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Tentukan jenis kata benda (common noun, proper noun, abstract noun, and
collective noun) dari kalimat di bawah ini.

Contoh: Devi is an English lecturer. Lecturer is a common noun.

1. Her eyes shone with happiness. The word happiness is a abstract noun
2. Mercury is the smallest of all planets. The word Mercury is a proper noun
3. The committee meets every Thursday. The word committee is a common noun
4. Rayhan is my youngest brother. The word brother is a common noun
5. Have you read any Steinbeck?. The word Steinbeck is a proper noun
6. Honesty is the best policy. The word honesty is a abstract noun
7. A vast crowd gathered to witness the scene. The word crowd is a abstract noun
8. My cousin went to Paris last summer. The word cousin is a common noun
9. The army marched on the city. The word army is a common noun
10. His answer did not satisfy my curiosity. The word curiosity is a abstract noun

A. Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat.

1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ___ by J K Rowling.

      a) was written    b) written    c) wrote

2. J K Rowling ___ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

       a) was written     b) written    c) wrote

3. Archaeologists ___ the gold in a cave near the top of the mountain. 

      a) were discovered    b) was discovered   c) discovered

4. Your letter ___ yesterday morning.   

      a) was arrived   b) were arrived   c) arrived

5. Smith ___ to five years in prison for robbery.  

      a) was sentenced         b) sentenced    c) was sentence

B. Write questions for these answers (tulislah pertanyaan untuk jawaban

dibawah ini):

Example: When did you meet her? I met her last night.

1. When did you go to Japan ?  We went to Japan five days ago.

2. When did she buy it ?  She bought it in 1995.
3. Did you meet her ? No, I didn’t.
4. Did you go to Bali ?  Yes. We went there.
5. What did you eat ?  I ate fish and chips.

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