System of Reporting and Comparing Influence of Ambulatory Aids On Gait

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System of Reporting and Comparing Influence of

Ambulatory Aids on Gait



The purposes of this study were to 1) present a standardized approach for

describing gait when assistive devices are used, 2) report reference data for
unassisted and assisted gait patterns for normal adults, and 3) discuss clinical
implications for selected variables of gait. Using an automated gait system,
measurements for temporal and distance factors and accelerometry were ob-
tained for 25 normal young adults. In addition to the formulation of a new system
for describing gait patterns when assistive devices are used, the results of the
study were that 1) subjects walked slower with ambulatory aids than without
them, 2) assisted gaits with the same number of counts per cycle tended to
have similar measurements, 3) reciprocal swing times and stance times were
symmetrical for all types of gait studied, 4) double stance times and step times
were asymmetrical for three types of assisted gait, and 5) vertical accelerations
were disproportionately elevated for most assisted gaits.

Key Words: Crutches, Gait, Physical therapy.

Assistive devices such as canes, crutches, and walk- extent of the patients' abnormality. No information
ers are commonly recommended for problems of is available, however, on normal gait for walking
pain, fatigue, equilibrium, joint instability, muscular patterns associated with the variety of commonly
weakness, excessive skeletal loading, and cosmesis. employed types of assisted gait.
The physical therapist may evaluate the patient for Inasmuch as humans walk by reciprocally placing
abnormalities and identify the form of assistive device each of their two feet in front of the other in forward
to be used and type of assisted gait to be learned. The progression, the sequence and number of contacts
clinician may judge the quality of the patient's walk- between the body and the walking surface are con-
ing performance using standards such as precon- fined to any combination of two. When one or two
ceived expectations of normality, information pre- ambulatory aids are added, the complexity of the
sented in scientific publications, or his clinical expe- sequencing and timing of floor contact is magnified.
rience in dealing with manifestations of disorders. For assisted gait, the number of contact points is thus
Numerous reports on ambulatory aids and gait greater than two, and necessarily the possible order
may be found in the literature. 1-7 A few articles have of contacts on the walking surface is exponentially
reported the effect of a cane or a crutch on patients' increased. Walking techniques with canes and
walking.8"15 Data on the unassisted gait of normal crutches have been described by Hoberman,14 but
subjects may be compared with patients who walk explanations for assisted gait patterns could be im-
without an assistive device, in order to determine the proved to be more explicit and to convey a clear
mental image of the walking pattern. One example of
Dr. Smidt is Professor and Director of Programs in Physical ambiguity is that a two-point gait may refer to the
Therapy Education, College of Medicine, The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA 52242. use of either one or two assistive devices, and these
Ms. Mommens was a doctoral student in physical therapy, The devices may be canes or crutches. A standardized
University of Iowa, when this study was conducted. She is now self-
employed and can be reached at 707 9th Ave, Coralville, IA 52241.
method that accurately describes the type of assisted
This paper was presented at the Fifty-second Annual Conference gait is needed.
of the American Physical Therapy Association, New Orleans, June- The purposes of this paper are to 1) present a
July 1976.
This article was submitted October 3, 1978, and accepted November
standardized approach for describing gait when assis-
7, 1979. tive devices are used, 2) report reference data for

