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———eoocor—tS ® MRC PRoTOLO FoR _SenlGoR _NETIIORKS Mee Protocdt “in Sentor neon: axe und to crtate Ctlablich a ebook infrattuclore to Conmmunication ints among Variout fenton: St ewes foie ond efficient Sharing of \ Conmmunitation — Yetources Arrong Node, 69 that overall Mekoork con be maximized: Unlike infoarbuchore- based cellular Whe¥ere oP the nehoorkt, there 1 no | Single Controlling autherity in Sentor mehoores , So Qlebal synchronization —hecorntt diffeull These ae 3 basic Fendt of mac Profeedls wed fA Centor — meticorles ) Fixed altecation 2) Deerand - bated ollocation and 3) Contention - bated allocalion ) Fixed allocation Protocole Prowide a bounded delay Que eoth node. SP thet ts More trot he and each ode Moy Many over tiene frved allocation ray Weed to inefficient cage of channel 5) Derrand based MAC Protocols are ated in Auch Covet whet the Channel if aUocated according +o the dernord of the node Scanned with CamScanner a i 3) Contertion bared Mac Protocolt involve yordom Aces hosed comentton or the Channel coher need to be tranumitied: “They ove suitable Packek Box bursty traffre but doe not handle deloy Censikive or veal kone tvoPhe Sore Poplar Servo Nehoork MAC Protrols howe beer desenbed tn this Section. 0) Set Orgarszing rare Fox sentos Nehooiks and eavetdrp and regicler b) pybad TDMA [rpran c) CeMA- hated MAC Protreclt _and A) Sk Organizing Mac for Sentor_nehoorks eavesdrop and _fegittes:” Gah organizing Mac for sensor (eqacs) reboots and cavet drop and vegitey CeAR) oe proforals tohich handle Neksork and Wok layer organization Here neighbor chonrel assign onent tnitolizahon discovery and toe Place Gierwlraneowly» A comenuntdadion nk bebocen hoo node: conics of a paiv of time stot of 6 foved Srequency » Which i randomly choten ene of etablishieg tre link. St does ot the ire communication between neighbouring not "9 y Scanned with CamScanner @ Nodet because the availabe bondusidty is couch Norge than the data vote requied foro metogt Aranemittion behoeen +00 node. G4 requires commu Iitokion bebocen too comenuntcoting poder inorder to define the Slo ured for eis cornmounitation Poon i consened by fuming OM the tranieeiver dosing idle Slo, and using a vondom wake UP schedule curing lhe nekoork chad -up Phase: b) Hybod ‘TpMia| FMA A Pose TDMA. Scheme rrininaizes che chene for cohich a node hot to be kept on, bul Aine attociated Rene Synchronization Cot ae very high GA allot the minimum vequittd handewid th Pox cach Convection: “the hybsd TomAl FomA Scheme, ued a optimurm qumbsy of channels vohich ive cnininouen overall Power Conumption. Pocorr conturrplten depends 00 the ammat of poeoex Comuurned Brom trontmnities to cteever GF the tranimi Hew Contumer crore POLe® a TDMA scheme is favoured ond if ceceives consurnes crow, FO Acherne is Lavayced “This is becouse, i FoMA the receiver need not efind Power for time synchronization Scanned with CamScanner o by tcefuing during the guowd bond behocen slot, eohich bewomel etsental in a TEMA scheene- ce) cami boxed MeC_Protocdl!!~ CIMA Schernts axe more Luttable oy point-to-point — dittribokd othr Plow “The tenting Pesodt of coiA art contlant fox energy efficiency, tabi le the hackot? is tandorn to ovatd repeated Colision: Binary exponential back-of Fis uted to maintacn faimers 9 the reboot: AN adaptive Jranteniusion vate control (ARE) fs alo used, exbich bolancet oxigicolirg and route though Frocfbe in oder « ARE set Viner ineean and multiplicative deceeore Of — onginatting toffee wo anede The Penalty for deopring rouk through traf bre is hife, since energy is ted to vrate pace’ reach the staggers node: ARE Peeeeat Phase davnges Cohich aged athe onieniuion Fienet of differen t Steams So pod Pertedte rear art let \rkely te collide repeatedly. Hence cami baged Mac Protocol! ore Conlention— bored and ore