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KURIKULUM ACUAN : Kurikulum 2013 ALOKASI WAKTU : 120 menit PENYUSUN : M Yusuf, S.Pd.

Kunci No.
NO Jenis teks Lingkup Materi Indikator Soal Butir Soal
Jwb Soal
1 Narrative text Fungsi sosial: Disajikan 2 buah teks, TEXT 1
Membandingkan siswa dapat Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs
tujuan teks membandingkan of mortals, there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in
rincian deskripsi West Java.  The King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise man.  He had an
only daughter, called Princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty
but she was not married.  One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle
the matter by a show of strength.

After that, the Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the
competition. Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love
with Raden Begawan and used magic power to render him unconscious and
he forgot his wedding. When Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan
saw him and soon realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy.
The fairy could not accept this, so she killed Raden Begawan. When
Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was very sad. So a nice fairy took her
to the Kahyangan.

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named
Kbo Iwo.  The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a
destroyer as well as a creator.  He was satisfied with the meal, but this
meant for the Balinese people enough food for a thousand men.
Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and
the new harvest was still a long way off.  This made Kbo Iwo wild with great
anger.  In his hunger, he destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. 
It made the Balinese turn to rage.

So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using
his stupidity.  They asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and
rebuild all the houses and temples he had destroyed.  After they fed Kbo
Iwo, he began to dig a deep hole.

One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man
in the village gave a sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone
they had collected before into the hole. The limestone made the water
inside the hole boiling. Kbo Iwo was buried alive. Then the water in the well
rose higher and higher until at last it overflowed and formed Lake Batur.
The mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo Iwo is known as Mount Batur.

1. What are the difference facts between text 1 and text 2? C 7

Text 1 Text 2
A Princess Teja Nirmala married Kebo Iwo is a destroyer that
Raden Begawan in cannot make anything.
B Raden Begawan was chosen Kebo Iwo destroyed all the
as a winner because of his houses but not the temple.
C The wicked fairy didn't want Kebo ate food was equal to the
Raden Begawan to marry the food of thousand people.
D Sang Prabu was taken to Kebo Iwo was angry because his
Kahyangan by a wicked fairy. food was stolen by Balinese

2 Narrative text Struktur teks: Disajikan 2 buah teks 2. The main characters of the stories are …. A 8
Menyimpulkan narratif, siswa dapat Nirmala was … Kbo Iwo was …
rincian deskripsi menyimpulkan rincian A patient and lonely stupid and strong
deskripsi B kindly and wicked humble and greedy
C beautiful and greedy rude and generous
D grumpy and loyal greedy and ungrateful

3 Narrative text Fungsi sosial: Disajikan sebuah teks 3. What do you think will happen if gods or goddesses cannot mingle in B 9
Menentukan narratif, siswa dapat the affairs of people on the earth at that time?
topik menganalisa rincian A. Princess Segara will have married Raden Begawan
langkah B. Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan’s life
C. Sang Prabu will not hold strength competition
D. Teja Nirmala will stay in the Kahyangan

4 Narrative text Unsur Disajikan sebuah 4. The word “her” in “So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan.” C 10
kebahasaan: teks, siswa dapat (Paragraph 2 text 1) refers to…
Menentukan menentukan referensi A. The nice fairy
referensi gramatika B. The wicked fairy
gramatika C. Princess Nirmala
D. The prince of Blambangan

5 Narrative text Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah 5. The similarity between fairy and human according to the text is …. D 11
Menentukan teks, siswa dapat A. The place they live
rincian deskripsi menentukan rincian B. The strength they have
deskripsi C. The way they don't feel a love
D. The jealousy that they posses

6 Narrative text Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks A story from the farmyard
Menentukan narrative, siswa dapat Two roosters were fighting fiercely to be the king of the farmyard. One
rincian deskripsi menyimpulkan finally gained an advantage and the other surrendered.
rincian diskripsi
The losing rooster slunk away and hid in a quiet corner. The winner flew up
to a high wall, flapped its wings, and crowed its victory, as loud as it could.

