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 ____________ has excellent work habits and always completes [his/her] work and other

tasks with great care. He needs to focus on letter and sound recognition.
He has excellent good habits and always completes his school works on time neatly and with
great care but he needs to focus in recognizing the letters of the alphabet and their sounds.
Continue doing your school works neatly and maintain your good study habits.
 She is struggling to finish independent school works. She has made progress in managing
time but needs continued support especially in developing her fine motor skills order to
develop the skills necessary for doing great work on her own. She needs more practice in
writing her name, letters, numbers and identifying the letters and their sounds.
 Kyell is an attentive pupil who has great improvement in reading, writing and math skills.
Job well done as a kindergartner! Continue doing your good study habits.
 Scarlette is an attentive pupil who has great improvement in reading and writing skills.
Job well done as a kindergartner! Continue doing your good study habits.

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