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Fənn: Tərcümə nəzəriyyəsi [ 428 sual var]

1 . How many types of dictionaries?

2 . Give the right definition: Equivalent -

3 . In which ways of the names of geographical places are conveyed in:

4 . Which types of transformation do you know?

5 . Give the right translation. He didnt say anything.

6 . Give the right translation. He was given money.

7 . Give the right translation. I want you to speak English.

8 . Complete the definition: … conveys the sound cover or just the pronunciation of the in the S.L.

9 . Give the right answer: This method is used when the author wishes to stress the imagery.

10 . Complete the definition: The levels of language system are:

11 . How many types of lexical replacement?

12 . Give the right translation. I like watching her dance.

13 . Give the right translation. I took possession of his effects after his death.

14 . Give the right translation. If there is one thing I hate, its the movies.

15 . Complete the definition: Elimination is -

16 . Give the right translation. Candle burns

17 . Give the right translation. The temperature was an easy ninety.

18 . Complete the right definition: Calque means -

19 . Complete the right definition: Creation of new notions, concepts.

20 . Complete the right definition: Connotative -

21 . Find the name of political party:

22 . In which ways the names of geographical places are conveyed?

23 . Find the names of oceans, gulf.

24 . Find the right definition: Conveying the meaning of a negative construction by means of
positive construction or vice versa.

25 . Give the right translation: It is raining cats and dogs.

26 . Give the right translation. Buz kimi soyuq, borca düsməmək.

27 . Give the right translation. The moon is not seen when the sun shines.

28 . Give the right translation of the proverb. Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.

29 . Give the right translation. Mədəniyyət evi, Elmlər namizədi

30 . How many varieties does the translator have to know in order to define and translate the
absolute construction correctly?
31 . Which is a widely spread type of absolute construction?

32 . How many types of transformation are frequent in the process of translation?

33 . Choose the types of transformation.

34 . Give the right synonym of the verb "to try".

35 . Give the right antonymic translation. Keep ones pecker up

36 . Give the right antonymic translation. Keep ones head above water

37 . Find the right definition. This method is used to decipher the meaning of a word or word-
combination of the SL by giving their dictionary definitions or explanations in the TL.

38 . Complete the given definition. … is to seek an approximate lexical unite in the TL close to the
meaning of the unit in the SL.

39 . Give the right translation. Drugstore

40 . Give the right translation. I figured I wouldnt see him till Christmas vacation started.

41 . Give the right translation. Pendir və kəsmik

42 . Complete the sentence Contexts may be:

43 . Give the right translation. He died of exposure.

44 . Give the right translation. They worked four days and nights.

45 . Complete the right definition. … is the reverse side of generalization.

46 . Into how many groups do all questions connected with the translation of absolute construction

47 . Give the right translation. O, susdu.

48 . Complete the right defination. ... to abridge the volume of the text.

49 . Replacement may be

50 . Generalisation is

51 . Antonymic translation is a type of

52 . The subject of the theory of translation is

53 . The essence of translation is

54 . What is the source language?

55 . There are following levels of the language system

56 . Translation is a type of transformation which is

57 . Compensation is a type of replacement by which

58 . Analogue is a method of translation when

59 . There are generally three types of lexical replacements

60 . Antonomic translation is a type of

61 . The main types of transformation are

62 . What is a target language?

63 . The subject of the theory of translation is

64 . Replacement may be

65 . Generalization is

66 . Pragmatic aspect of translation connected with

67 . Pragmatic aspect of translation includes

68 . Compensation is a type of replacement by which

69 . Descriptive method is a method of translation

70 . There are following levels of the language system

71 . Translation performed on a lower level than the one necessary for the transformation of the
plane of content invariable by observing the norms of the TL is called

72 . What is the target language?