Suddenly, an eagle came sailing through the air and carried it off, with its
talons. The losing rooster immediately came out of its corner and ruled the
farmyard from then on.

6. We know from the text that ... C 1

A. The roosters are fighting to flap their wings.
B. The eagle had watched them all-day.
C. Only one rooster can rule the roost.
D. The farm needs a new king.

7 Narrative text Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks 7. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? B 2
Menentukan ide narrative, siswa dapat A. An eagle watching the rooster from a distance.
8pokok paragraf menentukan ide B. The eagle took the winning rooster as its prey.
pokok paragraf C. The losing rooster came out from its hiding place.
D. The winning rooster celebrates its winning proudly.

8 Narrative text Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks 8. What would happen if the rooster did not crow its victory? B 3
Menganalisis narrative, siswa dapat A. The farmyard will be led by the eagle.
rincian langkah menganalisis rincian B. The cocky rooster will lead the farmyard.
langkah C. The losing rooster will be wealthy.
D. The farmyard did not have a leader.

9 Narrative text Fungsi sosial: Disajikan sebuah teks 9. What can we learn from the story? D 4
Menentukan nilai narrative, siswa dapat A. Your friend can be your enemy.
yang diusung menentukan nilai B. There's always a bigger enemy in this life.
yang diusung C. Always grab an opportunity before you lose it.
D. Don't be arrogant when we have achieved our goal.

10 Narrative text Unsur Disajikan sebuah teks 10.The bold type word in “Suddenly, an eagle came sailing through the air A 5
kebahasaan: narrative, siswa dapat and carried it.” Refers to…
Menentukan menentukan referensi A. The winning rooster
referensi grammatika B. The losing rooster
gramatika C. Both rooster
D. The king

11 Narrative text Unsur Disajikan sebuah teks 11. The bold type word in “Two roosters were fighting fiercely to be the king C 6
kebahasaan: narrative, siswa dapat …. has a similar meaning with ….
Menentukan menentukan A. Well
persamaan kata persamaan kata B. Worse
C. Violently
D. Aggressively

12 Narrative text Unsur Disajikan sebuah teks Once upon a time, there was a crow. It wanted to drink water. However, the D 12
kebahasaan: narrative rumpang crow couldn’t reach the water. … (12) it carried a stone and put it into the
Menentukan kata pendek, siswa dapat jar. The crow did over and over It did until the water is high enough to drink.
sambung menentukan Finally, it succeeded to drink and felt … (13)
konjungsi yang tepat
12. The correct conjunction to complete the sentence is ….
A. though
B. But
C. And
D. Then

13 Narrative text Unsur Disajikan sebuah teks 13.The correct adjective to complete the sentence is …. A 13
Kebahasaan: narrative rumpang A. Happy
Menentukan kata pendek, siswa dapat B. Attractive
sifat menentukan adjective C. Pleasant
yang benar. D. Enjoyable

14 Report Text Fungsi sosial: Disajikan dua buah TEXT 1

Membandingkan teks report, siswa Bicycles are human-powered vehicles, typically featuring pedals, a seat, two
topik bacaan dapat menentukan wheels, and a frame. Before the word 'bicycle' become popular (coming
persamaan topik from the French word 'bicyclette'), bikes were typically called 'velocipedes'.
Bicycles are used for transport, recreation, competitive racing, courier
delivery, and a range of other tasks.

Bicycles typically use a chain to transmit power to the rear wheel. Some
bicycles feature suspension. This is especially common in mountain bikes
where they are used to help deal with the vibration caused by uneven
surfaces. Road bikes typically have thinner tires inflated to higher pressures
than those found on mountain bikes, taking advantage of the smoother
surfaces that roads generally provide.

