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©2011 WizKids/NECA LLC. © 2011, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.

Anya Stroud, 8
Augustus Cole, 6
Damon Baird, 7
Dominic Santiago, 5
General RAAM, 12
Kantus, 11
Locust Drone, 10
Marcus Fenix, 4
Mauler, 9
Skorge, 13

©2011 WizKids/NECA LLC. © 2011, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
DELTA SARGE (Leadership) Coalition of Ordered Governments, Soldier
Grenade Pool +2 Grenade Types: Frag, Smoke

FRAG TAG (Exploit Weakness)

Running Shot
When this character makes a ranged combat attack, after actions Charge
resolve it may move up to 3 squares as a free action if they end the
move occupying hindering terrain or adjacent to blocking terrain or a Fast Reload When Marcus Fenix rolls doubles and hits with an
wall. Uncopyable. attack, after the attack is resolved you can make a ranged combat
Throw a Grenade: Give the character a power action, attack as a free action, modifying his damage value by -1.
decrease the number of grenades in your grenade pool by 1 (if
greater than 0), and choose a type of grenade listed on this card. SUPPRESSIVE FIRE (Energy Explosion)
Choose a target square within 5 squares and line of fire (ignoring
characters for line of fire purposes). Make a ranged combat attack CHAINSAW BAYONET (Blades/Claws/Fangs)
targeting all characters occupying or adjacent to the target square.
Deal damage to each character hit based only on the type of
grenade chosen. COG ARMOR (Toughness)
Frag (2 damage): A hit character in the target square is dealt 1
additional damage. Each other hit character is knocked back from
TAKE COVER! (Energy Shield/Deflection)
the target square.
Combat Reflexes
Smoke (1 damage): Place a hindering terrain marker in the
target square and up to two adjacent squares. Remove them at the
beginning of your next turn. Characters occupying squares with these
markers can’t make ranged attacks. POINT VALUE: 91
©2011 WizKids/NECA LLC. © 2011, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
TEAM ABILITY: COALITION OF ORDERED Coalition of Ordered Governments, Soldier
GOVERNMENTS (COG) Grenade Pool +1 Grenade Types: Frag
When this character makes a ranged combat attack, after actions
resolve it may move up to 3 squares as a free action if they end the
move occupying hindering terrain or adjacent to blocking terrain or a Running Shot
wall. Uncopyable.
Throw a Grenade: Give the character a power action, I Got Your Back When Dominic Santiago attacks an opposing
decrease the number of grenades in your grenade pool by 1 (if character adjacent to another friendly character, modify his attack
greater than 0), and choose a type of grenade listed on this card. value by +1.
Choose a target square within 5 squares and line of fire (ignoring
characters for line of fire purposes). Make a ranged combat attack HEADIN’ FOR COVER (Plasticity)
targeting all characters occupying or adjacent to the target square.
Deal damage to each character hit based only on the type of grenade
chosen. GNASHER (Energy Explosion)
Frag (2 damage): A hit character in the target square is dealt 1
additional damage. Each other hit character is knocked back from THIS IS FOR MARIA! (Penetrating/Psychic Blast)
the target square.

COG ARMOR (Toughness)

As a boy, Dominic Santiago befriended his future squadmate Marcus Fenix--and a
girl named Maria, whom he would eventually marry. Dominic and Maria had two READY TO DIE (Willpower)
kids, who were killed along with Maria’s mother when the Locust Horde attacked on
Emergence Day. Maria vanished soon thereafter, leading Dominic to volunteer with the
most dangerous missions with the COG military as he waged a highly personal war of
revenge against the Horde. Absolutely loyal to his friend Marcus and his squadmates
in Delta Squad, Dominic will die before he loses another person he cares about. POINT VALUE: 66
©2011 WizKids/NECA LLC. © 2011, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
Coalition of Ordered Governments, Soldier
(Ranged Combat Expert) Grenade Pool +2 Grenade Types: Frag, Smoke


