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The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No.

1 2017



AYẸNI, Samson Tolúwalàṣẹ

Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages
University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria


The Nigeria nation is currently faced with the challenges of insecurities and internet crisis with

serious danger potential to you man to human race to you man race. This hydra headed twin-

monsters have been attributed to several factors among which are poor governance, weak judicial

system, injustice, corruption, religious dichotomy and rise in unemployment rate. Consequently,

this in turn has affected the country’s socio-economic and political strands with no exception of

educational sectors. This paper therefore examined the need for collective efforts in branding a

new Nigeria where all the vices will be a thing of the past. An attempt has been made to create a

discourse around the root cause of these vices, dimension and way forward. Focus was also on

state apparatus involved in the provision of security for the citizens. Recommendations were made

on creating a responsible and responsive government with functional structure of legislature and

strengthened judiciary.

Keywords: Insecurity, Corruption, Injustice, Unemployment, Nigeria.

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017


The concept of security is that of a priority to the state, and the state exists in order to provide such

sacred service as a matter of obligation to the citizenry. It is one major reason, asides provision of

basic amenities why state exist (Omoyibo & Akpomera 2013). According to Thomas (1996)

security is the prime responsibility of the state. The state of insecurity in Nigeria is becoming

worrisome and disturbing considering the high rate of killings, bombing, kidnapping, conflicts,

wars, and clashes e.t.c. which innocent people fall victim to these criminals’ acts. In the past recent

months, no week passes without report of unknown gunmen taking human lives in the streets of

northern Nigeria and north-east in particular. The question is what are the root causes of all these

killings? What are the consequences as well as panacea to this? These rhetorical questions may

not need answers but it is mind-boggling that despite huge amount of naira voted every year in the

name of security by the Government yet Nigeria security situation still remains uncontained.

Although whenever there’s a problem there’s always the cause but the case becomes a bigger

problem when the cause is not just one or two but an accumulation of national problems. What are

the remote and immediate causes of insecurity in Nigerian and how can the situation be resolved?

Poor leadership, corruption, unemployment and many more are all responsible for the state of the

country. The leadership of the country has contributed so much to the insecurity that Nigeria is

facing today.

Consequently, the displaced persons, especially in the north-east and north central where there was

high level of ethno/ state of insecurity in the country, has brought about so many negative effects,

including millions of internally political crises. This has led to political, social and economic

disruptions which in turn lead to slow economic, social, religious and political development. The

world now sees Nigeria as a very violent nation and this has destroyed the reputation of Nigerians

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017

across the world. There is no doubt that a lot of measures need to be put in place to resolve

insecurity in the country. New security policies, thinking and strategies need to be developed;

corruption has to be eradicated; the government and the people need to develop trust and work

together to resolve the insecurity situation for Nigeria to move forward. Insecurity in the country

is no longer talked about as a thing that occurs at night. Now, even in broad day light, crimes are

committed, killings are perpetrated. Most killings are done in broad day light with the assailants

proving difficult to be found. The entire scenario has become a game of shooting at each other

without missing. If nothing is done to bring the life threatening situation in the country under

control, it will give room to anarchy.


Insecurity, in a general term, refers to a state of being subjected to fear, threat, danger, molestation,

intimidation, harassment e.t.c in all aspect. For example, insecurity can be conceived as threats to

the state which often accounted for the race for arms and nuclear weapons to defend the state as

opined by Ajodo-Adebanjoko and Ugwuoke (2014). The state of insecurity became prominently

featured during the post-cold war era as well as post September 11 world trade center bombing

when people views and attentions are more centered about security.

According to Saliu, Luqman and Abdullahi (2007) human threats of life emanate not only from

situation of violent conflicts but also other non-conflict sources. Thus; insecurity is a situation of

fear or anything that causes fear, harm, or has the capability to cause fear or harm, injury,

destructions to an individual, group or nation.

