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Conservation of Angular

Momentum and Projectile Motion

Part 1
Conservation of Angular
Review of Key Terms
• Mass - Measure of the amount of matter
comprising an object [kg]
• Weight – Measure of the amount of gravitational
attraction between an object and the earth (e.g.
mass on moon is same as mass on Earth) [N]
• Segment Mass – Mass of a segment [kg]
• Center of Mass – Location for which mass of a
body is evenly distributed [m]
– Sometimes called the “balance point”
– Normally lies within the body, but does not have to (e.g.
a ring)
• Whole Body Center of Mass – Center of mass of
system of articulating rigid bodies
Center of Mass
• Center of Mass
– The point about which the mass is evenly distributed
– It is the point about which the sum of torques is
equal to zero
– The point about which objects rotate when in flight

 M cm  0
Why is the COM position important?
Segment and Total Body COM
m1 gd1  m2 gd 2  m3 gd 3  mbodygd cm
F1d1  F2 d 2  F3d 3  M
Segment and Total COM Relation

♀ ~ 55% BH
♂ ~ 56-57% BH
Angular Momentum
• Angular Momentum (H)
M  I
– Product of moment of inertia d
and angular velocity M I
– Units are kgm2/s dt
• The rotational equivalent of M
linear momentum (m·v) dt
• Moment (M, torque, moment of
H  I
force) is equal to the rate of dH
change of angular momentum M
Conservation of Angular
Momentum Example
• From Newton’s first Law…if no external moment
acts on a body, the angular momentum remains
constant [H = I · ω]
• Thus, moment of inertia and angular velocity are
inversely related:
• In other words…
Decrease moment of inertia (I)…
Increase angular velocity (ω)
Increase moment of inertia (I)
Decrease angular velocity (ω)
Conservation of
Angular Momentum
When gravity is the only external force acting on an
object, the angular momentum (H) remains constant

↓ I then ↑ ω

↑ I then ↓ ω

Derived from Newton’s first law for angular motion

Conservation of Angular
• Example Calculation
– The moment of inertia (I) of a diver in the layout
position is 24 kgm2, and 16 kgm2 in the tuck position.
During a somersault routine, her initial angular
momentum is 57 kgm2/s. If angular momentum is
conserved, when she changes from an initial layout
position to a tuck position during a triple somersault,
what will be her angular velocity be in radians/second
and in degrees/second?

• Now let’s do an experiment! Assuming I can find

a stool or an office chair…
Body Axes of
• Body position will influence moment of inertia and
thus number of revolutions during flight

• If a gymnast takes off with 60 kgm2/s of angular

momentum about the M-L axis…how many
somersaults can she do?
– Assume tucked position has I of 4 kgm2, and layout
position has I of 12 kgm2
– Remember H = I · ω
– Work this out on your own…recall that ω is in rad/s
• Hint: Figure how many revolutions in the radian velocity answer
• We have to assume she has time to get all the revolutions in…
2.4 revolutions for tucked
0.8 revolutions for layout
• Middle of Skill
– Position: Tucked or Piked (straight when they took off)
– Mechanics:
• Reduced moment of inertia
• Increased angular velocity
– Impression:
• Gymnast has initiated somersault in the air

• End of Skill
– Position: Straightens from shape
– Mechanics:
• Increase moment of inertia
• Reduces angular velocity
– Impression:
• Stopping rotation to drop and land on feet
Generating Twist
3 ways to generate twist for aerials:
1. Contact Twist
2. Cat-Twist
3. Tilt-Twist

• Gymnasts often use a combination of these

Contact Twist
• While in contact with the ground, the gymnast
generates a moment about their longitudinal axis
(e.g. turn shoulders just prior to take-off)

• Once in flight…
– Increase rate of twist by pulling the arms in closer to
the body (thus reduce the moment of inertia and
increase spin)
– Vice versa if slowing spin is desired (abduct or flex
arms to increase moment of inertia and reduce spin)
Cat Twist
• Twist is started after take-off
– Rabbits and cats
– When dropped upside down with no angular
– Create twist by rotating the upper body one way while
“holding” the lower body fixed
– This creates twist about longitudinal axis
• Why does this occur?
– Angular momentum is constant
– Thus rotation in one direction is countered by rotation
in opposite direction, and net momentum remains 0.
• How much twist can be generated this way?
Tilt Twist
• When somersaulting…
• If the body is tilted away from the plane of rotation, then
twist will be initiated.
• This twist results so the cumulative (net) angular
momentum will remain constant about all the axes.

