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In most tertiary institutions and educational structures all over the world, it is normally required

of students to take up a project and work towards the project’s development and see to it that the

project comes to life. As part of an assessment test and confirmation that students have learnt a

thing or two from a particular subject, field of study, or area of specialty. It is also a prerequisite

for graduation, award and certificate presentation. Depending on the project type, an individual

student or a group of students can take up a single topic (Martins & Nathan, 2007).

As a graduating student, project topic and ideas doesn’t come easy so there’s this urge for

plagiarism mostly caused due to laziness or lack of idea and orientation on what to do, what

problem to solve, and how to solve it. After a student gets a project to work on, the project has to

be approved and documented (registered) by the project coordinator. It is the duty of the project

coordinator to ensure that there are no repetition of projects i.e no duplication of project

titles/topics, project work etc (Cobb, 2013).

It is quite laborious, more especially when the graduating students are much; which makes it

quite normal for the project coordinator to duplicate project topics because, due to stress or not,

humans are bound to make mistakes and error. This is where Project Topic Verification System

comes in; it is an electronic database management system that stores all approved project topics

and verifies if a project topic is in existence or not. It is a system which fights against duplication

of project topic and also helps reduce the human workload.


At this current time and age, it’s quite melancholic to know that the department of Computer

Science of the Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST) still adopts an

old method (conventional pen and paper file system) for Project Topic Verification. So the need

for a modern automated and more efficient project topic verification system is indispensable,

Such that we live up to a certain standard and be a role model for other departments in the



What motivated me to carry out this project is the time wastage and stress in verifying an already

existing approved project topic. The project coordinator has to manually go through a long list of

record carefully one after the other just to verify an existing project topic, which he has to do

repeatedly for as many students coming for project topic verification.

1.4 AIM

To design a system that is more faster, reliable, and efficient in verifying the existence of an

already approved project topic.


i. Creating a database to store input data (approved project topics).

ii. Creating a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the system and adding a search feature to

the User Interface for verifying the existence of an already approved project topic.

iii. Linking the search feature and Graphical User Interface (GUI) to the database for fast and

easy retrieval of an already existing approved project topic.


By developing a “project topic verification system” the verification of existing project topic

process would be faster, efficient, and reliable compared to the manual system in use currently

and a security measure is put in place to counter data/ record duplication.


The proposed system is focused on verifying the existence of National Diploma (ND) and

Higher National Diploma (HND) approved project topics and registering new ones, and is

limited to the use of the Department of Computer Science, Nigerian Institute of Leather And

Science Technology Samaru Zaria to be more precise the office of the project coordinator.


Apart from the usual risk and limitation present in every project due to time, scope, quality and

financing, a major limitation arises from information gathering, poor and unstable internet

access, lack of privacy and quality working environment and condition.


The program commenced in 2005, in the department of general studies assisting other department in

related computer course. After the certificate in computer science was introduced and followed by college

Diploma. During this period, the department name was Mathematics/Computer Science.

In 2010, programme was upgraded to National Diploma in Computer Science by visitation of National

Board for Technical Examination (NBTE) and certificate in Computer Studies.

In 2012, the department was separated, mathematics was moved to the department of general studies and

Computer Science remains in directorate of science and technology.

In 2015, Higher National Diploma in Computer was introduced by the visitation of the National Board for

Technical Examination (NBTE) and also computer laboratory for the HND programmes was created.

