English Language Ss1

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Nurturing Brilliance
A Co-Educational School
Aleniboro, off Hajj Camp, Ilorin, Kwara State. Tell: 07083099395, 08023684460



SECTION A (Multiple choice questions)

INSTRUCTION: Read the following questions carefully and choose a correct answer from the options A-D

SECTION A: ESSAY WRITING- Answer one question from this section. It should not be less than 300

1. Write an article that is suitable for publication in a national newspaper on ‘The importance of
tourism to developing nation.
2. The poor and needy on your country have not been adequately provided for. Write a letter to
the head of your social welfare department describing their plight and suggesting ways of
improving the situation.
3. Write a story it illustrate the saying ‘Opportunity comes but once’.
4. You are the chief speaker in a debate on the topic ‘Today’s children should not be blamed for
not taking education seriously’. Write your contribution for or against the proposition.

PART B: SUMMARY- Answer all questions in this part.

The use of English language in secondary school is regarded as highly important if students
are to communicate effectively in society. Composition writing should be the concern of all
students. When one composes, he creates; that is , he brings into existence something which did
not previously exist. The act of creating is one of the greatest of human joys. It gives someone
chance to employ his various faculties at their fullest. He has to think, feel, imagine and form to
get the object just as he wants it. Composing is often difficult, painful struggle, but the task,
quite apart from what it produces provides the composer with true excitement and satisfaction.
A sentence well designed, a paragraph well-formed, a composition well organized are part of
the great processes of composition. Every discipline participates in creating order out of
disorder, of giving forms or shape to ideas. Writer creates order by giving shapes to ideas but
with words. Like any other raw materials, words are meaningless on their own. They must be
put into some kind of design.

Using word to express ideas is basic to communication, a function which all of us have
regardless of our role in life, and writing as communication requires patience and skill. Good
writing comes only after hard work. In writing a composition you will need to think through
ideas clearly. If you take the time to discover what you have to say and try to say it in an
effective way, you can and will succeed in your writing. At the same time, you will developing
your own potential ability and will find satisfaction in expressing your own ideas.
1. In two sentences, one for each, say what a writer could do to succeed writing
2. In one sentence, explain how a writer feels after having written a successful composition

Read the following passage carefully and answer the question that follows
Psychologist tells us that childhood experiences endure for a long time. They also claim that
we learn most effectively by association. Actually, I do not need a psychologist to preach these
facts to me, because I learn them from an unpleasant experience some fifty years ago, at the
age of seven or so.
Father had to come home from the city for a special purpose – to roof the house he was
building, a single-story structure that was the talk of the town then because of its size. For two
days running, carpenters were busy on the roof, sawing and fitting wood together to construct
the rafters on which the shiny galvanized roofing sheet would be nailed. We youngsters were so
excited (indeed mesmerized) that we spent our time dodging in and out of the rooms, and
running around the house.
Then it happened! As I was about to dash out of the building into the courtyard, something
came crashing down squarely on my head, knocking me out instantly. I do not remember
anything that followed, but when I came around, I found self spread out on a mat some distance
from the building and several people were trying frantically to revive me by fanning the air and
splashing water on my face. Gradually, I came to my senses and staggered to my feet, much to
the relief of everyone.
For years after the incident, I dreaded steeping out into any open space. In my childish
imagination, I had concluded that it was the sky that had fallen on me as I rushed out of the
secure confines of the house being built! It took me several years to realize that I had actually
been hit by a piece of wood that a carpenter had just sawn off and not by sky, which in my