The Webstar International Dictionary (2000) defined insecurity as being unsure, unstable, shaky,

apprehensive, or lacking in self-confidence. This can be anything from upbringing, unsettling

circumstances, mistreatment, to individual fears. Perception of security may be poorly mapped to

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017

measureable objective security. For example, the fear of armed robbers in the north has been

reported to be less common compared to fear of Boko-Haram. The presence of security protections

may even be taken for security itself. For example, the presence of security men in the north-east

could be interfering with each other and even cancelling each other's effect and became

counterproductive yet the civilian still believes s/he is getting double the protection than no

presence of security personnel. This means, insecurity is a critical term employed as a measure

primarily aimed at raising subjective security without a genuine or commensurate concern for the

effects of that measure on objective security. Perception of security can increase objective security

when it affects or deters malicious behavior such as

insurgency and terrorist attacks as with visual signs of security protections as obtained most in

developed countries. They include such as video surveillance, alarm systems in a home, or an anti-

theft system in a car such as a vehicle tracking system or warning sign. Since some intruders will

decide not to attempt to break into such areas or vehicles, there can actually be less damage to

windows in addition to protection of valuable objects inside. According to Adebayo, Nadabo


‘Today, it is news of a bomb blast. Yesterday, it was a suicide bombing, tomorrow;

it maybe an assassination and the day after, mass murder. Every day in Nigeria, the news

seems to get from bad to worse, as the security situation deteriorates further and further’

Similarly, to Otto and Ukpere (2012), security relates to the presence of peace, safety, happiness

and the protection of human and physical resources or the absence of crisis. While to Akin

(2008:3), security as any laid down procedures towards the protection of persons and property

against hostile persons. He further opined and observed that:

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017

‘It is a situation where by a conducive atmosphere is created within which people in the

state can go about their normal daily activities without threat to either their lives or

properties. Thus, security encompasses all approach toward safeguarding human as well

as material resources in the state against all forms of aggression or violent conduct’.

Attempting to assess the security situation in Nigeria, Omoyibo and Akpomera (2012) further posit


‘security in Nigeria can be compared to an individual who put iron bars across his or her

windows which aimed to protect only turn around to prevent the individual from escaping

a fire outbreak. For them, the only condition for the maintenance of peace and the

guarantee of security is by upholding law and order.’

By this, state could be secured against threats which may include low-level civil disorder, crime,

organized violence, or even an armed insurgency (El-Rufai, 2012). Agomuo (2013) commented

on the nature of insecurity in Nigeria that at different times in the past and observed that:

‘Insecurity has held the Nigerian nation to ransom. For example, Boko Haram held the region

into ransom and reined the nation’s security agencies useless at one point or the other.’

Lamenting the level of security deterioration in the north, Falana (2013) blamed the government

for allowing things to get out of control before declaring the state of emergency. He asked the

government to "Stop shedding crocodile tears over insecurity". He therefore suggested that:

‘the Federal Government should equip the security personnel before getting them

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017

deployed to fight against insecurity in the country rather than shedding crocodile tears for

the victims of insecurity’.

He further observed that the conditions of less-equipped policemen and soldiers, who were being

deployed to fight terrorists that were armed with more sophisticated weapons is more worrisome:

"It is inexcusable to deploy ill-trained, ill-equipped and ill-motivated soldiers and

policemen to war zones, armed with only AK 47 rifles without bullet proofs, serviceable

vehicles, communication gadgets to fight suicide bombers with more sophisticated


Causes of Insecurity

The cause of insecurity in Nigeria according to Okereke (2012) can be distinguished among

the following factors:

Internal Security Disorder

Internal security rest on the authority of interior minister and defense minister in the

federation. They are to initiate and supervise the mode of operation by the police and

other security agents in the country to ensure that peace and harmonious living exist in

every nooks and crannies of the country. More so, in different states and local government

areas of this country, the governors and chairmen as the chief security officers are to

maintain and sustain the security situation in their territory. This can be done by making

sure that the law enforcement agencies deployed to their areas do their work diligently.

However, in most cases, many of these security agents according to Iygeal (2012) sometimes

seem to be ignorant of what is happening around them but depend on information from

the general public before there action. Sometimes, some of them may hear about violence

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017

and criminal activities but for the fear of death may neglect their action resulting to security

disorder by some security agents in the country. Usually, this type of security disorder is

very disastrous to the security situation in the country.

Poor System of Governance

In any economy Government activities are expected to agree with norms and aspirations of

the people within the area of governance. This is because, for effective administration to

take place, government is challenged to focus attention mostly on programmes and policies

that have direct bearing on the teaming population. However, more often than not, some

political office holders use to neglect their promises during campaign after being elected

into power and concentrate on activities that can enrich their pockets. This poor attitude

and negligence, often results to anger among people and leads to insecurity in many part

of the country (Iygeal 2012).

Weak Judicial System, Injustice, Nepotism and the Culture of Impunity

According to Fukuyama (2004), some people commit all manner of crimes and get away

with it scot-free. For instance, a rich man or some people in high authority can commit a

lot of atrocity and get away with it because of nepotism and impunity but ordinary person

is punished for a trivial offense. This type of favouritism in Nigeria legal system is

detrimental to professionalism of legal practice for better service delivery (Okorie 2011).

