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Physics Matters for GCE“O" Level 4” Esiion}: Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapters Chapter 6 Energy, Work and Power Test Yourself 6.1 (page 110) 1. As the ball is thrown into the air, kinetic energy ; is converted into gravitational potential energy E,, After the ball reaches the highest point C and starts falling towards the ground, gravitational potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy. c max Ey position of softball player's hand 2. (a) Electrical energy > thermal energy (b) Chemical potential energy > electrical energy > light and heat energy 3. The Principle of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but ‘can be converted from one form to another. Thus, the gravitational potential energy, lost by the mango as it drops, will have to be converted into other forms of energy. In this case, itis converted into: + kinetic energy (motion of the mango as it falls); + thermal energy (heat generated due to air resistance); + sound energy (noise produced when the mango hits the ground). 4. __ useful energy output Efficiency = “tSiarenergy input * 100% 35) A000 5] * 100% = 70% ‘Quick Check (page 112) Work done = force applied x distance moved in direction of force (© 2013 Marshall Cavendish Intemational (Singapore) Private Limited ‘aA Physics Matters for GCE“O" Level 4” Esiion}: Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapters Test Yourself 6.2 (page 117) 1. (a). The joule (J) is the SI unit of work. One joule is defined as the work done by a force of one newton, which moves an object through a distance of one metro in the direction of the force. (b Force | Distance moved in the ° exerted | direction of the force _| Work done 20.0 N 101m 200 J O.1N 10m 1 0.04N 20m 08d 500 N 7200 m 360% 10°J 2. Gain in gravitational potential energy = mgh 5 kg x 10 N kg” x 10m = 500J 4 kg KE. At the top of the frictionless slope, the block has gravitational potential energy E,. E,=mgh kg x 10.N kg’ * 5. 200 Just before the block hits the ground, all the G.P.E is converted into K.E. Hence, the K.E of the block at the bottom of the slope is 200 J 4. Let vibe the initial speed (i.e. speed of the diver in air) Let v; be the final speed (i.e speed of the diver in water). Since speed is decreased by half, v= $v Initial kinetic energ} Final kinetic energy Hence, the kinetic energy of the diver is decreased by 75% upon entering the water. 5. No work is done on the rock moving freely through outer space at a constant speed. W=Fxs Since F = 0, W=0. Quick Check (page 118) Chemical potential energy > kinetic energy > gravitational potential energy (© 2013 Marshall Cavendish Intemational (Singapore) Private Limited ‘82 Physics Matters for GCE“O" Level 4” Esiion}: Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapters Test Yourself 6.3 (page 120) 1. (a) Power's defined as the rate of work done or the rate of energy conversion. The watt is the SS unit of power. One watt is the rate of work done or energy conversion of one joule per second. ©) power P (i) 2. Power P= 1.0 kW = 1000 W Time t= 0.5 h = (0.5 x 60 x 60) 8 = 1800s Work done W= Pt 1000 W x 1800 s = 18% 10S = 18M 3. The energy E needed to boil a fixed amount of water is not dependent on the kettle used. In other words, since both kettles are filed with the same amount of water, Eis constant, Since E's constant, and using the mula P=: thooo = =x Ee 1000 * 7000 W a For the 500 W kettle, tio = 5p yy = 2s) The 1000 W kettle will take half the time it takes for the 500 W kettle to bring the water to a boil, thatis, the 1000 W electric kettle converts electrical energy to thermal energy at twice the rate of the 500 W electric kettle. (© 2013 Marshall Cavendish Intemational (Singapore) Private Limited 83 Physics Matters for GCE“O" Level 4” Esiion}: Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapters Get It Right (page 121) (a) False All the gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy only when the pendulum reaches the bottom of is swing. At all other points of ls swing, ls total energy is a combination of gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy. (b) Tue (c) False When the speed of a bus is increased twofold, the kinetic energy ofthe bus increases fourfold (This can be deduced using the formula &, = mv) (@) Tue (e) False Work done = force x distance moved in the direction of the applied force. Since we do not know the distance moved in the direction of the force, we cannot calculate the work done. () False Power is the rate of work done or the rate of eneray conversion. Let's Review (pages 121-122) Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions 1B ‘A moving car possesses kinetic eneray. When it brakes and screeches, the tyres rub against the road. This produces heat and sound energy. 