childish imagination, I has assumed was solid. The fact that all work had stopped, and everyone
has abandoned what they were doing at attend to me, had reinforce my erroneous conclusion
for I had presumed that it was only some rare occurrence, such as the sky falling on someone,
that could elicit anxious concern.
So we learn most effectively by association. But that particular childhood experience also
taught me the important lesson that the association we make must be the right ones, or may
draw the wrong conclusion.
1. What evidence in the passage supports the idea that childhood experience endure for a long
2. According to the writer, in what circumstance can association enhance learning?
3. Why did the writer dread stepping out into an open space?
4. What was the attitude of people to the child that was knocked unconscious?
5. ‘For years after this incident….’
a) What grammatical name is given to this expression as its used in the passage?
b) What is the function?
6. ‘…. that particular childhood experience also taught me the important lesson….’?
7. What does the writer mean by saying that his father’s house was the talk of the town?
8. For each of the following words, find another word or phrase that means the same and can
replace it as it is used in the passage.
a) endure
b) excited
c) squarely
d) associated
e) presumed
f) rare

Complete the space below with the most appropriate word.
Mike and Irene had been in __1__ for seven years. Mike finally took Irene home to __2__
her to his patents. His parents were very happy because they will soon be __3__. A date was
fixed for the __4__ marriage. On the day of the __5__, Mike and his __6__ were all dressed

in __7__attire. A __8__ of #20,000.00 was paid by the groom’s family. The__9__ was
attended by __10__ and __11__. The __12__ was Mike’s childhood friend while the
__13__was the bride’s __14 sister. The __15__exchanged __16__ and promised to be
__17__ to each other. The chairman of the __18__ gave a __19__ to the newly wedded
couple and everyone drank and wished them a happy __20__ live.


1. courtship friendship relationship union

2. Show display introduce advertise
3. Parents-in-law elders grand-parents father-in-law
4. traditional native local tribal
5. merry making celebration ceremony party
6. wife fiancé better half fiancée
7. primitive local traditional native
8. bride rate bride price bride fee bride money
9. chapel assembly Christian church
10. associates friends partners colleague
11. happy wishers good wishers well wishers godly wishers
12. friend right and man best groom best friend
13. brides maid best lady best friend lady-in-waiting
14. small junior younger little
15. couple friends partners spouse
16. oaths devotions pledge vows
17. helpful truthful faithful tactful
18. wedding incident episode occasion
19. toast compliment joke treat
20. family married marriage wedding

From the word lettered A to D, the most appropriate option for the bracket
21. _____ an interesting game, was it? (a) that wasn’t (b) it wasn’t (c) it was (d) was that
22. We ought to go get there on time, ______? (a) ought we (b) isn’t it (c)oughtn’t we (d) is it

23. We had enough to eat, _____? (a) had we (b) did we (c) hadn’t we (d) didn’t we
24. That wasn’t the one in choose, _____? (a)wasn’t it (b) was that (c) is it (d) isn’t it
25. She really appreciates your support, ____? (a)isn’t it (b)didn’t she (c) doesn’t she (d) does
26. They use to live her some years ago, _____? (a)used they (b) they used to (c)didn’t they (d)
isn’t it
27. I will always hold you responsible for what ever goes wrong in this office, ______ ?(a) won’t
I (b) isn’t it (c) will I (d) would i
28. I am in charge here, ______? (a)am I (b) amn’t I (c)isn’t it (d) aren’t i
29. You have enough goods in stock, ____? (a)haven’t you (b)isn’t it (c)do you (d) don’t you
30. They were warned before, weren’t they? _____ (a) no, they were not (b) no, they weren’t
(c) yes, they were (d) yes, they were not

Which of the words given in the option is the opposite of the word underlined in each
31. After a day’s journey they reach the summit of the mountain (a)peak (b) base (b) foot
(c)depth (d)low land
32. Do you not find her a very cross girl? (a) good girl (b)honest (c) hard working (d) quiet
33. It is quite customary to address the chief in such a way (a)impolite (b) traditional (c)illegal
34. I do not believe that this thing was caused by any divine power (a)evil (b) human (c)spiritual
35. When you want to visit them, you will find that they live in a distant town (a) foreign
(b)traditional (c)close (d)neighboring
36. At a social function, James is always quite dumb (a)merry (b) agreeable (c)talkative (d)fluent
37. Peter says he intend to be a lawyer. Do you think his teacher, who knows his capability will
encourage him? (a)warn (b) prevent (c)help (d) dissuade
38. If he’s sick, that man always exaggerate the pain he feels (a)minimize (b) lessen (c) simplifies
39. Before you leave the house, please kindle the fire for me (a) kill (b) destroy (c) extinguish (d)