GOVERNMENTS (COG) Raven Gunner At the beginning of the game, place a SPECIAL
When this character makes a ranged combat attack, after actions marker in a clear square within 10 squares of your starting area.
resolve it may move up to 3 squares as a free action if they end the When Augustus Cole occupies that square, his range value is
move occupying hindering terrain or adjacent to blocking terrain or a 10 and each target he hits with a ranged combat attack is dealt
wall. Uncopyable. 1 additional damage.
Throw a Grenade: Give the character a power action, THE TRAIN (Running Shot)
decrease the number of grenades in your grenade pool by 1 (if
greater than 0), and choose a type of grenade listed on this card.
Choose a target square within 5 squares and line of fire (ignoring DEFENSIVE LINEMAN (Charge)
characters for line of fire purposes). Make a ranged combat attack
targeting all characters occupying or adjacent to the target square. Thrashball Star Augustus Cole can use Flurry. When he uses
Deal damage to each character hit based only on the type of grenade a grenade, rolls doubles and hits any opposing character with the
chosen. grenade, do not reduce the number of grenades in the grenade pool.
Frag (2 damage): A hit character in the target square is dealt 1 CAN’T KNOCK THIS TRAIN OFF THE RAILS!
additional damage. Each other hit character is knocked back from
the target square.
COG ARMOR (Toughness)
Smoke (1 damage): Place a hindering terrain marker in the
target square and up to two adjacent squares. Remove them at the
beginning of your next turn. Characters occupying squares with these DOWNFIELD RUNNING (Energy Shield/Deflection)
markers can’t make ranged attacks.

©2011 WizKids/NECA LLC. © 2011, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
TEAM ABILITY: COALITION OF ORDERED Coalition of Ordered Governments, Soldier
GOVERNMENTS (COG) Grenade Pool +1 Grenade Types: Smoke
When this character makes a ranged combat attack, after actions
resolve it may move up to 3 squares as a free action if they end the Scavengineer When Damon Baird is adjacent to an unheld
move occupying hindering terrain or adjacent to blocking terrain or a object, as a free action roll a d6; on a result of 4-6, add a grenade to
wall. Uncopyable. your grenade pool and remove the object from the game.
Throw a Grenade: Give the character a power action, Running Shot
decrease the number of grenades in your grenade pool by 1 (if
greater than 0), and choose a type of grenade listed on this card.
Choose a target square within 5 squares and line of fire (ignoring You Gonna Just Lay There and Bleed All Day?
characters for line of fire purposes). Make a ranged combat attack Damon Baird can use Support. Give Damon Baird a power action; he
targeting all characters occupying or adjacent to the target square. can move up to 4 squares and then use Support as a free action.
Deal damage to each character hit based only on the type of grenade
chosen. COG ARMOR (Toughness)
Smoke (1 damage): Place a hindering terrain marker in the
target square and up to two adjacent squares. Remove them at the SONIC RESONATOR DATA (Super Senses)
beginning of your next turn. Characters occupying squares with these
markers can’t make ranged attacks.
Let Me Help You Help Me Damon Baird can use Perplex,
but can’t target himself. When Damon Baird uses Perplex, his same
combat value is modified in the same way.