The department has been turning out certificates, college Diploma and National Diploma graduates in

computer studies and computer science. Programmes offered in the department are:

i. Certificate in Computer Science.

ii. National Diploma in Computer Science.

iii. Higher National Diploma in Computer Science.

iv. Assisting other Department in related Computer course.


i. HTML - this stands for hypertext markup language it is used for creating web pages.

ii. CSS - this stands for cascading style sheet this is used to describe how HTML elements

are displayed on the screen, paper, or in other media.

iii. My SQL - is a very fast, robust, relational database management system (RDBMS)

which we used in developing our database.

iv. BOOTSTRAP: is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-

first front-end web development.

v. AJAX: Asynchronous Javascript And Xml (Extensible MarkUp Language) AJAX is a

technique for creating fast and dynamic web pages. AJAX allows web pages to be

updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the

scenes. This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the

whole page.

vi. PHP - this is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for the web. Within

an HTML page, you can embed PHP code that will be executed each time the page is

visited. Your PHP code is interpreted at the web server and generates HTML or other

output that the visitor will see.

vii. GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE – the environment that is seen by the end-user of

application software which allows the end-user to make use of it.

viii. VERIFICATION - the act of verifying.

ix. APACHE - a widely-used public domain, UNIX-based Web server from the Apache

Group (

x. WAMP SERVER - this is software package incorporating PHP, My SQL and APACHE

for windows OS.




Project topic verification is a yearly activity carried out in most tertiary institution all around

the world to verify the existence of a project topic. This means these project topics would

require some form of storage which becomes limited as the year pass by, hence there is a need

for a database to store these project topics and a user interface for easy retrieval of these topics

for verifying its existence. In computing, a database is an organized collection of data stored

and accessed electronically from a computer system.

Database Management System (DBMS) is a software system that allows access to data

contained in a database. The objective of the DBMS is to provide a convenient and effective

method of defining, storing and retrieving the information contained in the database. The

DBMS interfaces with the application programs, so that the data contained in the database can

be used by multiple applications and users. In addition, the DBMS exerts centralized control of

the database, prevents fraudulent or unauthorized users from accessing the data, and ensures

the privacy of the data. (Bhojaraju & .Koganurmath 2003).

A Database Query is either an action query or a select query. A select query is one that

retrieves data from a database. An action query asks for additional operations on data, such as

insertion, updating, deleting or other forms of data manipulation. This doesn't mean that users

just type in random requests. For a database to understand demands, it must receive a query

based on the predefined code. That code is a query language.

System Verification is a set of actions used to check the correctness of any element, such as a

system element, a system, a document, a service, a task, a requirement, etc. These types of

actions are planned and carried out throughout the life cycle of the system. Verification is the

confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have

been fulfilled. Verification is a generic term that needs to be instantiated within the context it

occurs. As a process, verification is a transverse activity to every life cycle stage of the system.

In particular, during the development cycle of the system, the verification process is performed

in parallel with the system definition and system realization processes and applies to any

activity and any product resulting from the activity. The activities of every life cycle process

and those of the verification process can work together. For example, the integration process

frequently uses the verification process. It is important to remember that verification, while

separate from validation, is intended to be performed in conjunction with validation.

According to, “office automation refers to the varied computer machinery and

software used to digitally create, collect, store, manipulate, and relay office information needed

for accomplishing basic tasks. Raw data storage, electronic transfer, and the management of

electronic business information comprise the basic activities of an office automation system.

Office automation helps in optimizing or automating existing office procedures”.


An information system (IS) is the set of software, data, people and procedures that work

together to produce information. Information is a valuable and costly asset that must be

preserved, protected, controlled and planned for, as other valuable asset with an organization

such as money, facilities and people.

Information is more than just books, it is considered useful of retention if over a period of time

it appears in many forms other than that of traditional book. Also information may be

considered as recorded knowledge that may be useful to some decision makers and this

recorded knowledge may be found in such sources as inventory reports etc. information is the

corner stone of every establishment, especially Where business, education institutions and

industries have entered the age of computer technology.

The purpose of an information system is vital to the achievement of organizational goals such

as survival and profitability. For an organization to achieve this, information system of the

organization must be a central part of business. The needs and the use of information generally

are continuous in every sector world-wide. An organization can achieve it stated goals and

objectives quickly and less expensively through conscious integration of Information Systems.

