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Shivajirao Kadam Institude of Technology & Management,Indore

Department of Appiled Science Huminity

Lab Work

Subject:Basic Computer Engginerring (BCE) Subject Code: BE 205 Session: Jan-July2022

Tools/Language Used: Trubo C,C++

Outcome of the Mapping with CO

SN. Title Objective of the Experiment Problem Statement
Experiment CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5
DOS Study and practice of Internal Study of DOS general purpose utility command Able to know the

commands. & External DOS commands. list DOS Command
To get the knowledge
Microsoft power To understand Microsoft power of microsoft power
2 Learn how to make presentation in ms power point. point √
point point

To get the
3 Microsoft word To understand Microsoft Word Learn how to make resume in ms word knowledge of √
microsoft word

Learn how to create table in excel using formulas To get the knowledge √
4 Microsoft excel To understand Microsoft excel
total,sum ,percentage, min ,max,average of microsoft excel

Program to perform basic arithmetic operations of To know about the

Arithmetic To understand Arithmetic √
5 two numbers. Numbers are assumed to be concept of arithmetic
Expressions expressions
integers and will be entered by the user. operation
In a College a class mid sem test have been conducted
To know about
and the marks of 10 students are 80, 70, 54, 59, 85,
6 Concept of Array To apply concept of Array. basic concept of √
82, 88, 90, 60, 61 out of 100. Calculate total and
average no of marks.
To know about
Function Call by To apply the concept of call by
7 Value value Write a C++ program to swap two numbers using basic concept of Call
call-by-value method. by value.
To know the basic
Function Call by To apply the concept of call by
8 Reference reference Write a C++ program to swap two numbers using concept of Call by
call-by-reference method. reference.
Outcome of the Mapping with CO
SN. Title Objective of the Experiment Problem Statement
Experiment CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5

A mathematician wants to find area of different

type of shape like.
• Circle
Apply the concept of
Function To understand the concept of • Rectangle √
9 compile time
Overloadding Function overloading • Square
• Triangle
Help him to find out the solution which is

A student wants to store information. This

To understand the concept of information contains name of student, registration Able to know the √
10 Object & Class number, marks of 3 subjects and evaluate total concept of classes &
Object and classes. objects
and average of marks using the concept of class
and object.

CO1 Learn the basic component of computer, I/O devices, types of softwares and operating system.
CO2 To implement problem based application on object oriented technology & array.
CO3 Explore OOPS concept & data Structure.
CO4 Learn Networking tools and security concepts.
CO5 Achieve the goals to solve Database problems and learn cloud computing basics.

Faculty Incharge HOD

Prof. Priyanka singh Prof. Brajesh Chaturvedi

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