used to increase ! anergy etticienty and maintain fairer. , Scanned with CamScanner ® vl % Location DscoveRy'~ EON he oration inforrrakon of Sentort has to be considerd duving aggregation oe Seated dot G_ ienpliee trot each node should bro H's \oeation ad coupk Wt leeakon inforration wrth the dolo in mmetsoges wa sends: A lowo+ pone’, Ynexpensive ard eeororably aceurat meckanisr 1S needed fox Jecabton discovery «FY glot=! fostoning Syplen Cap) ie net aleoay Peouible becouse it cannot reach hidden ox indoor ploces- lwo melhedt Ore ured for location discovery. }) Indoor Localizokion 3) Senior Nehoork localization. ») Spdoor Localization’ CaN zONs Ge user a freed imfrachuctore te eatinode ne locaton of Senter nodes. Fixed beacon nodes ore placed “in indoors tuch buildengs- The yardocly dictibukd Sentow receive beacon Ségnale fromm Ane beacon node! ard measure the Signal , shength 5 angle of arrival and ime deference beboen the arrival of different beacon signal. Scanned with CamScanner 8 Using the meaurment from multiple heaton! the acder etkerate “their [oration « Sorve approach: ute single chiangulation method S, while othect require a Prior’ dodabate creator ot segral mneaiucement» “the nad esti mak distances by looking up the dolahote invead of pecforypmieg Computedtou. 5) Seqsor seks, Loxlizaon’ Ga Siduokient , cohere there te no Fixed inforhudve available ard Peet mandorennent © axe, * not possible, tome of the Sentor nodes themselves They hove rei lecertion inlormotin, gerd penodic beacons to other ‘nodee att ark beatons- Using Gp! and thee Grease of Corrrcunicotion uting RE Signals , the vecewved Signal Strength Gndicator (REST) con be ored divlante but this is Mery Lentitive envionment conditions. Jo eskerate the Jo obstacles ond todaliration algotthmt require Feehmiquet \wcotton estimation depending 00 the heaton fox They axe obled mrulttadevation (MU) | node: loeaction: Jechniauies + Sorre of the sieapk Mt techr&ue oe | od Sollown— \ Scanned with CamScanner ~Ptomic MU- SL a node receiver thete beawon, it Can delemnine it's Postion by a mechanism Similas +o Gps: NN, —- © Beacon node @ Unknown node x > Beacon + Plerative MU- Some nodes roy not te io the Aivect vorge of three beacont. Once a node ettimates iti \eottion it serdt out Oo keaton, cohich enabls sonre otnes nodes te Mow receive ort least Hnree beaten’. “the chowskack is that multihop method propagates eros hence the ettimetton of toraction ry not “be Oceura- ° DO SS a ° ‘9 -——_____> ®+___o ° af 8 © Beacon node © Voknown node — Brawn = Cotlaborotive MLI- rohen eco os Mod Neder cannot qeceivie aAladt thee beasons cach, they collakocot eotth goth other. py) Shocon io fy, nok Ae B hoy 95 neighbas eoth,..of six Pactieinating nedes four coe Scanned with CamScanner rr et beacons, wohose positens an known. Hence by solving tek of Simultaneous quadrate aquattons + the o Parton of & ond B can be determined. © Bee © Beacon Nek sy tct Si o> Beacon, * Queury of_fA Sen toR NleTwoRe! = The Purpose of a Sensor netoork oe even tating Place in Porteules arta ence the 218 parameters cohich hook Obsewes given ove flow exe deine coverage preblent » and briefly wse Some do Solve them + a Acbine hao cell the net “eoweoge” and “exposure « and exposure mathematical echnique Coverage! coverage is a measure Of hous toelt the Nehook Can obiene oF Coney an Cvent - Coverage depends 9 yange and sentitivityof the senting nodes and the location and density of the senting node in given wegion The vonert cose Covers owas of breach ard best Rose defines the areas of best Coma. A path along +he axtas ob) best coverage “Fs called proxtenumn Support Path (i Scanned with CamScanner @ OF Maxirounm expoture path. Colerage problem is ot follows: Given o Beeld A varth 0 cet of gentors S2$SisS2 Sn} where fox each gemtor s, INS, H'S location Coordinates (vy) are brown, bored oF localization