Airplanes are fixed-wing aircraft that is propelled through the air by engines.
They are used for transportation, recreation, research, and military

Some aircraft (usually military or experimental) are capable of supersonic

flight (breaking the sound barrier) by traveling at speeds faster than sound
(1235kph, 768mph). There have only been two commercial aircraft capable
of supersonic transport, the most well-known of these was the Concorde
which flew between major cities such as London, New York, and Paris until

14. The texts tell us about …. A 20

A. kinds of vehicle
B. means of delivery
C. land transportation
D. sophisticated technology
15 Report Text Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks 15.The differences of both items are … C 23
Membandingkan report, siswa dapat bicycles aircrafts
rincian deskripsi membandingkan A have wings have chain
rincian deskripsi B are supersonic transport are used for competitive racing
C use human energy use engine power
D are commonly used for are used to help deal with the
military purposes vibration

16 Report Text Unsur Disajikan sebuah teks 16.Airplanes are fixed-wing aircraft that are … through the air by engines. A 21
kebahasaan: report, siswa dapat A. pushed
Menentukan kata menetukan kata kerja B. moved
kerja yang tepat C. pulled
D. mixed

17 Report Text Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks 17. Bicycles are used for … EXCEPT…. D 22
Menentukan report, siswa dapat A. for courier delivery and others
rincian deskripsi menentukan rincian B. for doing physical exercise
deskripsi C. for driving in a small road
D. for sky diving

18 Report Text Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks The peach is known as a species of Prunus. It is a kind of edible juicy fruit. It
Menentukan ide report tentang is native to China. The peach tree grows to 4-10 m tall. It is a deciduous tree
pokok paragraph tanaman, siswa dapat so it will fall its leaves in certain seasons. It belongs to the subfamily
menentukan ide Prunoideae of the family Rosaceae.
pokok paragraph
The leaves are 7-16 cm long and 2-3 cm broad. The flowers are produced in
early spring before the leaves. They are solitary or paired with about 2,5-3
cm in diameter. The color of the flower is pink.

Peach fruit is very nice. Its aroma smells good. The color of the flesh is
yellow or white. The skin of the peach is smooth or velvety. The flesh is soft
and juicy. It is delicious. It is a little bit harder when it is unripe. Inside the
flesh, there is a large single seed. The seed is oval. Its color is red-brown.
Its length is about 1,3-2 cm. A wood–like a husk surrounds this seed.

Most people know peaches as 'persicas'. It is related to the belief that

peaches were native to Persia (now Iran). The modern botanical consensus
is that they originate in China, and were introduced to Persia and the
Mediterranean region along the Silk Road before Christian times.
(Taken from, 2021)

18.The first paragraph tells us about … of peach B 24

A. the description
B. the definition
C. the native
D. the leave

19 Report Text Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks 19. We know from the text that .... B 25
Menentukan report tentang A. peaches come from Persia
rincian deskripsi tanaman, siswa dapat B. peaches do not originate in Persia
menentukan rincian C. China imported peaches from Persia
deskripsi D. the modern botanical consensus decided the name of the fruit

20 Report Text Unsur Disajikan sebuah teks 20. The underlined word in "It is a little bit harder when it is unripe". C 26
kebahasaan: report tentang (paragraph 3)
Menentukan tanaman, siswa dapat A. flesh
referensi menentukan B. seed
gramatika referensi gramatika C. skin
D. tree
21 Report Text Fungsi sosial: Disajikan sebuah teks 21. After reading the text, the reader will …. C 27
Menentukan report tentang A. know the native of peach
manfaat tanaman, siswa dapat B. inform the importance of fruits
menentukan manfaat C. understand the description of peach in general
D. explain the characteristics of peach in specific

22 Report Text Fungsi sosial: Disajikan sebuah teks Hails are ice balls of undefined size and shape. These are generally known
Menentukan report tentang as a hailstone. Sometimes they can be harmless but sometimes, they can
topik bacaan fenomena alam, siswa cause a lot of damage. They can damage cars, glass windows and can
dapat menentukan injure people. It is something that happens in most parts of the world. They
topik teks yang tepat are made up of water ice. They can vary in size. They are produced in
heavy rains and thunderstorms.

