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All the reasons to visit Musee D'Orsay

The Musee D'Orsay was built back in 1986 and has been reconstructed many times over the
years. It is included in the world's most famous museums; the museum has a rich history on
which you simply would not want to miss out.
If you are one of those people who adore art and live for the aesthetics, you will not get bored of
this magnificent museum. The entire museum is consumed by rich art which can make you
The museum is huge, and it might take days for you to have the gist of all that there is; thus, we
have prepared a detailed guide for you, so you enjoy your visit to Musee d'Orsay.

Route to Louvre museum

You must be wondering what route to take to reach the museum. The museum can be accessed
through multiple mediums such as the Metro, RER, or the Local Bus.
If you are opting to go from anyone one of these mediums, then here is a guide for you:
Metro: Line 12, to Solférino
RER: Line C, to Musée d’Orsay station
Bus: Lines 63, 68, 69, 73, 83, 84, 87, or 94
Musee D'Orsay is nearby other attractions such as the infamous louver museum. Therefore, you
can walk from there as well.

When does it open?

Musee D'Orsay is open six days a week and is closed on Mondays. The timings are usually from 9:30 am
to 5:00 pm; however, on Thursdays, the timings are from 9:30 am to 9:30 pm, so if you want to stay for a
longer period, you can visit the museum on a Thursday.

Moreover, if you are visiting the museum on holiday, make sure you do not visit on 1 January, 1 May,
and 25 December as the museum is closed. You can still visit during all other public holidays unless they
are on a Tuesday. 

Most Used Entrances

There are four entrance gates to the Orsay Museum
1. Entrance A
2. Entrance B
3. Entrance C
4. Entrance D

It is completely up to you to choose whichever entrance you like, preferably pick that entrance
which comes in your route.

Two most noticeable things at the museum

a) The Giant Clock
When you enter the museum, the first thing upon which you will set your eyes will be this giant
clock that is so mesmerizing that you might actually doubt reality. This clock has been in the
museum for decades and is a symbol of Parisian history.

b) Claude Monte's Paintings

The museum is filled with the most beautiful painting by the famous artist "Claude Monte"
therefore, do not forget to have a look at them.

Most admirable paintings at the museum

1. Starry Night
Just by its name, you will have an idea of what painting this is; starry night is the most famous
painting in the world. Vincent Van Gogh is the mastermind behind this beautiful painting which
everyone loves; it is known to be the painter's most remarkable work.
2. Le Dejeuner sur I’Herbe
You should definitely add this to your "must-see" list at the museum; painted by Edouard Manet,
this is the most realistic painting you will find in the museum. It gives an image of an unfinished
painting even though it is completed.
3. The Gleaners
It would be a disappointment if you did not come across this beautiful painting, which was
painted in the mid-19th Century and portrays the female rural workers.
4. Whistler's Mother
Whistler's mother is a widely famous painting, especially in America; it is known to be the
Victorian version of the infamous painting "Mona Lisa."
5. Bal Du Moulin De La Galette
We highly recommend not missing out on this painting. The portrait is known to be one of the
great masterworks of the impressionist art movement. It portrays a scene that is happening in
Moulin de la Galettet. Many people refer to this as the best realistic painting in the world.
6. The Ballet Class
Next, we the "The Ballet Class" made by the famous Edgard Degas, who took more than 2 years
to complete this masterpiece. Therefore, you should not miss out on this magnificent painting.

7. Luncheon On the Grass
This simple yet beautiful painting represents a casual lunch of the French. It was painted by
Claude Monet, who could have the chance to finish his work; even though it is an unfished
painting, it looks absolutely perfect.
8. Painters Studio
Another famous painting that you will come across at Musee D'Orsay is "The Painters Studio."
You will absolutely enjoy looking at this painting as this is considered to be the artist Gustave
Courbet's masterpiece.
9. The Cards Play
How can we forget the beautiful "Cards Play"? This painting is named over a series of works
painted by the artist Paul Cezanne; If you adore classical art, this painting is the one for you as it
represents the old classic art.
10. Church at Auvers
Last but not the least is the "Church at Auvers," by its name we are sure you must have an idea
of what this painting would be about. Painted by Vincent Van Gogh, this painting is his last
masterpiece before the artist died back in the 18 th Century, which is why it is very popular as
many people want to view the last piece painted by the famous artist.

