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Vocab Test Week #2

1. My husband and I have a very interpersonal/ associative/ societal/ interdependent relationship: he takes
care of the family’s finances while I take care of the children. (상호적인/ symbiotic)

2. The chemical nature of this environment rears/ raises/ fosters/ adopts tens of plant lives that could not
have survived in other places. (조성하다, 발전시키다)

3. Jennifer is going through a divorce for irreconcilable/ mismatched/ discordant/ contrary differences with
her husband. (차이가 너무 커서 해소 할수 없는, 양립할수 없는)

4. The pieces of the puzzle all provide interpersonal/ societal/ interdependent/ associative cues with which
to identify one another. (연상적인)

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5. Jack loves to impersonate/ counterfeit/ imitate/ clone his father in order to follow his footsteps.

6. Alcohol almost always inhibits/ prohibits/ eludes/ revokes the action of the drug. (억제하다, 제약을

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7. His chin was jutting with aggression/ advances/ charges/ oversight: he was this close to attacking the
person in front. (공격성)

8. The rabbit population was exhausted/ decimated/ fatigued/ deleted by the disease. (대량으로 죽음을

9. Many students chuck out/ dump/ dispose of/ forgo summer vacation in order to go skiing in winter.
(좋아하는 것을 포기하다, 단념하다)

10. The man and the woman were finally observed/ realized/ pronounced/ conserved husband and wife.

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