Volume 60 / Number 5, May 1980 551

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unassisted and assisted gait patterns, and 3) discuss Body Acceleration: The rate of change of velocity
clinical implications for selected variables of gait. of a point posterior to the sacrum; Measured in meters
per second per second. Maximum values for acceler-
DEFINITIONS OF GAIT VARIABLES ation in vertical, medial-lateral, and fore-aft direc-
tions were obtained in the study.
For purposes of this study, the following definitions Harmonic Ratio: An index of smoothness of gait.
were used. A Fourier series analysis applied to the acceleration
Walking Velocity: The rate of linear forward mo- curves yields even- and odd-numbered coefficients.
tion of the body; Product of distance and time; Mea- The harmonic ratio is the quotient derived from the
sured in centimeters per second or meters per second. sum of the coefficients for the even-numbered har-
Stance Time: The elapsed time that one foot is in monics divided by the sum of the coefficients for the
contact with walking surface; Measured in seconds. odd-numbered harmonics.
Swing Time: The elapsed time that one foot is not Cadence (stride or step frequency): The number of
in contact with walking surface; Measured in seconds. strides or steps per unit of time; Number of steps
Gait Cycle: Usually considered the interval be- divided by time; Measured in strides or steps per
tween successive ipsilateral foot contacts on the walk- minute or steps per second.
ing surface, but may be the interval between any
recurring event during walking. METHOD
Cycle Time: The elapsed time during one gait cycle;
Measured in seconds. A recently developed automated gait analysis sys-
Double-Stance Time: The elapsed time during the tem was used to obtain measurements for a large
gait cycle when both feet are simultaneously in con- number of variables of gait.15 The system included
tact with the walking surface; Measured in seconds. triaxial accelerometers, placed posterior to the sac-
Stride Length: The distance between two consecu- rum, which were sensitive to changes in velocity in
tive ipsilateral foot contacts on the walking surface; the anterior-posterior, medial-lateral, and vertical di-
Measured in centimeters or meters. rections. The system also included pressure-sensitive
Step Length: The distance in the direction of walk- foot switches attached to the heel and forefoot of each
ing between the left and right feet; Measured in shoe, a signal-amplification unit, and a laboratory
centimeters or meters. computer. Graduated strips of tape on the walkway
Step Time: The elapsed time between consecutive permitted acquisition of step-distance measurements.
foot-floor contacts; Measured in seconds. After each walking sequence in the laboratory, mea-
Functional Lower Extremity Length: The distance surement of temporal and distance factors (eg, walk-
between the center of the femoral head and a point ing velocity, step length, step time) and body accel-
on the floor located slightly anterior and medial to eration could be viewed on the teletype. A detailed
the medial malleolus on the ipsilateral side; Measured
in centimeters or meters.
Ratios Reflecting Symmetry: Mathematically de-
rived quotients obtained by dividing a measurement
associated with one side of the body by a measure-
ment for the same variable associated with the other
side of the body.
a. Stride Length/Lower Extremity Length Ratio:
Stride length divided by lower extremity length;
Measurement unit is dimensionless.
b. Swing/Time Ratio: Right swing time divided by
left swing time or, in a disabled individual, most
involved side divided by least involved side; Mea-
surement unit is dimensionless.
c. Swing/Stance Ratio: Swing time divided by stance
time; Measurement unit is dimensionless.
Other ratios for which measurements were obtained
during the course of this study were stance time,
double-stance time, step time, step length, heel strike-
foot flat time, foot flat-heel off time, and heel off-toe
off time. Fig. 1. Scope of study.


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Approach for Labeling and Describing
Assisted Gait Patterns

Specific terms are needed for describing assisted

gait using ambulatory aids. The term point refers to
the number of floor contacts on a line perpendicular
to the direction of walking that simultaneously occurs
during any part of stance phase for the lead foot.
When the lead foot is clearly slower than the assistive
device in making floor contact, the term delayed
should be used. Laterality describes the associated
placement on the walking surface of the side of the
upper extremity holding the assistive device and the
side of placement for the lead foot in the cycle. For
example, laterality in the case of "ipsilateral left"
indicates that both the assistive device held on the left
and the left foot are concurrently in contact with the
walking surface during a portion of the cycle. Another
example is "contralateral, left hand-right foot" when
the assistive device held on the left side and the right
foot are concurrently in contact with the walking
surface during a portion of the cycle. For complete-
ness, the specific type of assistive device is identified.
The recommended sequence for presenting descrip-
tors for types of assisted gait is 1) delayed (when
appropriate), 2) number of points, 3) laterality (when
appropriate), and 4) type of assistive device. Common

Fig. 2. Diagrammatic view of assisted gaits.

