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hey i'm sure you must have heard the term adaptation before and wondered what does it mean and
how does it help living organisms to survive and thrive

so, in today's class let us explore this essential surviving topic and answer an interesting academic
question what is living organism adaptation

as you must have seen whenever you travel to a different city or country you find it extremely
difficult to adjust to it for a while due to changing climate food or water but as time progresses your
body begins to adapt to the new environment that helps you to feel better and settle down so this
process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment is
called adaptation

in other words adaptations often develop in response to a change in the organism's habitat

those ears are result adapt of their adaptation that help them to survie and trive in the wild.

the process of adjusting according to the environment and situation is called adaptation.

how do these animal adaption.

3 type


adaptation that affects how an organism acts or responses made by an animal that help them to
survive and reproduce.

let's take a peek at the behavioral adaptation of animals:

bears are very active and energetic animals but every year during winter some of the bear species
tend to go into hibernationor deep sleep depending upon the temperature and food suply.

bird species and wheels tend to migrate to warmer place during winter.

beha adap is crucial to all animal to find ways to raise the food they need and cope with the
particular given climate.


a process of an organism's environment shapes its appearance, meaning an organism develops a

body feature that helps it survive and thrive.

it may be in the way the body works in circulating and respiration. for instance, the gills that fishes
have allows them to breath inside water.
or we might not notice that desert foxes have large ears for heat radiation. the arctic foxes have
small ears to retain body heat.

in stuctural adaptation, animal and birds develop physical parts of evolution that allow then to find
and consume food, defend them self and reproduce their species.


an internal body mechanism of animal provoked by external stimuli that helps them to survive and

metabolism and body chemistry play crucial role during this process,

notice in kangoroo rats who have efficient kidneys, the presence of compounds that prevent blood
coagulation in mosquites saliva.

in other words, physiologycal adaptation help animal to maintain body equilibrium or

homeostases,whiches the state of steady internal, physical and chemical conditions maintained by
living systems.

now you know how these wonderful animals manage to survive in a challanging, competitive and
ever-changing environment with a help adaptation.

you see animial behaving and acting inc ertain way, (dog manja).

they have evolved that way according to their ecosystem and need to stay their for their good.

the dorcas gazalle never has to drink water or urinate?

though they drink water when it's available,

addaz antelope change coler with the seasons.

to cope with unforgiving desert sun. the addaz sports a white coal in the summer, whcih reflects
sunlight. but in winter tirns brownish gray to better absorb heat.
plant adaptation

and the same is the case with the plants

let me explain you probably are familiar with the plants in your environment they are everywhere
over the land on top of the mountains and underwater but did you know that those plants are
specially designed to live there yes a tree that lives in the desert probably wouldn't last in the
rainforest and a tall tree can't survive in grasslands

the reason plants are able to survive in their environment is because of its adaptations

a plant adaptation is a unique feature a plant has that allows it to live and grow in its habitat or place
that it lives and once you move these trees from their natural habitat, they will often find it hard to
survive and eventually die so now as you know what plant adaptation means

let us briefly look at how these trees have managed to adapt and evolve according to their habitats
starting with plant adaptation in deserts as we know the desert has scarcity of water with dry land
thus the plants like

the thorny cactus and joshua tree have small or no leaves and many spines that help them conserve

these tiny leaves have a thick wax coat that serves to retain water for a long time

while the leafless plants like cactus store water in their green stem also the roots of these desert
plants are near the soil surface that help to soak up water before it evaporates in the sky the growth
is slow as the plants do not have to make much food

next comes the plant adaptations in the tropical rainforest the tropical rainforest has a unique
environment due to its hot climatic condition and heavy rain which can cause problems such as
promoting the growth of bacteria and fungi which could be harmful to plants. So the plants here
have drip tips and waxy coverings on leaves to shed the extra water not only that but the plants also
have prop roots that help support them in the shallow soil and due to the abundant growth of plants
some plants grow on top of one another to reach the sunlight

the types of plants we can find in the tropical rainforest like bromeliads and lianas let us move
further towards the temperate forest which is blessed with trees from small to tall that witnesses
four distinct seasons and have a harsh cold season so most big trees here have thick barks to shed
them against the chilly winters also they have broad leaves that capture a lot of sunlight but these
leaves can weigh down the trees in winter thus deciduous trees drop their leaves to minimize the
water loss in autumn now that's really smart some examples of the kind of trees found here are wild
flowers oak ash maple etc

now let us learn about plant adaptation in water you see things are a bit different in plants that grow
into the water we all have seen the leaves are green in color but in water plants the leaves are
greener on the upper side whereas red in lower portions as the top part is exposed to chlorophyll
also these plants do not have stems as they do not require water to be absorbed some examples of
these beautiful plants are water lily and lotus

so in conclusion adaptation is not an easy process and takes time to develop also there are
possibilities that the change in these adaptations may prove either favorable or unfavorable and
might be a matter of life and death for these plants

hence it is necessary to have a piece of proper knowledge about their existence before planting
them so that they could survive for thousands and thousands of years trip your time.

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