The organization’s activities, resources, plans, facilities and information system Information

should be treated as a valuable asset and kept in an appropriate way and place to avoid


2.2.1 Types of Information System

There are different types of information system, which include the following:

i. Transaction processing system (TPS)

ii. Management information system (MIS)

iii. Decision support system (DSS)

iv. Expert information system (EIS)

v. Office automated system (OAS)

2.2.2 Transaction Processing System (TPS)

A Transaction Process System (TPS) is an information processing system for business

transactions involving the collection, modification and retrieval of all transaction data.

Characteristics of a TPS include performance, reliability and consistency. TPS is also known as

transaction processing or real-time processing.

2.2.3 Management Information System (MIS)

A management information system is an information system used for decision-making, and for

the coordination, control, analysis, and visualization of information in an organization and

marketing. This generate accurate, timely and organize information, it is often integrated with

(TPS). When integrated with TPS, the TPS record sales, update the customer account balance

and updates the inventory count. With this information the MIS can produce report to provide

standard summary of daily transaction.

2.2.4 Decision Support System (DSS)

This is an information system application that provides its user with decision oriented

information whenever a decision making situation arises. DSS does not typically make decision

or solve problems, people do, but it provides useful information that supports the decision

process. In general, a DSS provide one or more of the following types of support to make

decision makers.

i. Identification of problems decision.

ii. Analysis of possible decision or variables that will affect a decision.

2.2.5 Expert Information System (EIS)

It is programmed decision making information that captures and stored the knowledge of human

experts and then initialized human reasoning and decision making. They are implemented with

artificial intelligence techniques that captures, store and provide access to the management of


2.2.6 Office Automated System (OAS)

Office Automated System (OAS) is concerned as computer-based system that collects, process,

store and transmit electronic message, document and other forms of communication among

individual, work group and organization. Example includes word processing, electronic mail,

desktop publishing, telecommunication and document image processing.


A management information system is an information system used for decision-making, and for

the coordination, control, analysis, and visualization of information in an organization and

marketing. Management information system is set up by an organization with the prime objective

to obtain management information to be used by its managers in decision making. Thus, MIS

must perform the following functions in order to meet its objectives. Laudon, K. & Laudon, J.


i. Data Capturing

MIS capture data from various internal and external sources of an organization. Data

capturing may be manual or through computer terminals. End users typically record data

about transaction on some physical medium such as paper for or enter it directly into a

computer system.

ii. Data Processing

The captured data is processed to convert it into the required management information.

iii. Storage of Information

MIS stores processes or unprocessed data for future use. If any information is not

immediately required, it is saved as an organizational record.

iv. Retrieval of Information

MIS retrieves information from its stores as and when required by various users.

v. Dissemination of MIS

Management information, which is a finished product of MIS, is disseminated to the users in

the organization. It could be periodic, through reports or online through computer terminals.


According to Nguyen Kim Ann (2009), database technology play an important role in most

social areas were computer system are used, including business, education, medicine. Database is

a collection of related records which will be used to support the activities of a particular

organization. Basically, a database is a collection of logically related files which can be

integrated and organized as a single comprehensive file system.

According to Beynon D. P. (2003) The term database system is described as a data processing

system dealing with a database, that is, a computer-base system. Whose overall purpose is to

record and maintain large scale data which may support the operations of multiple users

(community of users). Indeed, database system design is concerned with the problem of

organizing the database, assessing the data on it, updating and provide the output (reports to file

interrogations) to a number of reasons:

i. It provides the organization with a centralized control of operational data.

ii. The amount of redundancy in the stored data can be reduced.

iii. The stored data can be stored.

iv. Problems of inconsistency in the stored data can be avoided,

v. Security restriction can be applied.

2.4.1 Types of Database System

There are different types of database system, which include the following:

i. Relational database system

ii. Network database system

iii. Hierarchical database system

iv. Object oriented database system

2.4.2 Relational Database System

Relational database uses a collection of tables to represent both data and the relationships among

those data. Each table has multiple database, until recently, were considered the most flexible

and therefore most desirable, database structure in a relational database, data in a several tiles is

related through the use of common key field (example of a key field in open record is the ID

number). The contents of key field are unique to one record in file, enabling the field to be used

to identify record. The computer uses this key field to access a record without having to search

through the entire file.

