Syllogism Questions For Ibps RRB Po Prelims Exam

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Syllogism for IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam

III) All P are G is a possibility
Directions (1-50): Read both the conclusions and then
decide which of the given conclusions logically follows (a) Only I follows
from the given statements disregarding commonly (b) Only II and III follow
known facts : (c) Only III follows
(d) All follow
1. Statements: (e) None of these

All P are W 2. Statements:

Some W are G Some meat are Chicken

No G is H All chicken are fresh

Conclusions: No chicken are fish

I) All P are H is a possibility Some fish is whale

II) Some W are Not H Conclusions:

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I. Some fresh are not fish Conclusions:

II. All meat being Whale is a possibility I. All Dam are mountain is a possibility

III. No meat is Fish II. Some hills are not rivers

(a) Only conclusion I follows III. All Dam are Hills is possibility.
(b) Only conclusion I and II follows
(c) Only I and III follows (a) Only conclusion I follows
(d) None follows (b) Only conclusion II and III follows
(e) All Follows (c) Only I and III follows
(d) None follows
3. Statements: (e) All Follows

Only a few Chain are ribbon 5. Statements:

Only a few ribbon are lace All lyrics are songs.

No lace are socks Some songs are not rhythm.

Conclusions: Some rhythm is poem.

I. All ribbon being socks is a possibility. Conclusions:

II. All ribbon can never be lace. I. Some poem is not Songs.

(a) Only conclusion I follows II. At least some lyrics being rhythm is a possibility.
(b) Only conclusion II follows
(c) Both I and II follows (a) Both I and II follow
(d) Neither I nor II follows (b) Neither I nor II follows
(e) Either I or II follows (c) Either I or II follows
(d) Only I follows
4. Statements: (e) Only II follows

Few hills are mountain 6. Statements:

Each rivers are mountains Minimum watch is quartz

Only a few Dam are rivers No quartz is clock

A few clocks are second.

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Syllogism for IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam
Conclusions: No flame is burns

I. Some seconds are not quartz. Conclusions:

II. No clock is watches. I. Some burn is not air

III. All watch being second is a possibility. II. Some air is not light.

(a) Only I and II follow III. Some air is burn.

(b) Only I and III follow
(c) Only II and III follow (a) All the conclusions follow
(d) Only I follows (b) Either I or III follows
(e) Only II follows (c) Only II and III follow
(d) None follows
7. Statements: (e) Only I and II follow

Only a few TV are Radio 9. Statements:

No radio is jockeys Some Square are Circle

All Jockey are Transmitter No circle are Triangle

Conclusions: All Triangle are hexagon

I. No radio is a jockey is a possibility. No hexagon are square

II. Some TV is not Transmitter Conclusions:

III. All Transmitter being TV is a possibility. I. Some square are not hexagon.

(a) Only II and III follow II. All circle being hexagon is a possibility.
(b) Only I and II follow
(c) Either I, II or III follows (a) Both I and II follow
(d) All of I, II and III follow (b) Neither I nor II follows
(e) None of the above (c) Either I or II follows
(d) Only II follows
8. Statements: (e) Only I follows

All light are Flame 10. Statements:

All flame is air Some pink are not green

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All green are yellow 12. Statements:

Only a few blue are green All Apple are Guava

Conclusions: At least Some Guava are banana

I. No green are pink is a possibility. All banana are Kiwi

II. All blue are yellow is a possibility. No apple are Kiwis

III. Some pink are not blue. Conclusions:

(a) Only I follows I. All kiwis being apple is a possibility.

(b) Only III follows
(c) Only II follows II. Some guava are not banana
(d) Only I and II follows
(e) Only II and III follow III. Some banana is definitely not guava.

