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Case Study -

Asian Paints Questions DATA


1) How would IB contribute ROCE - Return on Capital Employed.

Asian Paints International - Set up in
to APL's vision over next 3
years? Global Paints ROCE - 10 to 20%

Examining Internal Business Division Paint Industry :

2) Which products,
categories and markets to 1500 manufactures.
Fast growth - 23 countries. grow? Decorative and Industrial paints.
Profitable since 2004 but individual 83 Billion in 2007 - Growth rate of 5%.
markets in the red. Rapid gains in emerging markets.
3) How to balance today's Top 10 players - 51% in 2004.
performance with Private Labling a new phenomenon.
tomorrows potential and Major paint manufactures focused on core
segements - Cost advantage to be major
vice versa?
IB will not receive financial subsidies player.
from parent company. Room for smaller players in niche market -
product differentiation to be market leader.
4) How to leverage APLs
Asian Paints History history?
Price based
competition/Brand Equity

New trends for consumers.

1942 - Mumbai
Not capital intensive but working capital
intensive (50% of sales - cost of raw
Market leader since 1967. materials_
1998 Aim - Top 5 in the world.
Expansion to Sri Lanka, JVs, Berger
Globalization Players

Acquisition of Berger International in

Jalaj Dani - President
International (Asian Plants
21 subsidaries in 2005. Limited)

Derisking approach to globalization

5) All India Distribution network -
Strategy Competitive Advantage strong relationships, exclusivity
(important in the space)
1) Customer needs identification.
Matrix - Size of economy, Size of Paint
Identify gaps. Grow in segments. All
Market, Nature of Competition and 6) Best talent hired.
price points covered. Higher quality
Investment Potential.
paints. Innovations such as Colour
7) Strong brand equity.
GDP Growth potential of 6%+, limited World tinting system, Helplines,
competition and market that could Home solutions and Kids World.
provide the opportunity for APL to be top
3 in five years. 2) Mainframe computer + satellite.
IT for demand forecasting, inventory
Emerging markets - similar to India, less management and lower working
expensive to buy leading player and no
capital costs.
single MNC across all emerging markets.

Localized manufacturing. 3) Larger scale - distribution,

Growth through JVs. marketing, manufacturing and
Market segementation - leadership sourcing advantages.
markets, growth markets and turnaround
markets. 4) R&D investments.

9% growth last decade. 13 to 15% next
decade. Danis Action Plan
IB Structure - Global, Regional and Local. Consolidation plan for IB.
Leverage expertise at global level,
Issues of Micro management.
syngerize operations at regional level and
Global branding.
empower decisions at local level.
Management of indivduals - Future

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