28 Mass of brick = 0.8 kg Kinetic energy of brick before reaching ground = 240 J The Principle of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. ‘Therefore, the kinetic energy gained by the brick before it hits the ground is due to its gravitational potential energy before itis dropped. Loss in gravitational potential energy = Gain in kinetic eneray mgh = 240 J, where fh = the height at which the brick was dropped (0.8 kg)(10 N kg —')(h) = 240 J n=30m 3c Work done = force applied x distance moved in direction of force 50 NX 2.0m 00 J 4.8 Work done by machine = mgh (200 kg)(10 N kg “(30 m) = 60000 J work done time 60.000 J 508 1200 1.2 kW Power of machin (© 2013 Marshall Cavendish Intemational (Singapore) Private Limited ‘34 Physics Matters for GCE“O" Level 4” Esiion}: Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapters Section B: Structured Questions 41. (a) The cyclists using his stored chemical potential energy to pedal up the hil. This stored chemical potential energy is converted into kinetic eneray and gravitational potential energy as he pedals up the hill (b) Gravitational potential energy (c) When the cyclist moves downhill without pedalling, his gravitational potential energy is. converted into kinetic energy. Thus, he gains kinetic energy and loses gravitational potential energy. 2. (a) Mass of pendulum bob = 10 g = 10 x 10°° kg Displacement of pendulum bob from its original positio 2.0m 2%107m Gain in potential energy at point R = mgh =(10* 19° kg)(10 N kg™")(2 * 10° m) x10°J (©) Displacement of pendulum bob (from its original position) at point Q Som 5x 10%m In the calculations below, we take point P to be the level where G.P-E. By the Principle of Conservation of Eneray, total energy at point Q = potential energy at point Q + kinetic energy at point Q From (a), total energy of pendulum bob = potential energy at point R = 2 « 10° J Potential energy of bob at point gh (10 * 10° kg)(10 N kg")(5 x 10% m) 5x 104d Kinetic energy of bob at point Q = total energy — potential energy of bob at point Q (2* 10" 3)—(5 * 10" J) =15*10%4 3. (a) The force in the string (.e. tension) can be measured by tying a spring balance to the model car, as shown below. spring balance ——K&z—E~—E—K—>=E§_—E&;_i~—E*—E>x—E<;_—E=—L (b) (i) — Gain in potential energy = mgh = {5 ka)ON kg™")(0.6 m) (Work done = force pled distance moved in direction of foros ON 1.2m =12J (ii effective work. (0 eticeney = Stor sone = “125 =75% % 100% 100% {© 2013 Marshall Cavendish Intemational (Singapore) Private Limited 35 Physics Matters for GCE“O" Level 4” Esiion}: Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapter ‘Section C: Free-Response Questions 1. (a) Gravitational potential energy at point P = mgh (1500 kg)(10 N kg *)(30 m) 5x 10" J 450 kd Gravitational potential energy at point Q = mgh (1500 kg)(10 N kg"*(10.m) 5x 10" J 50 kd Loss in gravitational potential energy = 450 kJ~ 150 kJ = 300 kd ©) (© pissipated eneray x (300 kd) By the Principle of Conservation of Energy, total gravitational kinetic energyof = potential + energyat + —_—‘issipated system energy at point Q enemy point Q 450 kJ = 150 kJ + kinatic energy at point Q + 60 kJ Therefore, kinetic energy of train at point Q = 240 kd © KE at point = 5 mv? 2(240x10° J) 1500kg 7.9ms" (6) Energy is dissipated as thermal and sound energy when the train moves from point P to point Q. (a) The amount of dissipated energy can be reduced by placing ball bearings in the wheels of the train 2 @ @ energy out Using he formula ffciency = SSL IRL OU soo, me values inthe abe below are obtained, Power station Efficiency 32.8 x 10 P Foes 107 * 100% = 30.37% 213 x10" . a Tr 1wto™ * 100% = 12.46% 10.1 x10" - R Bex to * 100% = 40.4% 7.5 x10 ys s 2:4 x10 * 100% 110 T Zowi0™ * 100% = 20.5% 5.71% (ii) I would choose to base the design of my power station on the power station with the highest efficiency, that is, power station R, It has the highest efficiency, which means that of the five power stations, it wastes the least energy during the process of energy conversion. (© 2013 Marshall Cavendish Intemational (Singapore) Private Limited ‘36 Physics Matters for GCE“O" Level 4” Esiion}: Full Solutions to Textbook Questions Chapters 3 () Energy generated by station S per day = 7.5 x 10° J ‘energy Power = iva , 75x10" J + Power generated by power station S= 74°59 5 Boys = 868.1 MJ (©) In power stations, there is a series of energy transfers that convert input energy to useful output energy (i.e. electricity). The difference in the energy input and useful output energy is because energy is lost as thermal and sound energy during the energy conversion process. (a) Let Mbe the mass of the bowling ball Let m be the mass of the tennis ball. Let vbe the speed at which both balls are dropping (Note: In vacuum, the acceleration of falling objects is constant. Their accelerations (as well as speeds) are not dependent on their masses.) The ratio R= Kinetic energy of bowling ball 1 ratio R= "kinetic eneray of tennis ball 4 a me |Z NI} constant Therefore, the ratio of the kinetic energy the bowling ball and the tennis ball possess as they fall in a vacuum is constant. (b)_ Yes, the ratio of their kinetic energies would still be constant. The value of the ratio will be different from (a), but the ratio would stil be constant. Let M be the mass of the bowling ball Let m be the mass of the tennis ball. Let vp be the terminal velocity of the bowling ball Let vr be the terminal velocity of the tennis ball (Note: The terminal velocity of an object is dependent on its weight and the frictional forces acting on it. Since the bowling ball and the tennis ball have different weights and dimensions, the terminal velocities of the two balls are different.) kinetic energy of bowling ball kinetic energy of tennis ball Sat The ratio R (© 2013 Marshall Cavendish Intemational (Singapore) Private Limited ‘a7

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