12 - Morning - Affirmations - That - Thread - by - Legacybuilder - Mar 12, 22 - From - Rattibha

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Legacy Builder


15 Tweets • 2022-03-12 16:15:07 UTC •  See on Twitter

rattibha.com 

12 Morning Affirmations That Will Change Your


Your morning should start with:

- Meditation
- Positive Affirmations

Repeat these and Crush it today

• I am enough

• I am beautiful

• I am going to have a great day

• It's ok to ask for help

• I forgive my mistakes

• Miracles happen every day

• Today is a fresh start

• I believe in myself

• I believe in my potential

• I will make today a good day

• There's so much to learn today

• I am slowly reaching my goals

If you want to help others change their lives, RT the
first tweet

This account exists to help you:

- Build a legacy through family

- Build a legacy through wealth
- Build a legacy through mindset

Follow @LegacyBuilder__ and let’s build a legacy


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