Hails are created by strong and upward motions of air but a lower freeze
level. Larger hails are created due to more pressure. When they become
too heavy for the updraft to keep, they fall. They can be created in any
continent. Larger hails fall at a higher speed. Hails have many layers of ice
water stacked together.

Hail formation depends on the air temperature. If the air temperature is very
cold, hail formation will be high. A hail starts its life from a small droplet of
super cooled water. Hailstorms can cause major power cuts or blackouts,
injury to human beings and animals, damage to vehicles, aircraft, etc.

(adapted from, 2021)

22. What does the text discuss? A 40

A. The general features of Hail
B. The hailstorm and its bad effects
C. The process of how bails are formed
D. The information of a hail formation

23 Report Text Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks 23. We know from the text that … A 41
Menentukan report tentang A. a thunderstorm can produce various sizes of hails.
rincian deskripsi fenomena alam, siswa B. super cooled water influences hail formation.
dapat menentukan
rincian deskripsi yang C. heavy rain is the main substance of hail formation.
tepat D. A few layers of ice fall at a higher speed to the air.

24 Report Text Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks 24. What determines the hail formation? C 42
Menentukan report tentang A. The small droplet of super cooled water
rincian deskripsi fenomena alam, siswa B. The strong and upward motion of air
dapat menentukan C. The function of air temperature
rincian deskripsi yang D. The pressure of the ice layers

25 Report Text Fungsi sosial: Disajikan sebuah teks 25. The information in the text is benefit for …. B 43
Menentukan report tentang A. tourist
peranan fenomena alam, siswa B. travelers
pembaca dapat menentukan C. students
peran pembaca D. tour guide

26 Report Text Unsur Disajikan sebuah teks All rhinos have big, heavy bodies. Their skin is very hard and they have very
Kebahasaan: report tentang little hair. The great body of the rhino stands … (47) four legs. Each foot
Menentukan binatang, siswa dapat has three toes. They usually walk very …(48), but they can run at 50
preposisi menentukan kilometers an hour. Rhinos are usually quiet and calm animals, and they
preposisi yang tepat only eat grass and other plants.

A baby rhino weighs 40 kilos when it is born. It has inside its mother … (49)
about fifteen months. An adult rhino weighs over 200 kilos and may … (50)
to be 50 years old.
(Adapted from Cambridge Key English Test book 1, 2004)

26. A. on A 47
A. in
B. at
C. under

27 Report Text Unsur Disajikan sebuah teks 27. A. slow A 48

Kebahasaan: report tentang B. slower
Menentukan binatang, siswa dapat C. slowly
adverb menentukan adverb D. slowest
yang tepat

28 Report Text Unsur Disajikan sebuah teks 28. A. before D 49

Kebahasaan: report tentang B. during
Menentukan binatang, siswa dapat C. since
conjunction menentukan D. for
conjunction yang

29 Report Text Unsur Disajikan sebuah teks 29. A. live A 50

Kebahasaan: report tentang B. lives
Menentukan kata binatang, siswa dapat C. lived
kerja menentukan kata D. living
kerja yang tepat

30 Song Fungsi sosial: Disajikan sebuah teks Rockabye

Menentukan berupa lagu, Siswa By Clean Bandit
tema lagu dapat menentukan
tema lagu yang tepat Call it love and devotion
Call it the mom's adoration (foundation)
A special bond of creation, hah
For all the single mums out there
Going through frustration
Clean Bandit, Sean-Da-Paul, Anne-marie, sing, make them hear

She works the night, by the water

She's gonna stress, so far away from her father's daughter
She just wants a life for her baby
All on her own, no one will come
She's got to save him (daily struggle)

She tells him "ooh love"

No one's ever gonna hurt you, love
I'm gonna give you all of my love
Nobody matters like you (stay up there, stay up there)
She tells him "your life ain't gonna be nothing like my life (straight)
You're gonna grow and have a good life
I'm gonna do what I've got to do" (stay up there, stay up there)

(Taken from, 2021)

D 36
30. What is the theme of the song?
A. The broken love
B. The problem of life
C. The suffering of a kid
D. The struggle of a mother

31 Song Fungsi sosial: Disajikan sebuah lirik 31. What is the message of the song? A 37
Menentukan nilai lagu, A. A mom will sacrifice for her kids.
yang diusung Siswa dapat B. Love will make someone hurt.
menentukan nilai C. Our life won’t always go straight.
yang diusung D. You have to do what you’ve got to do.

