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Case Study -

Mrs. Fields Cookies Inc

Questions DATA
1) Examine store level Used only company managed outlets.
Example of excellent operations? Successful Did not use franchises
entrepreneurship. use of MIS Only smallest of changes made for

Debbie Sivyer - youngest of 5 girls, 2) What are disadvantages

and learnt to bake cookies at a of control systems?
young age.
3) If nature of activities
Convinced by her husband to bake change will it be succesfful
more after office trips which
convinced the presence of a niche
market to DS

First Store - Mrs Fields Chocolate Key

Chippery in Palo Alto Players
200,000 Dollars worth in one year.

Debbie Sivyer - Protagonist

Added new products but focussed
Randy Fields - The Husband
on cookies primarily.

Freshly baked, 2 hour delay to


Reluctance to grow beyond first

store but opened 2nd one in SF.

1982 - Renamed to Mrs Fields

International and expanded to
Japan,Hong Kong and Australia.
Management philosphy Nature of Employees

Maintain control over all aspects. Weakest link in retail - area manager
1987 - 370 stores in the US Not capable
8000 EMPLOYEES No respect for concept of delegation Hence ROI
Renamed - Mrs Fields Dessert Store Demonstrated roles by herself
under Mrs Fields Candy Factory. Did not believe they could hire in the right
Discouraged them from expanding mould and hence took away some of the
Acquisition of 122 La Petite Boulangerie business. decision making
from PepsiCo High growth could lead to lose of control
Thought expansion meant exact
Business design to oversee all stores

Dislike for hierachy

Direct touch with store people
Strive for flat organization structure

Organization Structure

Small coroporate with expansion.

Few Layer of Hierachy
Still much flatter.
Growth Options MIS - Retail Operations
Debbies scope of works and organization
structure based on :
Intelligence (ROI)
1) Extensive use of information systems. 1984
2) Use of phone mail system to faciliate To closely monitor store
two way communication managers, district managers
3) Nature of employees hired etc via computers
Automate admin works
Built by Randy
Integrated all relevant info
Live feeds of info
Hiring done on same platform

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