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As a Blood Shaman, you gain the following class features:

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per blood shaman level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per blood shaman
level after 1st


Armor: None, shields

Weapons: Simple Weapons, Ritual Dagger, Quarterstaff
Tools: Herbalism kit,
Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature,
Perception, and Survival


You start with the following Equipment, in addition to the Equipment granted by your

 A Handaxe and a Dagger

 (a) a shield or (b) any simple weapon
 An explorer’s pack and a ritual bowl (used to contain blood)
Table: The Barbarian

Level Proficency Bonus Features

1st +2 Blood Curse, Unarmored defense, Whispers
2nd +2 Reckless Attack, Danger Senses
3rd +2 Shamantic Path, Shamantic Rituals
4 th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5 th +3 Going Berserker, Extra Attack
6 th +3 Path Feature
7 th +3 Hugin and Munin
8 th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9 th +4 Odin’s Wisdom
10 th +4 Path feature
11 th +4 Berserker’s Frenzy
12 th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13 th +5 Sleipnir
14 th +5 Path feature
15 th +5 Berserker’s Fury
16 th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17 th +6 Journey through the 9 Worlds
18 th +6 Freyas’ Art
19 th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20 th +6 A Sea Of Blood

In ogni momento, sei in grado di sentire le voci sussurranti dei tuoi

Concept paths lvl 3:

Spirit (utility)
Spirit (combat)
Bloodlust (combat)
[7/8/2018, 21:24] Emanuele Pepe: BLOOD CURSE

Starting at 1st level, on a successful hit with your weapon you can use your bonus action to
apply a Blood Curse upon your enemies. The target will take 1d6 bleeding damage for 1d4
turns (it ignores resistencies and immunities). The damage output increase to 1d8 at level 4,
2d8 at level 8, 2d10 at level 12 and 3d10 at level 19 and its duration increase to 1d6, 2d6, 2d8
and infinite at the same levels. The effect can be ended sooner by heals of any kind.
[7/8/2018, 21:26] Emanuele Pepe: RITUAL OF BLOOD

Starting at 1st level you can cast this spell as ritual. It takes 20 minutes of preparation, the
blood and the corpse of a freshly slained creature. The effect is different based on the
creature used for the ritual:
[7/8/2018, 21:40] Emanuele Pepe: Umanoid: you get to know the last memories of the slained
creatures (up to 1d6 days). Starting at level 4th, the spirit will guide you for 1d4 hours, giving
you the following benefits: When you forage alone, you find twice as much as you normally
would; you get advantage in wisdom (perception) checks. Starting at level 8th, the spirit can
guide you for now 1d6 hours, and you get advantage also in intelligence (nature) checks, you
can also add your proficiency bonus to your passive wisdom; starting at level 12th, the spirit
will now be able to guide you for 1d8 hours; you now get advantage in wisdom (insight)
checks; starting at lvl 19th, the spirit will guide you for now 1d10 hours and you will be able
to speak to him and ask 3 yes/no questions.
[7/8/2018, 21:52] Emanuele Pepe: Flying animal: your soul self is projected in the animal's
spirit. While your body is still, you can see through the spirits eyes while it fly above the
area. You can spot fey and humanoid creatures in an area of 30 miles. You can tell their
number and their approximate position (using cardinals points) and no more. Starting at
4th level, you are now able to spot undeads, constructs and aberrations too. The range
increase to 45 miles. Starting at level 8th, you can spot also celestials, demons and fiends.
You can spot them even in dark places. Starting at level 12th, you can spot any kind of
creature who isn't hidden by magics deeds. You also know precisely their position. Starting
at level 19th, you can spot any creature even if hidden by magic, invisible or in another plain.
The radius is incremented to 60 miles.
[7/8/2018, 21:54] Emanuele Pepe: If you are in a cave, the radius becomes of
300/450/450/450/600 meters
[7/8/2018, 21:54] Emanuele Pepe: [inserire altre creature]
[8/8/2018, 09:56] Emanuele Pepe: BLOOD TRANCE
While attacking an enemy affected by your blood curse, you can hear the dark voices of the
spirits whisper to your ear. They spur your brutish nature. They call for blood. You gain the
following benefits:
[8/8/2018, 10:00] Emanuele Pepe: When you make a melee weapon Attack using Strength,
you gain a 1d4 bonus to the damage roll.

On a missed attack, you can reroll the dice with advantage.

You have advantage on Strength Checks and Strength Saving Throws.

[8/8/2018, 10:07] Emanuele Pepe: At level 9, you can cast this ritual during a long rest. You
sacrifice your right eye (if regenerated by any spell or effect, you lose the benefits of this
ritual and must do it again di regain them) to gain Odin's Wisdom. You get disadvantage on
saving throw based on eyesight. You gain the following benefits:
[8/8/2018, 10:11] Emanuele Pepe: You get advantage to all intelligence checks. If you are
proficient with one of them you can add your Proficiencies bonus twice.

You are now proficient with perception skill and you get a bonus of +3 to your passive
[8/8/2018, 10:16] Emanuele Pepe: (materials: blood to draw the runes, an offer of 2 animals to
the God's, 50 gp worth of incense, your right eye, your Ritual dagger to extract your eye)
[8/8/2018, 10:19] Emanuele Pepe: 1 long rest
[8/8/2018, 10:26] Emanuele Pepe: At level 17 you can cast this shamanic ritual. It takes 1 day
of preparation. You undergo a ritual death and rebirth in order to acquire power. During
this ritual you die and at its end you must roll 1d10. If you roll less than 4, you die definitively
but you can be resurrected (but you can't undergo this ritual again and you become insane
for 1d4 days). If you roll 4 or more you get benefits based on your roll:
[8/8/2018, 10:30] Emanuele Pepe: 4 - You visited the 9 realms. Your skin is now thicker and
your mind is stronger than before. You can't become insane due to magical deeds and your
constitution increase of +2
[8/8/2018, 22:52] Emanuele Pepe: When you drop at 0 hp, you can fight for a number of turn
equal to 1/4 your blood shaman level (rounded up). When this effect active, you get in a
status of mindless savagery. You can't cast any spell, nor use any of your features. You are
immune to any frightening, charming, mind control, psychic damage.
[8/8/2018, 23:00] Emanuele Pepe: Your statistic are considered as follow: 20 STR, 18 DXT, 20
CON, 10 INT, 10 WIS, 15 CHA. You get advantage in any strength, dexterity and constitution
check or save.
[8/8/2018, 23:02] Emanuele Pepe: While in berserker status, you can use your bonus action
to make a war cry and frighten every creature that can ear you in a 30 feet radius.
[8/8/2018, 23:07] Emanuele Pepe: You can now go berserker also after receiving bleeding
damage. Your strength during the effect is now considered 24, and you can use your attack
action to leap toward an enemy in a 15 ft range. The target must take a dexterity saving
throw. On a failed roll, he takes 2d8 slashing damage or half damage on a successful one.
[8/8/2018, 23:10] Emanuele Pepe: [delete second effect]

You get truesight in a 5 feet radius. You can active this effect to encase the radius to 60 feet
for 10 minutes

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