techniques. Aros T and F art intkal and Leal locat onro? an Intuder traversing the Led: “The Problm i do idecrbty Fe, the rrontenal brach path Hodtiyg 10 Tand endteg io FA Voxonpt diagram for a renter Pehoork nd abreach Point from 2 to His sheean in yo + Sensor node lite — Voronet diagram rode —— Broth poth fom 4 to &- Aigoathes 46 feed brach pth Pe ie Ye bererak the Vownet diagrann with the set of Vertices v and edge €- Gea 0 exighkd Graph with verter trom Vy and Scanned with CamScanner The Problern of line h thot. the coeight wok toch zdge from E., Sue A minimum ditane trom edge in the graph ic the all fentors tot . G fo F, & Dederenine “he enaximurn cot path trom fo fF, uting prodth But Soh: ‘ “the crontenum cost innplies least coverage Bence toe required: breach path is along this rnaximurn Cott: Patty debrnined from Vororo! diogram, & relald peblenn is thot oF Finding “the bett-core Coverage. foernalty Hoted at fedting the Poth the moienuen coverage thot is te which of devs in S fom Gi toF. Te tnoatnum Support Path Ps olution is Colied Delaucay triangulation. ‘obtained by a matherralical technique “this fs oblained rom Voronei dhogcam by connecting the Sider but poth silt be & fet where “he Polygon Shaves A Common CI%E The geqen ents fromm the Dela unoy triangulation, Connecting Some of the Sensor nodes, Scanned with CamScanner a iy: “0 Deleunoy rangle cage § — Undedlyi ng Norn! diagram «dat =~ Maximum fopport Path Exposure! : . . Expoture ig defined “at the tepeckd abl ty bin the sensor fields St 6 MHegral of Enc Sensing source ale P40 dectination of obfewtng © target Lornrally defined ox the | fundion on 0 Pally torn Aede Py: The Sensing Pores aha node S ot point P 3 urvalty Medelled at: 3 5G) een : phew dand tare constark and dnp) ie the destance of P Frees. Consider a nefusork toh Bensor$ $, jS2 0° Sn The total inknsity ad potot p, cated the atl sensor Field intensity, is given by Ty (AP 2f Ses 7) The clorert Sensor Feetd tatensity bb A Teh, P= SCSenin /P) wahere Genin is the orst, Soniov te P< The aoe doc! 99 travel of an eventalong a path PC) is Scanned with CamScanner r defined by the expasore Sunetion. ott eee) Aub? Geel wot [» nae) hee i pecelenental are kept, ond tote bebocen which the Path fs axe the Hime iotantes 9 ror tavtesian Coordin aks Aranexted- Lov Conversior Ce ew, wed) 5 a. (hey an Ga the Sirrplet cove of having one Semtor rode at (0,0) ino Unt etd , the breach path ov Rom (1-0 to O1,') g oninienurn expose e pathtmter) shown in anit field expotore path a ‘below. () i oo) 5 tw) oD SH can alto be Proved that fora Siegfe Sentor 4 in 2 poly gor Herd, with vertices Vie “Vp the MEP beluxen too Vertice! Vj ard v; can be dedewniced ar fattows «the edge (Vi, Vind 18 “berg to Ane desested ineevibed arcle ot Us Then MEP Consige of Ime Roe segment Jon vito uz, Paxt of Scanned with CamScanner . @ the ingedbed Cire from u; 4» and the Wre seqraent Brom 0; 40 ’ ald rater BAROLO path Polygoo 4 As Vs vy . v . . Ve ve vy Ur By Uy The Cxpoiort Problem is chit untolved fr too ov for Point Loith in the dhe same Comey, Gor The generic Pornk fo jared ped Ciscle gxpoiore Problem oF Mer dor randomly placed Sensor nodes deternioing the he nehook 1S feSellatd eatth grd tn tre Nebeor kt Fo Constyuel ah PAN arid of oxderm, each is divided into mn equal past point - gi de oR a Huet Creating Crnt) seskices- Genede_Minienu eepoguee Poth: — enede_ Midi he 2 FN Hesme2 Scanned with CamScanner oa | a Higher order quid have grok arcey xa cy », For each ade 10 the ged neksorkvtre Parr ctugcton 's %d RoE etna) ett weighs , ond the MEP iS delged ob the stovtest Path achernieed by Phtatat algorithm. HFupbeieg Ste . * Evoinia STANDARD! Standards Bex dentoy nehoosts are developing. “The EEE Sorel & lowvak cotelets Pesional area Rekoorts Hordard investigats & loo dota rate Solution .