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017

Bribery and Corruption

Bribery and corruption according to Fukuyama (2004) is one of the major problems

confronting Nigeria economy. According to ACID (2013) as quoted in Abimbola (2016),

‘corruption is caused generally by greed, lack of positive values, porous system, weak enforcement

and oversight mechanism, excessive materialism, societal pressure, lack of virile welfare structure,

insecurity of employment tenure, indiscipline, inordinate desire for wealth accumulation (get-rich-

quick-syndrome), poverty of the mind, nepotism (partiality, favouritism, preferential treatment,

bias, discrimination e.t.c), and lack of genuine fear of God’. Most people that occupy strategic

positions in the administration of this country take advantage of their positions to loot the

treasure of the government without query of molestation. In fact, most of them embezzle

through inflated contracts to an increasing army of party loyalists who have neither the

desire nor the competence to execute their contracts, to over invoicing, consumption of

escalating salaries of grossly over-staffed and unproductive public servant and a host of

others without queries or harassment. This type of practice have made some elites to believe

that justice can be bought or sold in this country depending on one’s bargaining power

(Nwadialor 2011).

Wasteful Resources

Iygeal (2012) also states that some individuals in Nigeria are power-brokers and are stronger

than the government. They see themselves as untouchables and boast about themselves. Even

if contracts are awarded to them in any part of the country, such contracts are paid for

without execution. Likewise because of personal aggrandizement, some political office

holders award contracts to themselves without execution. This attitude leads to wasteful

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017

resources by the government. Sometimes if the government uses force on them to return

such money embezzled using law enforcement agents like the Police, Economic & Financial

Crimes Commission (EFCC), Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) e.t.c,

permission and clearance or permission ‘have to be obtained from their so-called godfathers

or powerful individual involved’ (Onouha2011) . Likewise, unscrupulous money-bags and

criminals are celebrated because of their wealth without asking how and where the wealth

is acquired (Okorie 2011). This behaviour results to a lot of wasteful resources in the


Religious Dichotomy

The two prominent religions in Nigeria (Islamic and Christianity) preaches peace and unity but

some religious extremist believe that violence and destruction is the only way to achieve

heaven. ‘Nigeria, in recent years, has become a theatre of bloodshed, conflict, insecurity and

hardship due to the carnage of various communities to tertiary institutions various cult groups to

unleash havoc on the Nigeria populace.’ (Anifowoshe 2014).

Current and general state of insecurity in most part of the country today is weighted to

different report of Boko Haram (Ezeoha 2011). However, the first serious stage of insecurity

in the country was that of Niger Delta crisis, since that was resolved, several acts of

bombings and killings in all nook and crannies of the North by some religious extremists.

Also, the carnage between ethnic Birom and the Hausa/Fulani in Jos, and the political

violence that followed immediately after the 2011 Election, mostly in the Northern part of

the country, have further cemented the insecure state of the country (Okorie 2011). Starting

with the usual religious/ethnic oriented conflicts, to the Jos ethnic/religious/political conflict

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017

of 2008, regrettably, the Northern states have shown that security of persons and properties

is still far from being secured (Bello 2012).

However, one may believe that there are elements of theocratic opinionated ambitions

in the current crisis which started in Bauchi and engulfed other states in the North. This

is so because the demand by the fundamentalist groups Boko Haram's for the removal of

western behavioural pattern may have been masterminded by some unscrupulous and nefarious

elements in the country which is ridiculous to the entire nation.


Unemployment situation in Nigeria has become so alarming and, indeed worrisome. Most

educational institution in the country turns out thousands of graduates every year but there

are no institutional arrangements for their employment (Okorie 2011). However, in a bid

to survive, many of them are agitated and that results into violent and criminal activities

against the society. Such criminal activities include militancy, kidnapping, bombing, armed

robbery, destruction of government and private properties, among others. In fact, violent,

conflicts, whether social, political or environmental according to Adejumo (2011) have

seriously contributed to the crises situation in terms of loss of human lives and material

capital. Nigeria in the last four years has experienced the breach of peace in some geo-

political zones of North-Eastern States of Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Taraba and

Yobe and Some parts of North-West States of Kaduna, Kano, Jigawa and Zamfara to

mention but a few (Suleiman 2012). All these violent and conflicts have contributed to

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017

the state of insecurity in the country. There have been losses of lives, livelihoods, destruction

of infrastructural and natural resources as a result of violence in so many communities.