©2011 WizKids/NECA LLC. © 2011, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
Coalition of Ordered Governments, Soldier
GOVERNMENTS (COG) Grenade Pool +1 Grenade Types: Smoke
When this character makes a ranged combat attack, after actions
resolve it may move up to 3 squares as a free action if they end the
move occupying hindering terrain or adjacent to blocking terrain or a Tactical Intel When Anya Stroud hits an opposing character,
wall. Uncopyable. choose a keyword possessed by that character. Until your next
Throw a Grenade: Give the character a power action, turn, all friendly characters modify their attack values by +1 when
decrease the number of grenades in your grenade pool by 1 (if attacking opposing characters that possess the chosen keyword.
greater than 0), and choose a type of grenade listed on this card.
Choose a target square within 5 squares and line of fire (ignoring SITUATIONAL ASSESSMENT (Stealth)
characters for line of fire purposes). Make a ranged combat attack
targeting all characters occupying or adjacent to the target square. Running Shot
Deal damage to each character hit based only on the type of grenade
Smoke (1 damage): Place a hindering terrain marker in the STANDARD SMOKE DISPERSEMENT (Smoke Cloud)
target square and up to two adjacent squares. Remove them at the
beginning of your next turn. Characters occupying squares with these GUIDE FROM THE REAR (Energy Shield/Deflection)
markers can’t make ranged attacks.
DOSSIER Meatshields and Snubshots Modify Anya Stroud’s
Daughter of a frontline Gear, Anya Stroud joined the COG Army to follow in her defense value by +2 when she is adjacent to an opposing character.
mother’s footsteps but ended up as a communications officer providing soldiers When making a ranged combat attack, she may use Probability
tactical intelligence and support as a controller. Anya and Marcus Fenix became Control during the attack.
romantically involved during the Locust War, but were separated when Marcus
was sent to prison. Years later during the Lightmass Offensive, Anya worked CONTROLLER (Outwit)
with Marcus and Delta Squad as their controller, then entered training to finally
join the frontlines and Delta Squad as a Gear. Like her mother before her, Anya
is dedicated to the COG Army--but has found a new reason to dedicate herself
to winning the fight on the frontlines in Marcus. POINT VALUE: 63
©2011 WizKids/NECA LLC. © 2011, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
Frag (2 damage): A hit character in the target square is dealt 1
Locust Horde, Warrior
additional damage. Each other hit character is knocked back from Grenade Pool +0 Grenade Types: Frag
the target square.

CHARRRGE! (Charge)


BOOMSHIELD (Toughness)

EXPLOSIVE FLAIL (Exploit Weakness)

This character can use Phasing/Teleport. When it does, after actions
resolve you may knock back one adjacent opposing character 1
square. Uncopyable.
Throw a Grenade: Give the character a power action,
decrease the number of grenades in your grenade pool by 1 (if
greater than 0), and choose a type of grenade listed on this card.
DOSSIER Choose a target square within 5 squares and line of fire (ignoring
Gigantic Boomers armed by the Locust Horde with boomshields and explosive characters for line of fire purposes). Make a ranged combat attack
weaponry, Maulers are frontline cannon fodder of the Horde, charging targeting all characters occupying or adjacent to the target square.
mindlessly into battle. Stupid but dangerous, the Maulers are instilled by the Deal damage to each character hit based only on the type of grenade
Horde with a love for the Locust Queen and a hatred of all “groundwalkers” chosen.
who live outside the Horde tunnels. POINT VALUE: 52
©2011 WizKids/NECA LLC. © 2011, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
Locust Horde


Drone of the Horde Locust Drone can use Combat Reflexes
and Mastermind; when using Mastermind, the damage can be dealt
to any adjacent friendly character possessing the Locust Horde team
This character can use Phasing/Teleport. When it does, after actions
resolve you may knock back one adjacent opposing character 1
square. Uncopyable.

The foot soldiers of the Horde, Locust Drones are bred by the Queen and
raised to live and die in her service, fearlessly throwing away their lives by
the dozen to kill a single one of the enemy. Grown in incredible numbers
and stored underground by the Horde, the drones were unleashed on
Emergence Day to simultaneously attack every major city in the world.
Despite efforts by the COG to slaughter every drone they see, drones
continue to explode from Emergence holes daily.
©2011 WizKids/NECA LLC. © 2011, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
Throw a Grenade: Give the character a power action,
Locust Horde, Warrior
decrease the number of grenades in your grenade pool by 1 (if Grenade Pool +1 Grenade Types: Ink
greater than 0), and choose a type of grenade listed on this card.
Choose a target square within 5 squares and line of fire (ignoring
characters for line of fire purposes). Make a ranged combat attack Rewards to the Faithful When a friendly character
targeting all characters occupying or adjacent to the target square. adjacent to Kantus rolls a critical hit, add one to your grenade pool.
Deal damage to each character hit based only on the type of grenade
chosen. FEARLESS (Leap/Climb)
Ink (1 penetrating damage): Place a hindering terrain marker
in the target square. At the beginning of your next turn, deal 1
ARMOR OF FAITH (Toughness)
additional penetrating damage to each character occupying the target
or adjacent squares, then remove the marker.
MONK’S REFLEXES (Super Senses)

Shrieking Priest Kantus can use Perplex and Support.