description of the system can be found in a previous

Twenty-five physical therapy students (12 men, 13
women) served as subjects for this study. The mean
age was 22 years, mean height was 168 cm (5 ft, 6 in),
and mean weight was 64.6 kg (142 lbs). After appli-
cation of the equipment, the subjects were permitted
to walk until they felt comfortable in the laboratory
environment. During the first of two sessions, mea-
surements of gait were randomly obtained for two
walking sequences for each of the four categories of
unassisted gait: a self-selected velocity, moderate ve-
locity (71-110 cm/sec), slow velocity (31-70 cm/sec),
and very slow velocity (30 cm/sec or less). At the end
of the first session each subject was provided with
properly adjusted ambulatory aids and received in-
struction to proficiency in nine different types of
assisted gaits (Fig. 1). During the second testing ses-
sion on another day, the foot switches and accelero-
metry apparatus were applied to the subject, and
measurements of gait for two walking sequences of
each assisted gait pattern were obtained. Before the
test session, subjects were again permitted to walk
with the measurement equipment attached and be-
come acclimated to the laboratory environment. Fig. 3. Diagrammatic view of assisted gaits.

Volume 60 / Number 5, May 1980 553

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A final term designated as a count identifies the
number of separate floor-contact events that occurs
in one walking cycle. Unassisted gait has two counts.
Several assisted-gait patterns also have two counts:
two-point, three-point, five-point, swing-to, and
swing-through. Three counts are involved in the de-
layed two-point, three-point, and five-point gait pat-
terns. The four-point contralateral assisted gait with
two devices requires four counts.
To further illustrate the use of this system, the two-
point contralateral (left hand-right foot) assisted-gait
pattern shown in Figure 2 will be described. As
depicted in the diagram, only one assistive device is
being used, in this example, a crutch. The first event
in the gait cycle is concurrent forward movement and
floor placement of the crutch and the right foot, at
which time the cycle is complete. The proper labeling
of this type of assisted gait is "two-point contralateral
crutch gait, left hand-right foot," a description that
should be one of the first pieces of information in-
cluded in an evaluation report of a gait abnormality.

Fig. 4. Diagrammatic view of assisted gaits.

forms of assisted gait are illustrated in Figures 2 to 5.

The figures show three of the descriptors (assistive
device not included) and the numerical order of
walking surface contact. The type of assistive device
might be a crutch or a cane and, in the example of
five-point gait (Fig. 5), a walker.

Fig. 6. Walking velocity.


Walking Velocity

Figure 6 shows, for walking velocity, the means

and (95%) confidence intervals for the four unassisted
gaits and nine assisted gaits studied. When using
ambulatory aids, the subjects walked considerably
slower than their customary self-selected velocity.
Assisted gaits with two counts (two-point contralat-
eral cane-right hand/left foot, two-point contralat-
eral-two canes, two-point contralateral crutch-right
Fig. 5. Diagrammatic view of assisted gaits. hand/left foot, two-point ipsilateral cane-left, and


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Fig. 7. Cycle time.
Fig. 8. Swing ratio L/R.

three-point crutch-left foot) were similar to the un- velocity. Secondly, types of assisted gaits with three
assisted moderate velocity. The delayed three-point and four counts may contain the upper limit for
crutch gait and delayed two-point contralateral cane walking velocity. Patients with severe locomotor dis-
are similar to unassisted slow velocity; delayed five- orders may require a three- or four-count gait to
point walker gait is similar to unassisted very slow permit walking; nevertheless, there appears to be a
velocity. The velocity for the four-point crutch is rather low upper limit for walking velocity.
located between slow and very slow velocities.
Two clinical implications may be derived from Cycle Time
these results. First, either the introduction of an assis-
tive device to a patient or changes in the types of The cycle time, or time elapsed during one stride,
assisted-gait patterns will tend to alter the walking is related to velocity and cadence (Fig. 7). The cycle

Fig. 9. Stance ratio L/R.

Volume 60 / Number 5, May 1980 555

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for the swing ratio illustrate remarkable symmetry of
left and right swing times for all 13 gait patterns.

Stance/Time Ratio

Left and right stance times were symmetrical for

all 13 gait patterns (Fig. 9). These results indicate that
left and right stance and swing times may be equal
despite the type of assisted gait. In patients, other
factors may preclude a symmetrical gait performance.