2.4.3 Network Database System

Data in the network are represented by collection of records and relationships among data are

represented by link, which can be viewed as pointers. The records in the database organized as

collections of arbitrary graph,

As in hierarchical, a network database organizes data in parent-child relationships and all the

relationships among the data items must be determined during the design phase. in a network

structure, however, a child can have more than one parent or no parent at all.

2.4.4 Hierarchical Database

According to Micheal and Kamfona (2011), the first of the four type of database system were

developed by IBM in 1968. The hierarchical database is similar to the network model in the

sense that data are represented by collection of records which are organized as a collection of

tree rather than arbitrary graph

The data elements at the top of the hierarchy are known as the parent element. There may be

several child element beneath the parent element. Each of those children may in turn become a

parent to several lower level elements. The Structure that is created resembles a pyramid or an

organizational chat.

2.4.5 Objective Oriented Database

Micheal. J. Kamfona (2011), contented that object oriented database are newest type database

and are likely to gain in popularity. In an object oriented database, the result of retrieval

operation is an object of some kinds. Such as a document within this object are meaning

programs that enables the object to perform task, such as a displaying a graphics. Objective

oriented database can incorporate sound, video, text, and graphics into a single database record

this type of database will suit multimedia.


According to Brain T. F. (2006). A Database Management System is a software package

designed to define, manipulate, retrieve and manage data in a database. Existing Database

Management Systems provides various functions that allow management of a database and its

data which can be classified into these functional groups:

i. Data Definition: Creation, modification and removal of definitions that define the

organization of the data;

ii. Update: Insertion, modification, and deletion of the actual data.

iii. Retrieval: Providing information in a form directly usable or for further processing by

other applications. The retrieved data is made available in a form basically the same as it

is stored in the database or in a new form obtained by altering or combining existing data.

iv. Administration: Registering and monitoring users, enforcing data security, maintaining

data integrity, dealing with concurrency control, and recovering information that has been

corrupted by some events such as unexpected system failure


A project titled “Design and Implementation of an Orphanage Home Information System” by

Abdullahi Ummusalma (2020) was reviewed. The information system stores comprehensive

record of both staffs and orphans at the tukur tukur children orphanage home zaria. Which

enhanced the information handling and management in the orphanage home with efficiency and

less time consumption using Html, CSS, Javascript, Php, Mysl, and Apache technology to design

both the front and backend of the software.

An online project work titled “Student Information System” was reviewed. It’s a database

information system which stores comprehensive data of each student in an academic institute.

The system was designed for timely access to students information, as a management

information system for the management to make decisions. The system consists of two phases

which is the front and back end, designed with these technologies, which are Html, Css,

Javascript, Php and MySql.

Kamakshi and Nithya (2017) designed a computerized system used to process visa and store all

the details regarding the passport holder. The project handled a type of visa, and very much

concentrate in visa processing. It generated all possible reports, which are needed by the

consulate. It is a client-server project which gives the administrator the ability of adding new

users (customers).




This chapter examines the existing system with the aim of identifying its short comings and

designing a new system which will enhance its performance and efficiency. Each of the steps

involved in the investigations and analysis stipulate the necessary requirements for actualizing

this purpose.


Data are often collected in the normal course of administration and not specification for the

statistical purpose. There are various method by which this project or research can gather

information for research purpose. Combination of method chosen and use depends on the method

research design. Below are some of the possible method that can be used.

i. Interview method: This is a face to face conversation between the researchers who is

also called interviewer and the respondent who ask question and get answer from the


ii. Observation method: This method entails the researchers going to the institution to get

or record the actually happened, is happening, when it is happening.

iii. Questioner method: this is a tool for information gathering were the researchers’ shears

form with question requiring the respondent fill the analyzed answered questioners.

iv. Telephone: This is an avenue were the researchers ask the respondent question(s)

through his/her phone.