73 . The semantic structure of the sign is composed of three components

74 . Analogue is a method of translation

75 . Translation on phoneme level differ from other types of translation for as

76 . Compensation is a type of replacement by which

77 . Replacement may be

78 . Antonomic translation is a type of

79 . Analogue is a method of translation

80 . There are following levels of the language system

81 . Generalization is

82 . The essense of translation is

83 . The subject of the theory of translation is

84 . The semantic structure of the sign is composed of three compounds

85 . Transposition is a type of transformation which is

86 . The subject of the theory of the translation is

87 . The semantic structure of the sign is composed of three components

88 . Translation performed on a lower level than the one necessary for the transformation is called

89 . Compensation is a type of replacement by which

90 . Analogue is a method of translation

91 . Antonomic translation is a type of

92 . There are following levels of the language system

93 . The subject of the theory of translation is

94 . Equivalent is a method of translation when

95 . Compensation is a type of replacement by which

96 . The semantic structure of the sign is composed of three components

97 . Equivalency is a method of translation when

98 . Compensation is a type of replacement by which

99 . Omission is

100 . Compensation is a type of replacement by which

101 . The semantic structure of the sign is composed of three components

102 . Equivalent is a method of translation when

103 . Compensation is a type of replacement by which

104 . Trasnlation performed on a level necessary sufficient for invariable transformation of plane of
content by observing the norms of the TL is called

105 . Transposition is a type of transformation which is

106 . Descriptive is a method of translation

107 . The semantic structure of the sign is composed of three components

108 . Contextual concretization is conditioned by

109 . One of the most common case of addition

110 . What is the calque or loan translation?

111 . Complete the definition Neologisms are word….

112 . Choose the correct answer Levels of language system

113 . What is translation on text level?

114 . The notion of levels of translation is connected with….

115 . Choose the right key-term The main types of transformation

116 . Choose the right key-terms.The main types of transformation, that is to abridge the volume of
the text.

117 . Give the right term to the definition:It is the replacement of the word with concrete meaning
by a word with much broader meaning which is clear and understandable to the speaker

118 . Complete the definition .The choice of one of synonyms in translation depends on the
differences in their meaning and…..

119 . Give the right definition to the key-term transliteration.

120 . Complete the definition.Transcription conveys the sound….

121 . Choose right definition to the key-term.……. doesnt possess its own independent meaning, but
serves to distinguish meaning

122 . The most difficult type of translation is……

123 . What is the notion of levels of translation connected with?

124 . Complete the definition.Generalization is the reverse of concretization…..

125 . Give the right answer.This method is used when the author wishes to stress the imagery.

126 . Complete the definition.Transcription conveys the sound cover…..

127 . Give the right key-term to the definition .creation of new notions, concepts

128 . Complete the definition.Sentence level, word level, phoneme level and so on are……

129 . Choose the right key-term.A whole group of independent sentences combined together
function as a unit of translation.

130 . Choose the right-term.replacement, addition, omission…..

131 . Give the right definition to key-term phoneme

132 . Complete the definition.The main type of transformation is to……

133 . Complete the definition.Neologisms are words…..

134 . Complete the definition.Generalization is the reverse of concretization….

135 . Give the right key-term to the definition.………. conveys the sound cover or just the
pronunciation of the word in the SL.

136 . Give the right definition."Translation on text level"

137 . Complete the definition.Phoneme serves…..

138 . What is elimination?

139 . Choose the right term.It is used when the author wishes to stress the imagery

140 . Give the main levels of a language system

141 . Complete the definition.The choice of one of synonyms in translation depends on the
differences in……

142 . Choose the right definition to the key-terms.Transliteration

143 . Complete the definition.Creations of new notions, concepts is called……

144 . What is calque translation?

145 . What is translation on the text level?

146 . Complete the definition.The notion of levels of translation…..

147 . Choose the right term to the definition.It serves to distinguish word combinations

148 . Complete the definition.Elimination is to abridge …….

149 . Find the antonymic translation in the following sentences: O susdu.

150 . What is referential meaning?

151 . Choose the right key-term to the definition: It is to abridge the volume the text.

152 . Complete the definition. By semantic structure we mean the field of meaningful units, i.e
word, word-combinations and set-phrases to which certain … are referred in dictionaries.

153 . How many types are there of context.

154 . What is elimination.

155 . Choose the right definition to the given key-term. Equivalent translation.

156 . Give the right answer: Replacement of parts of speech is caused by different reasons:

157 . What terms means to copy, to imitate.

158 . Complete the definition. Connotation is not an independent meaning, by it we mean those
additional …

159 . Choose the right translation: Bədii tərcümədə tərcümənin bu metodu da geniş tətbiq olunur.

