My Waste Management Report

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My Waste Management Report Name: ALYA SHAHIRA

No. Report Picture

Day 1 I watched the video attach till the end and i observe the
methods of waste management used in the video.After
that,i browse the website attached to learn about the
proper waste segregation in Malaysia.I also took pictures for
proof that ive watched the video. IMG_20211022_090415.jpg

Day 2 I prepare paper bags according to the recycling

material.Afterwards I label them accordingly.For bag 1 i
labeled paper.Bag 2 i labeled metal,bag 3 i labeled plastic
and the last bag i labeled glass.I also took pictures of the
labeled bag.

Day 3 On day 3 I collected house waste that i can find in my house

.Then,I put the waste into the labeled bags according to
the recycling material.The waste that i collected on day 3 is
plastic bag,plastic bottle,paper and glass.I also took pictures
of the waste materials.

Day 4 On day 4 i collected plastic bottle,glass bottle,paper and

metal.Then I segregated the waste into the labeled bags
according to the recycling material.So far i've collected 7
waste materials al into total.I also took pictures of the waste
materials. PicsArt_10-22-12.52.56.jpg

Day 5 On day 5 i collected 3 waste materials that is paper, glass

bottle and plastic .In the same way, i segregated the waste
into the labeled bags according to the recycling material.
I also took pictures of the waste materials.
Day 6 on day 6 i collected 2 waste material items that is plastic
bottles.Plastic bottle will go into the plastic materials.I also
took pictures of the waste materials.


Day 7 On day 7 ive collected 3 waste materials that is a carton of

milk,paper box and metal.I also took pictures of the waste
materials.The total of waste materials that i've collected
through the week is 15 waste materials.



1. Have I completed :
the task within the yes
due date?

2. What do I get from :

this project? i get to know how to recycle waste materials properly

3. My biggest :none
challenge in this
projects are ….

4. Would I continue to :
do this every day? yes
5. The things I would :Get the whole family involved.
like to improve on this

6. My role for a better :


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