From the listed above data collection method, Interview method was used during the

research for collection of data.

3.2.1 Feasibility Study

Feasibility study or analysis is designed for the activity by which the potential outcome of the

project is measured and accessed. Feasibility measures how the development of an information

system would be to an organization or the society. Also, feasibility analysis is the activity by

which the potential outcome of a project is measured and accessed.

While feasibility measures and how beneficial the development of an information system would

be to an organization or the society (Whitten, E. 2014)

The existing system of verification had shown certain weakness which could be overcome

through the use of ICT in the institution. For all the purpose of accomplishing this, there is the

need for determining the feasibility of the proposed verification system in terms of the technical,

operational, time and economic feasibilities.

i. The Technical Feasibility: This would be considered based on two perspectives the

developer(s) and the user(s) technical feasibilities.

ii. The Operational Feasibility: For the determination of the operational feasibility, I will

undertake a study to know the extent to which the verification system will be acceptable

by Computer Science Department (Office of the Project Coordinator) of Nigerian

Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST) Zaria. This is intended to be

achieved through interviewing the project coordinator. The response, when evaluated,

will aid in estimating the content to which the primary objectives of the proposed

verification system will be actualized.

iii. The Economic Feasibility: Finally, this feasibility study present tangible and intangible

benefits from the project by Comparing the development and operational cost. The

technique of cost benefit analysis is often used as a basis for assessing economic

feasibility. This system needs some more initial Investment than the existing system, but

it can be justifiable that it will improve quality of Service.


The existing system is a manual based system which uses an old verification technique. Data

collection and storage is done using pen and paper. Verification process is carried out by

manually comparing presented data with other stored data which is usually an archive

containing a long list of previously collected data. This verification method is quite stressful and

time consuming.

During the analysis of the current existing system a few observations and questions made it

easier to draw the exact boundary of the new system. Questions like;

i. How reliable is the existing system ?

ii. How fast is it when accessing or retrieving record/ information ?

iii. What are the measures put in place to counter data/ record duplication ?

These questions and observation gave birth to answers and ideas which helped in the design of

the new system.

3.3.1 Problems of Existing System

Based on the information gathered on the existing system, the existing system is time

consuming, as a result, it takes a lot of time when accessing or retrieving records. Keeping

record in the existing system involves the conventional file system and also prone to data entry

errors and duplication of data. Environmental factors such as humidity, heat, moisture and

pollutants like dust, dirt, smoke etc easily damages data in the current system.

The existing system currently in use has some short comings, which are;

i. Time consumption

ii. Stressful

iii. Not reliable and prone to errors

3.3.2 Solution To The Problem

To solve the problem attached with the existing system, a new system will be designed in such a

way that the problems experienced with the existing system is eliminated. The new system will

serve as a Database Management Software for managing the records of already approved and

registered project topics. A computerized Project Topic verification system (new system) will be

designed and implemented in order to enhance fast and easy retrieval of existing project topic

record for verification, referencing and other purposes and also to counter data duplication.


The proposed system will hopefully serve as a database management software for handling both

National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) Project Topics of the Department

of Computer Science Nigerian Institute of Leather and science Technology (NILEST) Samaru

Zaria. The system will enhance quick access and easy retrieval of an already existing approved

and registered project topic for verification, reference and other purpose which will greatly help

in speeding up the amount of time spent during project topic verification process.


System design is the activity of proceeding from an identified set of requirement for a system to

a design that meets those requirements. Also, design a system is the process of making detailed

plan of the form or structure of something, emphasizing features such as its appearance,

convenience and efficient functioning. System is a pattern showing how the program can

operated for purpose of this project. The purpose of system design phase was to develop a clear

blueprint that would satisfy all documented requirement for the system, the overall system design

objective was to provide an efficient, modular design that will reduce the system’s complexity,

facilitate change and result in an easy implementation.


