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Storage Replica Overview
Install with Windows Admin Center
Install with Powershell commands
Hints and Troubleshooting


Storage Replica is a software implementation of volume replication technology, new with Windows
2016, that is designed for disaster recovery. It protects against hardware failure by exactly duplicating
a volume block by block, and will also protect against site failure if it is used on stretched clusters that
span two sites. Like any other replication technology, Storage Replica does not eliminate the need to
take backups, as data corruption or user errors would be replicated. If you are not familiar with
replication technology then maybe we should spell that out. Replication keeps two copies of a disk in
exact synchronisation. So, if you rely on replication for backups and you accidentally format and wipe
a volume, Storage Replica will oblige and format and wipe the replica too and you will have lost all
your data. No backup, no data, lost forever. Take backups! You should ONLY backup the Data disk
from the Source server. Don't backup your Storage Replica Log disks as that can conflict with Storage
Replica operations.
Storage Replica is also not intended to provide a second copy of data that can be updated, either
locally or at a remote site as that would not be a valid disaster recovery copy. However, the 2019
version Storage Replica does let you take a snapshot of the replicated disk, and that snapshot can be
While there are many hardware replication solutions on the market, they all require the same type of
hardware at both sides. Because Storage Replica is a software implementation, it is storage-agnostic
and supports unlike hardware.

Windows Server 2019 brings in three new Storage Replica options available::
Storage Replica is now avaiable on Standard Edition (SE), not just Datacentre Edition (DE). However
the Standard Edition has some limitations: DE replicates an unlimited number of volumes, but SR will
just replicates a single volume. SE Servers can have one partnership instead of an unlimited number
of partners. SE volume size is limited to 2 TB, DE volume size is unlimited.
Storage Replica Log performance is improved so replication throughput and latency is much
improved, especially on all-flash arrays and Storage Spaces Direct (S2D) clusters that replicate
between each other. All replicating servers must be at Windows Server 2019.
Storage Replica Test Failover The issue with not being able to mount or read the replica means you
can't test it to see if it is working. With SR 2019 you can take a snapshot of the replica and mount that.
The snapshot is writeable, so you can run a full DR test against it without affecting the replica. You
could also take a backup from the snapshot.

Storage Replica supports both synchronous and asynchronous replication

Synchronous Replication
When an application writes data out to storage, it waits until it gets confirmation that the write
succeeded before it continues processing. With synchronous replication, the applicaton waits until it
gets write confirmation from both the local and the remote site. If you want to provide zero data loss
disaster recovery, your second disk needs to be several kilometers away from the primary disk, so to
prevent the replication from affecting application performance, you need to use fast networks and fast
disk subsystems. So why would you want to use synchronous replication? Well if you are working on
financial systems like a bank, it should be obvious that it is essential that no financial transaction data
be lost in a disaster. What about an airline booking site? Imagine the fuss if you had a disaster and
lost 12 hours worth of bookings, so your customers have paid for their flights, but you have no record
of them.

One of the features of replication is that the destination volume is not accessible while replicating. I've
seen people complain about this on blogs, but for one thing, data is replicated at block level, so if you
could update at file level, you would corrupt the data. For another thing, this data is for disaster
recovery. If you start updating the target disk, then it is no longer a valid DR copy. The destination
volume will be dismounted when replication is configured, and while it is possible that its drive letter
may be visible in Explorer, you will not be able to access the volume itself.
As mentioned above, with Windows Server 2019 you can take a snapshot of the replica and mount it
as a writeable volume, which resolves this issue.

Asyncronous Replication

Asynchronous replication simply means that the application will consider a write is complete when the
data is safely stored on the source disks. Data is then written out to the remote disks later, without
slowing down the application. This is quite adequate for many applications and is usually cheaper to
implement than synchronous replication. Some implementations use snapshots for asynchronous
replication, but Storage Replica implements asynchronous exactly like sychronous replication, without
the need to acknowledge the write at the destination disk. There is no guarantee that both sites have
identical copies of the data at the time of a failure, but it will work over slower networks and longer
distances than synchronous replication.
Because Storage Replica operates at the partition layer, it will replicates any VSS snapshots created
by Windows Server or backup software.

Storage Replica terminology

I've mentioned a few terms above without really explaining what they mean.

 The Local or Source Server is the one that normally runs your applications
 The Target or Remote site is the DR site, which might just be another local server, or it may
be a second, remote data center
 The Source or Primary disk contains the local copy of data on the active server. Local writes
are permitted to this disk, and it replicates the data out
 The Destination, Secondary or Remote disk receives the replicated data from the source disk.
It does not allow local writes
 A source and destination computer that have a synchronisation relationship between them is
called a Replication Partnership. The replicated data is all initially written to a single log at the
remote site. The remote log must be on a different disk to the replicated data.

Supported configurations

With Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Edition, you can deploy storage replication in a stretch cluster,
between cluster-to-cluster, and in server-to-server configurations.

