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Usman Institute of Technology

HW-2-B- Spring 2022 Semester

Course Code: MS 351 Course Title: Operation Research Submission Date: 12/06/2022

Maximum Marks: 10 Max Time Allowed: 7 days


Seat No. ST-18030 Roll No. 18b-067-se

Batch: 18b Enrollment No. uit-096/2018-19

This is open-book Homework. Please Read chapter-16: Markov Processes before attempting the
questions of this homework from the textbook, An Introduction to Management Science
Quantitative Approaches To Decision Making, 13 th Edition, David R. Anderson. Write in your own
words, do not copy-paste from any source.

I guarantee that all submissions are based on my independent work without any unauthorized help.
All activities are completed with full adherence to the “Ethics Policy” of the Institute. I understand
that any breach would result in disciplinary action against me as per Institute rules.

☐ I have read and understood the Students Ethics Policy for Online Assessments.

(Paper will not be graded if the above is not checked)

Note: Submission of this paper certifies that you are agreed to the Students Ethics Policy for Online
Assessments and are liable to be judged according to it.

1. A small manufacturer employs 5-skilled men and 10 semi-skilled men and makes an article in
two qualities, a deluxe model and an ordinary model. The making of a deluxe model requires 2-
hours work by a skilled man and 2-hours work by a semi-skilled man. The ordinary model
requires 1-hour work by a skilled man and 3-hours work by a semi-skilled man. By union rules
no man can work more than 8 hours per day. The manufacturer's clear profit of the deluxe
model is Rs. 100 and of the ordinary model Rs. 80. Formulate the model of the problem.

Objective: To maximize the profit.

Key decision: The key decision is to determine the number of skilled and semi-skilled man of Deluxe
model and Ordinary model to be hired.
Key variables: there will be two decision variables x1 and x2
X1 = number of skilled man to be hired
X2 = number od semiskilled man to be hired
Objective function: Max P =100x1+80x2
Constraints: Availability of skilled employees for daily making of article

Availability of semi skilled employees for daily making of article

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Mathametical model;
Max P =100x1+80x2
Subject to,
Where x1,x2>0

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2. Old hens can be bought for Rs. 2 each but young one’s cost Rs. 5 each. The old hens lay 3 eggs
per week and young ones 5 eggs per week, each egg being worth 30 paisa. A hen costs Rs.1 per
week to feed. If a person has only Rs. 80 to spend on the hens, how many of each kind should he
buy to get a profit of more than t 6 per week assuming that he cannot house more than 20
Objective: To maximaize the profit weekly.
Key Decision: To determine number of each kind of hen to ber purchased.
Decision vriables: let x1 = number of old hens to be purchased; x2 = number of young hens
to be purchased.
Feasibility: x1 and x2 cannot be negative as purchasing cannot be in negative.
Objective: Maximize profit
Max = 0.3*( 5x2 + 3x1 ) – (x1+x2)*1 ==> 0.5x2 – 0.1x1
Constraints: Total number of hens we can house;
X1+x2 <= 20
Minimum number of money that can be spend on buying hens;
2x1+5x2 <= 80

Mathematical Model:
Max = 0.5x2 – 0.1x1
Subject to,
X1+x2 <= 20
2x1+5x2 <= 8
X1,x2>= 0

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3. A firm can produce three types of cloth, say, A, B and C. Three kinds of wool are
required for it, say, red wool, green wool, and blue wool. One unit length of type A
cloth needs 2 yards of red wool and 3 yards of blue wool; one unit length of type B
cloth needs 3 yards of red wool, 2 yards of green wool and 2 yards of the blue wool;
and one unit length of type C cloth needs 5 yards of green wool and 4 yards of blue
wool. The firm has a stock of only 8 yards of red wool, 10 yards of green wool and 15
yards of blue wool. It is assumed that the income obtained from one unit length of
type A cloth is Rs. 3 of type B cloth is Rs. 5 and that of type C cloth is Rs 4.
Formulate the problem as linear programming
Objective: Objective is to maximize the total income from production of type A,B,C
cloth. Key Decision: To determine unit of cloth A,B,C to be produced
key variables: x1 = unit of cloth A to pe produced.
X2 = unit of cloth B to be produced.
X3 = unit of cloth C to be produced.
Feasibilty: x1,x2,x3 cannot be negative as production cannot be negative.
Objective Function: Max = 3x1 + 5x2 + 4x3
constraints: total stock available for red wool;
2x1+3x2 <= 8
total stock available for blue wool;
total stock available for green wool;
3x1+2x2+4x3 <=15
Mathematical model; Max = 3x1 + 5x2 + 4x3
subject to,
2x1+3x2 <= 8
3x1+2x2+4x3 <=15
where , x1,x2,x3>=0

