Summary 1

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(Contains of 2 paragraphs. Minimum of 10 sentence each paragraph)

1st Paragraph – summarizes the problem (GENERAL OBJECTIVE AN THE SPECIFIC



In this chapter the researcher’s will discuss the problem and its background about the effectiveness
of flexible blended learning. It also contains the framework of the study, statement of the problem,
hypothesis, scope and delimitation, significance of the study that show how the respondents and
beneficiaries can cope up with it, and the definition of terms.

The present COVID-19 pandemic has brought extraordinary challenges and has affected the
educational sectors, and no one knows when it will end. Every country is presently implementing
plans and procedures on how to contain the virus, and the infections are still continually rising. In
the educational context, to sustain and provide quality education despite lockdown and community
quarantine, the new normal should be taken into consideration in the planning and implementation
of the “new normal educational policy”. A blended approach to learning is about the design of a
course that enhances the teaching and learning experiences for students and teachers by combining
face-to-face learning activities with online learning components. Blended learning is one of the
most modern methods of learning helping in solving the knowledge explosion problem, the
growing demand for education and the problem of overcrowded lectures if used in distance
learning, expanding the acceptance opportunities in education, being able to train and educate.
This presents opportunities for responding issues, problems and trends that are currently arising
and will arise in the future due to COVID-19 pandemic on education in the Philippines. The new
educational norm will have its impact on all students and educators alike. This study is focused
particularly on the perceptions of Tourism Management students on the effectiveness of flexible
blended learning during the new normal.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find out the perception on the effectiveness of flexible blended learning of
Tourism Management students of Columban College, Inc. specifically, it aims to answer the
following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Year Level
2. What is the extent of flexible blended learning effectiveness in terms of:
2.1 Modular Distance Learning
2.2 Online Distance Learning
2.3 Video Lectures
3. What are the challenges encountered by Tourism Management students when it comes to the
effectiveness of flexible blended learning in terms of:
3.1 Adaptability Struggles
3.2 Technical Issues
3.3 Financial Problems
3.4 Time Management
3.5 Virtual Engagement
4. What are the implications of the finding to improve the flexible blended learning delivery?

2nd Paragraph – Summarizes the RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

• Research design
• Setting and Participants
• Instrumentation
• Ethical Considerations
• Data Gathering Procedures
• Data Analysis Technique


Research Design
The researchers used a correlation method in this study. This type of research method was a
procedure in which subjects’ scores on two variables are simply measured, without manipulation
of any variables, to determine whether there is a relationship. This includes identification of the
variables of interest, the group of subjects or respondents where the variables will be applied and
the estimation procedure to determine the extent of relationship. According to Creswell,
correlational research designs are used by investigators to describe and measure the degree of
relationship between two or more variables or sets of scores. Correlational research examines the
relationship between two or more non manipulated variables.

Setting and Participants

The respondents of the study were Columban College Inc. Tourism Management students of
Columban College Inc. The total number of male students of Tourism Management were 17, while
the females were 101. Therefore, there were 118 tourism students covered in the study.
The researchers obtain permission from the chosen department to conduct the study. The table
below shows the number of Tourism Management students by year level.
Year level Number of Students
First year 39
Second year 32
Third year 27
Fourth year 20
In this study, the questionnaire will be distributed via an online survey via Goggle Form, which
will be the main instrument used in gathering the data in order to achieve the main objective of the
study. The questionnaire was distributed in English and there were no time limits. The respondents
were not guided by the researcher’s prior knowledge of the phenomenon, but by their own
experience (Polit et al 2001:264).
Ethical Considerations
Ethical Considerations The researchers will uphold the ethical considerations to promote voluntary
participation, confidentiality, anonymity, and do no harm to each participant of the research. An
informed consent form was distributed to the respondents. The researchers gathered information
only for those who were able to fill up the form with their approval. The respondents were not
forced to answer the questionnaires, for it is voluntary and is only conducted to assess relevant
information. Names of the participants were optional in the questions to be answered, for it is not
necessary and they may opt to not answer questions if they wished to. The respondents will benefit
from this study because it is mainly focused on what type of flexible learning is the most effective
to use for them. There are no risks or questions that can or may trigger the respondent's mental
health issues. The questionnaire and data that are gathered are kept and managed by the researchers
only for safekeeping and for confidentiality. The researchers will be assured that the information
presented is unidentifiable to everyone, but the researchers are guaranteeing them that if any of the
research's results must be included in presentations or papers, any personal details will be omitted
to protect anonymity and confidentiality. Assuring them that the thesis could be reviewed by
prospective students on the course and written in a research journal so that no one reading it would
know what they were doing. The collected data will be used for research purposes only to satisfy
the needs of the study which includes the application of research tools to help interpret the data
and is organized to ensure data quality and assurance. The questionnaire and data that are gathered
are kept and managed responsibly by the researchers only for safekeeping and for confidentiality.
Since the questionnaire comprises only general information needed for the study, the outcomes of
the study will be dispersed upon the finalization of the research by publishing a copy of the study
to the school’s library and distribution of the research to the public through submitting information
to the public (Local government, Organizations, Groups, social media).

Data-Gathering Procedures
First, the researchers propose a topic to be the title of their research. Second, the researchers did
the Chapter 1 which includes the Introduction that explains what the topic is all about,
Framework of the Study, Statement of the Problem that the researchers did some questions that
are related to the topic, Hypothesis which contains an introduction statement towards analysis of
the study, Scope and Delimitation that presents the scope of the study and the limitation of the
boundaries of the study, Significance of the Study that includes the benefits of the study to
people, and lastly it includes the Definition of Terms to give clarification to some technical terms
used in the study. The researchers make sure that the chapter one was approved by the research
teacher before proceeding to chapter two. The researchers completed the Research Design,
Setting and Participants, Instrumentation, Ethical Considerations, Data-Gathering Procedures,
and Data Analysis Technique in Chapter Two. Lastly, the researcher used a survey questionnaire
using Google Forms to collect data from the respondents. The respondents will be given a
questionnaire, which they must complete truthfully. The questionnaire that will be given to the
respondents is related to the research, and the results will be analyzed to answer the statement of
the problem and to support the researchers' claims.
The questionnaire made by the researchers will be distributed to Columban College, Inc.
Tourism Management students. In order to obtain the results and data, the respondents will be
instructed to complete the questionnaire. The questionnaire will be analyzed further, and the
results will be presented.
Data Analysis Technique
This will help the researchers to easily interpret the data collected effectively and this is

necessary for the researchers to conduct the experiment. The percentage was used as tool to

interpret data.

This will employ to determine the frequency counts and percentage distribution of personal

variables of the respondents.

Formula for Percentile Rank: P = f X 100

P – percentage

f – answer of the respondents

n – total number of respondents

100 – constant value

Formula for ANOVA:


𝑛 𝑥−𝑥

SST = Sum of squares due to treatment

p = Total Number of populations

n = The total number of samples in a population

The Analysis of Variance or ANOVA is a strong statistical technique that is used to show

the different between two or more means or components through significant testing.

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