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Mathematics Activity Sheet

Quarter 4 – MELC 2
Finding the Area of Triangles, Parallelograms, and
Trapezoids Using Square Centimeters
and Square Meters


Mathematics 4
Activity Sheet No. 2
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western Visayas.

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Development Team of Mathematics Activity Sheet

Writer: Linda B. Resurreccion

Quality Assurance Team Members:
Buenafe R. Casugbu
Aric V. Barrientos
Niño Jojie B. Catuiran
Layout Artist: Christine Joy P. Traje
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Edselyn T. Biray
Buenafe R. Casugbu
Division of Aklan Management Team:
Miguel Mac D. Aposin
Samuel J. Malayo
Dobie P. Parohinog
Edselyn T. Biray
Mahnnie Q. Tolentino
Regional Management Team:
Ramir B. Uytico
Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr.
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Adonis A. Mosquera
Quarter 4
Week 1


Name of Learner:_______________________ Grade & Section: _______________
Date: ________________________



I. Learning Competency with Code

Finding the area of triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids using square
centimeters and square meters (M4ME-IVb-58)

II. Background Information for Learners

This lesson is about the area of three common shapes that we can see
around us. They are the triangle, the parallelogram, and the trapezoid. These
three shapes are related in many ways including their area formulas. In this
topic, you will learn how to use the formulas very well. You can also apply this
in real life situation at home by measuring the area of your windows, doors or
the surface of your tables or even your personal belongings like books and
Area is the number of square units that cover the surface of a closed
figure. The square units commonly used to measure area are square
centimeters (cm²) and square meter (m²).
Let’s first look at triangles. A triangle is a two dimensional shape with
three sides and three angles. To find its area, we multiply the base and height
then divide the product by two. A = (b × h) or base x height ÷ 2
A parallelogram is a four-sided, two- dimensional shape in which
opposite sides are parallel and have equal length. To find its area we simply
multiply the base times the height. A = b x h
Finally, a trapezoid is a four sided shape with two bases that are parallel.
To find for its area, we multiply one half times the sum of bases times the
height. A = (b1+b2) x h.

A. Finding the area of a triangle
When you have a triangle, drop a perpendicular line from the vertex down to
the base. This vertical line is the height. The area of triangle can be solved using the
formula A = b x h where A is the area, b is the base and h is the height.



Example 1

The base of a triangle is 20 cm and the height is 8 cm. Find the area of the

b = 20 cm
h = 8 cm 8 cm
A = ____
20 cm
Area of triangle = base x height or A = b x h
2 2
= 20 cm x 8 cm
= 160 cm2
= 80 cm²

Given the area of a triangle and either base or height, we can find the missing
dimension using this formula.
b = (A ÷ h) x 2 or h = (A ÷ b) x 2

Example 2

Niana’s triangular garden is 150 m². If its height is 15 m. What is the base?

Solution: Formula: b = A ÷ h x 2
A = 150 m2 b = (150 m2 ÷ 15 m) x 2
h = 15 m b = 10 m x 2
b = ____ b = 20 m

B. Finding the area of parallelogram
The area of a parallelogram can be solved by using the formula A = b x h, where in
A is for area, b is the base and h is the height.



Example 3

A parallelogram-shaped lot has a base of 25 m

and a height of 6m. Find the area.

25 m

Solution: Formula: A = b x h
b = 25 m A = 25 m x 6 m
h=6m A = 150 m2
A = ____

If either the base or height of a parallelogram is missing, we can use the formula
b = A÷ h and h = A ÷ b

Example 4
A parallelogram has an area of 54 sq. m and a base of 9 m. Find its height.


Solution: Formula: h = A ÷ b
A = 54 m2 h = 54 m2 ÷ 9 m
b=9m h=6m
h = ____

C. Finding the area of a trapezoid
The area of a trapezoid with bases b1 and b2 and height h can be found or obtained
by the formula.
Area of trapezoid = (b1 + b2) x h
To find for height, use this formula base 1
h = A ÷ (b1 + b2) x 2


base 2
Example 5

The playpen of Audrey is in the shape of a trapezoid as shown in the illustration

below. What is the area of the playpen?

Solution: Formula: A = (b1 + b2) x h

b1 = 3 m 2
b2 = 6 m A = (3 m + 6 m) x 4 m
h =4m 2
A = ___ =9mx4m
= 36 m2
4m A = 18 m2


III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook

Mathematics 4, Teacher’s Guide, pp. 268 - 281
Mathematics 4, Learner’s Material, pp. 202 - 212

IV. Activity Proper

Exercises / Activities

Activity 1
A. Read – Lesson 64, p. 205
B. Answer – Exercises in Keep Moving, letter A and B, page 207

Activity 2

A. Find the area of each triangle

1. 2. 3.
9 cm 8cm 7 cm
13 cm 6 cm

8 cm

A=_______ A=________ A= ________

4. 5.

14 m 16 m
9m 8m

A= __________ A= _________

B. Complete the table by finding the missing number

Area Base Height

84 cm² 7 cm
14 cm 12 cm

Exercises / Activities

Activity 1
Find the area of each parallelogram

1. 2.

9m 12 m
A=_____ A=_____
9m 18 m

3. 4.
6 cm A=_____ 4m 14 m A=_____
12 cm

7m A=_____

20 m

Activity 2
Read each problem carefully and solve

1. A flower garden is in the shape of a parallelogram. It has a base of 24m

and height of 14m. What is its area?

2. A parallelogram shaped roof has an area of 320 sq. m. If the height is

40m, how long is the base?

3. A = 112 cm² ; b = 8 cm ; h =_____

Exercises/ Activities

Activity 1
Find the area of the following trapezoids;

1. 5 cm 2. 9m

10 cm A =_____ 7m A =_____

13 cm 5m

3. 4 cm 4. 10 m 5. 17 m

5m 9m
A =_____ A =_____
15 m
8 cm
A =_____

Activity 2
Complete the table below using the formula for the area of a trapezoid.
Trapezoid Base 1 Base 2 height Area
1 24 m 18 m 5m
2 9 cm 3 cm 36 cm²

Activity 3
1.Write the formula in finding the area of
a. triangle ____________
b. parallelogram ___________
c. trapezoid ____________

Additional Activity
Look for 1 triangular, 1 parallelogram and1 trapezoidal shaped object at home
and measure its area.

V. Reflection

What are your learnings from the activities?


What part of the lesson is easy to understand?


What part of the lesson is difficult for you?


Day 1 (Activity 1) Activity 2 Day 2 Day 3
A. A. Activity 1 Activity 1
1. 5 cm² 1. 52 cm² 1. 81 m² 1. 90 cm²
2. 7.5 cm² 2. 36 cm² 2. 216 m² 2. 49 m²
3. 3 m² 3. 21 cm² 3. 72 cm² 3. 72 cm²
4. 9 m² 4. 63 m² 4. 56 m² 4. 40 m²
5. 64 m 5. 140 m² 5. 144 m²
B. B. Activity 2 Activity 2
1. 4 cm² 1. 24 cm 1. 336 m² 1. 105 m2
2. 9 m 2. 84 cm 2. 8 m 2. 6 cm
3. 14 cm
Activity 3
1. A = base x height or A = (b x h)
2. A = b x h
3. A = (b1+b2) x h or A = (b1+ b2) x h
Answer Key VI.

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