One of the higher-level castes in the Locust Horde, the Kantus warrior monks This character can use Phasing/Teleport. When it does, after actions
use the screeching tongue of the priests to communicate long distances through resolve you may knock back one adjacent opposing character 1
the Horde’s underground labyrinth, the Hollow. Though usually sent into battle square. Uncopyable.
to heal the soldiers of the Horde, the Kantus can fight when needed--protected
by simple armor bonded to their very flesh.

©2011 WizKids/NECA LLC. © 2011, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
BEHEAD THE SNAKE TO KILL THE BODY (Outwit) Locust Horde, Soldier, Warrior
Grenade Pool +3 Grenade Types: Frag, Ink
This character can use Phasing/Teleport. When it does, after actions Greande Scatter When General RAAM is given a move
resolve you may knock back one adjacent opposing character 1 action, he can use a grenade as a free action after the move action
square. Uncopyable. is resolved.
Throw a Grenade: Give the character a power action, Troika Blasts and Clouds of Kryll General RAAM can
decrease the number of grenades in your grenade pool by 1 (if use Penetrating/Psychic Blast. Once per turn, if General RAAM has no
greater than 0), and choose a type of grenade listed on this card. action tokens he can use Smoke Cloud as a free action. At the end
Choose a target square within 5 squares and line of fire (ignoring of your turn, roll a d6 for each opposing character occupying a square
characters for line of fire purposes). Make a ranged combat attack containing a hindering terrain marker placed by General RAAM, and
targeting all characters occupying or adjacent to the target square. on a result of 5-6 deal the opposing character 1 damage.
Deal damage to each character hit based only on the type of grenade
chosen. SERRATED KNIFE (Blades/Claws/Fangs)
Frag (2 damage): A hit character in the target square is dealt 1
additional damage. Each other hit character is knocked back from JUGGERNAUT (Invulnerability)
the target square.
KRYLL SHIELD (Impervious)
Ink (1 penetrating damage): Place a hindering terrain marker
in the target square. At the beginning of your next turn, deal 1
penetrating damage to each character occupying the target or DEATH BEFORE DEFEAT (Toughness)
adjacent squares, then remove the marker.
SERVE THE QUEEN! (Leadership)


©2011 WizKids/NECA LLC. © 2011, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
Throw a Grenade: Give the character a power action,
Locust Horde, Warrior
decrease the number of grenades in your grenade pool by 1 (if Grenade Pool +1 Grenade Types: Ink
greater than 0), and choose a type of grenade listed on this card.
Choose a target square within 5 squares and line of fire (ignoring
characters for line of fire purposes). Make a ranged combat attack ATTACK! (Charge)
targeting all characters occupying or adjacent to the target square.
Deal damage to each character hit based only on the type of grenade
chosen. Chainsaw Staff Skorge can use Blades/Claws/Fangs and
Flurry. A single character can’t take more than 4 damage per turn
Ink (1 penetrating damage): Place a hindering terrain marker from Skorge’s attacks.
in the target square. At the beginning of your next turn, deal 1
penetrating damage to each character occupying the target or HALF-STAFF (Blades/Claws/Fangs)
adjacent squares, then remove the marker.

DERVISH DODGE (Super Senses)

MONK’S ARMOR (Toughness)

High priest of the Kantus warrior monks, Skorge led the Locust in QUEEN’S RAGE (Perplex)
worshipping deities like the Rift Worm and the Rock Worms. Following
the death of General RAAM, the Rift Worm spoke to Skorge, calling him TEAM ABILITY: LOCUST HORDE
to become the new leader of the Locust Horde’s armies and guide them This character can use Phasing/Teleport. When it does, after actions
into battle in the name of the Queen. Wearing only simple monk’s resolve you may knock back one adjacent opposing character 1
armor, Skorge led the Horde into battle wielding a staff with a chainsaw square. Uncopyable.
blade at either end--and even more powerful, the ability to use the
Kantus tongue to call upon the city-destroying power of the Rift Worm. POINT VALUE: 93
©2011 WizKids/NECA LLC. © 2011, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.

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