160 . What is called the relation between a sign and its referent?

161 . Complete the definition. Phoneme doesn`t posses it own independent meaning, but serves.

162 . Choose the right answer: Translation on a higher level sufficient for the transformation of
the plan of content invariably by observing the norms of the T.L. is called.

163 . What forms of methods of translation are used to convey the meanings of English set phrases?

164 . What do we mean by transcription?

165 . Choose the right key-term to the definition. Words emerging as a result of development of
society, creation of new notions, concepts.

166 . Choose the right answer: The names of geographical places are conveyed in two ways:

167 . When is description translation used?

168 . Complete the definition. Referential meaning is a relation ….

169 . Choose the right key-term to the definition. Translation performed on a level necessary and
sufficient for invariable transformation of the plane of the content by observing the norms of TL.

170 . Complete the definition. Elimination is to abridge …

171 . Choose the right answer: The name of the geographical places are conveyed in two ways:

172 . Complete the definition. The names of English periodicals are transcribed and the articles
are ….

173 . Choose three types of lexical replacement.

174 . Contexts may be:

175 . Choose the right key-term to the definition. Translation performed on a lower level than the
one necessary for the transformation of the plane of content invariability by observing the norms of
the TL is called

176 . What is equivalent translation. Translation performed on a level necessary and sufficient
for invariable transformation of the plane of the content ….

177 . How many types are there of transformation?

178 . What does calque mean?

179 . When is descriptive translation used?

180 . Give the right answer. What is the most ordinary case of translation?

181 . Choose the right key-term to the definition. It is the extensional replacement of the elements
of the SL in the text of the TL.

182 . How many types has the transformation got?

183 . What is quite contrary to addition?

184 . Choose the right key-term to the definition. - generalization

185 . Give the right answer. When do we replace a word with broader meaning by a word with
a narrow, concrete meaning, which fully disclosed the essence of the thing in the question.

186 . Choose the right answer. Contexts may be:

187 . Complete the definition. Adequate translation conveys not only the sense but also the
expressive stylistic.

188 . Choose the correct translation: What is not an independent meaning and by it do we
mean those additional associations it evokes in the mind of the bearers of that language?

189 . Complete the definition. Referential meaning is the relation between ….

190 . What type of transformation is omitted here? Transposition, Replacement, Addition ….

191 . Complete the definition. Transcription is based on phonetic principal, i.e by conveying ….

192 . Choose the right answer. The names of the geographical places are conveyed in two ways:
193 . What is the most ordinary case of translation?

194 . Choose the right answer. The choice of corresponding word (synonyms) depends on their
stylistic peculiarities and ….

195 . What do we mean by graphical form?

196 . Complete the definition. The notion of levels of translation is connected with …

197 . Choose the correct key-term to the definition. It is conveying the graphical form of the word
in the SL by the same means.

198 . Choose the correct answer. The most difficult type of translation is ….

199 . Complete the definition. Sentence level, morpheme and phoneme level, text and
sentence level, level of word combinations are ….

200 . Complete the definition. Neologism are words ….

201 . What do we mean by graphical form?

202 . Give the right translation: We have already defined translation as a process of
transformation of a text in one language.

203 . Bəzən dar həcimli məzmun tərcüməçiyə ekvivalentin düzgün seçimini etməyə imkan vermir.

204 . Choose the right equivalents to the language metaphors: müharibənin alovları, kabus

205 . Choose the right translation: daş kimi cansız, hüdudsuz, arı kimi zəhmətkeş

206 . Give the right translation. Dağlar kimi qoca, bir dəri bir sümük, daş kimi soyuq
207 . Give the right translation: bir dəri bir sümük, daş kimi cansız

208 . Give the right translation: borca girməmək, leysan yağış yağır

209 . Choose the right translation: Sometimes the narrow context doesnt enable the translator to
make a true choice of an equivalent.

210 . Give the right translation. Onlar dörd gün işlədilər.

211 . Choose the correct antonymic translation: She didnt say anything.

212 . There are generally three types of lexical replacements.

213 . The essense of translation is.

214 . There are following levels of the language system.