Employment opportunities which are out of place has weakened social safety and caused a

decline in the capacity of the state to provide services to sectors like health, education and

indeed security for the people (Onouha 2011). Likewise, the peace and security and indeed

wellbeing of the people have been seriously tampered with. From this scenario therefore,

the cost and effect of insecurity in the country can never be underestimated.

Consequences of Insecurity in Nigeria

Insecurity in any economy is very devastating and always disastrous. The effects according to

Babangida, (2012) include the followings:

Close Down and Low Operation of Existing Companies

Some of the companies operating in Nigeria especially the foreign companies have closed

down and moved to their counties and other West African countries. While the existing

ones are operating at low capacity rate thereby leading to retrenchment of employed youths

under their pay role. This according to Babangida, (2012) has further compounded the

problem of unemployment among the youth in the country which may gloomy to further

violence. This scenario has not only deepened the existing unemployment rate in the country

but has also increased the rate of poverty.

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017

Close Down and Reduction of Admission to Educational Institutions

In some part of the country, educational institutions which are seen as pivot of national

development has turn down to be a place of fears and threats in many part of the country.

Most educational institutions especially in the Northern part of the country have been closed

down for the fears of Boko Haram ,while some universities in the country especially

university of Maiduguri has reduced its admission policy because of the fears of the

insurgency (Bello 2012). University education according to (Onouha 2011) is a pace setter

for human resource development but insecurity has led to depreciating value of education

in many part of the country. Usually, security threat many result to close down of many

educational institutions or some operating at low capacity thereby reducing the production

of human resource needed for structural development in the country.

Reduction of National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Members in Some Part of the


The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Programme meant to familiarize fresh graduates

to service in the nation and as an act of socialization in different part of the country has

turn out to be a thing of fear and threat. A lot of students according to Adebakin (2012)

have vowed never to participate in the compulsory one year National Youth Service Corps

(NYSC) programme if posted to the Northern part of the country. Thus, the number of

National Youth Corps members being posted to Northern part of the country have over the

years reduced drastically because of the fear of insurgence Adejumo (2012).This action has

negative effect as regards the aim and objective of National Youth Service Corps in the

country and hence, national development.

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017

Untold havoc on Entrepreneurial Development

‘For the people of a country to achieve their individual aspirations and collectively contribute

toward the development of a nation, they need to be entrepreneurial as they play a vital role in the

process of economic growth and development.’ (Ayeni 2016). In many part of the country, so

many entrepreneurs especially the non- indigenes of the North have vertically vacated their

businesses in fear of insurgence in some Northern part of the country to different cities

and towns in Nigeria. Likewise it has been reported that many business men and women

have equality left Dasuma Arida Mathew the areas in fear of the threat and violence to

their places of abode (Igbuzor 2011). This type mass movement has negative implications

on entrepreneurial development in the country.


Based on the foregoing, diverse measures need to be taken to resolve insecurity in the country.

New security policies need to be implemented; corruption has to be eradicated by all means; the

government and the people need to develop trust and work together to create a way forward for

insecurity issues in Nigeria. The following is therefore recommended:

Firstly, concerted efforts should be made toward eliminating corruption and corrupt practices

in the country. Accountability and transparency should be the watch dog of Nigerian

government. Likewise, the Economic and Financial Crime commission (EFCC) and

Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) should be made autonomous.

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017

Secondly, unemployment which has becomes a major problem in Nigeria economy must be

addressed. The private sectors should be encouraged and supported by government to create

job opportunities to the teaming population especially the youths in the country. Government

should also ensure constant supply of electricity which in turn enhances employment

opportunities and increase productivity.

Thirdly, our judiciary system in the country needs to be strengthened to ensure that justices

are dispensed no matter the persons involved. Nepotism and culture of impunity which

characterize Nigeria government should be jettisoned in our political history. This if properly

entrenched into Nigeria politics will ensure proper accountability in governance.

Finally, there is the need for collective security arrangement by the federal, state and local

governments in Nigeria. This arrangement should produce a committee at federal, state,

local, and community levels, and charged with the responsibility of providing sensitive

security information for security agencies at their areas of operation. This will ultimately

assist in identifying criminals, their sponsors and hideouts in the country. More importantly,

Our Police and other security agencies have to be well-equipped and trained and re-trained

to tackle present day security challenges.

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development (EJLD), Volume 5, No. 1 2017


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