32 Song Fungsi sosial: Disajikan sebuah lirik 32. The song would probably inspire …. A 38
Menentukan lagu A. Kids
fungsi pembaca Siswa dapat B. Parents
menentukan fungsi C. A single mom
pembaca D. A faraway father

33 Song Unsur Disajikan sebuah lirik 33. The underlined word in “… Anne-marie, sing, make them hear” refers to C 39
kebahasaan: lagu …
Menentukan Siswa dapat A. kids
referensi menentukan B. the listeners
gramatika referensi gramatika C. single moms
D. father’s daughters

34 Song Unsur Disajikan sebuah lagu Heal the World

kebahasaan: Siswa dapat By Michael Jackson
Menentukan menentukan referensi
Referensi makna makna And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face
And the world we once believed in will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify its soul?
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be god's glow

We could fly so high

Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we cry happy tears
See the nations turn their swords into plowshares

We could really get there

If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space
To make a better place

(Taken from, 2021)

B 44
34. “Let our spirits never die”
What does this lyric mean?
A. As a human, we are responsible to our lives, therefore, we must do
B. As a human, we must feel enthusiastic to do the kindness.
C. We don't have a due-to-do kindness.
D. We always have to do kindness.

35 Song Fungsi sosial: Disajikan sebuah lagu 35. What is the message of the song? D 45
Menentukan nilai Siswa dapat A. To help people in needs
yang diusung menentukan nilai B. To be proud of ourselves
yang diusung C. To love and care of our children
D. To create peace and harmonious of life.

36 Song Unsur Disajikan sebuah lagu 36. The underlined word in “…in will shine again in grace” has the same C 46
kebahasaan: Siswa dapat meaning with …
Menentukan menentukan A. reward
persamaan kata persamaan kata B. present
C. mercy
D. gift
37 Passive Voice Unsur Disajikan beberapa 37. We – out – go – home – a mask – worn – must be – every time – of C 32
kebahasaan: kata, siswa dapat The best arrangement is ….
Menentukan menetukan urutan A. Every time we go out of home must be worn a mask
urutan kata yang kata yang tepat B. We go out of home every time must be worn a mask
tepat C. A mask must be worn every time we go out of home
D. We must be worn a mask every time we go out of home

38 Passive Voice Unsur Disajikan sebuah 38. The correct sentence of the followings is … C 33
kebahasaan: gambar, siswa dapat A. The headmaster was given a certificate by the students
Menganalisa Menganalisa kalimat B. The headmaster was being given a certificate
kalimat yang yang tepat sesuai C. A certificate was given by the headmaster
tepat sesuai dengan struktur D. The students were given a certificate
dengan struktur

39 Passive Voice Unsur Disajikan sebuah 39.They translated some old documents last week. It means that … B 34
kebahasaan: kalimat aktif, siswa A. Some old documents are translated by them last week.
Menganalisa dapat menetukan B. Some old documents were translated by them last week.
kalimat yang kalimat pasif yang C. Some old documents have been translated by them last week.
tepat sesuai tepat D. Some old documents were being translated by them last week
dengan struktur
40 Passive Voice Unsur Disajikan sebuah 40. The important email has been sent by my secretary. It means that … C 35
kebahasaan: kalimat pasif, siswa A. My secretary sends the important email.
Menganalisa dapat menetukan B. My secretary was sending the important email.
kalimat yang kalimat aktif yang C. My secretary has sent the important email.
tepat sesuai tepat D. My secretary has been sending the important email.
dengan struktur