Figure 3.1: New System Design Structure


Figure 3.2: Program Flowchart Diagram


Database design is a collection processes that facilitate the designing, development,

implementation and maintenance of enterprise data management system. It helps to produce

systems that meet the requirement of users and have high performance. The main objective of

database design is to produce logical and physical design models of a proposed database system.

The database tables below are from the database titled “project_topic”.

Table 3.1: Database Structure Table for Backend

Field Name Field Type Field Length Description

Id Int 11 Unique Identifier

Uname Varchar 15 The Admin Username

pword Varchar 15 The Admin Password

Table 3.2: Database Structure Table for Session_Value

Field Name Field Type Field Length Description

Id Int 11 Unique Identifier

Session Varchar 9 The Academic Session

Table 3.3: Database Structure for Topic

Field Name Field Type Field Length Description

Id Int 11 Unique Identifier

Topic Text 500 Project Title/Topic

Aim Text 1000 Project Aim

obj1 Text 1000 Project Objective 1

obj2 Text 1000 Project Objective 2

obj3 Text 1000 Project Objective 3

case_study Text 500 Project Case Study

Supervisor Text 250 Supervisor Name

student_name Text 250 Students Name

Level Text 3 School Level

submit_date Timestamp ------- Topic Registration Date

Session Varcar 9 The Academic Session

Regno Varcar 15 Student’s Registration



The input design specifies how data is entered into the system by the user, and converted to a

computer based format that would be accepted by the system for processing. The design

specifies how the user interacts with the system to direct the action to be taken. The computer

keyboard is used as an input element for inputting data into the system.

The following pages listed below accepts input into the system;

i. Login: this page accepts input/data (the username and password) through a form with

input field. It consist of two input field’s datatype are VARCAR (combination of both

alphabets, digits and other symbols).

ii. Topic: this page accepts input through a form with input field. It consist of 11 input

fields which different data can be inputted. The two main datatypes accepted in the input

fields are TEXT (alphabets only) and VARCAR (combination of both alphabets, digits

and other symbols).

iii. Session: this page accepts input using only a single input field whose datatype is

VARCAR (combination of both alphabets, digits and other symbols).

iv. Settings: this page accepts input through a form having two input field whose datatype is

TEXT (alphabets only) and VARCAR (combination of both alphabets, digits and other



This specifies the results that are generated by the system. The output specification involves

specifying how the production of on-screen results will occur. This output/ result will be

displayed using the computer monitor (screen).

The output from this system will be generated and displayed on the computer screen like this


Figure 3.3: Search Result


The minimum system requirement needed for the newly proposed system is as follows:


The following are the basic hardware required for the newly developed system to run. A personal

computer or laptop with;

i. Monitor (14inch Display or above)

ii. Processor Intel core (R) or higher

iii. Processor speed 1.60Ghz or higher

iv. RAM 2gb or higher

v. Hard Disk Drive 50gb and above

vi. Keyboard and Mouse


The softwares mentioned below will be installed on a computer system and will be used to

develop the program, they are as follow:

i. Operating System (windows 7 and above, Windows 10 preferably)

ii. Wamp Server (Windows Apache Mysql Php )

iii. Web Browser (Google Chrome)

iv. Text Editor (Microsoft Visual Studio Code)

v. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML5)

vi. Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

vii. Bootstrap

viii. JavaScript

ix. Ajax

The following softwares mentioned below are needed to run the program in a computer system;

i. Web Browser (Google Chrome) latest version

ii. Wamp Server (Windows Apache Mysql Php ) version 5




This chapter provides the content of the developed system and explain its basic segments as well

as the operational guide that will direct the user of the system about the system and how to use

the system, the various operation required for the successful installation and full functioning of

the system as well as its implementation are explained.


Systems development is the process of defining, designing, testing, and implementing a new

software application or program. It could include the internal development of customized

systems, the creation of database systems, or the acquisition of third party developed software.