40. The store-manager said he always watched to see which of his sales –clerks were keen (a)
slack (b) rude (c0) dishonest (d)patient
Give the word nearest in meaning to the word underlined in the sentence
41. The plaintiff was ask to pay damages (a)complainant (b) bully (c)support (d) officer
42. He was eager to help me (a) reluctant (b) anxious (c) restless (d) unwilling
43. The box contain fragile item (a) useless (b)breakable (c) disposable
44. The town was emancipated by the federal force (a) worried (b)loyal (c) respectable (d)
45. The man was apprehended at the checking point (a) released (b) welcome (c) arrested (d)
46. The man was deserted by his wife when he lost his job (a) encouraged (b) praised (c)
abandoned (d)pitied
47. Most items in the museum are ancient (a) outdated (b) new (c) imported (d)fake
48. He said he was coerced in joining secret cult (a)advised (b) forced (c)prayed (d) call
49. The commissioner said the rate of armed robbery has declined (a) reduced (b) multiplied (c)
known (d) counted
50. He is a humorous gentle man (a) arrogant (b) funny (c)disgraced (d) useless

From the words lettered A to D. choose the word that diphthong or consonant sound
as the one represented by the letter[s] underlined
51. Bush (a) mention (b) beige (c) usual (d) division
52. Shirt (a) bed (b) men (c) girl (d) bend
53. Cup (a) case (b) doors (c) up (d) book
54. Boys (a) does (b) ashes (c) toys (d) cabs
55. Chief (a) hiss (b) scull (c) church (d) scythe
56. Theme (a) tin (b) them (c) thread (d)the
57. wrong (a) sing (b) gin (c) gain (d) again
58. question (a) request (b) kin (c) swim (d) twit
59. write (a) wink (b) whip (c) right (d) dawn
60. you (a) jam (b) yet (c) plural (d) ewe

Choose the word that contains the same sound indicated
61. /3:/ (a) fine (b) bird (c) black (d) take
62. /j/ (a) yellow (b) union (c) chew (d) bull
63. /s/ (a) tissue (b) dessert (c) distance (d) fore
64. /a: / (a) low (b) foal (c) cow (d0 draught
65. /h/ (a) what (b) honour (c) khaki (d) hour
66. /w/ (a) wing (b) wrinkle (c) dowry (d) sender
67. /z/ (a) house (b) said (c) ice (d) grace
68. /ua/ (a) sure (b) measure (c) amount (d) south
69. /ei/ (a) dry (b) grass (c) pray (d) send
70. /i: / (a) pin (b) sheet (c) shit (d) man

Choose the correct homophone from the options given

71. The bride and the groom marched down the church _____ (a) aisle (b) isle (c) wile (d) dile
72. The horse shook its _____ (a) maid (b) main (c) mane (d) made
73. The architect was asked to submit a ______ of the building (a) drought (b) draft (c) daft (d)
74. The man worked across the _____ to board the ship (a)key (b) queue (c) quay (d) walk
75. The men _____ the boat around (a) rowed (b) roll (c) ride (d) rode
76. The king was removed but he refused to vacate the _______ (a) thrown (b) palace (c) throne
77. The little boy threw the stone and smash the window ______ (a) pain (b) pail (c) pane (d)
78. A ______ is a hard wood tree (a) bitch (b) beach (c) beech (d) bleach
79. Young animals usually _____ on the young ones (a) pray (b) play (c)prey (d) pay
80. The wall of the house is not smooth, it is _______. (a) cause (b) curse (c) coarse (d) course


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