41 Advertisement Fungsi sosial: Holiday classes at a learning center for Nursery. Kindergarten and primary
Menentukan school children
peran pembaca Supervised reading program
Creative writing
Poetry appreciation
Art in action
Speech training
Grooming and etiquette
- Qualified teachers
- Friendly atmosphere
- Two-hour class twice a week
Call 03-23860505
Disajikan sebuah teks
iklan siswa dapat 41. Who is likely reading the advertisement? B 14
menentukan peran A. Kids
pembaca B. Parents
C. Qualified teachers
D. Primary school children

42 Advertisement Fungsi sosial: Disajikan sebuah teks 42. Why is the class open? D 15
Menentukan iklan siswa dapat A. To facilitate the rich people to learn
alasan menentukan B. For giving chance to poor students to learn
Menentukan alasan C. For helping students create positive activities
D. To enable students to do positive activities in holiday

43 Advertisement Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks 43. How many programs does the learning center offer? C 16
Menentukan iklan siswa dapat A. One
rincian deskrips menentukan rincian B. Three
deskripsi C. Six
D. Nine

44 Advertisement Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks 44. How long the students get the class in a week? D 17
Menentukan iklan siswa dapat A. An hour
rincian deskrips menentukan rincian B. Two hours
deskripsi C. Three hours
D. Four hours

45 Advertisement Unsur Disajikan sebuah teks 45. “Friendly” atmosphere. The underlined word means …. A 18
kebahasaan: iklan siswa dapat A. Pleasant
Menentukan menentukan B. Helpful
persamaan kata persamaan kata C. Easy
D. Dull
46 Advertisement Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks 46.The people should … to join the class. B 19
Menyimpulkan iklan siswa dapat A. gather friends
rincian langkah menentukan rincian B. ring up the phone
langkah C. come to the class
D. register at the school

47 Advertisement Fungsi sosial: Disajikan 2 buah teks TEXT 1

Membedakan iklan siswa dapat The Ambhara Hotel
tujuan membedakan tujuan Featuring well-designed guestrooms, this high-rise hotel is ideally located in
teks the heart of South Jakarta at Kebayoran. The Ambhara Hotel is situated
close to the central business district. It is within walking distance to the Blok
M shopping area, where guests can find many shops and restaurants. It is
adjacent to the Pasaraya Grande shopping center, which has the largest
handicraft display in Indonesia. Several on-site restaurants serve a variety
of international cuisine. Guests of the hotel will enjoy the hotel for its modern
facilities and convenient location in the commercial district.

NatragiustTM is a powerful food source consisting of a wide variety of
premium ingredients that work together to provide a variety of health
benefits. Each serving contains the equivalent of more than 6 vegetables
and fruits, with an ORAC value of 4.000 Additionally, NataBurstTNI helps
supports lean muscle mass with its concentration of high-quality protein.
• Increase energy
• Reduce appetite
• Promote Fat Loss
• Anti.Aging
• Promote Healthy Skin

47. The difference between both texts is …. C 28

A. To tell about hotel facilities
To warn the reader the
danger of the product
B To Inform the benefit of the To describe the composition
hotel of the product
C To invite the people to stay at To persuade to consume the
the hotel product
D To promote the modern hotel To tell the reader how to use
the product

48 Advertisement Struktur teks: Disajikan 2 buah teks 48. What's the benefit of consuming NatraBurst? C 29
Menentukan iklan siswa dapat A. Decrease appetite
rincian diskripsi menentukan rincian B. Reduce energy
deskripsi C. Increase fat loss
D. Promote healthy hair

49 Advertisement Struktur teks: Disajikan sebuah teks 49. People can find . . . in Pasaraya Grande. A 30
Menentukan iklan siswa dapat A. A variety of international dishes
rincian diskripsi menentukan rincian B. Many kinds of handicraft
diskripsi C. Many kinds of shops
D. A lot of guests

50 Advertisement Unsur Disajikan sebuah teks 50.The underlined word in “There are on-site restaurants that serve a B 31
kebahasaan: iklan siswa dapat variety of international cuisine". means ...
Menentukan menentukan A. food
persamaan kata persamaan kata B. cloth
C. furniture
D. appliance

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