 A Stretched Cluster runs between two sites and can give you automated application failover if
one site fails, because both the servers and storage are managed by the Cluster. You can
use Storage Spaces on a stretched cluster, with shared SAS storage, SAN and iSCSI-
attached LUNs. The storage is replicated between the two sites, usually synchronously, to
provide almost seamless failover.
 A cluster-to-cluster setup permits replication between two separate clusters, with one cluster
replicating another, either synchronously or asynchronously. Cluster to Cluster can also use
Storage Spaces Direct, but application failover is not automatic, instead it requires manual
 Server to server allows synchronous and asynchronous replication between two standalone
servers. It can also use Storage Spaces, and also requires manual intervention for failover.

If you want to test DR, or do site maintenance then you can switch the replication direction, so your
DR site becomes the primary. However you must wait until the initial sync is complete before trying
Storage Replica uses consistency groups, where volumes can be grouped together and managed as
an entity. For example, if you are replicating SQL databases that span multiple volumes, then it is
essential that the replicated writes are sent out in the same order, otherwise the replicated database
could be corrupt if a disaster happens. If the relevant volumes are in a consistency group, then
Replica will write out the data to the destination server in the correct order.

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Using the Gui to Configure Storage Replica on Windows Server 2016

You can configure Storage Replica using PowerShell commands or with the Windows Admin Center
interface. This page describes the Windows Admin Center method and to use this, you will need to
download and install Windows Admin Center and Remote Server Administration Tools on your PC.
You also need to do quite a bit of preparation work as follows:

Provide two servers, preferrably in two different physical locations. If you are planing to use
synchronous replication, then your 2 sites must be close enought for your network to provide an
average of 5ms round trip latency. Each server should have at least 4GB RAM and need to be
Domain Members n the same Active Directory forest. Install Windows Server 2016 Datacenter on
both server nodes. It has to be the Datacenter edition, no other Windows variants will do.
To install Storage Replica
  Navigate to Server Manager
  Select one of the servers.
  Navigate to Roles & Features.
  Select Features > Storage Replica, and then click Install.

Your storage can be SAS JBODs, fibre channel SAN, iSCSI target, or local SCSI/SATA, but should be
a mix of HDD and SSD media. You need two sets of storage, one for each side, and each server must
only be able to see the storage on its own site, no sharing. The physical storage must have identical
sector sizes. Remember, the volume that contains the Windows Operating System cannot be
Configure the storage at each site into at least two volumes, one for data and one for the logs. The log
volumes should be configured from SSD media and need to be sized to at least 9GB, and identically
sized at each site. Both Log and Data volumes must be initialized as GPT, not MBR.

The two servers need a minimum of one ethernet/TCP connection on each server for synchronous
replication, but Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) would be better. For synchronous replication,
the bandwidth must be enough to maintain your I/O write workload with about a 5ms latency. You also
need to configure your firewall to allow bi-directional communication between the servers. Ports 455
(SMB), 5445 (SMB Direct) and 5985 (WS-MAN) could be required, but check with Microsoft for the
current list.

Now you have all your hardware and software in place you can configure server-to-server replication
From the Windows Admin Center
Add the source server.
  Select the 'Add' button.
  Select 'Add server connection'.
  Add in the Server Name, then select Submit.
Now, on the 'All Connections' page, select the source server.
Select 'Storage Replica' from 'Tools' panel.
Select 'New' to create a new partnership.
Provide the details of the partnership
  The Source Server Name, RGname, Data Volume Name, Log Volume Name.
  The Destination Server Name, RGname, Data Volume Name, Log Volume Name.
and when all the partner data is entered, hit 'Create'.

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Installing with Powershell Commands

Here is the install process between two Windows servers using Powershell commands. This process
assumes the source server is called PRISERV01 and the target server is called SECSERV01. First
you need to install the Storage Replica feature:

install-WindowsFeature "Storage-Replica" –IncludeAllSubFeature

A server reboot will be needed once this command is entered.

Next you need to configure the disks on both servers. You need (at least) 2 disks on each server, one
for the data and one for the logs. If your disks have different performance characteristics, then use the
faster disks for the log volumes. The Get-Disk command with no parameters will list all the available
disks on the system. The disks can be direct or SAN attached and can be real or virtual, and exactly
how you configure your disks will depend on what kind you have. The Windows Disk page describes
different kinds of disks and one way to format them.
So assuming you have Storage Replica installed and all your disks online, Storage replica has a good
test tool that you can use to check that the network is fast enough and the server can deliver the
performance needed for Replica. This assumes the data and log volumes are 'e:' and 'f:'. You need to
substitute your own server names, drive letters and the path for the report file.

