Let's Try This: 1. Did You Find It Difficult/easy To Answer? Why?

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Name: Kathleen Kyle W. Paredes Grade & Section: 11 Banzon

Let’s Try This

I felt valued by others I made others feel valued
Incident: Incident:
When I’m feeling down, I have my friends The moment when my family and I go out of
and family who always cheers me up. Telling our way to help other people in need.
me that I can surpass this obstacle with a
smile on my face.
Thoughts: Thoughts:
I genuinely thought I could never get I thought about how much help this might
through with the obstacle that I was provide to them, and that if our help was
currently facing. I felt alone and isolated. enough to cause a slight change in their lives.
Behavior: Behavior:
I was very distant with everyone. I wasn’t I was really nervous because I thought that
acting like myself. whatever we did was not enough for them,
and that we needed to do more.
Feelings: Feelings:
When they reached out to me, I felt so I felt so happy when I saw the people react
relieved and happy knowing that I was not with much happiness. When I looked at them
alone. I have people who love me that will they seem like they finally have been heard.
always be there no matter what. Long gone are the moments of feeling
ignored, the feel cared for, they felt loved.

Processing Questions:
1. Did you find it difficult/easy to answer? Why? 

-It was quite a ride answering the questions. It was hard trying to recollect my
thoughts and memories on certain events. I felt emotional answering it.

2. What do you notice with your answers?

-It was all very positive and full of love and support.
3. What is your reaction upon seeing all your answers?
- It brought back great memories, and I felt emotional rereading the answers that I
Processing Questions:

1. How did you find the activity? 

- I found the activity very self-loving-centered, knowing your worth, and how to
present yourself with the different people that is a part of your life.

2. How do you feel about talking to yourself? Your friends? Teachers?

- Talking to myself, I found out how much confidence I have in
speaking out my opinions without the need of worrying if someone
would judge me because of it. Talking to my friends, I am ecstatic,
having a group of people who shares the same hobbies, problems,
and age as me, makes me able to relate to them in a way that
wouldn’t be possible if it were other people. Talking to my teacher, I
found out how much respect I give to people of authority, I don’t
really ensue chaos, and I am pretty much well- behaved, I take
education very seriously. Talking to my family, I am the most
relaxed, being able to tell them about anything that is bothering me
and asking them for guidance on certain things, bonds us the most.
When problems arise, we always talk it through and face the
problem head-on.

3. What have you discovered about yourself during your self-talk? 4.

How is the activity helping you enhance your self-worth?
- I discovered how much emphasis I put on certain words or phrases. I like to perfect my
accent on certain languages, because I find it very satisfying to listen to. I learnt so much
about how my brain and heart work and-in-hand in making decisions. It made me realize
how much I matter, not just for myself but for others too. How much my exsistence has
helped in one way or another into making the lives of some people that I met, better. How
I don’t only live for myself but also for others.
You can do it
Self-affirmation Exercise 

1. My proudest moment was when my parents were proud of my

accomplishments, whether it may be education-related or hobby-
related  2. My strengths are the support and love that my loved ones
give me.   3. My source of joy is the time we have to bond with one
another, getting caught up in whatever they are currently tackling in
their lives, whether that may be good or bad.  4. My friends really
appreciate me as an overly concerned friend, I am always the one
looking out for others, making everyone feel equally loved and making
sure that they are enjoying their time hanging out with the crew.  5. I
can overcome all the challenges in life because I believe that I can do it.
I have faith in myself that whatever challenges are thrown in my way, I
can overcome because I am not alone. I have people who always love
and support me in whatever I do.  6. I will reach my dreams because I
know I have the drive and passion to do so. I believe that whatever I put
my mind into, I can definitely achieve it.

What I have Learned

There has never been a year like the Covid-19 era; it is one of the most emotionally exhausting
years I have ever lived through. So many unpleasant occurrences occurred over the course of a
year, ranging from financial difficulties to a lack of social engagements, to mass purchases of
toilet paper, disinfectant, and masks, and, worst of all, the death of a loved one. My family was
lucky enough to overcome these obstacles by placing our complete trust in God and praying for
our physical and emotional well-being. We felt that it was about time to help these people after
seeing how others were dealing with the issue, some of them were sleeping in the streets with
no blanket or foam to sit on. We did the best we could and provided their basic requirements
to the best of our abilities, with particular thanks to my extended family. I was in tears as I
watched all of these people react with such joy and happiness. I had no idea the impact our
assistance may have on them. I was overcome with emotion as I completed the remainder of
the distribution; all of the children I saw were clinging to their parents, simply glad that, despite
their difficult circumstances, they were all sticking together.
Share your thoughts and feelings

1. What positive statement would you say to yourself to be reminded of your

strengths  and values? 
- “Whatever challenges you face, do it head-on, don’t shy away from the
challenges and finish it, because God does not give any problems without a

2. How will you deal with life obstacles or negative feelings?  

- You are not alone. Ask guidance from your parents/ family about anything that
you feeling like doing. Don’t bottle up your emotions. Always remember that there
is a light at the end of a tunnel.
3. What would you do to empower yourself? 
-Believe in myself that I can do anything. Self-loving is very important and if you
love yourself, you can surely have the confidence that you can do anything.
4. What are your realizations as to your capability in handling and
surviving the  current health crisis right now?

- It’s been quite a challenge for me but with my family beside me I am in my zone. I am
not alone, I have people who love me that are with me in this bizzare journey.

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