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Please share a small write up of one of your greatest experiences (can be in any field)

First Job

Hard times transform into a sweet memory after overcoming them. This evolution time involves a
great experience in it. Those were the days where I’ve completed my B.Tech and looking for job
opportunities. Being a villager, I didn’t get much opportunities to attend interviews at my place as
most of the them were walk-ins. After multiple trials, I have decided to move from my village to
Hyderabad. It is an expensive decision but believed in my effort. After reaching Hyderabad, I have
joined in a training institute to get myself equipped with the Industrial technical requirements. It was
a 6 months course, but after one month of course duration, I can be eligible to apply for the jobs.

During this training period, I got to control my expenses understanding the financial conditions at my
home. I denied when my friends invited me to visit famous places around Hyderabad to save money.
After a couple of months, my profile got shortlisted for an MNC company and interview was
scheduled at an engineering college nearby. The interview starts at 9 AM but my excitement made
me to be available at the venue by 6:30 AM. I felt scared when I saw the number of candidates
attending for the interview. There were almost 1200+ candidates appearing for the same role. I have
prepared my mind to be stable and peace.

The first round is a group discussion where we are given a topic to discuss among ourselves. I was
the initiator of the discussion and made sure to present myself in the best way by mentioning the
key instances of the topic. Now, it’s time for a JAM where I need to talk about a topic for a minute. I
have chosen Online Shopping importance and showcased a descent performance. One hour later,
the results were announced and I was shortlisted for the next round. Among 1200+ candidates, only
520 were shortlisted for further rounds.

The second round is a technical round where I was asked to explain my learning methods in training.
Also, I was interviewed on Java concepts. It was an intense session which took more than 1 hour.
The interviewer asked me to explain all the OOPS concepts in a way that even a kid can understand
it. I started comparing each topic with a real-life example and he appreciated me for picking the right
examples. Later asked me to write a source code and explain the logic behind it. After I came out
from his cubicle, felt confident on myself about the way I explained to him. After an hour, results
were announced and I was shortlisted successfully. Among 520 candidates only 68 candidates were
shortlisted. I am a bit embarrassed at that moment and unable to stop my excitement to inform my
father about this job opportunity but I held back my curiosity till I get the final confirmation.

The final round is HR round. It went well with a basic introduction of myself and my perception
towards the business requirements. After a couple of hours wait for the results, the executive
announced the final shortlisted students. Among 68 candidates only 37 got selected for this job
opportunity. The news that I was shortlisted made me very happy and unbelievable. The HR who
interviewed be came out and wished me saying “Welcome to Our Organization”. My eyes shed to
tears when I conveyed this to my father. It was a great experience which I can cherish throughout
my life. The hard times then are a sweet memory now.

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