Written standards and procedures must guide all information systems processing functions. The

organization’s management must define and implement standards and adopt an appropriate

system development life cycle methodology governing the process of developing, acquiring,

implementing, and maintaining computerized information systems and related technology.

4.2.1 Choice of Programming Language

PHP was chosen for the design and implementation of some of the components of the system due

to its robust built-in functions that provides the capability of executing commands that enables

interaction with the database, especially in the aspect of posting and retrieving form details. PHP

is object oriented, supports inheritance or usability of codes, it is highly popular and used in most

web application development, well documented and has good support libraries and it integrates

very well with Hypertext Markup language (HTML), the main language for designing user


The front-end of the application (the GUI that the user utilizes to interact with the databases) is

achieved using HTML, CSS and BOOTSTRAP. MySQL database engine was used. It was

chosen due to its generality and simplicity compared to others.


System testing is testing conducted on a complete integrated system to evaluate the system's

compliance with its specified requirements. It is simply the process of executing a program with

the intent to find bugs, abnormalities or error. Below are the objectives of system testing;

i. To expose and prevent any abnormalities, bugs or error in the program.

ii. To meet the user requirement that guided its design and development.

iii. Validating the confidence in the system as a whole before moving to the final stage –

acceptance testing that takes place right before users get access to a product.


System implementation is a set of procedures performed to complete the design (as necessary)

contained in the approved systems design document and to test, install, an begin to use the new

system. The test is to ensure that the system is working and that it meets the desired

specifications. According to Ekanem, B. (2005), system implementation has to do with the

coordination of the system’s components in order to make it not only just workable but highly

successful. To implement any system design into a computer program, the most important

consideration first and foremost is the computer programming language, as it is a major factor of

determining the cost, complexity, and user operability of the program or software.

Implementation is the process of bringing the developed system into operational use and turning

it over to the user.


i. Home
ii. Login
iii. Dashboard
iv. Topic
i. Search Topic
ii. Add New Topic
iii. View Topic
iv. Delete Topic
v. Session
vi. Settings

Figure 4.1: Homepage

This is the landing page of the system, it tells you about the system and has a button which leads

you to the admin login page.

Figure 4.2: Admin Login page

This is the admin login page which leads you to the dashboard page of the system when the

correct login details is provided.

Figure 4.3: Admin Dashboard page

This is the dashboard page of the system which keep tracks of both the total approved topics and

total approved topic for the current school session.

Figure 4.4: Topics Page

This is the topic page of the system which keeps track of all the topics registered into the system,

you can search, add, view, edit, or delete topics here.

Figure 4.5: Search result

This page is showing the search the results of the data inputted into the search field in the search

page of the system.

Figure 4.6: Add New Topic

This page is displaying the input form for adding a new topic to the system’s database.

Figure 4.7: View Topic

This page is displaying the full view of the information contained in a particular project topic.

Figure 4.8: Session Page

This page contains a single input field which is used to insert the current ongoing session /

academic year.

Figure 4.9: Settings Page

This is the settings page. It consist of two input fields which is used to collect data for updating

the admin login details.


After the system has been tested for a period of time, and found to be working smoothly as

expected the system will be ready for installation. The following would be needed to run the


i. A computer system

ii. WAMP server

iii. Web browser

4.6.1 Installing The Program Folder

i. Open the directory with folder name “P-T-V-S” containing the program files.

ii. Copy the folder named “P-T-V-S”.

iii. Click on your Local Disk (c:) Drive

iv. Click and open the folder titled “wamp”

v. Click and open the folder titled “www” and paste the “P-T-V-S” Folder containing the

program files.

4.6.2 Running The Software

i. Open your web browser and type in “localhost/P-T-V-S”

ii. The system’s homepage will automatically be displayed

iii. The system is now ready for use.



Reg. Number: NDCS/2018/394






Program Year: 2021.