Step Length

Step length was not found to be symmetrical for all

types of walking (Fig. 10). Variability among subjects
and asymmetry of step length as reflected by the step-
length ratios tends to be greatest for the three-count
assisted gaits (delayed two-point contralateral cane,
Fig. 10. Step-distance ratio RL/LR. delayed three-point crutch, and delayed five-point
walker). The length of the lead step was largest.
Therefore, a clinical objective of symmetrical step
time for this study ranged from 1.13 sec for self- lengths for walking may be realistic, but will probably
selected speed to slightly greater than 3 sec for the be most difficult to accomplish for the types of as-
four-point crutch gait and the very slow unassisted sisted gait that require three counts per walking cycle.
gait, a three-fold difference. The results demonstrate
that clinical isolation of movement abnormalities by
observational gait analysis requires rapid scrutiny of
body segments, particularly when walking is per-
formed at a reasonable rate.

Swing/Time Ratio

The swing/time ratio was obtained by dividing the

right swing time into the left swing time so that
equality of contralateral swing times for the left and
right sides would yield a ratio of 1.00 (Fig. 8). Results

Fig. 12. Double-stance ratio RL/LR.

Step Time

Like step length, step times for all patterns were

symmetrical except for the three-count gaits (Fig. 11),
in which the step times associated with the lead lower
limbs were faster than the trail limb by approximately
60 to 100 percent. Pursuit of symmetrical step times
for the three-count assisted gaits is probably unreal-
Fig. 11. Step-time ratio LR/RL. istic, but can most closely be approximated by swing-


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Fig. 13. Symmetrical-stance and swing; asymmetrical-step and double stance.

ing the assistive devices forward in a more rapid patterns showed that stance and swing times were
fashion. Step times for the remaining types of gaits essentially symmetrical but that step times and double
were symmetrical and variability was small. stance times were asymmetrical for the same types of
assisted gait. This problem can be explained by the
Double-Stance Time occurrence of a phase shift in the timing of the foot
placement for either the right or left lower limb (Fig.
The double-stance times tend to be symmetrical for 13).
all types of gait studied except the three-count assisted
gaits, in which the right-left double stance was dra- Vertical Acceleration
matically greater than the counterpart double-stance
times associated with the left-right foot placement The vertical acceleration near the center of gravity
(Fig. 12). The results for three-count assisted gait during walking tended to be similar for the assisted

Fig. 14. Vertical acceleration—peak to peak.

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gait categorized according to number of counts per whole even though use of an assistive device can
walking cycle (Fig. 14). As we would expect, the reduce forces at one lower extremity. The implication
magnitudes of acceleration for unassisted walking is that we should be cognizant of potential long-term
were directly related to the walking velocity. That is, effects of loading excesses not only for the joint or
the faster the subjects walked, the greater was the extremity in question, but for other body parts as
vertical acceleration of the body. well. When assistive devices are used, the movement
The vertical accelerations for the assisted gaits are of all body parts should be monitored.
disproportionately increased, however, when the dif-
ferences in walking velocity are considered. For ex- SUMMARY
ample, based on the walking velocity, we expected
the accelerations for the two-count assisted gaits to This study involving normal subjects may be sum-
be equal to or below that for the moderate, unassisted marized as follows: 1) a systematic approach for
velocity, but accelerations exceed this level. Similarly, describing assisted gait patterns was presented, 2)
we expected the acceleration for three- and four-count when ambulatory aids were used, the subjects walked
assisted gait to be in the vicinity of the very slow slower than their unencumbered self-selected veloc-
velocity or less than the values for the slow velocity. ity, 3) measurements of gait tended to be similar for
However, the acceleration values for the three- and assisted gaits that require the same number of counts
four-count assisted gaits are well above the level for per cycle, 4) reciprocal swing times and stance times
the slow velocity. were symmetrical for all types of gait studied, 5)
Newton's second law (F = ma) states that acceler- double-stance times and step times were asymmetrical
ation is proportional to the force causing it. Applica- for three types of assisted gait (delayed two-point,
tion of this law to vertical acceleration results indicate three-point, and five-point), and 6) vertical accelera-
that use of assistive devices tends to increase the tions were disproportionately elevated for most as-
vertical loading on the structures of the body as a sisted gaits.

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