-taith molt-month to rnoltiryeas batey fide and vey be complexity. GF is intended 4o Operate in An unlicented, intewnational Frequency nad Pokntiol applications OF hic Standard include Gentor neboor bs, home automation and emote contyolt. The eighttenth droft Of this ctondard e20 accepted in Moy 2003. us Atandoxd aims to define the Physical and mane Loyd sretfrations Ly sentor and Other copponekoerbt « tox Power comtumphion is an fpodant Peg jure torgeed by the Standard - “This, requires redured anmiscion wok : Powe: . , * .— | Scanned with CamScanner a eR 7, @ afbicent enodulaton ech neque, and atic iques such Or: sleep mods: Pours Pnanagement tectn Ditlerent nehoore cengeirakione ard 4opologies were cornpartd and Stor and mech Netaorer wert food Jo be Poveusable. the Standard ote Provores Qenerre rome strustore schose length com be Yared according 40 “he application. Other Manda under development inclode | tine. Senert Project by the pefanse Aawanced Research Project Agency (parpa) which foeures on distaibuked milters stern” and the TeQBee Aitiaree. tena rt hantducer interface large “the TEER ws woirtless Standaxd is CHU under review: pple combinations of ¥4 gk is Proposed to \odude net ac ond ‘physical layers» using the Gece 8oD approach ak a model- omer — Wsyefic Gene of the iesuer with Senior ned are en exqy eftrcient, pordeoore 2rd axchifectore, veal Aime cornmyniaton protocols and Security issuer. On Senfor netoorks, trantpoct loyer Energy - Phcient Destgni- Energy) optimization’ in! sentor Nekoorbta must Scanned with CamScanner prolong, the life of ao Single node os wel) as Ot Khe entire network. Pour Saving tn sthe tito controller unit ha be analyred , cohes te t Powes yequind by Aivhrent Preceviowt har ‘been | compared: “the choice & protetsor Should be application specific , Such thot Performance } require neo Ore met uth the leart Pacer consurphon - Computation Can he Gwied out i FO A Promwes GORE MANNE wing dynamic Power managenrect CDP: “The proteire hax a. Kime Varying Cormputationad cad, Thence the voltage Suprlied to Mk com be staked to meet only inwlanlaneous protessieg wauuierrcolt. Ris i Called Pynamic Voltege Sealieg (DVS)- “Fhe gobtuare used fox Sentoy nehoors such at the Os, app licahon Softaore and nehoosle toPtuare ¢an alto be Made energy - aroart- Synchronization Synchronization among nodes £5 exsental Jo support “Tori Scherne on envltithop wireless Dedoorbs. He Fe alto use! tox debemnennng -ternponl ordering of metrage kot from Sento and te Pronionlty Of Seniors. - Utvalty senior nodes” are “Avopped inte. He environment fom which Scanned with CamScanner ® . ‘ data has» to be colleckd and they eect Potions has nok been Pred bebe deployreent - Henee sy pehrontation tht: only wey by echich ; the nodes “Can delewotre theiv alate Gositions- There ane to mojor bind! of gynChvorize Hon algoathers ch achreves Longe tost vq = one coho alton tne ar ort lived OF pulse Se Other eohich achieuet gh toe the Nedet ave synchronized lobot sy nchvoni- , fynchronita tion fox an instant - only Sypchrerizakion Protocols ypicalty inVtdve cleloy mearurrrentt of conto} Packed. Many existing toy Senter Nekooxks rely Synchronize algutth oo d thrgh the on the tiene Ynformation obtai re coomue tre Syrichrontiah’on. A gps te prow de tp pores Lynchronteation Scheme Called post Pade Sypcbyonizabios’ hot been Propoied by thon and Ett dor usvelets Senior Meboorts. In ty Scheene, the ielocks of the nodes are nomalty uunsynchronizeds token an eveh tis observed : e gynchronizobron pulte tt Woadeauted bya i a : ~ & Beaton node, 6 Scanned with CamScanner a work tahich all nodes normalize their inne schemes \ dor fre Obfeniation OF the events his ¢ Scherne obdgt shoik-hwed Synchronization » crea nly an Yntlant of aynghonnration meg ‘tng nodes which are within shangmission 409% of tee beaton node - Resgrehrrierton . Gt tg he pretecs of ‘oynchronizing dibderent networe