identities, behavior, history, perspectives, and social systems;
4) Dialogue – multi-faceted exchange of ideas to promote
understanding and build relationships;
5) Pervasive – every action, image, and word sends a
6) Unity of effort – integrated and coordinated, vertically
and horizontally;
7) Results-based – actions to achieve specific outcomes in
pursuit of a well-articulated estate;
8) Responsive – right audience, right message, right time
and right place; and
9) Continuous – diligent ongoing research, analysis,
planning, execution, and assessment that feeds planning and action.

b. The following “principles of communication” (not listed in

order of precedence) proposed by the “communications principles model” are
likewise adapted to prescribe the common framework within which this
communication plan shall be implemented:

1) Trust - the perceived alignment of the military’s words

and deeds. However, although an organization's words and deeds directly affect
public trust, trust is not controlled through that alignment. It is subject to numerous
influences including culture, history, education, and language that may extend
beyond the military's time, resources, or expertise to understand or anticipate.
Perhaps most important, trust must be given freely it cannot be mandated. While
trust-building may be the desired outcome of communication efforts it should not be
the operational goal, because when the public trust shifts or weakens it cannot be
repaired by outward demands or assurances but through inward-focused, principle-
based realignment of an organization’s words and deeds;
2) Credibility – the literal alignment of the military’s words
and deeds. Like trust, credibility is created through the alignment of words and
deeds, but it is a direct product of that alignment itself. Unlike a trust, which must be
freely given, credibility can be taken to preserved and protected through deliberate
actions can be taken to preserve credibility that in turn encourages trust over time;
3) Free flow of information – communication will be
established with key publics, through appropriate avenues, to ensure information is
readily available to those who want it. Likewise, appropriate information should be
provided rapidly upon request to the greatest extent possible. The underlying
assumption implicit in this principle is that the military’s activities are legitimate and
that an informed non-hostile public will agree;
4) Accuracy – information provided to the key public
regarding military activities is not only factual but also portrays a correct picture of
5) Timeliness – defined in terms of a given key public's
information interests and demands. These interests and demands must be
anticipated in order to effectively balance the timing of communication against the
other communication principles;
6) Security- the potential risk to military personnel,
equipment, facilities, and mission objectives must be anticipated and evaluated
before communicating with the key public;
7) Privacy – the privacy of individuals must be protected;
8) Unity of voice – all members of the military must know
which information should and should not be communicated during their interaction
with key publics. This principle includes both word and deed elements as both are
communication activities that directly influence the credibility of the military;
9) Delegation of voice – to the greatest extent possible, all
personnel must be prepared, allowed, and encouraged to communicate freely and
openly about military activities at the earliest possible time. Equally important, if the
personnel are restricted from communicating about a given issue, they must
understand and be able to explain the rationale for this restriction and they must
know where to refer those with questions on the topic;
10) Emotion Defeats the Logic – themes and messages
achieved in the target audience (TA) motivation, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities to
make it more deliberate and profound; and
11) Changing Conditions – an effective communication plan
should highlight the “changes” achieved by the implementation of the Unit-TR to
make it more compelling.

8. Execution:

a. This communication plan shall adopt the following information

source policy:

As the focal point in the implementation of Unit-TR, The

Governance Strategy Management Office (GSMO), the section of the unit shall be
the primary source of critical information, key themes, and messages regarding the
ATR. Correspondingly, the ATR Officer of Unit or the authorized representative as
may be determined by the CO, Unit shall act as the Primary Subject Matter Expect/
Resource Person/ Point of contact regarding the Unit-TR. This will not limit the
capacity of the CO, Unit, and the EX-O or their authorized representatives as may be
determined by the CO to perform such function. Mechanisms inherent in the
implementation of the Unit-TR enable the transmission of periodic or regular updates
on Unit-TR for their perusal.

Other Unit-TR stakeholders (Champions, Warriors, Advocates,

and Partners) are enjoined to act as spokespersons for the Unit-TR.

The ODDA Loop model will be used in this strategy

communication plan. It is an acronym that stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and
Act. This framework is often used to discuss the commander’s decision cycle and
how the audience observes, perceives, and acts.


b. This communication plan shall be implemented in phases:

1) Phase 1 – Observe-Orient (01 October 2020 – 31

December 2020)

 Transmittal of critical information, key themes,

and/or messages regarding the Unit-TR to our TA
 Receipt of critical information, key themes, and/or
messages regarding the Unit-TR to our TA

2) Phase 2 – Decide (01 January – 30 June 2021)

 Comprehension of critical information, key themes,

and/or messages regarding the Unit-TR to our TA
 Acknowledge the need to pursue and sustain
implementation of the Unit-TR by our TA

3) Phase 3 – Act (01 July 2021 – 31 December 2021)

 Articulation of critical information, key themes,

and/or messages regarding the Unit-TR to our TA
 Participation in the Unit-TR feedback mechanism
by our TA
4) Phase 4 – Evaluation (01 January 2022 – 30 June

 Consolidation of feedback data

 Analysis of feedback data
 Assessment of the plan

5) Phase 5 – Application of Feedback (01 July 2022 – 31

December 2022)

 Revision of the plan (as necessary)

 Consolidation of feedback on the revision
 Analysis of feedback data

6) Phase 6 – Sustainment (01 January 2023 – 31

December 2023)

