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Collaborate with your group and answer the following questions

1. School and community partnership enhances sense of ownership

and sense of belonging. What does this mean? How will this
impact on schools and communities?
When students, parents and teachers, as well as the school members
feel connected, there is a greater sense of belonging, school pride and
motivation to teach and learn. Making connections in the community
gives community members a sense of responsibility and ownership over
students' learning, which leads individuals in taking a more active role
in supporting their local schools. For example, a school could partner
with a community organization to start an after-school program for
students. The school may provide a space to hold the program and
identify students who would benefit from attending the program, while
the community organization reaches out to community members and
coordinates volunteers.

2. Can schools take the place of families in the rearing of children?

Absolutely not. Even though that there are school organizations can
provide food and shelter it may not be sufficient for a child not being
raised by their own family. The authority to make decisions concerning
and affecting the care, welfare and proper development of the child is
known as parental responsibility. Parents have the duty to protect their
children's rights until they are old enough to make their own way in the
world. However, in school they teach subjects that cover history,
biology, arts, literature, math, physics, physical education, geography,
and many more. Teachers play a key role in any student’s life also. They
are like the children’s second parents, they are knowledgeable on a lot
of things, and they should be able to impart a wide array of information
and wisdom on specific subject matters, as well as life in general.

3. What sociological reality in the Philippines and in the world

demand that school’s partners with the community (church, mass
media, business establishments, etc.) for the education children?

When schools and other community organizations work together to

support learning, the children are benefited. This partnership can
accomplish to strengthen, support, and transform the learners resulting
a quality and improved programs, and to better the alignment of our
common goals. Schools may need to reimagine ways to increase
families’ access to and understanding the information on their
children’s progress. While the community agencies can play also a role
in giving families the resources to better advocate for their children’s
needs in school, as well as opportunities to learn with their children.

4. State the provisions of RA 9155, BP 232, RA 8525 and Agenda

2030 that refer to school community partnership.

In the Philippines education is considered as an investment to

strengthen the knowledge, skills, abilities and capabilities of the
students. This will aid the them to become more productive and be
more successful. This will promote social development and social
cohesion for the people to have better and equal opportunities and
attain his full potential as a human being.
The government should provide the overall framework for principal
empowerment by strengthening principal and leadership goals, and
local school based management within the context of transparency and
local accountability includes but not limited to, leadership,
management, teacher evaluation, and enforcing student discipline.

5. illustrate with a cartoon or a diagram the partnership between

school and community.

Research shows that when schools, parents, families, and communities

work together, students:
 earn higher grades
 attend school more regularly
 stay in school (no cutting classes)
 are more motivated

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