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Kuwait University Nonparametric- Stat.

340 1 sl sem 14-15

Tut. No.1 T.A. Amal

Problem I: Let X ~ Bin( I 0, 0.3). Find the following:

(a) P( X > I) (b) P(X = J) (c) P(X < 1)
(d) Value ofe satisfying P(X:::; c) "" 0.3828
(e) Value of c satisfying P(X > c) 0.8507
Solution: using Table A.2
(a) P( X > I)
(b) P(X = 1) =
(c) P(X < 1) =
(d) P(X:::; c) =
(e) P(X > c)

Problem II: In a sample of 10 working wives, 3 stated that their primary reason for working
was to earn money for luxuries. Do these data provide sufficient evidence to indicate that the
proportion of subjects in the sampled population who work for that reason is greater than 0.25?
(a) Compute p-value
(b) Compute p-value assuming large sample case
(c) Obtain an approximate 95% C. L for p
For testing Ho: p = 0.25 vs HI: p> 0.25

Test statistic: # of successes in 10 trials B = 3

(a) p-value = Po(B ~ 3) .4744 (tableA.2) n=lO, p=.25

since p-value >a Then do not reject Ho

. I I' B npo 3-10(.25)
(b) assummg arge samp e SIze, Z = r::::r; = ~ = .36 ~ N(O,l)
"nPo(1 Po) 10(.25)(1-.25)
p-value = p(Z > .36) = .3594

(c) (PL(O.05), Pu(0.05) ) (0.0667,0.6525) (table A.3)

Problem III: August et al. (E20) studied collagen metabolism in children deficient in growth
hormone before and after growth-hormone therapy. They reported the data on hydroxyproline
shown in the next table.
Child 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Before (X) 349 400 520 490 574 427 435
After (Y) 425 ._~5-=3=3_--",-3=62=--_---,,-,62=8,---_4..!...!6=3_ _-,-42=7,-- 449

(a) Can we conclude on the basis of these data that growth-hormone therapy
increases heat-insoluble hydroxyproline in the skin
(b) Find 98.44% C. L forB
(c) Give a point estimate of B .


Child 1 2 3 4 567

Before (Xi) 349 400 520 490 574 427 435

After (YL---.ill 533 362 628 46_3_ . 427 449
133 -158 138 -111 o 14

For testing Ho: 0 = 0 vs HI: 0> 0

Test statistic: B = # of Zj'S > 0
p-value p( B?:: 4) = .3438 tab1e(A.2) n=6, p=.5
Then do not reject Ho .

(b) 98.44% C.I for 0

( zc , zn+l-c )

OrderedZi: -158,-111,0,14,76,133,138 . n=7

Where c n+ I-b(~ ,n ,.5)
7+1-b(.0078,7,.5) = 7+1-7 = 1
Then 98.44% C.I is (Zl , Z7) (-158,138)

(c) e = med. Zi = Z(4)=14

Problem IV: A test to measure knowledge of current events was given to a sample of25 elementary
School children from an inner-city neighborhood. The scores are shown in the next table.
Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Zi 80 68 30 67 70 62 69 65 53 29 65 68 62 56 46 48 39 72 36 69 40 61 54 53 25

(a)Test on the basis of these data that the population median (e ) is less than 70
(b) Find an estimate of = median score


For testing 110: 0 = 70 vs HI: 0 < 70

Test statistic: B # OfZi'S > 00

B # ofZ;'s > 70

B= 2

p-value = p( B:S 2) p( Z:S 2-12/2.45) n=24 , p=.5

= p( Z:S -4.08)


Then reject Ho .

(b) Ordered Zi : 25,29,30,36,39,40,46,48,53,53,54,56,61 ,62,62,65,65,67,68,68,69,69,70,72,80.


e = med. Zi =Z(13) = 61

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