215 . There are generally three types of lexical replacements?

216 . Choose the right key-term.It is used when the author wishes to stress the imagery.

217 . What does calque mean?.

218 . How many texts do we always have in translation?

219 . Complete the definition. In translation the first text is………

220 . Which text is called the text of translation?

221 . Choose the correct answer. The language in which the original text is written is called…………..
222 . Where is the original text written………..?

223 . Where is the translation done?

224 . Complete the definition. The language into which the translation is done is called……………

225 . What is a science of signs?

226 . Complete the definition. A science of signs is called……….

227 . Complete the definition. Each sign is characterized by the plane of…………

228 . What is characterized by the plane of expression and content in semiotics?

229 . How many branches are noted by everybody by linguistics?

230 . Choose the correct names of two branches are noted by everybody in modern linguistics?

231 . What is the product of speech activity?

232 . When can we deal with denotation?

233 . What is called the plane of content?

234 . In what level do we deal with phoneme?

235 . What serves distinguish meaning, but posesses its own independent meaning?

236 . Complete the definition. Correspondences between the units of SL and the TL are established
on the phoneme level is called……………
237 . Where is translation very restricted in?

238 . Choose the correct translation. Bir neçə hallarda morfem tərcümə vahidinə çevrilir

239 . How many types are there of replacement?

240 . Where do the grammatical forms, for ex: number of nouns, tenses of verbs may be replaced
by other in?

241 . Complete the definition. The replacement of noun by pronouns is the simple type of

242 . What is opposite to Concretization?

243 . In what kind of translation is an affirmative construction transformed by a negative one?

244 . What is contrary to addition?

245 . How many types of context do you know?

246 . Choose the correct answer. By the narrow context we mean..

247 . How many types of narrow context are there?

248 . Choose the correct answer. The narrow context may be lexical and…….

249 . Choose the correct answer a word of the SL may correspond to several words in the TL

250 . Complete the definition. Synonym is a word of SL may correspond to several words

251 . Choose the correct answer. The choice of synonym depends on…..
252 . Choose the correct answer. The choice of the synonym depends on……

253 . Choose the correct answer. The choice of the synonym depends on……functions

254 . What is the reverse of generalization?

255 . Where do we replace a word with the broader meaning by a word with a narrow one in?

256 . Choose the correct answer. Some dictionary units of SL have no correspondence in the TL

257 . Which kind of dictionary units of SL have no correspondence in the TL?

258 . Complete the definition. Occasional lacunes of the SL have no…… in the TL

259 . Complete the definition. Transcription conveys………

260 . Complete the definition. Transcription conveys sound cover and……

261 . What conveys the sound cover and pronunciation of the word in the SL?

262 . Which notion of translation means to copy, to imitate?

263 . Choose the correct answer. The meaning of the unit in the SL has not exact correspondence
in the TL is called………

264 . Which words are emerging as a result of development of society, creation of new notions?

265 . Choose the correct answer. It is not and independent meaning, by it we mean those
additional associations.

266 . How many ways are the names of geographical places conveyed in?
267 . Choose the correct answer. The names of geographical places are conveyed by……..

268 . Choose the correct answer. The names of geographical places are conveyed by……..

269 . Choose the correct answer. The names of geographical places are conveyed by…….

270 . By what do we mean proverbs and sayings, catch words and familiar quotations?

271 . Choose the correct answer. “A target expression coincides the source expression in the

272 . Choose the correct answer. “Conveying the meaning of a negative construction by means of a
positive construction”

273 . Complete the definition. Supplementary translation is supplemented with words of………

274 . Complete definition. An addition of meanings is called……..

275 . Complete definition. Two languages are important for translation

276 . Complete definition. The source and the target language are very important for……..

277 . Complete definition. “The meaning or sense of any language unit is connected with………

278 . Complete the sentence. He came home very late at night and……….

279 . Choose the correct translation. İqtisadi əlaqələr hər bir ölkənin inkişafında mühüm rol

280 . Choose the correct metaphor

281 . Choose the correct metaphor.

282 . Choose the correct metaphor..

283 . Choose the correct metaphor

284 . Choose the correct metaphor

285 . Choose the correct metaphor...