Project Topic Verification in the existing system is a manual based (conventional pen and paper

file) system faced with many short comings so the need for a better and reliable system is

indispensable. The new system was developed according to its stated aim and objectives in a way

that it focused on the problems and shortcomings of the existing system to improve itself by

automating the process and making it less time consuming.


The need for automating office procedures and integration of computer systems in our everyday

activities cannot be over emphasized, because among many others, it helps improve efficiency,

productivity, enhance better and quality output. The newly developed system utilizes a

computer system to automate an office procedure / activity (verification process).


I was motivated to develop this new system because of the stress and times consumption in

verifying if a project topic is in existence or not. I therefore recommend that;

i. This system should be implemented for use in the department of computer science here at

the Nigerian institute of leather and science technology samaru zaria,

ii. In the nearest future the system should be improved on constantly where necessary to

maintain its reliability and efficiency further more it should be designed as a single

software capable of handling the verification of existing approved project topics for all

department in the institute.


Martins, B. D. & Nathan, H. (2007). “Doing a Successful Research Project: using quantitative or
qualitative method” New York; Palgrave Macmillian 175 Fifth avenue.
Laudon, K. & Laudon, J. (2010) “Management information systems: Managing the Digital
Firms.” Eleventh Edition (11th ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Brain, T. F. (2006) “Database and Management” Third Edition  (3rd ed.) New York; Practice Hall
Cobb, B. (2013). “Make it Fly: The Step-By-Step Guide To Make Any Idea, Project Or Goal
Take Off” Pearson Business.
Ekanem, B. (2005). Data processing, concept of an electronic world. Essinet Printing and

Publishing. Uyo, Nigeria.

Faithe, W.A (2011) “ Html5 Step by Step (Microsoft)”. First Edition (1st ed.) O’Reilly media

Sebastopol, California 95472.

Mr.Bhojaraju G. & Dr .M .M. Koganurmath (2003) “Database Management: Concept and


Rupa publication India.

Meyer, Eric A. (2006).”Cascading style sheets guide” Third Edition (3 rd ed.) O’Reilly Media,
Beynon, D. P. (2003). “Database Systems” Third Edition (3rd ed.). Palgrave Macmillan.
Date, C. J. (2003). “An Introduction to Database Systems” Eight Edition (8th  ed.). Pearson.



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<h1>Project Topic <span>Verification <i class="fas fa-check"></i></span> System <i
class="la la-desktop"></i></h1>
<p>This is a <span class="x">Database Management Software </span>
which handles the management of project topics for Computer Science Department of
the Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology Samaru Zaria. For quick
access, referencing, and Verification of an already existing project topic so as to make project
topic Verification process fast, easy, less stressful, and also to counter
<span class="x">duplication of project topic </span>
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$error = $_GET['msg'];
if($error == ""){

echo "<h5>".$error."</h5>";
<label for="username">Username</label><br>
<input type="text" name="uname" placeholder="Enter Username" required><br>
<label for="password">Password</label><br>
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$sql = "SELECT * FROM topic";

$run = mysqli_query($dbcon,$sql);
echo mysqli_num_rows($run);
<P><i class="fas fa-clipboard-list dpi mr-1"></i> Total number of Topics</P>
$sql = "SELECT * FROM session_value ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1";
$run = mysqli_query($dbcon,$sql);
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run);

$val = $row['session'];

<div class="dash-dp">


$sql = "SELECT * FROM topic WHERE session = '$val'";

$run = mysqli_query($dbcon,$sql);
echo mysqli_num_rows($run);

<P><i class="fas fa-university dpi mr-1"></i> Total Approved Topics for <?
php echo "<span class='seshval'>".$val. "</span" ; ?></P>
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<h2 style="font-weight: 600;text-align: center;"><i class="fa fa-
university"></i> Add Session</h2>
$error = $_GET['msg'];
if($error == ""){

echo "<h5>".$error."</h5>";

<label for="username">Session</label><br>
<input type="text" name="session_value" placeholder="Enter Session"
<button name="asession">Submit</button><br>


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