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The learners should demonstrate to understand the Music of the Classical Period.
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 Identifies representative artists from Renaissance and Baroque Periods.
 Analyses art elements and principles in the production of work following a
specific style.
 Explains the influence of iconic artists belonging to the Renaissance and
Baroque Period.

A. Topic: Music of the Classical Period
B. Learning Resources: LMS
C. Other Learning Resources: Laptop and Canva presentation
D. Values Integration: Understanding the Music of Renaissance and Baroque Period.


Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities


“Exquisite morning everyone” Good morning ma’am.

Okay class, before we start. Everybody,
kindly bow our head to feel the present of (students will bow their head)
the Lord.

-Classroom Management
Before we start our lesson, I am going to give
you my house rules:
First, open your camera Yes ma’am.
Second, mute your microphone while I’m
Third, be on time
And lastly, go to comfortable area

-Checking of Attendance
Alright class, kindly open your camera for
your attendance, I will screenshot it and I will
pass it to Cher Marj.

Developing Activities:

A. Motivation
Okay class, you can chat your answer on the
chatbox if you know the answer that I will Yes ma’am.
share in the screen.
1. This is having a contrast in mood like a
sudden or gradual change in expression from
joy to depression. (students were chat their answers in the
2. He is Austrian music composer that is chatbox)
known as one of the creators of the
fundamental genres of classical music?
3. This is the periods that has become more
full-bodied with a multifaceted use of

1. Classical music
2. Franz Joseph Haydn
3. Renaissance and Baroque Periods

B. Presentation
Okay class. Based on your activity, do you
have any idea now of what is our topic today? (student will their hand virtually)

Yes (name of student) All about music ma’am?

Yes exactly! Very good.

It’s all about Music or the Music of the
Classical Period.

C. Discussion

What is classical music? It refers to the formal musical tradition of

the Western world, considered to be distinct
from Western folk music or popular music
Very good (name of student)

People of all ages like to listen to music. They
listen to music of various music genres like
po, rock, ballad, or even rap sometimes.
Despite the presence of variety of modern
music genres, people still listen to classical
music-mostly in celebration of composers of
that period.

The term classical refers to the period that

extends roughly from 1750 to 1820. Central
Europe in the mid-18th century was going
through a time of change. The remaining part
of the Holy Roman Empire had fragmented
into small but semi-self-governing
municipalities. The consequently became
competitions for identity and recognition.
Political leadership of small city-states like
Salzburg, Vienna, and Prague were in the
hands of wealthy aristocrats and their wealth
allowed them to hire artists and musicians for
purposes of amusements inspiration, and
entertainment. The music of the Renaissance
and Baroque Periods was becoming more
full-bodied with a multifaceted use of

Classical music maybe described as having

contrast in mood like sudden or gradual
change in expression from joy to depression.
Classical composers like Haydn and
Beethoven communicated these expression of
conflicts and contrast with unity and logic.
The most significant characteristics of
classical music is in structure, especially in
sonata form, and were written by prominent
composers of the era like Mozart.

Classical compositions have various rhythmic

patterns as a result of sudden pauses,
syncopations, and frequent changes in lengths
of note. The texture of classical music is
homophonic, which change abruptly from one
texture to another. The composition may
begin with a melody and simple
accompaniment, which then change to a more
complex polyphonic texture. The texture may
have two synchronized melodies imitated
among the various instruments used
throughout the piece of composition. The
classical period produced a good number of
composers; among them are Franz Joseph
Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and
Ludwig van Beethoven.

Who is Franz Joseph Haydn?

Austrian music composer Franz Joseph
Haydn, composer of 1106 symphonies, is
known as one of the creators of the
fundamental genres classical music. His
musical style influenced many famous
composers. Example are;
 Felix Mendelssohn
 Franz Schubert
 Johannes Brahms

Among his pupils was Ludwig van Beethoven

Franz Joseph Haydn was enlisted at age

8 to render song performance in the choir at
St. Stephens Cathedral located in Vienna,
Australian where he also learned to play the
violin and the keyboard. After leaving the
choir, Haydn made a living by teaching and
playing the violin. While teaching, Haydn
studied music counterpoint and note
harmony. He was assigned as the court
musician at the palace of the prominent
Esterhazy family. This post financially
supported him for nearly 30 years. Because
Haydn was isolated as the Esterhazy family
palace for nearly 30 years independent of
musical trends of other composers, he was
encouraged to become original.
Even as Haydn stayed with and became
a part of the Esterhazy family, he became
even more popular outside the palace. Several
or his important works were assignments
 Paris Symphonies (1785-1786)
 The Seven Last Words of

Although he stayed in a palace, Haydn

missed his friends back in Vienna. One of
these is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Son in
1791, when new Esterhazy prince allowed
Haydn to leave, he quickly accepted an
invitation to go to England to conduct new
symphonies. Audience flocked to Hayden’s
concerts, and during his time in England , he
generated some of his best-known works;
 Military
 The Rider Quartet
 The Surprise
 Drumroll and London symphonies

Haydn went back to the Esterhazy family

in Vienna in 1795 on a part-time basis. At this
point, he was already a public figure in
Vienna. He died at age 77 and is remembered
as the first great symphonist and the inventor
of the string quartet.

May we sing one of Haydn’s works are

designed to be sung. Read the notes on the
next page and try singing the song titled The
Heavens Are Telling with the guidance of
your teacher. You may also listen to the
composition online and try singing the son
along aside the presentation.


 Developing Mastery

D. Application
Okay class, your activity for today is to make
a compose music. Any music that you can Okay po ma’am

E. Generalization
So class, don’t forget that the classical music
is that may be describe as having a contrast in
mood like a sudden or gradual change in
expression from joy to depression.

Do you understand class?

Yes ma’am.


A. Identification
1. The term classical refers to the period that extends roughly from, what
A. 1730-1810 B. 1750-1820 C. 1850-1920
2. Franz Joseph Haydn generated some of these works except one?
A. Military B. Academy C. The surprise
3. How many symphonies does Franz joseph composed?
A. 103 B. 100 C. 106
4. What age did Haydn died and remembered as the first great symphonist
and inventor of the string Quarlet.
A. 77 B. 88 C. 87
5. Classical compositions have various rhythmic patterns a result of?
A. Sudden pauses B. Syncopations C. All of the above

B. Why is that classical music is important?


A. Follow Up:

B. Advanced:


Ivy kate A. Taya-an Marjorie U. Marcelo

(Student-Teacher) (Cooperating Teacher)


Ericson R. Mallari, LPT

(Area Head) (OIC Principal)

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