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The term muscular dystrophy refers to a group of more than 30 inherited (genetic)

diseases that cause progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle fibers.

These conditions are a type of myopathy, a disease of the skeletal muscles.
Over time, muscles shrink and become weaker, affecting your ability to walk and
perform daily activities like brushing your teeth. The disease also can affect your heart
and lungs. It is a rare condition. It often runs in families. Genetic mutations, or changes,
cause most forms of muscular dystrophy. One or both parents may pass a faulty gene
to their child even if the parent doesn’t have the condition. Rarely, a person develops
muscular dystrophy spontaneously, meaning there’s no known cause.
It's a condition that tends to run in families. Most kinds of muscular dystrophy are
caused by genetic abnormalities or alterations. Even if neither parent has the disease,
one or both parents may transfer a defective gene to their kid. Muscular dystrophy can
occur without warning, which means there is no recognized cause.

 Muscular dystrophy refers group of more than 30 genetic diseases such as the
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), which is the common form of muscular
dystrophy and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) the second most common
muscular dystrophy, these conditions caused progressive degeneration of
skeletal muscle fibers. These are a type of myopathy, which is a disease that
affects the muscles that control voluntary movement in the body. Muscular
dystrophy is a rare condition that can affect our heart and lungs as well as our
ability to walk and perform daily activities. Most kinds of muscular dystrophy are
caused by genetic abnormalities or alterations. It can occur without warning,
which means there is no recognized cause. Even if neither parent has the
disease, they may transmit a defective gene to their offspring.
 The primary symptom of muscular dystrophy is the muscle weakness, including
difficulty in walking or running, enlarged calf muscles, having breathing problems,
having curved spine and stiff or loose joints.
 Enzyme and protein blood test, muscle biopsy, electromyography (EMG) and
genetic tests are the diagnostic tests to determine if someone has this kind of

 the physical and

The treatments that can help to cure muscular dystrophy are
occupational therapies to strengthen and stretch the muscles as well
as helps you to maintain function and range of motion. Medical
devices like walkers and wheelchairs that can improve mobility and
prevent falls, also surgeries, speech therapy that can help those who
have problems swallowing. Moreover, to prevent this disease, we
should always eat a healthy diet and maintain healthy weight, drink
lots of water, quit smoking and get flu and pneumonia vaccines.

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