11. Statements: (a) Only II follows

(b) Only I and III follows
Each Chinese are Japanese (c) Only I, II and III follows
(d) Either I or III follow
No Chinese are Indian (e) Only II and III follow

No Indian are Mexicans 13. Statements:

Conclusions: All arrow are Line

I. Some Japanese are not Indian. Only a few Line are star

II. Some Mexicans are not Japanese. Only a few Star are circle

III. All Chinese being Mexicans is a possibility. No circle is Line

IV. All Indians are Japanese is a possibility. Conclusions:

(a) Only II and III follows I. No Arrow is circle

(b) Only I, III and IV follows
(c) Either II or III follow II. All stars being Line is possibility.
(d) Only I, II and III follow
(e) Only III follows III. Some arrow are not stars

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(a) Only II follows (a) Both I and II follow
(b) Only I or II follows (b) Neither I nor II follows
(c) Only I follows (c) Either I or II follows
(d) None of I, II, III follows (d) Only II follows
(e) None follows (e) Only I follows

14. Statements: 16. Statements:

Some bottles are wine At least Some Interest are topic

Some wine are dot All topic are Book

No dot are bottle Only a few Book are Hates

Only a few wine are cashew Conclusions:

Conclusions: I. No interest are hates

I. Some cashew are not wine II. Some Topic are hates

II. All wine are cashew. III. No topic are hates

(a) Both I and II follow (a) Only II follows

(b) Neither I nor II follows (b) Only I and III follows
(c) Either I or II follows (c) Only I, II and III follows
(d) Only II follows (d) Either II or III follow
(e) Only I follows (e) Only II and III follow

15. Statements: 17. Statements:

Only a few Portent are Impute All administration are amazing

All solicit are impute Only a few Amazing are attention

Only a few Impute are Covert Only a few certificates are attention.

Conclusions: All culture are certificate

I. All solicit can never be Portent. Conclusions:

II. All portent being Impute is a possibility. I. All certificate being administration is a possibility

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II. Some administration being attention is a possibility. Conclusions:

III. No administration is Culture. I. No Digit are Number

(a) Only I follows II. All prime are number is a possibility

(b) Only I or II follows
(c) Only II follows III. No palindrome are Prime
(d) None of I, II, III follows
(e) Only I and II follows (a) Only I follows
(b) None follows
18. Statements: (c) Only II follows
(d) Either I or II follow
All nature are beauty (e) Only I or III follow

Only a few beauty are wonder 20. Statements:

No wonder is worlds Only a few coconut are tree

Conclusions: All tree are Ball

I. Some nature are worlds No ball are heavy

II. Some wonder are nature Conclusions:

III. No wonder are nature I. All Coconut being tree is a possibility

(a) Only I follows II. No tree is heavy

(b) Only I, II and III follows
(c) Only I and III follows III. Some coconut are not heavy
(d) Either I or II follow
(e) Either II or III follow (a) Only I and II follows
(b) Only III follows
19. Statements: (c) Only I follows
(d) Either I or II follow
Some number are palindrome (e) Only II and III follow

Some palindrome are Digit 21. Statements:

No digit are Prime Only a few wood are glass

No prime are number No glass is Cup

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Syllogism for IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam
No cup is plate 23. Statements:

Conclusions: Only floor are flat

I. Some wood are not plate Some floor are building

II. Some cup are not wood Some building are collage

III. All Wood are cup Conclusions:

(a) None follows I. No flat are collage

(b) Only II follows
(c) Only III follows II. All building being flat is a possibility
(d) Only I or III follow
(e) None of these III. Some floor being collage is a possibility

22. Statements: (a) Only I and II follows

(b) Only II and III follows
All bulls are Nets (c) Only I and III follows
(d) All follow
No bulls are pipe (e) None of these

All pipes are Monkey 24. Statements:

Some Monkey are cow Some law are grew

Conclusions: All grew are House

I. All Nets being monkey is a possibility Some house are pink

II. No bulls are cow No grew are car

III. Some cow are not nets. Conclusions:

(a) Only I and II follow I. Some law are not Car

(b) Only II follows
(c) Only III follows II. No pink are car
(d) Only I and III follow
(e) None of the above III. Some pink are car

(a) Only I, II and III follow

(b) I and II follow
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Syllogism for IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam
(c) Only II and III follow (a) None follows
(d) Only I and either II or III follow (b) Only I follows
(e) None of these (c) Only II follows
(d) Only III follows
25. Statements: (e) Only I and II follow

Only goat are lion 27. Statements:

All Shark are goat All summer are winter

No Shark are nest No summer are Rainy

Conclusions: Only rainy are string

I. Some lion are not nest Some Rainy are autumn

II. All goat being shark is a possibility Conclusions:

I. All winter can never be Rainy
III. Some nest are not shark
II. Some string are not winter
(a) Only I and III follows
(b) Only II follows III. Some summer are not autumn
(c) Only III follows
(d) Only II and III follow (a) None follows
(e) None of these (b) Only I follows
(c) Only II follows
26. Statements: (d) Only III follows
(e) Only I and II follow
Only stall are hall
28. Statements:
No ball are Stall
Some switch are bulb
Some call are ball
All bulb are light
Some light are cooler
I. No hall are call
Some switch are fan
II. Some ball are not call
No fan are cooler
III. All call being Stall is a possibility

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Conclusions: 30. Statements:

I. Some bulb are fan Some year are month

II. Some light are not fan All date are month

III. Some fan are not bulb Some week are month

(a) Only I follows No date are days

(b) Only II follows
(c) None follows Conclusions:
(d) Only III follows
(e) Only I and II follow I. All month can never be days

29. Statements: II. Some year being week is a possibility.

Some Wednesday are Monday (a) Only conclusion I follow.

(b) Only conclusion II follows.
All Monday are Tuesday (c) Both conclusion I and II follow.
(d) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
Some Tuesday are not Thursday (e) None of the above.

Only Friday are Thursday 31. Statements:

Conclusions: Some hair are Nail

I. All Wednesday being Tuesday is a possibility Some limb are hands

II. All Friday being Monday is a possibility Some hand are leg

III. Some Wednesday are not Thursday No leg are hair

IV. Some Tuesday are Friday No nail are limb

(a) I, II and III follow Conclusions:

(b) I, II and IV follow
(c) II and III follow I. Some limb are not leg is a possibility
(d) I, II and either III or IV follow
(e) None of these II. All hair being hand is a possibility

III. Some hand are not hair

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Syllogism for IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam
(a) Only I and II follows Conclusions:
(b) Only III follows
(c) All follows I. Some hills are not plates
(d) Only III follows
(e) Only I and III follow II. All events being plates is a possibility

32. Statements: III. Some Peak are not plates

Only wood are iron (a) Only I follows

(b) Only II follows
Some wood are Bronze (c) None follows
(d) Only III follows
No gold is Bronze (e) Only I and II follow

All silver are gold 34. Statements:

Some bronze are Aluminium No bike are Vehicle

Conclusions: All bus are bicycle

I. Some aluminium are not silver At least some bus are vehicle

II. Some gold are definitely not iron All truck are Bicycle

III. Some wood not being aluminium is possibility Conclusions:

(a) Only III follows I. Some bike are not bus

(b) Only I follows
(c) None follows II. No truck are vehicle
(d) Only II follows
(e) Only I and II follow III. All bicycle are bike is possibility

33. Statements: (a) Only I and III follows

(b) Only I and II follows
Only a few hill are peak (c) Only III follows
(d) None follows
Only a few peak are events (e) Only I and II follow

Only a few plates are event 35. Statements:

No plates are motion Some lily are rose

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No rose are begonia 37. Statements:

All rose are lotus Some birds are house

Conclusions: Some bird are lion

I. Some lily are not Begonia No lion are house

II. Some lotus are not begonia Some house are tiger

III. Some begonia are lotus Some tiger are lion

(a) Only I and II follows Conclusions:

(b) Only II follows
(c) Only I follows I. Some tiger are not lion
(d) All follows
(e) Either II or III follow II. Some bird are not tiger

36. Statements: III. No bird is tiger

Only handle are chair (a) Only II and either I or III follows
(b) Only I follows
Some handle are pots (c) Only III follows
(d) All follows
Some pots are mat (e) Only I and Either II or III follow

Conclusions: 38. Statements:

I. No chair are mat Some stick are lamp

II. All pots are handle is a possibility Some lamp are flow

III. Some handle are not mat All lamp are shirt

(a) Only II follows No shirt are dress

(b) All follows
(c) Only I and II follows Conclusions:
(d) Only I follows
(e) Either II or III follow I. Some flow are not stick

