Unit 1: Communication Skills

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Unit 1 : Communication skills

• 1. Based on communication channel
– A. Verbal communication ( Oral or Written)
– B. Non Verbal communication(Body language)
• 2.Based on Style and purpose
– A. Formal communication
– B. Informal communication
Dr. Albert Mehrabian
• He is one of the pioneers in the field of body
language.(Non verbal communication)
• He did many research projects related to body
language communication and thought of 7 %
Spoken words alone perceived by the listener.
• Latin communis - To share, to impart(make
known), to participate, to make common.

• We got the word communication.

• ( sharing )
• Information, something to be made known.
Characteristics of communication
1. Enables interchange of information.
2.It is a continuous process –dynamic ( not Static).
3.Paves way (foot path) for mutual understanding.
4.Leads to response or reaction.
5.It is a social activity.
Enables interchange of information
• Basic aim of the communication is at
exchanging information.
• It is a two way communication.
• It can between two or more people.
It is a continuous process ( not static)

• It is dynamic(not static) and is constantly

subject to change.
• The people, the content, nature and the
• dynamic-- subject to change
• Static-- subject to constant
Paves way(foot path) for mutual

• Message -- Sender and receiver

• The information has come to the receiver
from the sender in a mutual understanding
which makes the pave(path way)
It is a social activity

• All the components of a society are in a

relationship of sharing.( information, feelings,
Leads to response or reaction

• Communication always leads to response and

• A message becomes communication only
when the receiving party understands/
acknowledges it.
• And also reacts or responds to it.
Communication may be either
one way or two way
• One way communication--- Unidirectional
communication ( Communication between a
TV anchor and viewer).
• Two way communication --- Bidirectional
communication(Communication between
Teacher and the students).
Importance of communication skills:
• Transmission of information.
• Receiving that information.
• It should be delivered accurately , clearly and as
• Communication Skill : It plays a vital (important)role
in our personal and our professional
Elements of communication cycle
• 1.Sender
• 2. Idea
• 3.Message
• 4. Encoding
• 5. Communication channel(medium of
• 6. Receiver
• 7. Decoding
• 8. Feedback( Receiver’s response to the sender)
• Sender (This is my bank Security code:
(20 08 09 19 09 19 13 25 02 01 14 11………………
ato1 code ) Encoding

• Wired or wireless

• Receiver (Decoding)
Encoding process
• a-1, b-2, c-3,d-4,e-5, and so on……………………..
• (This is my bank Security code:
23445) code ato1code
• 20 08 09 19 09 19 13 25 02 01 14
• This is my bank ………..
Try it
a =α, b=β,c=Ҙ,d = Ԏ
Sender abcd ------ αβҘԎ

αβҘԎ---- Reciver(αβҘԎ)----- abcd
Feed back and its characteristics
• Feedback - Acknowledgement
• Characteristics are
– Intention
– Specific
– Fair and non-judgmental
– Timeliness
– Usefulness
– Clarity
Feed back is an essential component of every
successful communication.
Feed back completes a two way
Feed back ensures the successful delivery of a
In two way communication, the receiver
receives the message being conveyed and the sender
or speaker know that the message has been
delivered with the same intent and context with the
help of “Feed back”.
Feed back can be of the various forms depending
upon the type of communication.
1. A smile or a nod
2. A ‘thank you note’ or an ‘acknowledgement
3. Audience clapping or hooting(making sound).
Characteristics of
• The role of feedback is to make the
communication effective and successful.
• It can be done by the effective feedback.
1. Intention
3. Fair and non-judgmental
It is nothing but aim or plan.
Communication should not be vague and Should be
conveyed with clarity
3.Fair and Non-judgmental:
It never judge on the information being conveyed.
4. Timeliness
It is very important characteristic of feedback. The
feedback should be in time.
Feedback improves overall communication.
Feedback must be clear in its form and should be in an
understandable format
Types of Feedback
• 1. Formal and Informal Feedback( structure
and non-structure)
• 2. Descriptive and Non descriptive feedback
(more informative , analysis or suggestions)
• 3. Specific and Non Specific Feedback
(talking about the particular thing rather than
talking about a general thing)
1. Formal and Informal Feedback
• A formal feedback follows a present format or
structure using which the receiver frames feedback and
sends it. It covers many predefined points and has a
specific blueprint. The receiver frames the feed back as
per this blue print and sends it. Formal feedback takes
time to construct
Ex: “Please accept my apologies”
• Informal Feedback is spontaneously framed and does
not stick to a specific structure such as instant
comments by the listener or audience. It does not take
time to construct.
Ex: “ Sorry”
2. Descriptive and Non –Descriptive
• A non descriptive feedback provides some
specific information but does not give detailed
• A descriptive feedback provides meaningful
information in a detailed ,expressive manner
that also contains some analysis or
suggestions etc.
3. Specific and Non specific Feedback
• The specific feedback talks about a thing or a
point particularly without talking about a
general overview.
• The Non Specific feedback talks about the
entire thing while giving a general overview. It
does not particularly pinpoint a specific thing
or feature.
Effective communication
• 1. It should be two way communication
• It should contains feedback
• Should be clear to the concept