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4. Financial secretary of a firm wants to invest a sum of Rs. 10,000 so as to maximize its yield. He
has the following alternatives:

Investment A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Yield 3% 2.5% 3.5% 4% 5% 4.5
It is the firm's policy that at least 40% of the whole amount be invested in units of type A and
not more than 35% in any of the other two types. Make a model for the investment plan if the
whole of Rs. 10,000 is to be invested.

Objective: Objective is to maximize the profit.

Key Decision: To determine amount to be invested in A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2 to max yields.
key variables: let there be 6 decision variable x1,x2x,3x,4x,x5,x6
x1 = amount intvested A1 to get yeild
X2 = amount intvested A2 to get yeild
X3 = amount intvested B1 to get yield
X4 = amount intvested B2 to get yeild
X5 = amount intvested C1 to get yeild
X6 = amount intvested C2 to get yeild
Feasibilty: x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6 cannot be negative as investment cannot be negative.
Objective Function: Max = 0.03x1 + 0.025x2 + 0.035x3+0.04x4+0.05x5+0.045x6

constraints: Minimum amount to be invested in unit of type A

x1+ x2 >= 4,000
Minimum amount to be invested in unit of type B
x3+x4+x5+x6 <= 3,500
Minimum amount to be invested in unit of type C
x1+ x2 + x3+x4+x5+x6 = 10,000

Mathematical model; Max = 0.03x1 + 0.025x2 + 0.035x3+0.04x4+0.05x5+0.045x6

subject to,
x1+ x2 >= 4,000
x3+x4+x5+x6 <= 3,500
x1+ x2 + x3+x4+x5+x6 = 10,000
where , x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6>=0

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5. A farmer has 1,000 acres of land on which he can grow corn, wheat or soyabeans. Each acre of
corn costs Rs. 100 for preparation, requires 7 man-days of work and yields a profit of Rs. 30.
An acre of wheat costs Rs 120 to prepare, requires 10 man-days of work and yields a profit of
Rs 40. An acre of soyabeans costs Rs 70 to prepare, requires 8 man-days of work and yields a
profit of Rs. 20. If the farmer has Rs. 1,00,000 for preparation and can count on 8,000 man-days
of work, formulate the L.P. model to allocate the number of acres to each crop to maximize the
total profit.

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6. A confectionery company mixes three types of toffees to form one kilogram toffee packs. The
pack is sold at t 17. The three types of toffees cost Rs 20, Rs 10 and Rs 5 per kg. respectively.
The mixture must contain at least 0.3kg of the first type of toffees and the weight of the first
two types of toffees must at least be equal to the weight of the third type. Determine the
optimal mix for maximum profit.

Objective: the objective is to maximize the total profit. Key decision: The key decision is to
determine the unit of cloth A, B,C to be produced Key Decsion: The key decision is to determine
which toffees must be mix first. Key variables: There 3 decision variables x1, x2 and x3 x1= first
toffee mix x2= second toffee mix x3 =third toffee mix Objective function: Max = 20x1 + 10x2
+ 5x3 Constraints x1 + x2 + x3 <= 17 20x1 + 10 + 5x3 <= 0.3 Model: : Max = 20x1 + 10x2 +
5x3 Subject to, constraints x1 + x2 + x3 <= 17 20x1 + 10 + 5x3 <= 0.3

The End

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