II. No dress are stick

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III. Some stick being dress is a possibility Conclusions:

(a) Only I follows I. All bullets are dagger

(b) All follows
(c) Only III follows II. Some guns being bullets is a possibility
(d) Only I and III follows
(e) Either I or III follow III. All pistol being gun is a possibility

39. Statements: (a) Only II follows

(b) Only II and III follows
Only a few dew is Drop (c) None follows
(d) Only III follows
Only drop is stone (e) Only I and II follow

Some drop is cement 41. Statements:

Conclusions: Some exam are not test

I. No dew is cement All test are answer

II. All drop being cement is a possibility Some answer are not question

III. Every cements being dew is a possibility Conclusions:

(a) Only I follows I. No question are exam is a possibility

(b) Only II follows
(c) None follows II. Some answer are not exam
(d) Only III follows
(e) Only I and II follow III. All test being exam is a possibility

40. Statements: (a) Only I follows

(b) Only II follows
All bunkers are guns (c) None follows
(d) Only III follows
All dagger are pistol (e) Only I and II follow

Only a few bullet are pistol 42. Statements:

No bunkers are dagger No single are Rock

All English are single

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Only a few Hindi are english 44. Statements:

No English are Compress Some baskets are casket

Conclusions: Only a few casket are fan

I. All hindi being single is a possibility All fan are trucks

II. Some hindi are not Compress No trucks are baskets

III. Some rock are not compress Conclusions:

(a) Only II follows I. Some casket are not trucks

(b) Only I follows
(c) All follows II. Some fan are not casket
(d) Only I and II follows
(e) Only I and III follow III. No fan are basket

43. Statements: (a) Only II follows

(b) Only II follows
All wins are trophy (c) Only III follows
(d) Only I and II follow
All trophy are Price (e) None of the above

Only a few loss are wins 45. Statements:

Conclusions: Only a few men are women

I. All loss being price is a possibility All child are women

II. Some price are not trophy Some women are adult

III. All price being loss is a possibility All son are adult

(a) Only I and III follows No son are men

(b) Only III follows
(c) None follows Conclusions:
(d) Only II follows
(e) Only II and III follow I. Some men are not child

II. All adult being men is a possibility

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III. Some women are not adult Conclusions:

(a) Only I follows I. No king are card

(b) Only III follows
(c) None follows II. Some joker are not queen is a possibility
(d) Only II follows
(e) Only II and III follow III. All queen being joker is a possibility

46. Statements: (a) Only I follows

(b) Only II follows
Some exam are paper (c) None follows
(d) Only III follows
Some exam are college (e) Only I and II follow

No college are paper 48. Statements:

Only a few students are paper All august are January

Conclusions: Some august are February

I. All exam are college is a possibility No august are March

II. Some students are not exam Some march are February

III. No college are students Conclusions:

(a) Only I and III follows I. Some February are not August
(b) Only II follows
(c) All follows II. All august being February is a possibility
(d) None follows
(e) Only I and II follow III. Some January are march

47. Statements: (a) Only I follows

(b) Only II follows
At least some king queen (c) All follows
(d) Only III follows
All card are queen (e) Only I and II follow

Only a few card are joker 49. Statements:

Only a few elephant are tiger

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Some tiger are rat All bird are Fly

All rat are cat All fly are rock

No lion are rat No Sky are Moon

Conclusions: Conclusions:

I. Some elephant are not rat I. All rock are moon is possibility

II. Some tiger are not lion II. Some fly are not moon

III. All lion being elephant is a possibility III. Some moon are not Bird

(a) Only III follows (a) Only II follows

(b) Only I follows (b) Only I follows
(c) None follows (c) None follows
(d) Only II follows (d) Only III follows
(e) Only II and III follow (e) Only II and III follow

50. Statements:

All sky are bird

Solution and Detailed Explanation


1. b

3. b

2. b

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7. e(only III follows)

4. c

8. d

5. e

9. e

6. b


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22.e (only I follows)

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29.e (Only 1 follows)





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