The Top 10 picks for sculptures you cannot miss

The Musee d'Orsay is known for the amazing sculptures it has; mentioned below are some
sculptures that you would not want to miss out on.
1. Liberty
This sculpture was given to France by the USA as a gift; the statue of liberty is the famous
tourist sight; therefore, many people from all around the world come to have sight of this
beautiful gift.
2. La Danse
This sculpture is so captivating that if you look at it, you might actually think that you are
daydreaming. It was made by the gifted Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux during the 18 th Century. Known
for its beauty, many people from all around the world crave to have a glimpse of this captivating
3. Napoleon

From the name of the sculpture, you will have an idea of what it is about; the sculpture
represents Napoleon sitting as Augustus.
4. Hercules
Let's not forget about the "Hecules" this outstanding sculpture can be found at the Musee
D'Orsay. The unique shape of the statue makes it so captivating to look at.
5. The Panther
Created back in the 19th Century, "The Panther" is painted by an Italian artist who was gifted and
made magnificent animal sculptures
6. Four Parts of the world
This extremely tall sculpture never fails to impress the visitors at the Musee D'osray; you cannot
simply miss out on this sculpture. This statue shows how the four humans are holding the world
7. The Mediterranean
This sculpture is made of bronze, and many artists have come to admire the shape of the
sculpture because it is so simple yet so mesmerizing.
8. The women
Ever seen a 100-year-old sculpture? Well, look no further because this sculpture is very old yet
so beautiful. We highly recommend having a look at it.
9. Radin
If you are a fanatic about romance, this sculpture is the one for you; the artist made the sculpture
in the memory of his lover.
10. Ugolin
Ugolin is a famous sculpture at Musee d'Orsay and is known for its complexity, due to which
many admire it.

Most Famous restaurants and cafes in Louvre Palace

1. Café: La Paletter
If you are looking for a place to relax and escape the huge crowds at the museum you can visit
the famous "Café La Paletter." The cafe is located in a leafy terrace, so you can enjoy nature and
have a relaxing day
2. Café Campana

We highly recommend this beautiful café, which opens at 10 am and closes at 7 pm. The café
offers a wide variety of food ranging from the best wine to delicious quick-serve dishes.
3. Musee d’Orsay Restaurant
Located in the heart of the museum, this restaurant is widely known for its beautiful ceilings and
delicious food items on the menu.
4. Les Climats
If you want a comfortable place to sit and enjoy, then we highly recommend you visit this
restaurant that offers the world's best French and European cuisines.

More about the Guided Tours

The museum has several guided tours at different prices, starting from $18 to $300. All the
guided tours can be accessed on the museum's official website with complete information. You
can even customize your tours!

Few Tips for touring the Louvre

Do not worry about waiting hours in line; if you have opted for a guided tour, then that means
you get a free pass from waiting in long lines. Most of the guided tours come with the luxury of
you having the "Skip the line opportunity."
The tickets for the tour are easily available on the museum's website and are not very costly; the
tickets range from €13 to €16; however, if you want to visit the museum for free, then we have
some good news for you! The entrance for everyone is free on the first Sunday of every month.
While visiting Muse d'Orsay, you are not carrying a large bag because, due to security issues, the
museum does not allow visitors with suitcases or with large bags.
That’s all you need to know to plan a trip to Musee d’Orsay; therefore, wait no further, pack your
bags and visit this beautiful museum filled with the world's most famous masterpieces

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