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better known than the full versions they represent are

usually acceptable: few dissertation committees, for

example, would expect you to use ‘intelligence quotient’
instead of ‘IQ’ in your title. If you find that you absolutely
must use abbreviations in your title, consider carefully
whether they will be familiar to the readers you
anticipate. Indeed, all the terminology you use in your
title should be appropriate to your expected audience,
and highly specialised terminology should only be
included if it is the most precise way in which to
communicate the necessary concepts and will likely be
used by potential readers when they search for material
on your topic. Be sure to punctuate your title correctly
and effectively, and to use capitalisation consistently. If a
running header (or footer) using a shortened form of the
title is needed in your dissertation, the words for the
shorter form should be chosen carefully so that they
retain and emphasise the key elements of your complete

Your title may contain only a very few of the many words
in your dissertation, but it ultimately needs to represent
that dissertation perfectly, professionally and attractively,
so consider seriously all suggestions on the part of your
supervisor and other committee members, and be
prepared to revise and refine your title as your
dissertation progresses.

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