Test-SRTopology -SourceComputerName "PRISERV01" -SourceVolumeName "e:" -

SourceLogVolumeName "f:" -DestinationComputerName "SECSERV01" -
DestinationVolumeName "e:" -DestinationLogVolumeName "f:" -DurationInMinutes 30 -
ResultPath  c:\Temp

If that report looks OK, you can then set up Replica with a PowerShell command. You should adjust
the default log size from 8GB if the performance report suggests that is necessary. However note that
the log size depends on how much write IO your workload performs. A larger or smaller log doesn't
make you any faster or slower. A larger log simply means that more write blocks can be stored. Once
the log fills up, the log wraps and older records are overwritten. This means that if you have a
problem, a network outage for instance, then when the network returns, Replica can quickly
resynchronise the Target with the Source by copying over the changed blocks that are recorded in the
log files. You must never allow any other workloads to run on the log volume.
In the command below you need to substitute your own server names, resource groups and drive
New-SRPartnership -SourceComputerName "PRISERV01" –SourceRGName rg01 -
SourceVolumeName "e:" -SourceLogVolumeName "f:" -DestinationComputerName
"SECSERV01" –DestinationRGName rg02 -DestinationVolumeName "e:" -
DestinationLogVolumeName "f:"

You will get synchronous replication by default. If you wanted asynchronous, add parameter '-
ReplicationMode Asynchronous'
To find out if all is working, you can view the state for the replication source and destination using the
following commands.


If you want to remove Replication, run the following command. This command will retrieve ALL current
Storage Replica partnerships that are on the machine you are runnng the command from, then pipe
the list of partnerships to the 'Remove' command. It is possible to remove individual partnerships.

Get-SRPartnership | Remove-SRPartnership

To change the direction of the replication use this command. You need to substitute your own server
names and resource groups.

Set-SRPartnership -NewSourceComputerName "SECSERV01" -SourceRGName Srg02 -

DestinationComputerName "PRISERV01" -DestinationRGName rg01

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Hints and Troubleshooting

Replica Performance Statistics

For troubleshooting there are some events that you can check, check the events with PowerShell

Get-WinEvent -ProviderName Microsoft-Windows-StorageReplica -max 20

There are also a lot of performance counters that can be viewed with PowerShell

 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Total Bytes Received"

 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Total Bytes Sent"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Avg. Network Send Latency"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Replication State"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Last Recovery Elapsed Time"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Partition I/O Statistics(*)\Number of times flush
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Number of Flushed Recovery
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Number of Recovery Transactions"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Number of Flushed Replication
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Number of Replication Transactions"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Number of Messages Received"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Number of Messages Sent"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Partition I/O Statistics(*)\Avg. App Write Latency"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Partition I/O Statistics(*)\Avg. App Read Latency"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Target RPO"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Current RPO"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Avg. Log Queue Length"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Current Log Queue Length"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Total Bytes Received"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Total Bytes Sent"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Avg. Network Send Latency"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Replication State"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Avg. Message Round Trip Latency"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Last Recovery Elapsed Time"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Number of Flushed Recovery
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Number of Recovery Transactions"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Number of Flushed Replication
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Number of Replication Transactions"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Max Log Sequence Number"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Number of Messages Received"
 Get-Counter -Counter "\Storage Replica Statistics(*)\Number of Messages Sent"

Taking a Snapshot of the Destination Volume

This tip only applies to Windows Server 2019 onward. The problem is that you need your source
volume mounted to take a snapshot and Storage Replica dismounts the destination volume when
replication begins. To mount the replica, you must have an unused NTFS or ReFS formatted volume
that is not currently replicating on the destination server. You use this volume for the snapshot logs
and so effectively see a PIT copy of the replicated data on this drive.
For example, to create a test failover where you are replicating a volume "D:" in the Replication Group
"rg1" on the destination server "SECSERV01" and have a "G:" drive on SECSERV01 that is not being

Mount-SRDestination -Name rg1 -Computername SECSERV01 -TemporaryPath G:\

The replicated volume D: is now accessible on SECSERV01. You can read and write to it normally,
copy files off it, or run an online backup that you save elsewhere for safekeeping, under the D: path.
The G: volume will only contain log data.
To remove the test failover snapshot and discard its changes:

Dismount-SRDestination -Name rg1 -Computername SECSERV01

You should only use the test failover feature for short-term temporary operations. It is not intended for
long term usage. When in use, replication continues to the real destination volume.

Azure Support
Storage Replica supports Azure Cloud in these scenarios.

 You can use server-to-server replication inside Azure, as either synchronous or asynchronous
between IaaS VMs in one or two datacenter fault domains, or asynchronous between two
separate regions.
 You can also configure server-to-server asynchronous replication between Azure and on-
premises servers using VPN or Azure ExpressRoute.

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Windows Storage


 Storage Spaces Direct

 Windows Volume Mgmt.
 Windows File Systems
 Deduplication
 Volume Shadowcopy Services
 Storage Replica


 Windows System state

 Storage QoS
 Data Classification
 Defragmentation

Removed Features

 Removable Storage System

Novell Netware

 File Systems
 Disks and Volumes
 NDS and eDirectory
 Clustered Servers
 iFolder
 Netware Volume Statistics
Lascon updTES

I retired 2 years ago, and so I'm out of touch with the latest in the data storage world. The Lascon site
has not been updated since July 2021, and probably will not get updated very much again. The site
hosting is paid up until early 2023 when it will almost certainly disappear.
Lascon Storage was conceived in 2000, and technology has changed massively over those 22 years.
It's been fun, but I guess it's time to call it a day. Thanks to all my readers in that time. I hope you
managed to find something useful in there.
All the best













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