part Hone stnad are independently Synchronized to dpbevent Clock: to 9 tommen clock. Gr dynamienteoorb: guch OF gentor Nekoots, Ryquent chang 19 topoleyy make mesynchronization an important: Gt taka place in feo. Staton Bath os merging of too portions due to recbilty cohere all dlocksa in Or updaled te natch tre \eadey of Other paatition kHon may heed to be —~ wehoork Clerk) t+ ato / geatrton dutty cobilihy A (cleus Clock>) Partttrona wet \__L Paynornatin 00 cleat) meaing Scanned with CamScanner ® Bee she start so : Presynchronizaton * frames de chrare, corel amet tangent and end of 2 Sum eres ove the TOMA Contel information and data fos iene “tok anated fo the nodes Invelw’d Fm dota Honsies. A posite chitt Ie aebined a4 the dota packet at an abiolte Aransmision of a ime loter than the slot In the cument Frarne shuttore. Negative shift is defined ot’ the “advancing Bort of asuperckame +o stranPnit the data Packets eontier than the set of tranimessfon in cument Same suche ay Shitting a dearnes on veiynobrenration EET ve (FET Bas ! TT WHEL eT clock 2 ee ao (» Postion \ changes bo clock e gf + | (H Portions charga to oleck | w Partitions Changs +o clock | without dota buy * Scanned with CamScanner FB. Aa Bore’ PROynch ferme (.aTn-band signaling (Combet ‘invforrratn © Corto! Tafbrrnotien with alc contel — Pigyy-backd on "Piggy -bockd an { Packet ata artrocoled gerveat | LJ Contol Pocket - | TTrantport, layerSisver:- The prajor issue im transport layer protocol fox fentor gehoorts it the Provision of Yevable data delivery This assuenes Special Stgnifriance in the design of general Purpose sensor netaortay whee Jroups of Nodes may need to te reeookyured | Ov reprogrammed suit an evolu in application.” Sin a vetvable, voubett, ccalable anf Customizable “haniPortfProtore! ‘Pump , Slowly fetch quickly (mFa) is proposed « The’ bey Convert behind Bre protocol is that a tource dichibulet data ate clos vate and recdfuer node wohiph experiences dato lose wetrieves the Inissing data foom immediate Scanned with CamScanner @® os” neighbors duicely - psra tontit of three Lindt a) Met oge relaying pume), a) ewror ge cater (fetch) and 3) Selective shakes reportig Creport). “The Purp operation serde deta to att target nodet L Peron Plow Como! and localizes tes by ensuring caching al frrlemndiote rede. waved x P§Fa. SoPPorts then a receiver deleck gare yehanimision from neighbour Neder. fo Provik Peedback 07 dota O& wport oferation Gt hos beer’ oblerwed delivery Status fo the Source: Hat the roto beftocen the ete ond Pump Should be oxoued 5 Loy mravermnun efecbvenes. Beusity Security is the Prinne importante in Semtos pehootts because neces assume a forge arnount of trast aenong these ves duke aggregation ond event delectton. Cryplographic Solutions based 06 syromet'c ot public bey cryptography coe not Suitable foy Censor nedoorts , due to high Procetting requifvemen ts of the algortthont. Routing Protcolt von be affected by spooling ov altering: the routing infomna hon exchanged beboen nodes. The Sybil attack a Scanned with CamScanner Wohen a single nade Present H&elf ax molt ple entire: fo the netoork- Enoyphion ond arithentiiaton suing & lobal ly hard bey can Preven? thee attacks gouped Py an outsider trying to cowrvpt “the metiage in ste Choon - A celecBve eewording ie a sthuakion Dohen Cevlain odes do net ford veuny of net cagee, they receive The Senter nekoots depend on vepeaced Donwox ding by broadcast tn messages te Propagat cebuoort Rormmhole and, sinthdle t to counter because Young is difGeult to voik, | Vhroudh out the Hecke oo dif Heol intonation Sretied by & node Hettlo Btced AHara con he cauied by & ode cchich proodeas’ a Hello Packet with evey high pow, So that a loge numba of Heods nodes even Bax away fron The nehoork choose Hat faxent. Scanned with CamScanner

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