• So how can the body be tilted?

– Changing arm position (raising or lowering)
– Turning shoulders when body is in piked position
– Extending from pick asymmetrically

• Realize…when jumping, if one arm is raised the

longitudinal axis of the body is tilted from vertical.
Tilt Twist
• Points to remember:
– Tilt twist only works when somersaulting
– More tilt results in faster twist
– Twist is stopped by the reverse process
– Movements to produce twist are often subtle
– These movements can be combined with
another twist generating method to enhance
Long Jumping
• During the flight phase of a long jump, jumpers
can have 15 kgm/s of angular momentum about
their M-L axis. Ideally they want to land with
their feet forward not rotated part way through a

• How do they control their body rotation to ensure

their feet land first and their body continues
forward past their feet?
Part 1 – Review Questions
• What is the principal of conservation of angular

• How can a gymnast generate twist?

• A free-style skiing aerialist performs a triple

somersaulting skill with one and a half twists in
the last somersault. How was this twist produced?

• How does a long jumper control the forward

rotation from take-off?
Part 2

Projectile Motion
Projectile Motion
“No man will ever throw a dwarf”

• Projectile motion refers to objects moving in the air

• Projectiles are Airborne Objects

- Thrown Implements
e.g. Balls, discus, shot
- Animals (this includes humans and dwarfs)
e.g. Object during flight phase of jumping,
diving, gymnastics, aerials
• Once an object leaves the ground,
only two forces act upon it.
– Gravity
• -9.81 m/s2
• Acts downward vertically
– Air Resistance
• Important in discus, ski diving, ski
– Large velocity, long flight time, and
aerodynamic implements
• Usually considered or assumed
0 m/s2 or minimal for many activities
– Short flight times or negligible effects of
drag (e.g. vertical jump)
• Air resistance acts in all directions
Factors Directly Affecting Trajectory

• Projection Angle
– Take-off angle

• Projection Velocity
– Take-off velocity
– Horizontal Component
– Vertical Component

• Projection Height
– Height of take-off
Affects of Take-off Height

SVert. Bench S
Vert. Ground

SHor. Ground
SHor. Bench
Constant Acceleration
Equations of Motion
vf = vi + a·t
v f  vi
This is simply a rearrangement of: a  v a
t t

s = vi·t + ½·a·t2

vf2 = vi2 + 2·a·s

2 Notes: 1) Sometimes you see u for vi and v for vf

2) Sometimes you see “d” or “p” rather than “s”
Example Calculations
• Given:
– Ball projected from the ground
– Flight time is 1.4 seconds

• How high did the ball go?

Vertical & Horizontal Components
are Considered Independent

Projectile Motion
• Trajectory
– Magnitude and direction of take-off velocity
Vv = 0 m/s


The Curve
Vv = 0 m/s


½ Flight Time ½ Flight Time

Vv = ? m/s Vv = ? m/s

½ sH sH ½ sH

Flight Time (s)

Manipulation of the Curve
Vi = 0 m/s

Vertical Height
s = vi·t + ½·a·t2
sv = ?

½ Flight Time ½ Flight Time

Vv = ? m/s Vv = ? m/s

½ sH sH ½ sH

Flight Time (s)

Manipulation of the Curve
Vf = 0 m/s Vv = 0 m/s

Take-off Velocity
vf = vi + a·t

½ Flight Time ½ Flight Time
Vi = ? m/s Vv = ? m/s

½ sH sH ½ sH

Flight Time (s)

Back to the Calculation
• Given:
– Ball projected from the ground
– Flight time is 1.4 seconds

• How high did the ball go?

