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Collaborate and brainstorm with your group and answer the following
questions comprehensively
1. Why was the focus of education different for different groups of
people in different places and at different periods in world
history? What does this point to regarding relationships of schools
and society?
Educational systems around the world may have different approaches
due to what was essential and practical on a certain era or period. In
the in time of early education here in the Philippines was not formal, it
was more on oral, and hands-on teachings. As the years went by the
education evolves with time. It became available with a sustainable
framework to adaption, creativity, and innovation to all skills that our
learners will need to thrive and be successful in their careers. The
relationship between school and the society should reflect its
significance and characteristics in the life of the community in its
natural setting. A good society is the product of a good school system
and a good school system is the product of a good society. So there
must be some link relationships between the school and the society.

2. Was equal access to quality education met during the:

Period Yes No Reason
Pre-colonial No Education in
this period is
informal and
Spanish period No Education was
supervised and
controlled by
the friars
American Yes American
regime teachers
democracy and
religious bias
Japanese Yes Elevated the
regime morals of the
people, and
promote the
Post-colonial Yes Political
period institutions
were freely and
transplanted in
the minds of
3. Given the different characteristics of the different periods in
Philippine history, what were the goals of education/schools
during the:
Period Characteristics
Pre-colonial Education was oral, practical, and
hands-on. Promotes to respect
the village laws, customs that
were presented by their chiefs or
Spanish Period The friars established a parochial
teachings of catechism
American regime American soldiers were the first
teachers, Thomasites. Courses
were included as well as methods
of teachings in psychology,
language, science, mathematics
and history
Japanese regime To inspire people with a stronger
character to love and promote
friendly relations between
Japanese and Filipinos
Post-Colonial Period Promotes participation of the
citizens in the process of a
democratic society
4. DepEd’s mission is “to protect and promote the right of every
Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic
education.” Has the Philippine education system from pre-colonial
to present given equal access to quality, culture-based and
complete basic education? Or was it a privilege of a few?

The government as well as families are encouraging people to study not

only elementary or high school education but most importantly to have
a college or university degrees. However, not all parents can afford to
send their children to great private schools, if they are not qualified for
a scholarship then public school is the only option left. One of the
dilemma of public schools are generally underfunded because of
corruption or fund mismanagement perhaps? some schools does not
have proper ventilation, running water, lighting systems and proper
bathrooms. Apart from no internet access no working computers as
In some other private school’s teachers are often not properly trained
for the task. There are English teachers teaching Filipino and Social
Studies Biology teachers teaching Physics. We are not getting the
proper people to teach them because they are not paid well. That is
why most of our smart teachers, board passers here in the Philippines
opted to work abroad for greater opportunities. I think our education
systems still needs substantial reforms.
Read the article “DOLE urged to address job skills mismatch by Vanne
Terrazola” published on June 19, 2018. What does job-skills mismatch
imply about the
relevance of schools to present society? Are schools effective agents of
socialization in preparing Filipino graduates for their job roles?
Skills mismatch is a discrepancy between the skills that are sought by
employers and the skills that are possessed by individuals. Simply put, it
is a mismatch between skills and jobs. This means that education and
training are not providing the skills demanded in the labor market, or
that the economy does not create jobs that correspond to the skills of
Are school effective agents of socialization?
Schools are agents of socialization that not only teach us subject
knowledge and life skills but also social skills through our interactions
with teachers, staff, and other students. Another agent of socialization
that relates to school is our peer group. The schools strive to provide
education, teaching important knowledge and skills, they also have
other functions in our society. Explore the manifest functions of schools
in socialization, cultural transmission, and integration. Recognize that
schools also have latent functions and understand the concept of
hidden curriculums.
5. Education is a function of a society. Considering the positive and
negative elements of 21st Century society: State the educational
goals that 21st Century schools should pursue.
The 21st century education is about giving students the skills they need
to succeed in this new world, and helping them grow the confidence to
practice those skills.
The goal of education should be to provide complex learning
environments for student’s which incorporates authentic learning,
assessing and personal development. It will allow learners to solve the
types of the complex problem they will face in real life. Without
disregarding the social nature of learning a learning task or task that
will provide social negotiation, engagement and learning is a great tool.
It should allow our students to also master the learning process, to
engage with their curriculum, own and direct their learning in their own
individual and flexible ways.
6. What is meant by socialization as a function of schools?
Socialization is the process people undergo to learn the attitudes,
values and behaviors that are appropriate for members of a particular
culture. It is a lifelong process that involves many different social forces
that influence our lives.
Family and the church are the most influential socializing agent, the
functions of family and religion plays an important role in socializing an
Socialization in schools in when some people consciously teach, while
others take the role of the learner. This form of socialization is called
education. Education, like family is a cultural universal. In a similar
fashion to family, education also transmits culture to children. School
exposes children to existing beliefs, norms, and values of their culture.
In the classroom children are exposed to books along with films, and
through interactions with teachers and classmates they are introduced
to societies’ norms and expectations.

7. Life skills were taught to primitive society. Are these life skills for
primitive society the same life skills for the 21st century?
For us we consider it in the concept of “The same yet different” 21st
century skills.
There are still some people uses the old skills infused with the updated
and improved ways.
For example:
We love to travel and camping out and we also love grilled barbeque
but instead using portable stoves and flat cast iron pan we would chop
up dead hardwoods with our axes or bolos and build a fire from the
hardwood and let the wood burn down to coals. Not only that the food
tastes better because of its smoky flavor, it also creates bond and
connection with our friends and family through socialization. That’s
why we consider it as the “same yet different” primitive and 21 st
century approach.

One example of a 21st Century Skill in the classroom is communication.

The communication skill involves listening to the speaker and
communicating with others through both oral and written means. This
skill can be taught through reading and discussing what is read, asking
questions, and turning to others to formulate ideas.

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