 Continuation of the plan

 Implementation of the revised plan (as necessary)

c. The following sets of information shall be used for this

communication plan:

1) Definition of Terms (See Annex A)

2) Frequently Asked Questions and Corresponding Answers
(See Annex B)
3) Themes and Messages (See Annex C)
4) Communication Strategy Plan Execution Matrix (See
Annex D)
5) STRATCOM Compliant Illustration (See Annex E)

9. Tasks:

Line Companies

a. Ensure the strict implementation of this communication plan.

b. Utilize all applicable communication media and tools specified in
Annex D.
c. Maximize TRIMP to disseminate the Unit-TR.
d. Actively engage the key stakeholders as third-party advocates to
support the Unit-TR.
e. Ensure that all communication materials are STRATCOM
f. Enjoin all personnel to discuss and relay to others the Unit-TR.
g. Develop a feedback mechanism.
h. Sustain and evaluate the implementation of this STRATCOM

10. Staff Support and Supervision:

a. S1

1) Ensure and monitor the Communication Strategy

Execution Plan Matrix specified in Annex D.
2) Ensure the utilization of information in all
correspondence, awards, stationaries, and troop information.
3) Ensure that all communication materials are STRATCOM
4) Integrate Unit-TR key themes, messages, information,
and communication tools during the reenlistment, promotion, examination, and
interviews for recruitment.

b. S2

1) Ensure the utilization of information in all

correspondence, awards, stationaries, and troop information.
2) Ensure that all communication materials are STRATCOM
3) Monitor, collect data and evaluate the effectiveness of
this plan and make a necessary report to be presented during the Observation and
Feedback meeting.

c. S3

1) Ensure and monitor the Communication Strategy

Execution Plan Matrix specified in Annex D, particularly in references, lectures, and
2) Assist in gathering data to be used in the Observation &
Feedback of this plan.
3) Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of this plan and
make necessary reports.
4) Ensure that all communication materials are STRATCOM
5) In coordination with the CMO section, ensure the
implementation of the Army Policy on social media.

d. S4

1) Ensure and monitor the Communication Strategy

Execution Plan Matrix specified in Annex D, particularly on marked administrative
vehicles and facilities.
2) Ensure that all communication materials are STRATCOM

e. S3/CMO Section

1) OPR and supervise the implementation of the Unit

Communication Plan “HORN BLOW” in coordination with the GSMO section.
2) Ensure and monitor the Communication Strategy
Execution Plan Matrix specified in Annex D, particularly in unit/office websites,
merchandise items, audio-visual presentations, social media/social networks,
discussion forum platforms, tarpaulin, streamers, publications, and computers.
3) Establish and sustain the Unit-TR Corner at the Unit
4) Facilitate the gathering of data to be used in the
Observation & Feedback of this plan.
5) Regularly publish Unit-TR and ATR articles at the Unit
“FB Fan Page”.
6) Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of this plan and
make necessary reports.
7) Administrator of the Unit Facebook Fan Page.
8) Ensure that all communication materials are STRATCOM
9) Ensure sustainment of this Plan.

f. S3/Training Section

1) Incorporate ATR subjects in all in-house; special training

and seminars.
2) Ensure that all communication materials are STRATCOM

g. GSMO Section

1) Update critical information, key themes, and messages

related to the Unit-TR/ATR.
2) Assist in the development of Audio Visual Presentation,
Unit-TR/ATR brochures, posters, leaflets, flyers, tarpaulins, and other appropriate
information dissemination materials.
3) Assist in the establishment of Unit-TR Corner at the Unit
4) Assist the CMO section in conducting the Observation
and Feedback of this plan.
5) Assist the CMO section in the evaluation and sustainment
of this plan.
6) Ensure that all communication materials are STRATCOM
7) In coordination with the Unit-TR TWG, closely monitor the
implementation of this COM Plan, conduct a review of the programs and plans of the
COM Plan and initiate necessary adjustments when needed.

h. SDO

1) Ensure that the Annual Program and Budget includes

provisions for the needed funding for strategic communication-related programs,
projects, and activities.
2) Ensure that all communication materials are STRATCOM

11. Coordinating Instructions:

a. This plan is to be integrated into the Unit-TR Strategic
b. All companies of this unit must understand and comply with this
PLAN and submit a report to this Headquarters (Attn: GSMO section) two (2) weeks
upon receipt of this COM Plan.
c. Submit a quarterly status report on the implementation of this
COM Plan every last Friday of the quarter to this Headquarters (Attn: GSMO
d. All concerned shall communicate critical information, key
themes, and messages regarding the Unit-TR and preserve our credibility.
e. All personnel must know which information should and should
not be communicated during their own interaction with key publics. This principle
includes both word and deed elements as both are communication activities that
directly influence the credibility of the military.
f. Comments, queries, and recommendations in the
implementation of this COM Plan shall be communicated to the GSMO section, Unit,
g. All concerned shall provide critical information regarding the
Unit-TR, particularly the status of their respective Performance Governance
h. Maximize the utilization of units TWG in the implementation of
this COM Plan.
i. Lateral coordination among task units and offices is highly

12. Effectivity:

This communication plan takes effect upon approval.

13. Rescission:

All publications inconsistent with this plan are hereby rescinded.

A – Definition of Terms
B – Frequently Asked Questions and Corresponding Answers
C – Themes and Messages
D – Communication Plan Execution Matrix
E – STRATCOM Compliant Illustration

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