286 . Choose the correct metaphor ..

287 . Choose the correct metaphor ...

288 . Choose the correct metaphor....

289 . Choose the correct metaphor .....

290 . Choose the correct metaphor........

291 . Choose the correct metaphor .........

292 . Choose the correct metaphor

293 . Choose the correct metaphor ........

294 . Choose the correct answer. “as old as .....”(metaphor)

295 . Choose the correct answer. “as thin as .....”(metaphor)

296 . Choose the correct answer. “to hit the nail on the........”(metaphor)

297 . Choose the correct answer. “a hotbed of.......”(metaphor)

298 . Choose the correct answer. “to make a mountain out of a .........” (metaphor)

299 . Choose the correct answer. [h] is substituted by the Russian phoneme……….

300 . Choose the correct answer. Having no its own independ meaning is the main function

301 . What is the difficult type of translation?

302 . Choose the correct equivalent. “Many happy returns of the day”

303 . What notion is connected with the notion of equivalent?

304 . What is the extensional replacement of the elements of the SL in the text of the TL?
305 . What is the most ordinary case of transposition

306 . Choose the correct answer. The most ordinary case of transposition is word order and ……….

307 . Where any language unit may be replaced by others?

308 . Choose the correct answer. Grammatical and lexical replacements are types of……..

309 . What type of replacement deals with grammatical forms?

310 . What type replacement deals with words and set-phrases?

311 . Choose the correct equivalent. I am not kidding (in affirmative construction)

312 . Choose the correct answer. In the process of addition omitted words are called………..

313 . Choose the correct answer. In the process of addition appropriate words are……..

314 . Where can be abridged the volume of the text in?

315 . In what process the words are omitted in translation?

316 . Choose the correct answer. Broad and narrow meanings are types of………

317 . How many types are there of context?

318 . By what type of context do we mean the context of a sentence?

319 . Choose the correct answer. “pale as a...........”(metaphor)

320 . Choose the correct answer. “as busy as........”(metaphor)

321 . Choose the correct metaphor ..........

322 . Choose the correct metaphor...

323 . How many texts are there in translation?

324 . “as old as…….”(metaphor)

325 . Choose the correct metaphor. “as thin as a ………” (metaphor)

326 . Choose the correct answer. “to hit the nail on the………”(metaphor)

327 . Choose the correct answer. “a hotbed of…….”(metaphor)

328 . Choose the correct answer. “to make a mountain out of a ……..”(metaphor)

329 . Choose the correct answer. “pale as a………” (metaphor)

330 . Choose the correct answer. “as busy as ……….”(metaphor)

331 . Choose the correct answer. The first text in translation is called……….

332 . Which text is created on the basis of the original one?

333 . Complete the definition. The language in which the original text is written is called………

334 . Choose the correct answer. It is established on the phoneme level.

335 . Choose the correct answer. The method of transcription is established on the………..

336 . Which method is established on the level of grapheme?

337 . Choose the correct answer. [h] is substituted by the Russian phoneme……

338 . Choose the correct answer. Having no its own indepent meaning is the main function of……….

339 . Choose the correct equivalent. “Many happy returns of the day”

340 . What notion is connected with the notion of equivalency ?

341 . Choose the correct answer. The most ordinary case of transposition is word order and………..

342 . Choose the correct answer. Grammatical and lexical replacements are types of………

343 . What type replacement deals with words and set phrases?
344 . Choose the correct equivalent. I am not kidding(in affirmative construction)

345 . Choose the correct equivalent. Mən zarafat etmirəm

346 . Choose the correct answer. In the process of addition omitted words are called……

347 . Choose the correct answer. In the process of addition appropriate words are…………

348 . Where can we abridge the volume of the text in?

349 . Choose the correct answer. Broad and narrow meanings are types of……………..

350 . Complete the definition. By the narrow context we mean the…………

351 . By what types of context do we mean the textual context?

352 . Complete the definition. By Broad context we mean…………..