Sub topics:
1. Principles of effective communication
2. barriers in effective communication
3. How to overcome the barriers.
Principles of effective communication
1. Clarity.
2. Attention.
3. Consistency(concept), based on the planned objective).
4. Adequacy(It should not be incomplete, should not
convey the inadequate information).
6. Feedback.
7. Economy( The communication method with less cost
will be preferred).
7 C’s(rules) of Effective
• The sender is the responsible person for the
message in a way that is clear and deliverable in
• The sender should follow some rule for creating
a message, known as 7 ‘C of effective
7 C’s of communication
1. Control
Sender should have a control over the body language , tone, etc..
2. Conversational
Sender should not negotiate when the customer is complaining.
3. Confident
Our confidence makes the other person listen to us by means of
meaningful gesture, great eye contact and so on….
4. Competent
Adjusting the use of language, non verbal behaviour and our
approach according to the listeners’ response.
Calmness make both the sender and receiver calm down.
6. Clear
Message should be very clear .
Time is very valuable one and the message should Be specific.
Barriers in communication
• The factors (barriers) which affect the
communication and lead to miscommunication.
• The factors include
1. Lingual factors.
2. Environmental factors(Physical distance).
3. Past Experiences (Psychological).
4. Cultural influence.
5.Prejudice ( Pre-judgment).
6. Feelings.
7. Personal factors.
Measures to overcome the Barriers of
1. Overcoming Lingual factors
To overcome the barrier of Lingual factors, we need to prepare appropriately. We
should carefully think the language needs of our receiver or audience
2. Overcoming Environmental factors(Physical distance)
To overcome this barriers of environment factors like noise, mosquitoes…. , the
communicator should ensure that the message is delivered in a distraction-free
3. Overcoming Past Experiences (Psychological)
This barrier can be overcome by knowing the psychology of the receiver.
4. Overcoming Cultural influence
We should know the culture of the people we are addressing.
5. Overcoming Prejudice ( Pre-judgment)
To overcome prejudices, we should engage in dialogue with individuals and ask them
questions in a composed and friendly way.
6. Overcoming Barriers of Feelings Personal factors
If feelings are overwhelming, then communication might not be possible. So the
communicator should patiently give time to the receiver to calm down.
Basic writing skills
• Sentence construction
– Refer Parts of the speech(S+V+C, S+V+O, S+V+IO+DO, etc…)
– Rules of writing. ( First letter should be a capital, At the end put
the full stop, Leave a thumb space between words)
• Phrases
a part of a sentence.
• Kind of sentences
• 1.Decalarative (statement)
• 2.Interrogative ( Question)
• 3.Imperative ( Command)
• 4.Exclamatory ( Exclamation)

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