• Start with…
s = vi·t + ½·a·t2
Use the second part of the curve…need only the decent phase

First find t, which is ½ the flight time

So, t = 1.4 / 2 = 0.7 s Vi = 0 m/s

s = vi·t + ½·a·t2
s = 0 (0.7) + ½(-9.81)(0.7)2 sv
s = 0 + ½(-9.81)(0.49) ½ Flight Time ½ Flight Time
s = 0 + (-2.40) ½ sH
s = -2.40 m (why is this negative?)
Flight Time (s)

So, height of the ball is 2.40 m

Manipulation of the Curve
VH = ? m/s
s = vi·t + ½·a·t2
(t is the total flight time)
sv (need horizontal takeoff velocity)

½ Flight Time ½ Flight Time

VH = ? m/s VH = ? m/s

½ sH sH ½ sH

Flight Time (s)

Projectile Motion
Treat horizontal and vertical components separately
Vv = 0 m/s
Initial Vertical Velocity

VVi Resultant Take-off Velocity

Initial Horizontal Velocity
Take-off Angle

• What is the optimal angle of release for

maximizing horizontal displacement?

• How does a change in release height affect

this optimal take-off angle?

• How can this initial height be manipulated?

Constant Acceleration
Equations of Motion

vf = vi + a·t

s = vi·t + ½·a·t2

vf2 = vi2 + 2·a·s

Horizontal and Vertical Acceleration
Once released…

The only forces acting on a projectile are:

1. Air Resistance (assumed to be zero)

2. Gravity

• So…the vertical acceleration is… -9.81 m/s2

• And…the horizontal acceleration is… 0 m/s2
The Curve
Vv = 0 m/s

Initial Conditions


θ ½ Flight Time ½ Flight Time

½ sH sH ½ sH

Flight Time (s)

Manipulation of the Curve
Vi = 0 m/s

Vertical Height
s = vi·t + ½·a·t2
sv = ?

½ Flight Time ½ Flight Time

½ sH sH ½ sH

Flight Time (s)

Manipulation of the Curve
Vf = 0 m/s Vv = 0 m/s

Take-off Velocity
vf = vi + a·t

½ Flight Time ½ Flight Time
Vi = ? m/s

½ sH sH ½ sH

Flight Time (s)

Manipulation of the Curve
VH = VHi m/s
s = vi·t + ½·a·t2
(t is the total flight time)
sv (need horizontal takeoff velocity)

VHi ½ Flight Time ½ Flight Time

½ sH sH ½ sH

Flight Time (s)

Projectile Motion - Calculations

• Tricks to doing calculations

– Manipulation of the curve
• Figuring out which velocity (initial or final) to make 0
– Selecting the right equation
– Knowing when to use a constant acceleration equation and
when to use trig
– Plugging in the right numbers
– Don’t combine vertical and horizontal components
• Exceptions Occur When Finding:
1) Resultant velocity
2) Takeoff angle
Range Equation

 sin   cos   v v  2 g  s
2 2

Range 
v x y

• Range is the horizontal displacement
• vx is the horizontal component of velocity
• vy is the vertical component of velocity
• s is the vertical displacement
• Equation derives from s = vi·t + ½·a·t2
Range Equation Components

• Vertical
 vy   2 g  s

Time 
v y

– Where s is the vertical displacement, and g is the
acceleration due to gravity (can anyone say…quadratic equation?)

• Horizontal
Range  v x  time
Part 2 – Review Questions
• What is the optimal angle of release for a projectile
launched from the ground?
• What is the trade off when jumping or throwing for
maximum distance?
• When a projectile is released above the ground, what is the
relation between height of release, angle of release and
distance traveled?
• You should be comfortable resolving vectors and using the
equations of constant acceleration. You are not expected
to remember the equations, just apply them.
• What forces are acting on a projectile once it is airborne?
• What is the magnitude of horizontal acceleration
constantly acting on a projectile?
• What is meant by “range” of a projectile?
Problem 1 (5 parts)
Given a potato is launched from the ground. If the
total flight time for the potato is 2.4 seconds, and the
horizontal displacement is 315 meters, calculate the

A) Vertical takeoff velocity (initial)

B) Horizontal takeoff velocity (initial)
C) Actual resultant velocity at takeoff (initial)
D) Takeoff angle
E) Peak height
Problem 2
• A ball is kicked from the ground with a
horizontal velocity of 32 m/s. The flight
time is 0.76 seconds. What is the ultimate
(peak) vertical height the ball reaches?

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