353 . Choose the correct line of synonyms

354 . Choose the correct synonyms. “relation with”

355 . Choose the correct synonym. “consequently”

356 . Choose the correct synonym. “unknown”

357 . Choose the correct synonym. “displeased”

358 . Choose the correct synonym. “attainment”

359 . Choose the correct synonym. “restriction”

360 . Choose the correct synonym. “compulsory”

361 . Choose the correct synonym. “schedule”

362 . Choose the correct synonym. “race”

363 . Choose the correct synonym. “cultivate”

364 . Choose the line of synonyms

365 . Choose the line of synonyms

366 . Choose the correct answer. “Articulation plays an important role in the……….”

367 . Choose the correct answer. “Translation is very restricted in.......”

368 . Choose the correct answer. If a concrete thief, process, quality is meant we deal with……….
369 . Choose the correct answer. In the process of translation language may be……..

370 . Choose the antonym.“lazy”

371 . Choose the correct answer. “Copy is to write sth……..”

372 . Choose the correct answer.“Honest is………”

373 . Choose the correct answer.“To disappear completely and suddenly”

374 . Choose the correct answer .To make way into or through smth”

375 . Choose the correct answer.“To change sth spoken especially”

376 . Choose the correct definition. “To translate”

377 . Choose the correct synonym.“A reasonable suggestion”

378 . Choose the line of synonym

379 . What kind of translation has not exact correspondence in meaning in the TL to the unit of SL?

380 . Choose the correct answer.“The original text is given in……..”

381 . Choose the correct answer.“Source language is………”

382 . Choose the correct answer.“Target language is……”

383 . Choose the correct translation.“məxəz dil”

384 . Choose the correct answer.“məxəz dilin leksik vahidi”

385 . Choose the correct answer.“fikir ifadə etmək”

386 . Choose the correct translation. Səciyyəvi leksik transformasiya

387 . Choose the correct trnaslation. Dilin ifadə vasitələri

388 . Choose the correct answer.Mənanı fərqləndirmək

389 . Choose the correct translation.Mənadan asılı olaraq

390 . Choose the correct translation.Dili xarakterizə etmək

391 . Choose the correct answer. Sözün uyğun gələn mənası

392 . Choose the correct translation. Yaradıcı yanaşma

393 . Choose the correct translation.Konkret ifadə elementi

394 . Choose the correct translation. Zəruri izahat

395 . Choose the correct translation.Nisbi uyğunluq

396 . Choose the correct translation.Leksik mənaya əsaslanan

397 . What is expressiveness?

398 . Complete the definition.Expressiveness is speech and is achieved by making………. Use of

lexical units
399 . What is achieved by making a stylistic use of lexical units

400 . Choose the correct answer. A word of the SL may correspond to several words in the TL is

401 . Choose the correct answer. The choice of corresponding word depends..

402 . Choose the correct answer. The choice of corresponding word depends

403 . Choose the correct answer. The choice of corresponding word depends on….

404 . Choose the correct translation. Walls have ears(proverb)

405 . Choose the sentence logically correct

406 . Choose the sentence logically correct. When your friend gives you useful advice you follow it
and say….

407 . Choose the correct key term. “To bring or gather sth together”

408 . Choose the correct key term. “Convention is a …….”

409 . Choose the correct translation.Bu problem hələ həll edilməyib

410 . Choose the correct translation.Qatil ölümlə cəzalandırıldı

411 . Choose the correct synonym. “Flu”

412 . Choose the correct answer.“It is caused by viruses”

413 . Choose the correct translation.“İştahsızlıq”

414 . Choose the correct key-term.“Discreased sensation of appetite”

415 . Complete the definition.“Influenza is caused by....”

416 . Choose the words that doesn’t go with the others

417 . Choose the correct equivalent.

418 . Complete the definition.“Concretization is the reverse of......”

419 . Context may be........

420 . Choose the correct answer.“In translation the language plays an important role”

421 . Choose the correct answer.“Microlinguistics and macrolinguistics are two branches......”

422 . Choose the correct name of translation levels

423 . Choose the terms on grammar

424 . Complete definition. “Lack of meaning is very often filled by adding meanings to the semantic
structure of the word”

425 . When do we use analogue?

426 . Choose the correct translation. Mən saçımı kəsdirmək istəyirəm.

427 . Choose the correct equivalent. Mən zarafat etmirəm

428 . Choose the correct synonym. “mess”

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